Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - Rauner responds *** Madigan Schedules Vote on Rauner’s “Right to Work” Proposal
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*** UPDATED x3 - Rauner responds *** Madigan Schedules Vote on Rauner’s “Right to Work” Proposal

Thursday, May 7, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

House Speaker Michael J. Madigan announced Thursday that he will schedule a vote on Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposal that would hurt the ability of workers to have an outside party advocate on their behalf. Madigan is urging the governor to file formal legislative language for his measure.

“Taxpayers and their elected representatives need to see the details of Governor Rauner’s plan so they can decide how it will impact Illinois’ middle-class families,” Madigan said. “The financial security of middle-class families and others struggling to make ends meet will be affected by his proposal. We owe it to them to make sure the governor’s idea gets a full hearing.”

Madigan will schedule a House floor vote on the governor’s proposal for Thursday, May 14. Rauner first spoke about his proposal as governor in Decatur on Jan. 27 – 100 days ago. With 24 scheduled days left in the Legislature’s spring session, Madigan encouraged the governor to introduce legislative language for the plan he has campaigned for at stops across the state.

“The governor’s proposal will have a significant impact on middle-class families across Illinois,” Madigan said. “By putting the governor’s proposal to a vote, legislators will have the opportunity to ensure the voices of the middle-class families in their districts are heard.”

*** UPDATE 1 *** Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan…

“The governor has spent a lot of time and effort attempting to sell right to work in Illinois. The facts are clear and undisputed. Right to work undercuts wages and benefits for all workers. If Gov. Rauner truly believes economic development is achieved by pushing even more people out of the middle class, then it’s time to have a vote on it.

“We urge state representatives to oppose this anti-middle class measure. Then Rauner can, hopefully, move on to acting like a leader and seeking real solutions to our most pressing problems.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** IFT…

Following news that Speaker Madigan has scheduled a vote on Governor Rauner’s so-called “right-to-work” proposal, the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) released the following statement:

    “We urge the legislature to follow the lead of the 95% of citizens, represented through their city councils and county boards, who have already rejected Governor Rauner’s misguided proposal,” said Dan Montgomery, President of the Illinois Federation of Teachers. “The Governor’s push for these so-called reforms don’t make a dime of difference to the state’s fiscal challenges, and holding the budget hostage unless the legislature agrees to injure ordinary families is revolting.

    The Governor’s roadshow has been an irresponsible distraction from our state’s real challenges. We hope putting this up for a vote will demonstrate, once and for all, that the overwhelming majority of Illinoisans want Governor Rauner to stop campaigning, and start governing.

    In the meantime, we are going to continue doing what we have always done – standing up for working families who don’t have billions of dollars to make their voice heard, or corporate tax loopholes that excuse them from paying their fair share.”

Numerous studies have shown that so-called “right-to-work” laws drive down wages and increase inequality for all workers, not just those represented by a union.

*** UPDATE 3 *** From Lance Trover at the governor’s office…

The administration continues to negotiate in good faith over the governor’s turnaround agenda and will remain at the table as long as it takes.

If House Democrats want to walk away from the negotiating table and vote on a proposal before there is bipartisan agreement that the material is ready to be introduced in committee, then they should start with a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on legislators.


  1. - Aldyth - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:52 pm:

    When this goes down, how big do the flames have to be before the sprinkler system goes off in the capitol building?

  2. - I'm New Here - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    Here. we. go.

  3. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    I’m guessing 0 Yes votes, what’s the over/under for “No” and “Present”?

  4. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:54 pm:

    No, I’m wrong, it won’t be 0.

  5. - Kippax Blue - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:54 pm:

    In anticipation of the House receiving the governor’s proposal, Speaker Madigan invokes the spirit of Judge Smails, “Well, we’re waiting”…

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:55 pm:

    “House Rauners”, here is one of those 8 votes, or $&@#% problems will begin.”

    Rauner overplayed his hand. He double-crossed MJM, the Speaker thought he had a deal, this is what happens to the HGOP.

    Collateral Damage.

    Make sure you’re “green” HGOP. What choice do you have(?)

