Gov. Rauner to speak to Chicago city council
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
…Adding… Click here for a live video stream of today’s council hearing.
* Give the guy credit. It takes some serious stones to venture into that weird belly of the beast…
In what appears to be a first for the state, a sitting governor will address the Chicago City Council.
Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday will address the Chicago City Council to pitch the leadership on his pro-business agenda.
NBC Chicago was told that Rauner requested the appearance. City Council leadership agreed to suspend rules to allow the governor to address the body.
* Sun-Times…
“Governor Rauner was born near Wrigley Field and loves Chicago. He recognizes that the City of Chicago and State of Illinois both face unprecedented financial and economic challenges. He looks forward to discussing ways he can work together with the city to find solutions that will turn around the city and the state,” the governor’s spokesman, Mike Schrimpf, said in an email to the Chicago Sun-Times.
Right-to-work zones are not the only point of contention with a City Council filled with pro-union Democrats.
So are Rauner’s doomsday budget cuts that would cost the city, the CTA and Chicago Public Schools hundreds of millions of dollars they can’t afford to lose.
And so is the governor’s warning that the Chicago Public Schools could be staring down the barrel of bankruptcy.
I’d venture a guess that most city council members will hear a speech unlike anything they’ve ever heard today.
* Tribune…
News of Rauner’s planned speech came after he spoke to about 200 people Tuesday at the Chicago Family Business Council in Little Italy, where he acknowledged the financial problems of Chicago and its public schools but said no bailouts were coming from Springfield.
“The city of Chicago’s in deep, deep yogurt. And they need, the taxpayers of Illinois are not going to bail out the city of Chicago. That’s not happening. Not going to let that happen.” Rauner said. “That said, I can, as the governor, can do a lot of things to be helpful, to help this city get its feet back under it. I look at the numbers for the public school system in Chicago and I don’t see how it can ever fund their pensions and fund their pension deficit.”
Instead, Rauner urged the group to contact local political leaders to support nonbinding resolutions endorsing the governor’s “turnaround agenda.” That’s something Emanuel and the City Council have adamantly opposed, in part because it calls for weakening union power and wages and the creation of so-called local right-to-work zones free from union mandates.
“My view is, the City Council, help us get structural change at the state level,” Rauner said of Chicago aldermen. “I’ll help you get structural change in the city that I can authorize as governor so you can get your house in order and the state can get its house in order and we’ll all be better off.”
Even so, the timing is odd. Today is the last day of the lame duck council session. Several new aldermen will soon be sworn in.
* Fox Chicago…
Underscoring how difficult it will be to solve the crisis, leaders of the Chicago Teachers Union plan to hold a news conference shortly after the governor speaks.
Chicago Public Schools face a $1.1 billion shortfall, which is more than 16 percent of their entire budget. At the contract bargaining table, CPS apparently asked teachers to pay more into their pension fund.
Union leaders called it a wage reduction in an angry press release, “The Board has demanded a 7 percent pay cut from our members. The CTU is highly insulted.”
This may sound familiar to those who recall the teacher’s strike three years ago. But it may be different this time, because the teachers can’t go on strike if the schools don’t open for lack of money this September.
- Aldyth - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:47 am:
Bets on whether or not Rauner takes questions?
- RNUG - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:48 am:
Serious stones or tunnel vision?
- walker - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:48 am:
Timing is odd.
Acting more like a true believer, than a practical problem-solver.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:49 am:
If this ever was about “local control”, then one would think you’d recognize that Chicago does not want RTWFL. And one would think you’d respect that, rather than threatening the city.
That the Governor is taking rather a different tactic proves that “local control” has nothing to do with what he’s talking about.
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:52 am:
Not that blog names really matter except for maybe fifty people who comment here regularly, but I henceforth shall be known as Deep Yogurt until such time as a more fantastic bon mot tumbles from his Carhartted lips!
- Deep Yogurt - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:54 am:
“That’s not happening” If it wasn’t “happenin’” we’d know he meant it.
- OneMan - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:55 am:
Any idea what time?
- Walter Mitty - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:57 am:
Deep Yogurt.. Awesome. To the post, Like him or hate him. He is the messenger of what we all can agree with we are in bad fiscal shape. I don’t even agree with some of the solutions, but as many like to say, elections have consequences…. I respect the fact taking questions or not, he is willing to enter the ” Thunder Dome”…. See what I did there….?
