Giving back to its members – A Credit Union Difference
Thursday, May 7, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] As financial cooperatives, credit unions function as economic democracies. Because of their cooperative structure, earnings are returned to members in the form of lower loan rates, higher interest on deposits, and lower fees. When credit unions – both large and small — exceed expectations, their members share even more in those benefits. Hershey Robinson, $2.8 million, 500-member employee-based credit union, is one of many that provide extra value. Most recently, the credit union delivered more than $12,000 in gift cards to members as an International Credit Union Week “Thank You”. This was a first-of-its-kind giveaway for this credit union and very well-received by its members – as well as its volunteer board of directors which unanimously approved the initiative. In Illinois, by most recent estimates credit unions annually provide nearly $205 million in direct financial benefits to almost three million members. Credit unions like Hershey Robinson ECU exemplify how these crucial institutions play a vital role in delivering that value. Credit unions remain true to one principle - people before profits - and represent a highly valued resource by consumers.