Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 *** Your morning “right to work” roundup
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*** UPDATED x3 *** Your morning “right to work” roundup

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s office…

Good morning, Rich:

Newton and Camp Point both passed resolutions last night in support of Turnaround Agenda.


Newton: Pop. 2,815
Camp Point: Pop. 1,126

*** UPDATE 1 *** From the governor’s office…

Another update -
Wayne also passed agenda.


Wayne: Pop. 2,449

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Pontiac Daily Leader

Despite a change of venue designed to accommodate for last Thursday’s massive union turnout, the Livingston County Board has made the decision to drop a discussion of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Turnaround Agenda and the controversial right-to-work topic that it encompasses for this Thursday’s resumption of the postponed meeting.

The meeting last Thursday was suspended, moved, and ultimately postponed until a suitable location could be used. This was due to the insufficient ability to house the excess of 300 members of various union employees who showed up to voice their concerns with right-to-work.

*** UPDATE 3 *** From the governor’s office…

Hi, Rich:
Third Lake also passed resolution. It’s attached.


Pop. 1,193.

As a commenter said, we sure are getting quite the Illinois geography lesson these days.

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* From a union official…

Rauner lost in Pecatonica, Wauconda, Campton Hills and Vernon hills tonight.

* And check out what happened in Naperville, where the resolution didn’t even include the governor’s “right to work” and collective bargaining language…


* But Dixon may have created this week’s biggest news so far. The city council approved a resolution blasting Rauner’s anti-union resolution, which included language like this

WHEREAS, the real agenda of the Right to Work concept is to undercut wages and benefits for hard working Illinoisans […]

WHEREAS, Governor Rauner wants to allow local governments to opt out of paying the Prevailing Wage on public works projects, but since the Prevailing Wage is set locally and actually boosts local job growth and since the prevailing wage discourages out-of-state companies from undercutting the local wage and benefit base the Prevailing Wage is itself a strong economic development tool […]

WHEREAS, we do not want to ignore these laws and make public employees second class citizens when it comes to bargaining their workplace rights;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Dixon does not endorse or agree with the establishment of proposed “Right-to-Work” zones in the State of Illinois, nor does it support the erosion of public employee bargaining rights and plan to follow the laws as they exist.

Read it all here.


* On to Mt. Zion

The Mount Zion Board of Trustees quashed a resolution in favor of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s “Turnaround Agenda” on Monday, causing a packed audience to erupt in applause.

The resolution had been introduced and immediately tabled at the board’s previous meeting April 6 without discussion. […]

Though initially included for discussion and approval for Monday’s meeting, the agenda was amended Sunday with the removal of the resolution.

“The resolution was taken off because we did not feel there was support for it,” Mayor Don Robinson said.

* Wauconda

Labor union members and their supporters filled the Wauconda High School cafeteria Tuesday night to oppose a controversial proposal by Gov. Bruce Rauner that would weaken labor unions in the state.

And when they were done, the village board members criticized the new governor’s plan, too, saying the issue needs to be resolved in the state Capitol, not village boardrooms. […]

Tuesday’s Wauconda village board meeting was moved to the high school because the crowd that showed up at village hall for the meeting was too large to fit in the boardroom.

Of the 100 or so people in the audience at the school cafeteria, about a dozen spoke about Rauner’s plan and the board’s proposed supportive resolution.

All of them criticized the plan, saying it would lower wages and hurt middle-class families. […]

When it came time for the trustees to speak, they were similarly critical of the resolution.

* Related…

* Voters should decide on a local right-to-work law, Effingham County Board says: The Effingham County Board passed a non-binding resolution on Monday supporting the “local empowerment” aspect of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s economic agenda. The seven Republicans on the board supported the resolution, while the two Democrats opposed it. Before the vote, the board heard opposition from union leaders such as Jason McKinley of the Illinois Building Trades Council.

* Charleston Representatives, community members speak out about resolution: John Kraft, a graduate student of political science and a member of the Edgar County Watchdogs, said he supported the resolution; however, he thought the way the council passed it was problematic. “I previously asked the council and the mayor to place it in a new agenda and vote on it again after complying with the Illinois Open Meetings Act,” Kraft said.

