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Governor backs out of “debate”

Friday, May 1, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I told subscribers recently that Gov. Bruce Rauner suggested that he and Democratic state Rep. Mike Smiddy have a public debate about public employee unions. Smiddy was first elected with strong support from AFSCME and the two had a spirited discussion during a meeting between Rauner and Downstate legislators. Smiddy wrote a letter to Gov. Rauner this week accepting the governor’s debate challenge…

* But the governor is reneging…

Hi, Rich:

There will be no debate, but Gov. Rauner looks forward to continuing to have spirited interchanges with Rep. Smiddy and other legislators in small and large groups about how to make Illinois more competitive and compassionate and get the most value for taxpayers. We appreciate Rep. Smiddy’s hunt for publicity and headlines. Hopefully, he will soon begin to show as much enthusiasm for saving taxpayer’s money and getting Illinois out of the worst fiscal crisis in the country.




  1. - LizPhairTax - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:11 am:

    Vegas, your bluff got called.

  2. - NewWestSuburbanGOP'er - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:12 am:

    Is anybody really surprised that the Governor would back out?


  3. - Just Observing - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    Smiddy should up the ante by having a guy in a chicken costume stand outside the Gov’s office.

  4. - chi - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    Governor Chicken

    buc buc buc!

  5. - Aldyth - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:14 am:

    Note to self; There needs to be a category for reneging in the Rauner’s Lies database.

  6. - Norseman - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    No surprise. Rauner is incapable of thinking on his feet. He needs a script. Debates on issues would tax him considerably and likely end up with him looking silly.

    Besides, Governor Sonny can’t be expected to actually mean something he says.

  7. - chi - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    Who knew you could wear Carhartt’s and ride Harley’s and go huntin’ and still be such a complete coward?

  8. - huh - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:16 am:

    Afraid to debate Smiddy? Wow, that’s weak.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    That “ck”, she gets all the “good” assignments;

    The Dopey Resolutions status

    The double-secret probation working group questions

    Trying not to make the Governor seem more of a Dope than he is/was by challenging a single Mushroom to share the stage with the Illinois’ Governing Executive…then writing an utterly Dopey reneging email…

    With that “famous”…


    By the way, who ends an email with … “Thanks!” … with an exclamation mark, expressing your Dopey boss backed down from a Mushroom?

    These Rauner “Superstars”, lol

  10. - Wensicia - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:17 am:


  11. - Anonymous - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    Chicken stuff.

  12. - slow down - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    Nothing about Rauner’s background or short time as Gov suggests that he is someone genuinely interested in listening to others. This man believes he has all the answers. Reneging on the offer is surprising to no one.

  13. - Joe M - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    Rauner is something else. The Governor is the one that suggested the public debate. Then not only did he back out, but his office accused Smiddy of a “hunt for publicity and headlines.”

    This Governor has got to go. I don’t think the State can survive four years of him.

  14. - Crispy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    Not only backs out, but throws in a gratuitous insult, questioning Smiddy’s priorities, as well. Sheesh.

  15. - Jack Stephens - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:19 am:

    Bruce hardly “won” the debates against Governor Quinn. If that’s his template…..I’m not surprised he backed out.

  16. - DDR - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:19 am:

    Hunting headlines? Your office is running nonbinding resolutions all over the state.

  17. - Sangamo Sam - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    Ah, Brave Sir Robin:

  18. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    Governor Rauner works best if cash is involved, so debates won’t work for him unless someone is willing to be bought.

  19. - Wordslinger - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    Rauner wanted to hold the debate in a secret location with no one else present.

    Hilarious and pathetic at the same time. Who didn’t know loudmouth schoolyard bullies like this growing up?

    “Wanna fight?”

    “OK, bring it.”

    “Yeah, I would, but I have more important things to do. You’re lucky I’m so busy….”

    Watch out for the sucker punch, Rep. Smiddy. It’s coming. That how tough guys like Rauner roll. He’ll let his money do his fighting for him in the form of negative media.

  20. - Dean Keaton - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    ==By the way, who ends an email with … “Thanks!” … with an exclamation mark, expressing your Dopey boss backed down from a Mushroom?===

    I had a boss who ended all his emails the same way regardless of the tone/message of the email. We finally figured out that the “Thanks!, Dave” was part of his email signature that appeared on all his emails. I always considered extremely lazy.