  7. - How Ironic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:58 pm:

    I have a feeling that Rauner is going to have an ‘up’ day shortly.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:59 pm:

    The “number” right out of the box is over/under 42 “green”…

    We’ll see how far the number moves till it’s called…

  9. - Norseman - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 2:59 pm:

    Something(s) got the Speaker riled up. Perhaps he’s sick of the gov professing that he wants to play nice and then turns around and talks smack.

  10. - Reformed Public Servant - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    Check Mate. MJM wins!

  11. - Reformed Optimist - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    Governor Rauner likes to say that he never loses. He fails to comprehend that he has never played in any game that wasn’t rigged in his favor. He is about to find out what happens when the playing field isn’t tilted in his direction.

  12. - walker - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:03 pm:

    Rauner has said that any revenue discussions will depend on this and other “Turnaround Agenda” bills being passed.

    Hard to pass a bill Rauner won’t produce.

    Maybe this will at last cause Rauner to say what must be decided by month’s end, and agree that other things will be dealt with later.

    Wish we knew whether he really would prefer to deal, or prefer to blow things up for a while.

  13. - Buzzie - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:03 pm:

    Springfield version of the “Hunger Games” begins.

  14. - Politix - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:04 pm:

    Aha. Christmas comin’ early this year!

  15. - Jack Stephens - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:04 pm:

    I thought I was free to sell my labor at whatever price I could extract. But guess I was wrong. But when I FINALLY get a “Right to Work” I can do that.

  16. - CLJ - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:07 pm:

    I admit that I haven’t been down to Springfield at all this session, but I get the impression that the Speaker is having a bit more fun this year than he’s had in the past ten.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:07 pm:

    “Never call a bill for a vote unless the result is what you desire.”

    True when I heard it the first time. True this time too.

  18. - Big Joe - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:10 pm:

    Madigan’s version of the Tony Montana line, “You #@&% with me, you #@&% with the BEST!!

  19. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    Anybody heard from Vegas this afternoon?

  20. - Mama - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    Holy cow! I was expecting fire-works in July - not May.

  21. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:13 pm:

    Ok I’m new here, are “greens” = to “present” votes?

  22. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:13 pm:

    Green is Yes

  23. - dupage dan - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:13 pm:

    Y’all have this wrong. Rauner is a new kind of politician. We haven’t seen his kind before in Illinois. He doesn’t do things the accepted way. He wouldn’t succeed if he did - he may as well become a democrat and kow tow to MJM if he had any hope.

    So, he has to do it in an unconventional manner. One that keeps the power structure off balance. One that puts asymmetric pressure on the majority. At least, that’s what Rauner told us, anyway.

    I wish he actually did that stuff. Sure would be more interesting to watch, and possibly more effective, than this posturing.

  24. - Darnell McAllister - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    Who’s doing the pool on the number of Republican NV’s?

  25. - Casual Observer - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    I hope the Governor and his staff are working on plan B. Tick Tock…

  26. - BlameBruceRauner - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    You poke the bear enough times the bear will attack. Rauner started the fight, now the Speaker will end it. Maybe this will be the straw that finally makes Rauner understand its not going to be all is way.

  27. - chi - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:16 pm:


    I’ll take the under on 42 greens. We may have 0 greens and all GOP’s voting “present” like yesterday.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:17 pm:

    I don’t want to be a pessimist, but I think it’s looking like the legislative agenda of the Governor’s Office is imploding.

  29. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    “the legislative agenda of the Governor’s Office is imploding” At least the Hindenberg made it all the way to New York.

  30. - Nick Danger - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    Well at least MJM gave the HR’s some warning…. or is this just time to stew?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    - chi -,

    Remember, some GOPers would like that agenda, maybe not at 42, and the “number” is reflecting the $20 million and 6 “mandatory votes” edict…

  32. - hmmm - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    Bruce Blagojevich won’t produce any bill language, so there won’t be a vote. He’ll continue travelin and givin speeches that are meaningless.

  33. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===now the Speaker will end it===

    If you think Rauner is gonna stop talking about this, you’re nuts. This ain’t ending. It’s a step or two in the dance.

  34. - MrJM - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:22 pm:

    “We’ve got to stick with our Governor” — House Minority Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs)

    Guess we’ll see about that.