* Residents address Charleston City Council on right-to-work resolution

* Campton village trustees delay decision on prevailing wage act - Will discuss the issue again in May

* Union Files Lawsuit Alleging Meeting Violation By McHenry County Board: A labor union claims the McHenry County Board violated the Illinois Open Meetings Act when at least eight of its members gathered at a private discussion with Gov. Bruce Rauner at the Woodstock Opera House April 8. The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 filed a lawsuit against the County Board April 17, accusing board members of failing to comply with a state law that requires the public be allowed to attend government meetings. “It appears to be a very, very clear violation of the Open Meetings Act,” said Edward Maher, a spokesman for Countryside-based IUOE Local 150.

* McLean County suggests mandates Illinois could eliminate: The county has submitted recommendations, such as tightening eligibility requirements for the state municipal retirement fund , reducing the number of property tax exemptions, eliminating juror pay, no longer publishing legal notices and pulling back on expanded voter access.


  1. - Tommydanger - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    Dixon, as the boyhood home of Ronald Reagan seems significant. I wonder though how some of these votes are affected by the change over in local boards as the result of the April elections. New members have not been seated yet. In Dixon’s case there will be a new mayor, a previously unsuccessful candidate for state rep.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    Keep telling yourselves;

    “This is a winning strategy!”


    I do appreciate the “Good morning, Rich”

    So chipper, so hopeful, makes me want to squash labor and wages before lunch!

    And…we’re back to “ck”, no Catherine. Oh well.

    It’s just so fun and funny that people are wasting taxpayers’ time, on something so useless. I thought Rauner hated government waste.

    If you think you’re a “superstar” for the governor, and are on these votes, you’re aren’t a “superstar”. You are expendable to do useless work, you are literary not missed, and worse, made to believe you’re making a difference.

    I’m not laughing with you… lol

  3. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    ===I do appreciate the “Good morning, Rich”===

    Me too. I actually look forward to her emails every day. :)

  4. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    Biviens just got a wake up call from Dixon,Rauners mouthpiece is in trouble at home.

  5. - pundent - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:20 am:

    Dixon is corrupt. There I saved Rauner the trouble.

  6. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:23 am:

    Good on Dixon. They cut through Rauner’s weasel words and got to the heart of the matter.

    Failures in Vernon Hills and Naperville are telling. They’re not exactly hotbeds of Bolshevism, and I suspect they voted pretty solidly for Rauner last November, as did Dixon.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    Oh, Bivins will be fine, just fine.

    Rauner knows micro campaigns. Rauner will have over $60 million to destroy the unconfirmed. He told us so. Dixon now has a &$@%# problem!

    Rauner runs Illinois.

    To the emails,

    I totally agree. If I don’t see these emails, I get grumpy. I do feel they’re writing, lil bit, to all of us, through you, Rich, of course. I’d email back, but I wouldn’t want more time wasted. Thanks for posting these emails. Appreciate it.

  8. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:27 am:

    Dixon isn’t a surprise. Home of the Dixon Correctoonal Center….chock full of corrupt union hacks guarding elderly inmates for around $60,000.00 a year or so (per person).

    For acute episodes they take some of them to Chicago.

  9. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    Jeez pundent! I just spit coffee all over my screen! So well played I don’t mind mopping it up. Outstanding, really outstanding.

  10. - Out Here In The Middle - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    Mr. Stephens. Obviously you want that job for $60K? Oh wait, no. You just want someone else to do it FOR YOU for less.

  11. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    I still say this whole exercise is pointless, even though last night was “good” for “my side”. But with Chicago a firm “no” and most other major cities wanting to wait-and-see, this is just some nickle-and-dime crap.

  12. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    FYI…that is cost of caring for the inmate population.

  13. - Say It Ain't So!! - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:34 am:

    Other municipalities should use Dixon’s resolution as a template.

  14. - Dr X - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:35 am:

    Too late for Amanda’s question, but if unions are gone / weakened what will be the counter pressure to corporate power?

  15. - Wallinger Dickus - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    And of course, Mr. Stevens, there certainly is a private corporation ready and willing (able?) to take over for the corrupt public prison guards.

    And to top if off, they would be thrilled to partner with another privatized law enforcement agency to make sure those prison cells were filled to capacity at all times.

    That’s what you call a turnaround agenda.

    Turn around and, before you know it, all the job creators are creating jobs.

  16. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    @out here:

    It’s Governor Bruce who wants retired Wally Workd greeters to replace the professionals at Dixon.

  17. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:39 am:

    I am proud of and heartened by labor union members showing up and applying pressure to defeat right to work at various local governments. Leave right to work to poorer red states and to people who fall for the fear and negativity the anti-union plutocrats are pushing–the “Illinois is doomed unless we pass right to work” propaganda.