  21. - Ray del Camino - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    Spokespersons (especially superstars) should know the rules of punctuation, don’t you think?

    Does “taxpayer’s money” mean there’s only one taxpayer? Maybe that’s all that will be left after four years of this race to become Mississippi.

  22. - walker - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    Expected response from any governor to such a request.

    A personal talk with Smiddy, where Rauner seriously listened and learned about what he doesn’t know about unions, would help the Governor. It is never worthwhile to remain ignorant. It doesn’t have to be public to be helpful.

  23. - bored now - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    oh, come on. the governor who give updates for every podunk village that supports *his* “path to recovery” complaining about somebody else’s “hunt for publicity and headlines”??? give me a break…

  24. - UISer - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    How is Smiddy chasing headlines by accepting the Governor’s offer? Wasn’t it his idea in the first place?

  25. - NW Illinois Dem - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    First we had the infamous Blagojevich-Jacobs debate … now we might have the Rauner-Smiddy debate … not to be confused with the Lincoln-Douglas debate

  26. - BlameBruceRauner - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    A very shady thing to back away from since it was he who suggested it occur in the first place. Id swing right back at him for his low blows about seeking publicity. These dopes are all about the spotlight.

  27. - Mason born - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:29 am:


    It’d have been better to show up and get schooled then back out. Better to take a beating than be proved a coward. Better yet not to run your mouth in the first place.

    Don’t most of us learn these lessons in middle school? Maybe a special class should be arranged.

  28. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:32 am:

    We survived Blago, hopefully we can survive 3 more years of this sorry excuse for a governor.

  29. - The Way I See It - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    Smiddy should just set a date and time for the event and invite the media. Perhaps have a cardboard cut-out of the Gov in Carharts.

  30. - Chicago Guy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    I thought the line “We appreciate Rep. Smiddy’s hunt for publicity and headlines.” was an inappropriate and immature comment.

    I’m troubled by the constant messaging that the Gov is the only good guy and everyone else is self-centered.

  31. - zatoichi - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    Smiddy needs to simply add a check from anyone in Texas. Rauner will be right there.

  32. - Arsenal - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    That’s pretty embarrassing.

  33. - The Professor - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:37 am:

    Perhaps the governor’s reply could have been accomplished without taking a shot at Smiddy. This is schoolyard stuff.

  34. - Obamas Puppy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    “Compassionate” except when I can cut funding to autistic kids and burying the indigent to make a political point.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    Dear “ck”,

    Let’s breakdown your ignorant email to your own boss’ “ways”

    ===There will be no debate===

    Your boss, he wanted it. So, you start off, right out of the box, with the pack-peddle? lol How about telling Sonny to cool his own jets, but way to open!


    ===Gov. Rauner looks forward to continuing to have spirited interchanges with Rep. Smiddy and other legislators in small and large groups ===

    You work for a man who claimed he would have THE most transparent Governor’s office, and you, “ck” tout the hidden, secret, “double-secret” working groups, “large and small” as a way to have, “spirited debate”. What a jokester you are! (I added the exclamation mark to make it easy for you”!”) pretty pathetic.

    “Moving on…”

    ===…how to make Illinois more competitive and compassionate and get the most value for taxpayers.===

    Rauner. Talking. Point.

    At least… try… to seem engaged in your work. I know, I know, the exclamation mark is coming..,

    “Reading further…”

    ===We appreciate Rep. Smiddy’s hunt for publicity and headlines.===

    You are a Dope.

    You, yourself, are cataloging “wins” for the Rauner Resolution to, wait for it, get publicity and headlines.

    Why did I call you a Dope? Easy, your boss challenged Smiddy! (See what I did there with the exclamation mark”!”)

    Your boss got called on a debate, and Smiddy wants headlines. How about this. Don’t. Challenge. Mushrooms.

    So, to recap this section, you, and your boss seek publicity for these Rauner Resolutions, but it’s Smiddy who seeks the spotlight by accepting a chalkengs, that you are now writing an email reneging on it? Yikes.

    “This might be my favorite from you…”

    === Hopefully, he will soon begin to show as much enthusiasm for saving taxpayer’s money and getting Illinois out of the worst fiscal crisis in the country.===

    …say the Press Flack wasting taxpayers’ time in an utterly ignorant campaign of non-binding resolutions that aren’t even passing! (I used an exclamation mark for ya.)