    – MrJM

  35. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    Come on Gov. Extortion, put it up to the vote already and start working on the budget instead of bashing people who disagree with you.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:25 pm:

    I could see one scenario being;

    Rauner puts up the language, requires the vote, loses 71-41-5, and Rauner, the “Republican” make it a partisan rallying cry, after dusting off his GOP Carhartt.

    Are the Mushrooms going to give in to the $20 million threat for this vote?


  37. - BlameBruceRauner - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:27 pm:

    Its definitely a bit of wishful thinking that the Speakers move will end the RTW barn dance, but its a cannonball to the ships hull. The RTW ship may not sink, but its going to take on some major water when nobody votes yes this thing.

  38. - Jack Stephens - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    Bruce will play his card during union negotiations this summer.

  39. - General Aubrey - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    “Whats that Governor? Not enough rope? Tell you what, just say when.”

  40. - Juvenal - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:33 pm:

    This move is not designed to put pressure on Rauner.

    This puts pressure on Durkin.

    For students of Sun Tzu, that tells you much.

  41. - Tibicen - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:34 pm:

    FYI Skeptic - the Hindenburg crashed and burned in New Jersey.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:34 pm:

    Ok, I did some calculatin’

    If the Dems are corrupt, and 1/3 of the HGOP is also corrupt…

    If I carry the 5, then the decimal…move that…

    It should be 32-86, voting it down.

    Of course I’m working with the most Dopey and ridiculous premise ever uttered by a winning Gubernatorial candidate in the history of… ever, but the math part was fun.

  43. - 1 term gov - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:34 pm:

    Can’t wait to see where our “friends” in the House and Senate stand on this issue.

  44. - Old Elephant - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    I used to respect the Speaker. But all this lately is just pointless.

    Neither Rauner nor the House GOP will take the bait. None of this will matter in the next election.

    The Speaker needs to get serious and pass the workers comp reforms that his own daughter endorsed and then let’s get on to the real negotiations.

  45. - The Captain - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    For the love of all that is good and wonderful I really hope Greg Goldner dresses up like the Monopoly guy and walks around the Capitol on Thursday.

  46. - chi - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    The only people hurt by this vote will be union-friendly GOP’ers. They’re the only people put in a spot, and it’s all Rauner’s fault. They’re the only ones who will gain an enemy next week no matter which way they vote. Thanks Bruce!

  47. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    chi nailed it.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    - chi -, it’s called leverage… backfiring.

    We let a stranger in our house.

  49. - 1 term gov - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:41 pm:

    Cullerton- call the vote!

  50. - permanent partial disability - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:41 pm:

    So if there is no language, there will still be a vote? Strange days indeed in Illinois politics these days!

  51. - MrJM - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:45 pm:

    “We let a stranger in our house.”

    And let him share a bedroom with your daughter.

    – MrJM

  52. - Norseman - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:47 pm:

    Logistically, where did this proposal come from? We know that Rauner hasn’t had a bill/amendment introduced. So is this going to be an amendment based on a draft submitted to the super-secret working group or Madigan’s staff interpretation of Rauner pronouncements/papers?

  53. - Wensicia - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:47 pm:

    Madigan: “Let’s dance, put on your red shoes and dance the blues.”

  54. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:47 pm:

    New York, New Jersey…they’re all the same east of I-57.

  55. - Harry - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    Without going near all the “inside baseball” stuff, it’s ridiculous that Rauner has been tying everyone up in knots since January and never produced a bill. Or even made an argument in favor of RTW, beyond that he likes it. If he wants it, he should make a real case for it, and by “it” I mean a bill with all the specifics.

    If he’s not ready to do that, he should shut up about it and start dealing with the immediate problems.

  56. - Liberty - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    Madigan’s show is much better than Rauner’s and with the right audience.

  57. - The Dude Abides - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    It will be interesting to see if the few Union friendly members of the GOP will vote their conscience or cower to the Governor and his $20 million.

  58. - foster brooks - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    Rauner is going to get schooled by Madigan.

  59. - Salty - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    I imagine if they don’t have language from the Governor’s Office, they will vote on a resolution of some sort. Probably with language lifted from the model resolution the Governor’s Office drafted.

  60. - relocated - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:55 pm:

    The Govs got this agenda, and deadlines are coming. Its time for him to reveal the bills. Obviously they can be amended as part of a deal but its time for hi to put the framework out there.