    These Illinois union members get it. Kudos to them, and it reflects positively for the state.

  18. - Hedley Lamarr - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    Kind of makes you wish Pat Quinn was back.

  19. - Out Here In The Middle - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    Mr. Stephens - Sorry if I misread your intent. Bottom line - $60K won’t make me take that job. And be careful with the ‘greeter’ references — that may be my retirement plan! ;-)

  20. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    Governor Rauner claims that the government he governs is “corrupt” and out of touch with Illinoisans. So he went on the road to our local governments to get their pure, uncorrupted support.

    Mr. “I don’t read the news” needs to recognize that his “Turnaround Agenda” has lost at not only the state level, but the local one too. It isn’t just a loser at the “corrupt” level of Illinois governments, it is a loser at the level of Illinois government he claims as uncorrupted.

    Governor Rauner didn’t strengthen his political hand, he has shown everyone how weak his political hand is, even among tiny Prairie State villages, counties and boards.

    It is as though we’re having a recount from November’s election - and he is badly losing it. Bruce Rauner has been exposed as having no other governing mandate than NOT being Pat Quinn. It is time someone who reads the news within his administration, that he listens to, tell him of his loss.

    When will someone tell this governor that he is governor of Illinois, not Idaho?

  21. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    @ out:

    No problem…I wasn’t clear on the fact that I was referring to
    The inmate population.

  22. - AnonymousOne - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    These are just “advisory” votes, right? Just like the millionaire tax and minimum wage? Rauner will just toss out what doesn’t suit even if the empowered people know what they want and vote accordingly.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:00 am:

    Hedley, bite your tongue.


  24. - Tough Guy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    How is the status of the governor’s resolution looking in Clear Lake? I know the voters of the village voted 17-12 on April 7th to not dissolve the village. This would be quite a feather in the guv’s hat as it is right here in Sangamon county.

  25. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    Since the Governor isn’t a “news junkie,” I wonder if his staff is telling him about all the “no” votes.

  26. - MrJM - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:12 am:

    The limited effectiveness of Rauner’s “right to work” strategy reminds me of the vulgar parable about an old bull and a young bull standing on a hill.

    Rauner could have caught the unions off-guard in the wake his inauguration. He could have let union members bicker amongst themselves and point fingers at each other. He could have let them be completely distracted by Chicago’s mayoral race.

    Instead, he recklessly stampeded down the hill.

    It’s embarrassing that an old bull in a dirty joke is strategically shrewder than the governor of Illinois, but here we are.

    – MrJM

  27. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:14 am:

    So many good comments on resolution, I don’t need to add.

    === … tightening eligibility requirements for the state municipal retirement fund , reducing the number of property tax exemptions, eliminating juror pay, no longer publishing legal notices and pulling back on expanded voter access. ===

    Really McLean County? Eligibility for retirement fund - pension cuts? The Gov wants freezes and you want elimination of exemptions to let geezers pay more. You don’t recommend reducing pay back to last year’s level, you want jury pay eliminated. You don’t recommend Internet publishing you want to eliminate the requirement to publish notices. Finally, why make it easier to vote. It costs too much. Try asking those voters if they want to reduce their access.

  28. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:21 am:

    To the update - are you sure they didn’t mean a guy on the street named Wayne?

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    To the Update,


    I hope “ck” didn’t have to stop doing something vital, to send an email that seems trivial.

    I’m glad I know. “Wayne”. Got it. Thanks.

    “Wayne Industries”… It has more than 2,500 employees.

    “Bruce Rauner - he’s Batman”

  30. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    Tough Guy: Or maybe the mighty village of Lowder (also in Sangamon Cty., population center of Talkington Twp., where a whopping total of 12 votes were cast in this past election.)

  31. - walker - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    Hope Gov. Rauner is learning something as he goes along, however slowly.

    His ideas are not all “slam dunks” to Illinois voters, no matter what his allies are telling him.

  32. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    This effort by Rauner is like a car with its wheels spinning furiously, smoke billowing out, engine screaming, but not moving an inch. Lots of effort but no result. Too bad he didn’t invest the effort in a budget.

  33. - Reality Check - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    To celebrate, the Governor has personally hired Wayne Newton to perform at the State Fair.

  34. - Interested - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    Wayne is a fairly affluent community in DuPage County. Lots of horse farms, as I recall. Not representative of most people’s situations. Also, I’ve known people who worked as prison guards. No way are they corrupt. Usually just high-school grads who needed a job 15 or 20 years ago. Whoever called them corrupt should be ashamed of himself.

