A Bailout Is A Bailout
Monday, Apr 6, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] “ComEd has long believed that competitive markets will work in the best interests of our customers. So we are concerned about the negative impact on our customers from a requirement that would force utilities to buy subsidized generation at above-market prices.” (Crain’s, February 28, 2013) Exelon’s Bailout Legislation is Gross Overreach- Exelon has asserted, but not proven, it needs a bailout for three of its Illinois nuclear facilities yet proposed a subsidy for all six Illinois nukes. No Faith Based Bailouts - Exelon has refused to disclose any information to prove their plants will be in trouble. Federal Bailout for Exelon Later this Spring – The coming grid auction, under new rules Exelon lobbied for, is expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars per year for Exelon’s Illinois nuclear plants. Ratepayer Impact Too Great – The Exelon legislation is going to cost struggling Illinois businesses and consumers $1.6 billion in rate increases over the next five years. Proposed Solution Not “Market-Based” – The Exelon legislation contains restrictions to ensure only Exelon’s nuclear plants qualify. Just say no to the Exelon Bailout! Vote no on SB 1585/HB 3293. For more information, go to www.noexelonbailout.com