  61. - D.P.Gumby - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:56 pm:

    Brucie is like Big Jule in Guys and Dolls when he takes out his dice to play craps w/ Sky. When Sky notes the dice have no spots, Big Jule says, “Don’t worry, I remember where the spots used to be.” Brucie does need to introduce a bill, he remembers where his bill used to be, so the House can just vote on that. Unlike Big Jule, Brucie won’t win w/ that strategy…in this case the Speaker gets to count the spots!

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 3:58 pm:

    It ain’t gonna be no resolution.

    It’s gonna be a Bill, designed to inflict pain to the collateral damage Rauner really has little use for; the ILGOP GA.

    - MrJM -, I don’t think you are off…

  63. - AC - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:00 pm:

    Agree with chi, for labor friendly Republicans it’s like a medical form of punishment, where you get to choose the method of meeting your political end. Rauner’s millions or your constituents. Either way, the result is the same, the death of the big tent, but generally moderate, Illinois Republican Party.

  64. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:02 pm:

    I wouldn’t count on Rauner producing a bill by May 14. I wouldn’t count on him producing a bill on this subject at all. What’s the point? What has ever been the point?

    We’re told by Schrimpf that if the governor doesn’t get his way, he’s prepared to roll into FY16 and govern with current revenues.

    That would necessitate $6.2 billion in GRF cuts, including billions to K-12, the only area not touched in his original propsosal.

    That’s not a legislative strategy, it’s an absurd bluff. You think he wants to govern under those circumstances? You know, do his job?

    He couldn’t take the heat for $26 million in cuts. You think he’s going to stand up to $6 billion, maybe half of them to K-12?

    The trick now is going to be finding Rauner some face-saving outs.

    They won’t be easy, and they’ll require many GOP green lights, because they’ll be coming no sooner than June.

    Campaigning on allowing the income tax to roll back may have won Rauner the election, but it caused this dreadful mess.

  65. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    For union-friendly HGOPs, this is also their term limit vote.

  66. - facts are stubborn things - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    Specifics Governor big mouth, and then your ideas deserve a vote. campaigning and governing are two very different things. It is time for Gov. Rauner to begin to govern.

  67. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:09 pm:

    ===For union-friendly HGOPs, this is also their term limit vote.===

    So much for Rauner bringing more people together…

  68. - Demoralized - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:14 pm:

    I think the next step (or a step that is coming) will be for the Governor to find a municipality that is willing to pass a RTW ordinance and wait to be sued. He’ll bankroll their legal fees. If past practice is any indication he’ll do what he wants and make the courts tell him he can’t.

  69. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:15 pm:

    Doubt there will be any language from Rauner. And if there is a proposal from the D side, all GOP members will likely vote Present.
    Of course, they could resurrect Sandack’s language.
    Probably not a whole lot to read into this other than the Spring a session clock is ticking, and Madigan needs to get the show on the road.
    You may recall Rauner has said publicly that he has a plan and the leaders will tell him when to introduce it.
    Well, Madigan is saying “Now is the time.”

  70. - Anonymiss - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:16 pm:

    Phew, Lance’s Talking Point Machine is working. I was worried there.

  71. - Demoralized - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    Mr. Trover

    Your boss has been touting his “agenda” for months now. If you still can’t manage to write it down in a bill then maybe you shouldn’t be governing.

  72. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    No, no, no! No more! Not this time, Consigliere! No more meetin’s! No more discussions! No more Madigan tricks! You give ‘em one message - I want right-to-work. If not, it’s all-out war, we go to the mattresses.

  73. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    To the X3 Update,

    ===…then they should start with a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on legislators.===

    Voting for RTW for some GOP House members will solve that, Lance.

    However, that’s a really good retort.


    When your Co-Equal partner runs one of the Chambers, you might want to treat all your partners as Co-Equal.

    I give some props, this is probably the best Lance and Rauner could respond.

    Shouldn’t come to this in governin’, but I digress.

  74. - cover - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:24 pm:

    = they should start with a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on legislators =

    They might instead vote to impose a 1 term limit on Governors, applicable only to the term ending in 2019.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:25 pm:

    - 47th Ward -, lol, Sonny was a bad Don, rest his soul.