    Your boss, the Governor, is wasting time; his time, the taxpayers’ time…your own time, and you have this idea of reneging on a debate your boss wanted is also because he feels Smiddy shoukd focus? Priceless.

    “Oh boy, here it comes… wait for it..,”


    I do feel the exclamation mark really says it all about this email, the response, the challenge, the reneging;

    Loud, useless, unintentionally funny, and ignorant to why responding and ending the response like this is bush league.

    Welp, I enjoyed the email. It speaks volumes.

    The Press Shop responds to things that are utterly useless to governing, but they do it with rhetoric, lacking self-awareness, and a touch of flair.


  36. - Norseman - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    === We survived Blago, hopefully we can survive 3 more years of this sorry excuse for a governor. ===

    I thought Blago would have been defeated in his first re-election. He wasn’t. Gov Sonny will pay all he can to get re-elected so buckle up for a long and extremely bumpy ride.

  37. - Century Club - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    I’m no fan of Rauner’s, but I can’t believe that debate challenge was ever sincere, or that Smiddy thought it was. Still, if he put it out there, he deserves the ding from Smiddy and that email from ‘ck’ is a crappy way to respond to your own unforced error.

  38. - Joe Isuzu - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    Under the bus, Smiddy! Don’t mess with me or I will destroy you. Just kidding. ; /

  39. - A guy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    Pretty sure there’s a much bigger picture than “afraid to debate Smiddy”. It would be a counterproductive effort to say the least and should never have been suggested in the first place. Rauner’s bad on that one.

    Compounding it would be more distracting. I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head in Springfield who would be “afraid” to debate Smiddy. That’s just goofy.

    A lot more important things to do than a dopey sideshow like this. I’m sure the Governor’s advisers immediately suggested this was dopey and put the kibosh on it. It was silly on it’s face. Unforced error. Learn from it.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    ===I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head in Springfield who would be “afraid” to debate Smiddy. That’s just goofy.====

    Bruce Rauner is. Rauner challenged, Rauner backed out.

    You walked into that one, lol

  41. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    ===I do feel the exclamation mark really says it all about this email, the response, the challenge, the reneging;===

    I think Brooke invented the Thanks! closing. FYI…


  42. - slow down - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Note to CK: gratuitous digs like the shot at Rep. Smiddy do nothing to advance the Gov’s cause and serve only to undermine you as his spokesperson. The campaign ended in November. It’s time to focus on governing.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Thanks! Brooke!

  44. - Taxman - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    Man up ovenor. I wonder, if he will walk away from negotiations with AFSCME? He obviously has no legitimate arguments in his arsenal for his turnaround agenda.

  45. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Norseman….that is a scary thought isn’t it?

  46. - Norseman - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Well said Willy.

  47. - Mama - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    “Gov Sonny will pay all he can to get re-elected so buckle up for a long and extremely bumpy ride.”
    Norseman, please tell me this is a joke. Can IL survive his re-election?

  48. - BlameBruceRauner - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    I said a recall was going to happen, but was told by many folks on here that its cant happen.

  49. - Mama - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    Is “ck ” the governor’s secretary or one of his ghost workers?

  50. - Jimmy CrackCorn - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    Interesting that “compassionate” is back in the talking points. I hadn’t really seen it since the transition team press conferences.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    Thanks - Norseman -.

    As a Press Shop, you’d think there would be a better work-product for something like this, but, a governor’s Press Shop shouldn’t have to respond to a Mushroom accepting a debate from the governor on policy, so there’s that…

  52. - Wordslinger - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    –… can’t believe the debate challenge was sincere…–

    CC, given Rauner’s rhetoric and actions as both a candidate and as governor, I don’t think you can go wrong doubting his sincerity on anything.

    Here’s a guy who used secret money to dirty up Schock, Brady, Dillard and Rutherford before the primary then lied about having anything to do with it.

    A guy who tried to force the Libs off the ballot, including sending armed goons to some of their homes to intimidate, then lied about having anything to do with it.

    A guy who lied when he said his reactionary anti-union agenda was “not a priority” (does anyone think he would have been elected if voters knew it would be his top priority?).

    I hope the Blago experience remains fresh in everyone’s mind. We’ve seen this movie before.

  53. - Servo - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    Dear “ck”:

    I have long enjoyed your work. The specials on Netflix and the current TV series are classic you. Same for the response to Smiddy.