- The Captain - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 9:59 am:
I hope I’m wrong but I can’t imagine he makes any sort of genuine and politically plausible appeal to them. My expectation is that this is some sort of paternalistic attempt to lecture city hall from a rich white guy.
Maybe it was because of the municipal elections but Chicago seems to have been in this bubble that hasn’t been affected as much by the Rauner agenda. I spoke with some CTU people in March and they saw Emanuel as the worst enemy and Rauner was a non-entity to them, no different than Griffin or any of the other rich guys they could use to attack Emanuel. This may bring the whole issue closer to home.
The optics of this are going to be unlike anything we’ve seen and it may favor Rauner in the short term but I would expect that in the long term he’s going to regret waking this hibernating bear.
- Politix - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:00 am:
Like alderman interviewed managed to find nice things to say to the press about the gov in light of their own needs from him, but they’ve gotta be laughing their ashes off behind the scenes.
What’s the Over/under on his using new Turnaround talking points tailored to fit the audience vs sticking with his usual shtick?
- Chicago Hack - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:02 am:
Over/under for the number of dropped ‘g’s?
Can’t be too folksy with the City Council. I’ll set the line at 5.
- Politix - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:02 am:
That should read “I like how..” More coffee, pls.
- walker - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:02 am:
Deep Yogurt: “happennin’” is for South of I-80
LizPhairTax lurks, waiting to be reborn
- JS Mill - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:03 am:
=“I’ll help you get structural change in the city that I can authorize as governor so you can get your house in order and the state can get its house in order and we’ll all be better off.”=
Translated: I will help you skip out on your bill if you help me skip out on my bill.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:04 am:
===Timing is odd.
Acting more like a true believer, than a practical problem-solver.===
Well said, - walker -.
- Juvenal -,
Thanks. It’s about 4 weeks too late, but I’ve enjoyed the deflating. They don’t listen to me anyway, so I hope you excuse my lateness in screaming into the wind to “help”.
To the Post,
I will agree “serious stones”, no doubt about.
I also believe it takes “serious stones” for a salesman to sell a product rejected, and thinking, like s college football/basketball coach, “If I get in the living room, I can get this recruit to commit.”.
Governor, - wordslinger - was right. Should have timed this to help the eventual loss as a martyr vote others could rally around.
Speaking to a lame duck City Council has no leverage. None. So, if this is a Don Quixote sales job, a publicity stunt, a real appeal, a playing and pandering to cameras…
…whatever it “really” is, it ain’t governing.
You’re the Governor of the state of Illinois. Governors trump city councils and mayors. You are personally debuting your own power and influence… for buzz words to be seen on TV, with zero chance of a result change.
Please. Stop.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:04 am:
=“The Board has demanded a 7 percent pay cut from our members. The CTU is highly insulted.”=
Negotiating is tough, get over it.
- The Captain - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:06 am:
Also one of the political needs for Emanuel in his next term is to prove to the less affluent Chicago voters he has their back too and Rauner may be (intentionally or not) giving him a great opportunity to do so.
- Hedley Lamarr - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:07 am:
Bets on how many g’s he will drop?
- walker - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:08 am:
Arsenal: Smart comment
JS Mill: That could be it. You help me skip my pension payment, and I’ll help you skip yours.
- Under Further Review - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:10 am:
It will be a great opportunity for members of the Chicago City Council to personally lobby the Governor for pardons. Burnett excepted. Edgar already covered for him.
- nixit71 - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:10 am:
“The Board has demanded a 7 percent pay cut from our members. The CTU is highly insulted.”
I’m highly insulted by the CTU’s poor math. The city is ending its 7% pension pick-up, which does not translate to a $ for $ 7% reduction in pay. Employee pension contributions will increase, but since contributions are pre-tax, teachers will have less income subject to tax, hence will pay less in taxes. It’s probably more like a 5% reduction.
The good news is CTU math counts as college credit. The bad news is, Chicago State is the only school that recognizes it.
- Crispy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:11 am:
That next wine club meetin’s going to be awkward. …
Re “The CTU is highly insulted”: That was cringe-worthy. All that “high dudgeon”-type verbiage just makes them sound peevish, and detracts from the real, important issues.
