Fair share fees freed up
Friday, Apr 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
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* From a press release. ..
state court restores fair share fees while union case is pending
A Circuit Court judge has issued an Agreed Order requiring state agencies to immediately reinstate the transmission of ‘fair share’ fees deducted from employee paychecks.
On March 5, the Illinois AFL-CIO and 26 unions representing more than 40,000 Illinois state employees filed suit in St. Clair County Circuit Court to invalidate an executive order issued by Governor Bruce Rauner that bars state agencies from collecting the fees, which are authorized under state law and multiple collective bargaining agreements. The fees cover the proportional cost to the union of providing representation to those employees.
The court order, issued by Associate Judge Christopher Kolker, is based on an agreement reached between the Rauner Administration and the affected labor unions. It requires the Administration to “remit fair share fees…pending the resolution of the case” and to transmit “the correct payroll information” regarding gross pay for affected employees to the Comptroller.
“We continue to believe that the governor’s executive order is meant to weaken the right of state employees to have effective union representation,” said Illinois AFL-CIO president Michael T. Carrigan. “We’re pleased that all fair share agreements will now be honored while our legal challenge is proceeding.”
Some of you old timers might remember Judge Kolker from his House staff days.
…Adding… From the governor’s office…
The Administration and the unions have reached an agreement that will speed up the case and remove legal obstacles to resolving the underlying First Amendment issues as efficiently as possible. As part of this deal, the unions agree to an expedited timeline for the case and to forego the possibility of compelled arbitration. In exchange, we resume paying fair share fees, but obviously we will still assist nonmembers in recovering those fees from the unions when we ultimately prevail. There are two tracks – one in federal court and the other in state court — to get this case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, which is where it must be conclusively decided, as soon as possible.