    So is it a lawyer/management/compensation/merch thing that prevents your including your first name in these political postings?

    What say you, Louis?

  54. - Precinct Captain - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:03 am:


  55. - ShaneRay - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    “SMH” - Mizzou J school!

  56. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    “All right Smiddy…Put ‘em up, put ‘em up! Which one of my policies you want to debate first? I’ll debate both Union points together if you want. I’ll debate you with one hand tied behind my back. I’ll debate you standing on one foot. I’ll debate you with my eyes closed… ohh, pullin’ a fact on me, eh? Sneaking up on me, with some facts, eh? Why, I’ll… Ruff!…”

  57. - Wordslinger - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    Just a guess, but the content and tone of the guv’s press office response have all the telltale hothead markings of a Shrimpf tantrum, put out under ck’s sig.

  58. - Anonymous - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:14 am:

    Send one of his underpaid staffers or Evelyn

  59. - Langhorne - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:14 am:

    the low-information governor doesnt want to take a chance he would take some hits, make mistakes, give pub to the other side. gotta stay on message.

  60. - Anonymous - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:16 am:

    I believe there is a “Brucenochio” costume gathering dust somewhere.

  61. - Leatherneck Logos - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    Let’s see… An insincere coward, hiding behind a clueless spinner of tales, errors and hypocracy. The sound of ignorance.

  62. - Cheswick - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:23 am:

    dear ck:

    you got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em.


  63. - Under Further Review - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:25 am:


    As for dirtying up his primary opponents, those who entered the race and a potential rival, where were the major media outlets? There were fingerprints of Rauner’s allies and operatives all over the place, but nobody would make the connections. Many of the roads seemed to lead to Orland, Palos and Palatine Townships.

  64. - Jorge - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:29 am:

    Not surprising. This governor hides behind his money.

  65. - Tommydanger - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    ” I dare you to cross that line.”

    “OK, I double dare you to cross this line.”

    “Well, I triple dare you to cross this line!”

    “Brucie? Time to come in for dinner.”

  66. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    First Mate: “Captain Rauner! Your challenge with the scientist over the existence of the Great White Union Whale was accepted! You are bound to win with your rapier wit, courage and expert knowledge regarding that Great Destroyer of All That’s Holy!”

    Rauner: “Accepted by challenge?”

    First Mate: “Aye, Captain - our crew’s heart will swell with pride at this fortuitous news!”

    Rauner: “What can this scurvy-riddled corrupted barnacle of special interest know about the Great White Union Whale? He is not a believer!”

    First Mate: “You said you’d challenge him back at port, sir.”

    Rauner: “Tell him that I have no time in my quest for the beast who’s existence he doubts, for any duel with such a viper as he! He wastes my time!”

    First Mate: “You are so merciful to spare his hide from your wrath, Captain Rauner!”

    Rauner: “Uh - yes. YES I AM! Now onward into the hinterlands in my quest to find others willing to confront this Budge Busting Scourge of our State! How is recruitment so far?”

    First Mate: “Note from ck - “They be small, but they be wiry and brave!”"

    Rauner: “ONWARD! MOBY DICK, THY DOOM IS NYE THIS MAY DAY! What’s that noise?”

    First Mate: “May Day march sir! They fight for the rights of the BEAST! Shall we confront them sir? Sir? SIR?”

    Rauner: “Hide me!”

  67. - Cheswick - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:43 am:

    Okay, that was pretty good, VanillaMan. Actually, very good.

  68. - relocated - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:43 am:

    Why woukd he debate, its well known that he never loses so it would simply be an exercise in futility. Thanks, @&CK

  69. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:44 am:

    Hmm… one thing I never figured Bruce Rauner for was being spineless. Well. Okay Bruce, you fooled me again.

  70. - Jimmy Jizzle - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    Bruce Rauner was for the debate before he was against it!!

  71. - Soccermom - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    Streator — too late, it’s already started. I was talking about it last weekend…

  72. - PoliticalPro - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    “I am one of the baddest, you know, enemies anybody can have.”
    - Bruce Rauner

    Mike Smiddy squeaked out a narrow victory in 2014 over an incredibly weak political opponent. So as 2016 approaches look for Rauner to recruit a “strong alternative” and then pour enough cash into the race to end Mike Smiddy’s fledgling political career.