- Dan Johnson - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:11 am:
The Governor is a hell of a salesman.
He has a really tough product.
- Abe the Babe - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:14 am:
I’m glad that with 24 days to go in the legislative season our governor is focused like a laser on changing the hearts and minds of Chicago alderman on an issue they already have made up their minds on, for a cause that cannot be enacted at city hall, and for a purpose that has little to do with filling a $6 billion dollar hole.
I mean is this guy a steely eyed missile man or what?
- Ghost - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:16 am:
So schools get a lot of money from the property tax base and sales tax money in the community.
Lets say rauner succeeds. We get rid of unions and minimium wage for construction workers. Salaries and income acrss the state plummet since the minimiums are temoved; as are the people foghting for wages.
With lower wages people buy less, sales tax goes down. Pay less in income tax, heck many times at the poverty level they take tax dollars out in credits and refunds. Plus using social services. And people move int lower cost homes decreasing the property tax base.
So how fors the loss of porperty tax, sales tax, and income tax money by adding poverty level jobs help the state or schools?
- JoanP - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:18 am:
“It will be a great opportunity for members of the Chicago City Council to personally lobby the Governor for pardons.”
Except that most of them end up with Federal convictions, and the Governor has no authority to pardon them for federal crimes.
- Amalia - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:20 am:
ooh, can’t wait to see how this is handled. for those who have not observed, Ald. Burke functions as a sort of elder white haired Darth V. figure who goes all historical and pin stripe suit visionary on all manner of topics. so sometimes it’s not just the Mayor greeting because it’s the Council. and, it’s kind of like SF…Speaker with the AG daughter, Finance Committee Chair with the Supreme Court Justice wife, both men Sox fans.
- John A Logan - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:21 am:
Bizarre. I don’t think Rauner understands that the job of Governor is to govern. This never ending speechifying is not accomplishing anything.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:23 am:
In the 2012 contract the CTU demanded a 30% raise over two years as part of negotiations but you now it’s insulting when the other side makes demands.
- Under Further Review - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:25 am:
Puzzled as to why Rauner would choose to address the lame ducks…
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:25 am:
No doubt the teeny-boppers at the Trib, WSJ and National Review will swoon at the spectacle, and Rauner loves their attention.
But that $6 billion shortfall is unforgiving. Sooner or later, the dude is going to have to pack a lunch and get to work.
- A guy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:31 am:
With due respect to fellow CFers here, the diction in the City Council might be the most effective place to drop the g’s. You can even say “Da” instead of The. I wouldn’t be to worried about the linguistics.
Rauner is developing a pattern of being willing to discuss things with anyone (questions or not) and has demonstrated that he’s not afraid to go into hostile environments. At the least, the Alderman represent 22-25% of voters who supported Rauner. In some cases more. He can’t be summarily dismissed. It does take some stones to go there. At the same time, it’s likely to be a rougher ride than he’d get in Effingham or many other effing towns. lol
- pundent - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:32 am:
This is all part of the Rauner agenda to create the crisis. This is called the “I warned you part”.
- Deep Yogurt - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:35 am:
A guy @ 10:31
I agree with everything that you wrote except for the words “discuss” and “with”. Humbly suggest cut and replace with “pontificate” and “to”.
Stones is getting close to testicular virility and we all remember how that went…
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:36 am:
===At the least, the Alderman represent 22-25% of voters who supported Rauner. In some cases more. He can’t be summarily dismissed.===
He’s the Governor.
That, and only that, is the only reason he won’t be summarily dismissed.
Rauner will get pummeled, but won’t be dismissed.
None of those Alderman, especially, and specifically, are worried about Rauner for themselves; they don’t face voters for 4 years.
Leverage is the office, not the officeholder.
- Soccermom - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:37 am:
Ha! Soccermom tends get a bit lysdexic when tired and stressed. So I read this as “Watch the livestorm of today’s Chicago City Council meeting here:”
- Arsenal - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:38 am:
“Rauner is developing a pattern of being willing to discuss things with anyone (questions or not)”
That’s quite a definition of “discuss”!