  76. - Corporate Thug - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:26 pm:

    Please with the good faith. When you sit down at a table and you say pass my bill (that has no language) or you get nothing, you’re not negotiating in good faith. You walked away from the “VEGAS” table last night after the house voted down YOUR budget proposals.

    Sorry for the caps..its aggravating..

  77. - Juice - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    Oooh, how about in honor of the UK elections today, the House takes up a constitutional amendment to move Illinois into a Parliamentary form of Government. Then the Speaker would no longer have to worry about working with Governors any more. If the Governor wants to run in the new constituency of Winnetka-on-Kenilworth, he can feel free.

  78. - Rich Miller - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    ===Sorry for the caps..its aggravating.. ===

    If you had referred to it as the HOLD working group, it would’ve been all good. lol

  79. - ClumsyTuna - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:29 pm:

    The mid-point of Vienna and Madigan’s 13th Ward is Springfield, +/- 5 miles or so. What’s missing is the common ground on most of the issues and as Chi stated the only losers so far are the southern, central Illinois GOPs. Since Jan. 12, the Governor’s office has chosen to threaten its own and until this week, at least appear cordial to the Madigan/Cullerton. That is all about come to an end, and the former Kirk Staffers are about to get schooled in the art of Springfield. Will the admin have enough sense to work with their legislative allies to get something done ore are we headed for 4 long months of agony.

  80. - Chicago Hack - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:31 pm:

    Stop the Planet of the Apes. I Want to Get Off!

  81. - Concerned - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:31 pm:

    I thought Rauner said the Turnaround Agenda was non-negotiable, a pre-condition to negotiating the cuts/revenue. Did I miss something?

  82. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:33 pm:

    Judging by Trover’s statement, the guvs peeps seems to be operating under the impression that they can get a right-to-work bill as part of a grand bargain on the budget.

    They think they have that kind of leverage?

    That’s. Strange.

    The guv and no one else will wear the jacket for $6.2 billion in cuts, all day long.

    They don’t know that?

  83. - XDNR - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:37 pm:

    Round 2 and another KO!

  84. - Norseman - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:41 pm:

    Oh, silly me. It’s clear, there will be no bill. So next Thursday will be like Madigan has done before ask the members to vote on a resolution.

  85. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:44 pm:

    Concerned: I thought the same thing, which makes the “in good faith” part all the more puzzling.

  86. - AC - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:44 pm:

    I’m used to word soup from the governor’s office, but not misspelled words or phrases. For example they misspelled “dictate the implementation of” as “negotiate in good faith over”. Either that, or they really intended to say “negotiate in good faith” which if sincere has me worried about the governor’s health.

  87. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:45 pm:

    Yesterday Rauner lost his shirt. Next Thursday, he’s going to lose his pants. At this rate, the only thing the emperor will have left to cover himself is a budget. And even that has a huge hole in it.

    So this is how you run government like a business? No wonder nobody has tried it before.

  88. - RNUG - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:46 pm:

    Re the Trover update …

    Sounds like Rauner is still using the structured bankruptcy model as his pattern for wanted legislation. Reading between the lines, he doesn’t want to introduce a bill and see it amended by people who don’t agree with him. He seems to want to cut a deal for what he wants, but that approach requires trust on both sides … something that is lacking here. And slipping his language into a shell and railroading it at the 11th hour requires cooperation far beyond anything Rauner can hope to achieve.

    Going to be a Long Hot Summer … I’m thinking most of the tracks from Glenn Frey’s Strange Weather album could be the soundtrack to this session.

  89. - Skeptic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:50 pm:

    AC: Damned autocorrect!

  90. - Politix - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:52 pm:

    The implication by Trover is that negotiation is actually in the words and I really don’t think that’s the case.

  91. - Politix - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:53 pm:

    Works! We need spell check in here.

  92. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:54 pm:

    Rauner says he’s “negotiating” but that his “turnaround agenda” MUST PASS. Since the centerpiece since day 1 has been RTW and other union crushers, it seems reasonable to have a vote on it to see where everyone is. I understand the gamesmanship here, but I also like the idea of actually seeing a bill and asking people to put their votes behind it (or not).

