AP and Chicago Tribune - Study: Exelon subsidy would cost $1.6B over 5 years
Thursday, Apr 23, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” “A plan to financially reward Exelon Corp. for producing no-carbon energy and potentially save three Illinois nuclear plants from closure would cost ratepayers $1.6 billion over five years and strain budgets for financially strapped businesses and municipal governments, a study released Tuesday found.” - Associated Press, 4/21/15 By applying legislative mandates in SB 1585 / HB 3293 to historical data on Illinois electric costs and consumption, the Kestler Energy Consulting study simply calculated how much of a rate hike Exelon’s legislation would impose on families, businesses and local governments statewide. ![]() Chicago Tribune: “Exelon-backed legislation could cost ratepayers $1.6B, study says” Businesses and governments can learn how much the bailout would cost them at www.noexelonbailout.com/calculator. Just say no to the Exelon bailout. Vote no on SB1585/HB3293. BEST Coalition is a 501C4 nonprofit group of dozens of business, consumer and government groups, as well as large and small businesses. Visit www.noexelonbailout.com.