- A guy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:45 am:
Ars, held to the standard of “no other Governor in the history of our state has ever gone there”. Gotta start somewhere. lol
- Under Further Review - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:48 am:
“Except that most of them end up with Federal convictions, and the Governor has no authority to pardon them for federal crimes.”
One of the underwhelming things about Anita Alvarez was that her prior position as an assistant prosecutor was heading the Public Corruption section of State’s Attorney’s office under Devine. This department is unusual for its constant inactivity. I think O’Malley was the last State’s Attorney to prosecute a politician.
The continued inability of the Cook County State’s Attorney to prosecute corrupt politicians (leaving all of the work to the US Attorneys) is the equivalent of being unable to see fish while visiting the Shedd Aquarium.
- Shemp - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:49 am:
===This is all part of the Rauner agenda to create the crisis. This is called the “I warned you part”.===
I think we’re beyond creating the crisis. Exacerbating, ok, but creating? Hardly. Been decades in the making.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:59 am:
I know a lot of people don’t like Governor Rauner. I get it. But without reading the previous comments, I have to say:
1. He’s firm in his beliefs and he tells you what he desires. He wants the legislature to pass his Turnaround Agenda and he states that desire in plain English. You can call him stubborn. You can call him crazy. But he tells you what he wants and he lays it out there.
2. It takes guts for Governor Rauner to go talk to a group or elected body that obviously is opposed to what he wants done. He knows that he’s in “enemy territory”, but he’s taking a risk and he knows he’ll get some media coverage. And what’s the worst that can happen? They tell him no?! Whoop-dee-doo.
- D.P.Gumby - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:07 am:
I no longer believe Brucie has any contact w/ any reality but w/in his own bubble. Its neither an issue of “stones” or “odd time” as both of those are in reference to a reality that does not exist in Brucie Bubble world. Its like the Faux News World that has created a parallel universe that is vaguely similar to the US.
- Carhartt Representative - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:10 am:
=Negotiating is tough, get over it.=
Negotiating is tough, get over it.
- Carhartt Representative - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:11 am:
=I’m highly insulted by the CTU’s poor math. The city is ending its 7% pension pick-up, which does not translate to a $ for $ 7% reduction in pay. Employee pension contributions will increase, but since contributions are pre-tax, teachers will have less income subject to tax, hence will pay less in taxes. It’s probably more like a 5% reduction.
The good news is CTU math counts as college credit. The bad news is, Chicago State is the only school that recognizes it.=
So, CPS has been touting a $1,000,000,000 debt since 2009 and that’s the one mathematical inaccuracy you find?
- DuPage - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:11 am:
It’s like a shady used car salesman speaking to a group of current and former used car salesmen. He is not going to fool them.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:13 am:
=== He’s firm in his beliefs and he tells you what he desires. He wants the legislature to pass his Turnaround Agenda and he states that desire in plain English.===
But not firm enough to ask LRB to draft a bill to be debated. Desire is fine, but specifics are critical. Plain English? He’s been intentionally vague from the start. Let’s see a bill. It’s already May 6. Tick-tock Governor.
It’s put-up or shut-up time.
- Mama - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:15 am:
“So how fors the loss of porperty tax, sales tax, and income tax money by adding poverty level jobs help the state or schools?” That is a very good question. Rauner is all about private- charter schools not public schools. He doesn’t care about the public schools.
- Darnell McAllister - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:16 am:
In Raunerspeak, I suspect local “structural change” means Muni BK…
- wndycty - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:19 am:
Is anyone else having trouble accessing the video stream?
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:22 am:
I don’t think it takes guts to go before the City Council; it would have been a lot smarter to do it at the beginning.
For crying out loud, what do you think the public opinion is of Chicago aldermen around the state?
Having a bunch of Chicago aldermen rip your agenda is positive advertising money can’t buy.
- pundent - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:24 am:
Shemp - You need to keep up with Rauner’s rhetoric. It was he that said “crisis creates leverage” not me. While I would agree that the crisis is and has been upon us as BTO (and Rauner) would say, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet”.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:24 am:
Wow — great speech by Rahm at the council meeting. Very compelling, very forceful against right to work.
Great speech.
When’s Rauner gonna speak?
