*** UPDATED x2 *** Today’s numbers: 25-44
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From a reader…
Hi, Rich
I saw you’ve had some comments asking if anyone has a tally for the population of the different counties and municipalities that have voted on the Turnaround Agenda… I have been keeping tabs on that.
In my counts, I keep separate columns for tabled and not brought to table, but I calculate them both as tabled. When it comes to the agree/disagree, since the original question is do the local governments agree with the resolution as worded (since changing the wording of the resolution does nothing to change the other 38 pages that they’re actually endorsing), when I figure my percentages, rewrites are added to the “not agree” numbers.
As of this morning, the numbers look like this.
Cities/Townships: (30 that I can find)
POP total yes: 242,608
POP total no: 3,101,085
POP total tabled: 306,908
POP total rewrite: 98,716
POP voted: 3,749,317
% of vote agree: 6.5%
% of vote not agree: 93.5%
Counties: (11 of 102)
POP total yes: 393,740
POP total no: 5,241,000
POP total tabled: 1,041,973
POP total rewrite: 290,666
POP voted: 6,967,379
% of vote agree: 6%
% of vote not agree: 94%
* Municipal entity totals…
Yes: 21
Rewrite: 3
No: 18
Tabled: 9
Won’t vote: 2
Yes: 4
Rewrite: 1
No: 1
Tabled: 4
Won’t vote: 6
So, that’s 25 municipal bodies which have backed the governor and 44 which have either opposed him, rewritten his resolution, delayed a vote (almost always under public pressure) or have refused to vote one way or another.
*** UPDATE 1 *** The reader updated her spreadsheet to reflect the actions I posted earlier today. Numbers in this post have been changed to reflect the updated list Her new spreadsheet is here.
*** UPDATE 2 *** From a labor leader…
The number we use is only 21 municipals out of 1,300. A batting avg of .01%. Which is just a little better than the Cubs World Series Batting Avg for the past 108 years.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:27 pm:
My first thought was that this is the local resolutions’ version of the “Century Club”.
- Johnny Pyle Driver - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:27 pm:
Aside from Rich, where are folks able to find the full list of these disparate towns and counties? I’m left to google Rauner turnaround agenda daily, but I wish there was a way to keep track on my own
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:29 pm:
JPD, I’m depending on the governor’s office, the IL AFL-CIO Facebook page, and the IFT home page for my info because local media is simply not covering this topic all that much.
- Johnny Pyle Driver - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:33 pm:
Thanks Rich, it’s astounding to me that every day there is another article about the vote in some corner of the state, but nary a peep about how that vote fits in the larger context of the whole state. “Governor Rauner’s effort suffered another setback today.” “Governor Rauner’s Turnaround Agenda finally found a receptive audience today.”
- Come on man! - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:37 pm:
This reminds me, but does not carry the same gravity, as Bush’s coalition of the willing.
Where are the North Shore Municipalities?
- Neglected stepchild - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:39 pm:
Thank you for that accurate count of the gutless among us.
- Turn that Raun Upside Down - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:40 pm:
@Johnny Pyle Driver
I was thinking that too, and I figured that either a)newspapers editors consider this too convoluted for their readership, or b)there’s enough cantankerous republicans around the state that would threaten to “cancel my subscription” if there was suddenly a broad scoped criticism of King Rauner’s holy edicts.
- Kathryn - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:40 pm:
last night city council of Litchfield voted against the turn around agenda - again. there were rumors that a reversal vote, to support the turn around agenda was going to happen but it didn’t. Voted down again.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:41 pm:
===Thank you for that accurate count of the gutless among us.===
“Thank you for that accurate count of the Rauner sheep among us.”
Better, lol
- Reality Check - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:43 pm:
This doesn’t include Grundy County (no vote, pop. 50k) and Ottawa (passed pro-worker resolution, 18k).
- Johnny Pyle Driver - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:43 pm:
it’s all good tho. Keeps me coming back for more Rich, which I’m sure Dynegy and the Credit Unions appreciate!