  35. - Mama - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    It appears there will be no road or bridge repairs for Dixon, IL for the next 4 years.

  36. - Mama - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    Thank God some village officials are smart enough to see thru the governor’s game. Lets pray there are more smart IL village/city officials like Dixon, IL.

  37. - Shemp - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Prevailing wage is set locally? That is news to me. Okay, so in theory it is, but locally it is set by passing whatever IDOL tells locals the prevailing wage is.

  38. - Pese - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Somehow I’m not inclined to pay much attention to a city gov’t that didn’t notice an employee embezzling over $50 MILLION. But hey, it’s just the taxpayers’ money, so who really cares…

  39. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:55 am:


    Governor Bruce says all unions are corrupt.

    Prison guards are union.

    Thus they are corrupt by the Governors own definition.

    Some probably are corrupt…but I understand and agree with your point. Corrections is a good job.

  40. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:05 am:

    Naperville, population 141,853.

    “It was an up day.”

  41. - Bluefish - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    Wayne? Another Tea Party outpost steps up for Rauner.

  42. - Mama - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:10 am:

    ++ it is set by passing whatever IDOL tells locals the prevailing wage is. ++ Is IDOL the IL Dept of Labor?

  43. - anonlurker - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    ==“Bruce Rauner - he’s Batman”== Lol. Nah…The Joker, all chaos all the time, division, destruction and over the top rhetoric. (I know you were snarking OW ;)

  44. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:25 am:

    Wayne has the 22nd highest per capita income in Illinois, just behind Highland Park and Wilmette. That’s some strong grassroots support amongst the horsey set…

  45. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    Hey Bruce - the people who gave Ronald Reagan his childhood values, has found your values incompatible for their future Ronald Reagans.

    Your faith in finding wisdom and support among the great unwashed is not unfounded, and they heard you and have given you counsel. Heed them. Stripping Illinoisans from their union support is like recommending divorce or bankruptcy to them.

    Considering your personal history, it isn’t a surprise you’d recommend disunion to people who value coming together for the betterment of all. You are rich. Perhaps you’ve been rich for so long you have forgotten how to need other people.

    There is nothing wrong in needing people. It isn’t a sign of weakness. It is an opportunity to help your community to reach within itself and become a better community.

    You perhaps forgot these things.

    Being a good leader isn’t just valuing those who can contribute - it also means valuing those who need those contributions as well. Needs make the world go round. Necessity is the mother of invention. Being a good leader means valuing everyone similarly.

    Dude - when you lose Dixon, you lose Illinois.

    You lost.

  46. - NovMan - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:38 am:

    Newton - IDOC guard is just protecting his job.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:42 am:

    To the UpdateX3,


    What about First and Second Lake?

    I’m kidding. Kidding! You haveta laugh too…

    When Fourth Lake decides to agree with Third Lake, after ALL they’ve been through, that…that will be the miracle.

    Thanks for the updates, all the best.


  48. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    This is just sad. Does the Governor’s office not realize how silly they look with these daily e-mails?

  49. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    I’d love to be a little birdie in the Resolution War Room with a bunch of superstar staff with phones to their ears as Mike Schrimpf yells: “I need successful votes for updates. Get them to me ASAP. I don’t care how small the communities are. I’ll even take a sanitation district vote.”

  50. - MrJM - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    “Perhaps you’ve been rich for so long you have forgotten how to need other people.”

    Contrary to the campaign myth, Bruce Rauner has never been anything other than rich.

    – MrJM

  51. - From the 'Dale to HP - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    Sorry, but this doing this Turnaround Agenda in each and every municipality is amateur hour stuff. Stop wasting everyone’s time and come up with some actual solutions to the actual problems.

  52. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    Sen tim bivins also voted to put il toll authority toll booth worker’s and cms mechanics under the alternative formula pension.

  53. - Anonin' - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:15 pm:

    while the crusade is another “communication problem” for Team BVR is does seem to be an effective tool for workers. Guessin’ BVR might regret this blunder

  54. - Liandro - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:29 pm:


    It should be noted that Dixon voted out every single council member that was running for re-election. There is not a single council member who voted on that resolution who will be serving after May 4th.

    That resolution was only one of several actions taken Monday evening that were rushed onto the agenda before the new council could be seated. They current council has also called for a special meeting for the end of the month.