    Frankly, the term limits proposal is the hardest one to pass, the Republicans don’t want it any more than the Dems and the $20 million is no real threat because no matter how someone votes it effectively ends their career in the GA.

  93. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    - RNUG -,

    Trust seems to be the sub-plot here.

    We’ve seen this movie before when MJM starts running Bills like this.

    Maybe Rauner should call his friend Michael J. Madigan, you know, talk about this like Buds.

  94. - NW Illinois Dem - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    But, when you pull back a few thousand feet, Rauner’s call for term limits for legislators will boost him.

  95. - How Ironic - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 4:57 pm:

    After this vote, can Rauner please begin referring to his ‘Runaground Agenda’?

  96. - Juice - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:01 pm:

    The only point of the term limits amendment is so when this things blows up in the Governor’s face and none of his agenda gets passed, he can say it is because a bunch of no-good, deal making, self serving legislators wouldn’t pass term limits. Like communism, term limits are nothing but a red-herring. (hat tip Tim Curry)

  97. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:04 pm:

    Will union-friendly GOP’ers be able to live to see another term by voting present (”out of protest for the process by the Dems”)? Good enough for labor? Rauner?

  98. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:06 pm:

    Rauner looks like he has a self inflicted term limit

  99. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:07 pm:

    It’s hard to walk away from the table when the governor practices drive through leadership.

  100. - Arsenal - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:10 pm:

    I think the peril to union-friendly HGOPers is overstated, provided they side with the Governor. Remember, his money got him 40% of union households.

  101. - RayRay - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:12 pm:

    ALEC wrote the legislation years ago, it will be on the speaker’s desk first thing in the morning on the 14th. All they need to do is a text search and replace.

  102. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:14 pm:

    ===I think the peril to union-friendly HGOPers is overstated, provided they side with the Governor. Remember, his money got him 40% of union households.===

    - Arsenal -, with respect, did you read what you just typed?

    This is a RTW Bill. Do you think Unions are going to let their members forget “Rep. X” voted anti-Union?

    The premise of this exercise is to draw out pro and anti Union members when it comes to RTW.

    Rauner getting 40% before this vote on the 14th won’tean much after the vote on the 14th.

    With respect.

  103. - Anonin' - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:20 pm:

    Union friendly GOPies?
    Think they already rented replacements for those two.
    was LT tryin’ to be witty with the term limits line? Didn’t work.
    BTW the inducements being offered by the bargainers are a little iffy.

  104. - PolPal56 - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:21 pm:

    Union members didn`t so much vote for Rauner as against Quinn. I`d hardly count them as firm supporters of Rauner - or RTW.

  105. - Politix - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:32 pm:

    Is anyone FOR term limits besides the gov and his rich buddies? As a homeowner I know what I don’t want - a rookie legislator who doesn’t know anyone or anything.

  106. - Aldyth - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:44 pm:

    The most powerful man in Illinois is about to show the man who thinks he’s the most powerful man in Illinois how it’s done.

  107. - Anon III - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:46 pm:

    Let’s say Madigan is a baseball player, and let’s say the Gov. is a basketball player. Madigan wants to play baseball; he has the team and can win. So why should Rauner play baseball? The Gov. – a cager – can only lose on the diamond. He has a chance with the nets.

    So why should the Gov play Madigan’s game?

  108. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 5:48 pm:

    ===So why should the Gov play Madigan’s game?===

    Because the Governor needs a budget, and the Governor needs 30 and 60 votes for that budget and everything else for the next 17 months.

    Rauner needs to learn about Co-Equal governing.

    There’s only one game; governing. It’s up to Bruce to learn that… or not.

  109. - Archiesmom - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 6:03 pm:

    And wouldn’t it be even more interesting if the pension decision came down from the Illinois Supreme Court next Thursday?

  110. - Ex-Rutan-exempt - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 6:20 pm:

    This is great but he still has his RTW lawsuit going. Must be hoping to get it to SCOTUS before his one term is over.

  111. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 6:27 pm:

    Are Lance and Bruce too stupid to understand that unless you’re close to having the votes you can’t use an issue like this as a bargaining chip? They don’t even have all the GOP votes for this.

    These guys are clowns, just highly paid ones.