- Humbug - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:44 pm:
Neglected stepchild-
Who are the gutless ones here? The local officials who succumb to Rauner’s extortion of their funding and support reforms that hurt workers?
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:45 pm:
– local media simply not covering this topic all that much.–
Yet another example of the grassroots interest in the governor’s “agenda.”
Hard to see a point to any of this except the governor’s desire for personal, national publicity as a union-buster.
But it’s been done already. Scott Walker is the Elvis to those who dig that message. The best Rauner can hope to be is Conway Twitty.
And it’s onnnnnllllyyyyy maaakkkkeee be-lievvvvvveeeeeee!
Beats workin’, I’m a-guessin’.
- Humbug - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:46 pm:
Almost right. Litchfield originally supported Rauner’s agenda, but then they voted to rescind that support last night. I guess the sheen from their call from Uncle Brucie wore off, they read some statistics and came to their senses.
- bored now - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:49 pm:
i wonder how many of those who have voted against his agenda live in counties that supported the governor’s election…
- WI Refugee - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:49 pm:
It’s a shame too. Rauner could have been the charismatic, well-educated version of that lugubrious dullard Scott Walker. Alas, Rauner overplayed his hand (Carhartt, dropping g’s) and proved to be more ideologue than educated reformer.
Oh well, at least he can say he was governor of Illinois for 4 years.
- Hullaballo - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:52 pm:
Bored Now-
I heard this line at the Kane County meeting (my home county, my dad is a retired Teamster). Who cares if the county went for Rauner, if only 35% of voters showed up?
Further, if Rauner would have, ya know, actually run on these policies than maybe he could claim popular support. He didn’t and now that people know what he has in mind his approval ratings are lower than Nixon circa ‘75.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:52 pm:
- bored now -
That’s macro versus micro politics.
Only one seat flipped when Rsuner won in November…
One of the wounds making this exercise futile is the idea tgat macro will drive micro.
Rarely, if ever, does.
- Juvenal - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:53 pm:
If this were a prize fight, the referee would have stopped it already.
- Skeptic - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 1:55 pm:
” b)there’s enough cantankerous republicans around the state that would threaten to “cancel my subscription”” Or leaning toward the tin-foil, all those newspaper editors who endorsed Rauner in the election don’t want to risk looking silly.
- Anonymiss - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 2:07 pm:
25-44 are interesting numbers, but more interesting: 94% of the population represented doesn’t support Rauner’s agenda.
- illini - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 2:18 pm:
I live in a county of about 15,000 and a village of 550 ( probably 80% Republican ). Can’t wait to see if this question is brought up locally - will let you know.
- Anon - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 2:26 pm:
So, it seems that Rauner truly is a .01%er…
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 2:27 pm:
word shows again why that ’shoe carries his handle.
Conway Twitty, indeed. Sir, your table is waiting.
- Truthteller - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 3:00 pm:
These votes are a reminder that it wasn’t a Rauner victory. It was a rejection of Pat Quinn. Someone ought to tell the Governor he has no clothes
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 3:07 pm:
The rumblings I’ve heard in Tazewell, Peoria and Woodford Counties suggest no one’s going to introduce a Turnaround Agenda resolution until the LGDF cuts aren’t hanging over their heads. LOL
- Anonin' - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 5:06 pm:
this continues to be an enormous waste of taxpayer paid staff time and resources. It is a solid indicator that BVR is a very wasteful official— no way dodge it.
The IML is keeping a list
- Anon - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 5:59 pm:
^^. Yes, I’d like to see the bill after he finally gives up.
- Dan Bureaucrat - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:18 pm:
Agree with AA. Wordslinger has been in top form.
- Property of IDOC - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:27 pm:
“All those newspaper editors don’ t want to risk looking silly” or, apparently, accurate.
- Property of IDOC - Wednesday, May 6, 15 @ 10:27 pm:
“All those newspaper editors don’ t want to risk looking silly” or, apparently, accurate.
- MurMan - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 1:54 pm:
Love this post. Great job even before the dig at the Cubs. That’s just gravy