    Liandro Arellano, Jr.
    City of Dixon, IL

  55. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:34 pm:

    Liandro, congrats!

  56. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:46 pm:

    Liandro Arellano,

    Congratulations on your victory. Good luck in your new position.

    Do I understand you correctly, the Dixon resolution, blasting Rauner, you do not approve of the action, or of the resolution, or both.

    With respect, and congratulations,


  57. - The Whole Truth - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:51 pm:

    The fact local communities are taking up the issue and discussing it should be applauded, no matter which way the voting goes. Past disassociation from these types of questions is a large part of how we got where we are. Non-binding resolutions are useful in statewide discussions, and help give voice to self-governance. They must, as I seem to recall a couple on the ballot last fall.

  58. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 12:54 pm:

    ck’s friendly updates do send me to google maps to check out the places mentioned. I thoroughly enjoy getting around and checking out the towns on the county and state roads.

  59. - Liandro - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Thanks Word and OW. Dixon is going through some massive changes right now, and it is an honor to be part of that.

    To your question, OW: I do not approve of the resolution the outgoing council passed against Rauner’s agenda, nor do I think the new council would have passed it.

    The new council may address the issue, given that the city’s name has been attached to a position. I will reserve my comments on Rauner’s agenda for that public discussion.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 1:07 pm:

    Liandro Arellano,

    Fair enough. Your community, indeed, should hear from you, in a public forum, and first.

    I understand.

    Again, good luck.

  61. - MurMan - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 3:27 pm:

    Does anybody know the combined population for the townships that passed the turnaround agenda? How about the combined population of those that voted it down or flat out said they would not vote on it? And for those that tabled it?

    Rauner claims it’s not about union busting, it’s about local control. So it would be very interesting to see these local votes broken down as a % of IL population.

    If Rauner’s turn around agenda is aimed at giving localities control to restore “power to the people”, and the vast majority of these same localities (in terms of % of pop) wish to abdicate that control back to the state and the GA, then isn’t it time for the Rauner Camp to get some new talking points?

  62. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 3:33 pm:

    - MurMan -

    Unless Rauner is 100% successful, it’s moot.


    Any weakness on votes put up to show strength limit the strength of the argument.

    The unions are getting far more out of this peeling off town after town, not needing 100%, just ensuring the governor fails is a good day for them.

    It’s probably the lamest attempt, in recent memory, to show widespread support, and it’s failing. Daily. Miserably.

    But I love the emails, lol.

  63. - bird - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 3:55 pm:

    This may seem stupid but I do not understand how any of this works. Could someone explain what it means for each town to vote on this, and what does it really mean if they do?

  64. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 4:01 pm:

    “This may seem stupid but I do not understand how any of this works. Could someone explain what it means for each town to vote on this, and what does it really mean if they do?”

    You’re not the one being stupid. These are meaningless and non-binding. The supposed purpose is to show the legislature that there’s a groundswell of support for the program, but even that doesn’t matter, because the GA simply is not going to give in on these issues.

  65. - Kathy Lane - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 9:28 pm:

    Mr. Arellano
    I am the person who submitted the resolution. As you did see at the meeting, no one asked to speak against the resolution. If a resolution is passed by the City Council of Dixon, of course the City’s name will be attached. That’s civics 101. The resolution passed as Dixon does not want a Right to Work Zone. Our town needs to move on to other issues including infrastructure. Trust me the union people within the City of Dixon will continue to monitor the City of Dixon agenda to assure our rights are protected and the resolution stands.
    Thx,Kathy Lane AFSCME Local 448 President

  66. - Property of IDOC - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:20 pm:

    Bravo Kathy!!! I hope the issue is revisited and you have to move the meeting to the fairgrounds just to accommodate the union members who want Mr. Arellano to understand what the “people” of Dixon and Illinois want for their city and State!

  67. - No Longer A Lurker - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 10:33 pm:

    Kane County won’t be endorsing Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Turnaround Illinois reform package, but will craft its own resolution calling for reform in Springfield.

  68. - Wickedred - Wednesday, Apr 22, 15 @ 11:46 pm:

    Peeking in from God’s country.
    Seeing as my former home, Dixon, made some news. I’m hoping the new city council gets the resolution brought to them and the message is loud and clear that Rauners agenda won’t be accepted in Dixon. The new mayor needs to read up on things and have a clear understanding of what’s going on with the Rauner, anti-union agenda. I’m there in spirit with my union brothers and sisters.

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