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:24 am:
47th - I missed the part in civics class when the Governor is allowed to introduce legislation himself. Last time I checked he can’t do that. Rich’s reporting on the “working groups” gives a key insight into perhaps why nothing has been put on paper yet. Maybe the return for Senators and Reps being in a working group is not introducing an amendment until the group itself has worked out some kinks. I don’t know. But at least he tells you what he’s thinking and wanting. And - to be fair - one of his supporters in the House or Senate could’ve easily introduced legislation by now. Again - perhaps the top supporters have been asked (personally by the Governor) not to introduce anything.
- pundent - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:26 am:
Team Sleep - I don’t disagree with any of your comments. But here’s where the rubber hits the road. Campaigning is easy, governing is hard. And Rauner is still campaigning.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:27 am:
Bruce Rauner’s
Deep Yogurt
“I think its a good idea to have Illinois file bankruptcy. This way, when a legislator, mayor or another politician asks for your help, you can tell them, “Hey - I’d love to, but we’re BROKE!”"
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:29 am:
===I missed the part in civics class when the Governor is allowed to introduce legislation himself.===
You must have been asleep. Even Rod had Jay Hoffman on the floor. George Ryan put forward Illinois First, Jim Thompson’s people wrote all kinds of bills. Ask Steve Schnorf how Jim Edgar’s team worked the General Assembly.
And please, this isn’t a civics class debate. Raise your game a little.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:30 am:
Pudnent - I agree. I wish that the “working groups” had started months ago. We’ve known for a long time what type of fiscal mess we’re facing and what Governor Rauner wants. There’s no reason these meetings should’ve been delayed. Of course, to quote Billy Madison, “It takes two to tango. Or something like that.”
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:32 am:
Team Sleep, c’mon man. Governors can’t get their bills introduced? That’s rather literal and willfully ignores history and experience.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:32 am:
Rauner is about to speak now.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:32 am:
Bruce Rauner’s
Deep Yogurt
“I would like to have the nickname, “Bankruptcy Bruce”. Then, no one would be surprised when they ask me about a financial issue, and I recommend bankruptcy. “Hey! You are our governor, and you’re recommending we go bankrupt?” - then they would say, “Wow - You sure have a great nickname!”
- nixit71 - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:34 am:
==So, CPS has been touting a $1,000,000,000 debt since 2009 and that’s the one mathematical inaccuracy you find?==
The only one I found today. My thesis on municipal debt is forthcoming.
- paddyrollingstone - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:35 am:
I agree with Wordslinger - I don’t think it takes guts to speak to the City Council. If he took questions and attempted to answer them? That would take guts.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:35 am:
Bruce Rauner’s
Deep Yogurt
“I like to carry around a photo of Pat Quinn in my pocket, so whenever someone complains about any of my policies, I can pull it out and tell them, “HEY - Remember this guy?”
- A guy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:35 am:
==== pundent - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:26 am:
Team Sleep - I don’t disagree with any of your comments. But here’s where the rubber hits the road. Campaigning is easy, governing is hard. And Rauner is still campaigning.===
Actualy, Pun, campaigning is extremely difficult and governing is next to impossible.
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:35 am:
Word - I’m not making excuses. But - realistically speaking - does Governor Rauner want Dan Duffy introducing bills for him?! What about Jeanne Ives?! At least Jay Hoffman had been around for a while and had a warchest big enough to scare off potential challengers.
47th - that’s fair. But the reality is that the executive branch doesn’t pass laws. That’s part of the problem with how people view government. They assume the Governor or President has the ability pass legislation. Having worked for both federal and state level officials, that’s not a sarcastic comment, either.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:41 am:
Rauner so far: acting lofty, speaking a bit too slowly, offering platitudes. Talking “compromise” and accepting things we might normally oppose.
“For Chicago to get what it wants, Illinois must get what it needs.”
There’s a bunch of country outside of Chicago, says Rauner. I ask folks: how do we turn around the state? His answer from the commoners: secede from Chicago.
“Be my partner in the turnaround.”
Yikes — this isn’t the approach I’d take with this audience. He’s essentially chastising Chicago. Someone needs to figure out a better rhetorical strategy for Bruce.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:43 am:
TS, if you really believe Rauner has to rely on Duffy and Ives in the GA, then he’s in a world of hurt.