  73. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 12:30 pm:

    ===Mike Smiddy squeaked out a narrow victory in 2014 over an incredibly weak political opponent===

    Yep, true, except for the “weak” part. But that’s a GOP district, and except for guns, Smiddy isn’t exactly a GOP type. He also didn’t follow “the program” until late in the game. 16 is a much different year unless Hillary implodes.

    In other words, if they couldn’t beat him last time, it doesn’t look good for next year.

  74. - MrJM - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    I guess we can safely add “guts” to the list of things money can’t buy.

    – MrJM

  75. - Wordslinger - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    UFR, believe me, I have no answer for the major media outlets.

    Perhaps if a water-skiing squirrel had been involved, it would have generated some interest.

  76. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 12:39 pm:

    There might be more and more Dems on the MJM “program”, given the $60 million and, honestly, not knowing how Rauner will take on Dems in the Primaries and the General.

    Will Rauner, personally, tell Durkin or Radogno, to back off Dems that vote Raunerite 100% of the time?

  77. - Soccermom - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:07 pm:

    Rauner reminds me more and more of Rod.

  78. - Belle - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:28 pm:

    Nice VM!

  79. - Eugene - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:31 pm:

    Political Pro: That “incredibly weak” candidate who ran against Smiddy outspent him to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars.

  80. - green wants a handou - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:34 pm:

    Fact is, Gov. Rauner is already recruiting an attractive, educated, professional woman who’s dad was a union man to run against Mike Smiddy.

  81. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:37 pm:




  82. - BlameBruceRauner - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:46 pm:

    Rauner plans on cloning himself multiple times and running for every open seat. Its why all the money is coming in

  83. - Norseman - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 1:59 pm:

    === Rauner reminds me more and more of Rod. ===

    An ever growing group who see the similarities between Blago and Rauner. The only difference is that Rod was corrupt to get money, while Rauner is corrupt by using money.

  84. - Eugene - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    Green: So this “attractive” candidate’s dad was a union man but she’ll run supporting the Rauner agenda and with Rauner money? Yeah, that’ll be convincing.

  85. - RayRay - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 2:48 pm:

    ==Is “ck ” the governor’s secretary or one of his ghost workers? ==

    Rauner has Mike Shrimpf on double overtime, which is $9 an hour. $10 an hour in 2025.

  86. - anonlurker - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 2:50 pm:

    I said, “Hey there fellow,
    With the hair colored yellow,
    Watcha tryin’ to prove?
    ‘Cause that’s my Union there
    And I think I care
    to discuss this further with you.”
    And he said,
    “Won’t you give me three steps,
    Gimme three steps mister,
    Gimme three steps towards the door?

  87. - Anonymous - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    Yep. This state ought to be run more like a business - how did this guy ever make so much money? Clean or otherwise. He can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other without tripping, or having to take it out of his mouth. Now we see his feet backpedal out of confrontations too. Tough guy indeed.

  88. - A guy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    ===Bruce Rauner is. Rauner challenged, Rauner backed out.

    You walked into that one, lol====

    Willy, and you think this is because he was, uh, afraid of Smiddy? His lack of fear is what created the poorly chosen “challenge” in the first place.

  89. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    - A Guy -, so Rauner is foolish?

    Not a good trait for a Governor;

    Shoot your mouth off, foolishly, challenging everyone…

    Is that what you’re saying?

  90. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:15 pm:

    I also feel Rauner is utterly pathetic on his feet, when unscripted…

    His Crew knows it too. Otherwise, he’d answer questions. He can’t.

  91. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:20 pm:

    Only a real Dope has a Press Flack back yourself down from a challenge you offer, - A Guy -.

    Rauner is scared, and ignorant to the job, and the idea a Governor and a Mushroom don’t debate.

    Hubris, and it’s pathetic.

  92. - Hedley Lamarr - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:45 pm:

    Smidday should debate an empty chair.

  93. - Politix - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    ==His lack of thought before shooting his mouth is what created the poorly chosen “challenge” in the first place.==


  94. - HGW XX/7 - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:58 pm:

    Rauner, you can run but you can’t hide.

  95. - Cosmosa - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:59 pm:

    ==- Politix - Friday, May 1, 15 @ 3:51 pm:
    Fixed ==

    Team Rauner has gagged him!

  96. - enuck - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 6:30 pm:

    Bruce is affraid to go to the woodshed?

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