  112. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 6:58 pm:

    The Governor likely doesn’t want to show his cards yet. He’s trying to string the game out until after July 1, when he wants to provoke a strike and/or lay off employees, using the broken budget as the cause. At that point, my guess is he thinks he’ll have leverage to cut a better deal than if he plays ball with the Speaker now.

  113. - The Equalizer - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 6:58 pm:

    Interesting times. Rauner’s a scorched earth kind of guy and his billion isn’t going anywhere, so it’s not matter to him the fallout of his governin’. Curiouser and curiouser. And, as someone else pointed out, a LOT of union people didn’t vote for Rauner as much as against Quinn thanks to Quinn’s attack on AFSCME. So it goes…

  114. - Jack Stephens - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:03 pm:


    I agree. That’s the game plan.

  115. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:10 pm:

    AFSCME would be wise not to strike.

    I’m guessing they know that too. Rauner will have to lock them out, even if can or can’t.

    Unions are learning. Let Sonny Corleone blow up. He will. That’s how that will go.

  116. - Jack Stephens - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:23 pm:


    And I agree with you. That HAS to be the union response…..get locked out.

  117. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:26 pm:

    Rauner doesn’t understand leverage outside of just having more money than everyone else. That ain’t gonna work with the GA.

  118. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:41 pm:

    “AFSCME would be wise not to strike.”

    I agree. Union members are in negotiations for reasons that have nothing to do with gamesmanship. They’re negotiating for their and their members’ livelihoods and families, and of course for decent jobs. They need to keep focusing on what really matters, especially when their boss appears to want to destroy their union.

    Unions have to let Rauner make all the radical moves, like a lockout. They also have to build support among themselves and others sympathetic to them. Rauner chose to take on all unions. Unions should work on uniting with each other, since they are all targets.

  119. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:51 pm:

    The governor had had time to speak to every group on the state- he’s therefore had time to ‘negotiate’ . Quit blaming Madigan and start governing.

  120. - walker - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 7:58 pm:

    This one struck a nerve. Lance oratorically gave up on RTW and switched to term limits as the immediate demand. Overreaction. They knew they probably couldn’t get RTW this cycle but didn’t expect their bluff to be called so early.

  121. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:06 pm:

    - walker -

    Amateur mistake.

    Rauner doesn’t control the Chamber. You push and push, the other party controlling the Chamber them pushed back; because they can.

    It’s as though they are surprised in the way divided government works when one side oversteps.

    Can you hear it? “Can he do this?”

    Yep. Madigan can.

    Co-equal divided government actually working correctly. Can Rauner get the train back on the track?

  122. - Anon2U - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:13 pm:

    You confuse what Madigan does for governing. What he does is win seats. That’s not governing. Had he been actually governing all these years we wouldn’t be in the godawful financial mess we now find ourselves in. You challenge Rauner to govern now and rightfully so. Same can be said for MJM. Both need a smack to the back of the head from all the residents of Illinois.

  123. - PoliticalPro - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:17 pm:

    “Lance Trover at the governor’s office…

    The administration continues to negotiate in good faith over the governor’s turnaround agenda and will remain at the table as long as it takes.”

    Ummm, excuse me Lance, the Speaker is at the table right now. Apparently, Gov. Bruce Rauner still doesn’t understand that it takes 30 and 60 votes to pass a bill. Thankfully, Rauner still has time to “turnaround his agenda” and work with Democrats to make Illinois a better place for the middle class family.

    If Rauner wants to walk away from a vote, then 20 state representatives and 10 state senators, equally balanced from each party in each chamber, should come together and sign a notice of intent to recall the governor.

  124. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:26 pm:

    - PoliticalPro -,

    There will be no recall.

    Rauner hasn’t legally broken his oath, Rauner hasn’t broken the law, not under investigation…

    Rauner is awful at the politics.

    Elections have consequences. Rauner won. You may not like it, but there it is.

    I don’t think Rauner should be recalled, not at all, and it’s incredibly lazy and ignorant to what it means to govern versus not liking the politics at play.

    This isn’t dorm room.

  125. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:31 pm:


    Thompson, Edgar, Ryan, Blagojevich, Quinn, now Rauner.

    Madigan has had many partners, it’s not all on him.