But I don’t believe that. Do you? Rauner and his crew are the GOP bank. Whe he wants something introduced, it will happen.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:44 am:
“I’m willin’ to go to bat for Chicago, but remember — there are lots of folks outisde of Chicago. Other communities don’t want what Chicago wants.”
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:45 am:
“Chicago’s agenda cannot stand alone.”
“To achieve what we must requires sacrifices and compromises.”
“Let’s start the heavy liftin’ now. If we lift together, we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.”
- Bluefish - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:45 am:
Sing along time:
Oh where, oh where
Has my governor gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his Gs cut short
And his riding chaps cut long
Oh where, oh where can he be?
I think he went down
To Chicago’s council
To see if he could be
The one to stop the unions cold
With a turnaround agenda bold
I think he drank the tea.
Oh where, oh where
Has my governor gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With a $6 billion budget hole
And the Speaker’s roll call
Oh where, oh where can he be?
I last saw him outside the Capitol
Flailing and running aground
But I just can’t see him there anymore
He just can’t seem to be found.
Perhaps Rahm Emanuel will know
He may have seen him go by
Who knows where
He might have decided to go
But he’ll give it one last try.
Oh where, oh where
Has my governor gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his agenda cut off
Enduring Oswego Willy’s scoff
Oh where, oh where can he be?
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:46 am:
And we’re done.
A speech with no substance, but a lot of finger-pointin’. Essentially, he’s telling the council members of Chicago that there’s a lot of land outside of Chicago.
Not sure I understand this approach — especially given the fact that this is a Chicago city council meetin’.
- walker - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:52 am:
A lot of generalities, and some strong asks for sharing agendas and working together. No specifics at all by Rauner. Sounds like a meeting with the local Rotary.
Wasn’t really expecting more from Rauner here.
It was curious that he introduced his message by pointing out that most of the folks he speaks to south of I-80 are for secession from Chicago.
Why say that? What does that say about whom he meets with?
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:55 am:
Just a couple of one-percenter pals helping each other out.
Rauner stops by so Emanuel can shine up his progressive cred by ripping the governor’s agenda.
Emamuel gives Rauner the podium to score points with the Chicago haters.
Next stop, drinks at their buddy Griff’s penthouse, and laughs on how they got over on the rubes.
- Norseman - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 11:57 am:
=== Rauner is developing a pattern of being willing to discuss things with anyone (questions or not) and has demonstrated that he’s not afraid to go into hostile environments. ===
Rauner doesn’t “discuss” anything in public, he gives his scripted spiel, allows photo ops and then leaves. Gov Transparency has to have his discussions in private. I’ll give him brownie points for doing his spiel in opposition territory.
- A guy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:06 pm:
=== I’ll give him brownie points for doing his spiel in opposition territory.===
That level of generosity might well be satisfying enough for him from you.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:16 pm:
Walker, the I-80 secession jab was the point of the exercise.
The audience for the speech wasn’t the city council or Chicagoans; it was everybody but.
- Chris - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:22 pm:
” Ald. Burke functions as a sort of elder white haired Darth V. figure”
c’mon. He even looks a bit like Palpatine.
If you’re going to use pop culture references, on the internetz, make sure they have a whiff of accuracy.
- Newsclown - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:25 pm:
So, Rauner goes to the Chicago city council chamber and basically tells Rahm and 50 aldermen who have come up their long ladders “the Chicago way”…
and sez:
“You gots a very nice city, down over by dare… be a shame if sumptin’ was to… “happen”… to it…”
It was nice knowing you, Governor.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:27 pm:
“He’s firm in his beliefs and he tells you what he desires.”
And then he tells you something else. “I want the tax level to lower gradually over my first term” –> “The GA should let the tax hike expire right now.” “We need to cut this $26 million” –> “We can have this $26 million back, I guess.” And of course, “Unions aren’t on my agenda” –> “GET ‘EM!”
- Wensicia - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:28 pm:
Did Rauner suggest Chicago should secede from Illinois?
- CLJ - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:38 pm:
Did he stick around for the whole meeting to watch the kangaroo court in all its full glory? Sitting through a whole council meeting can drive a person to question their own sanity.
Burke is not Palpatine. He’s the guy that’s sitting a few rows away that gives a long boring history lesson no one listens too before Palpatine starts the meeting.
- DuPage - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:48 pm:
Another waste of time and energy that could have been used for productive work on Illinois problems.
- Harold's Left-wing Dinner - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 12:49 pm:
Meanwhile, at City Hall…
- Juice - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:01 pm:
Seriously, did he just go before the Chicago City Council to deliver the message to alderman that people downstate don’t care for you, and really nothing else? As a current Chicagoan and former downstater, the tone of the Governor’s address was completely and totally obnoxious, and this exercise was even more pointless than I thought it was going to be. (And there was a pretty low bar for that one.)
- Norseman - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:08 pm:
Will Chicago media ask him about deflated balls after his poorly received speech. After all as minority owner of the Steelers he may have a thought on the NFLs report.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:09 pm:
Juice, the point was to throw red meat to the Chicago haters. That’s generally a tactic of GOP mushrooms, not governors.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:27 pm:
It was a weak, prissy speech — and the Council let themselves be used as political pawns (in a game that had nothing to do with their own).
- Amalia - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:49 pm:
‘Ald. Burke functions as a sort of elder white haired Darth V. figure.’ “c’mon. He even looks a bit like Palpatine.” Chris
“Burke is not Palpatine. He’s the guy that’s sitting a few rows away that gives a long boring history lesson no one listens too before Palpatine starts the meeting.” CLJ
Chris and CLJ would have such an interesting time interacting with Alderman and Committeeman Burke!
- Juice - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:49 pm:
Word, I know that. I was at least hoping he would go into the lion’s den and say “If we have a ******’ problem, then you will get nothing and like it” and at least attempt to scare the alderman and score points. Instead, he just repeated some Adam Brown tea party talking point and half-truths about everybody hating Chicago. Again, just pointless. At least when Rod skipped out of town when the GA was voting on his agenda, he had the good sense to got to a hockey game instead of this clown show.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 2:16 pm:
Reminds me a bit of Dana Carvey’s impression of George H.W. Bush:
“Not happenin’. Not gonna let it happen. Not gonna.”
- Buzzie - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 3:05 pm:
The Chicago Public School system will not go into bankruptcy. A visitor to the gentrified neighborhoods of the city will see sidewalks full of strollers and parks populated by large numbers of young children. These are areas of great political importance to the mayor. If CPS goes bankrupt Rahm will have to face a
political hurricane which will, if not destroy him, make his next four years a total nightmare.
- Johnny Jutice - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 3:08 pm:
Makes no sense for him to talk to the outgoing City Council. Why didn’t he wait a couple days till the new Council, that actually has the power to do something, was sworn in? Shows this was not an attempt at getting anything accomplished other than a media hit.
- Carhartt Representative - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 3:18 pm:
=The Chicago Public School system will not go into bankruptcy. A visitor to the gentrified neighborhoods of the city will see sidewalks full of strollers and parks populated by large numbers of young children. These are areas of great political importance to the mayor. If CPS goes bankrupt Rahm will have to face a
political hurricane which will, if not destroy him, make his next four years a total nightmare.=
I doubt CPS will go bankrupt. That’s a lot of scrutiny of the books that the School Board doesn’t want–AUSL is just as big a conflict as SUPES only more $$ involved. Also, some of Rahm’s investor buddies could be really hurt.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 3:43 pm:
Wow, - Bluefish -, I made it into a song lyric. Cool.
To the Post,
The speech was 14 minutes. Hopefully there’s a sound bite or two for the media that keeps this fiasco from being a total loss(?)
- Wensicia - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 4:26 pm:
Is this what’s called a hostile takeover in business? “Give in or I’ll make sure you’ll fail.”
- Anon - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 6:34 pm:
So if the land south of I-80 were a separate state last year, PQ would still be governor of North Illinois or whatever it would be called and BVR would have the south. Maybe that’s what he means by making it easier for himself.
- Soccermom - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 6:45 pm:
Oh Team Sleep — you remind me of one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. It was one of my first days of working in the Governor’s office, and I came in with what seemed like a really smart policy idea.
“There’s just one problem,” I added, remembering my years in civics class. “This will require a change in statute. Can we do that?”
And everyone in the room turned to look at me with a mixture of pity and contempt. “Yeah,” one of them said. “Yeah, we can do that.”
(go ahead and google “floor leader.” You’ll find it very helpful.)