    You want to blame both, good, I get that. Going “back”, yikes.

    Madigan is also teaching about how divided works. Don’t miss that fact. Rauner might be, but you don’t miss it.

  126. - foster brooks - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:31 pm:

    wow what have we turned into an banana republic?

  127. - foster brooks - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:38 pm:

    might have better success on the work comp reform

  128. - railrat - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:51 pm:

    Mr. Brooks investigate the progress of Collectively Bargained workers comp ! sheesh

  129. - AnonymousOne - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 9:02 pm:

    Agree that unions need to let Rauner force a lockout. He is provoking, provoking and wants reaction. He thrives on discord, apparently. Let him be the bully.

  130. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 9:17 pm:

    Or the legislature can strip collective bargaining from underneath the governor’s office. He complains about anybody who doesn’t see his way. Then he has to speak through people instead of saying it himself. I am concerned about my safety because of this man.

  131. - Langhorne - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 9:45 pm:

    “Negotiate in good faith??”

    See the legislative article. As OW says 30/60.

  132. - Makandadawg - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 9:57 pm:

    - Oswego Willy -

    - PoliticalPro -,

    -There will be no recall.-

    Yes, I agree. We are way to far away from anything like that. Those in Wisconsin learned the hard way that you may be able to get a recall election but then you will have to run somebody against BR who can win. Who would that be?

  133. - Jorge - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 10:18 pm:

    Heh. School won’t be out for summer anytime soon. Governor Carharrt is finally going to get dirt on that Carharrt.

  134. - Lynn S. - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 10:30 pm:

    Skeptic @ 3:47: New York and New Jersey are not the same; New Jersey smells worse.

  135. - Robert the 1st - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 11:34 pm:

    Willy & Grandson-
    To your points that AFSCME should avoid strikes and aggression: why would Rauner need to do a lockout or anything else? If he lays harsh contract terms and cuts to benefits what choice does the union have? Accept, or fight back? Honest question on my part…

  136. - jazzy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 11:45 pm:

    @Robert 1st
    contract negotiations can continue for months after July 1. His game plan mimics Maine 1991. as I say or I won’t sign a budget and I will close down the state

  137. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 12:08 am:

    ===Let’s say Madigan is a baseball player, and let’s say the Gov. is a basketball player. Madigan wants to play baseball; he has the team and can win. So why should Rauner play baseball? The Gov. – a cager – can only lose on the diamond. He has a chance with the nets.

    So why should the Gov play Madigan’s game?===

    Because he looks awfully stupid standing on the pitcher’s mound with that basketball.

  138. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 12:36 am:

    ==Rauner doesn’t understand leverage outside of just having more money than everyone else. That ain’t gonna work with the GA. ==

    Money will work, but only to a point. Each member does a cost-benefit analysis each time the Gov asks for a vote. At some point, the cost of taking that vote will outweigh Rauner’s $$$. On top of that, no one likes to be threatened. If pushed too far, a few of the Republicans will decide its no longer worth it to take a hard vote for the Gov.

    The bottom line is that Rauner has to be very careful about what he asks for; if a few Republicans decide to bail on him, more will follow.

  139. - Anonymous - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 1:01 am:

    It will be interesting to see if any of the GOP targets actually show up at the Capitol on the 14th? Maybe they take a walk?

  140. - Bored Chairman - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 3:49 am:

    Amusing to see the Madigan muppets on this site gush about how clever and all powerful he is. And Illinois got into the mess we are in how?

  141. - Rod - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 5:58 am:

    What the Speaker is doing is hardening his caucus by these votes, he is building a collective psychology to prepare for a potential government shutdown if it comes to that. The work groups have probably failed for the moment but could become relevant again as a vehicle to work out compromises. There are aspects of the turnaround plan that conservative Democrats have some sympathy for, like workman’s comp changes. So Rauner does not have to experience a full defeat on his agenda in order to reach a deal.

    The critical problem in working out a deal will be having Rauner and the Republicans agree to even the limited revenue increases contained in the Civic Federation report which is highly pragmatic and having liberal Democrats agree to extensive cuts to human services that would be triggered by the lower revenue figures contained in the Federation report or a variant of it. The Democrats will not call a vote for additional revenue unless there are a good number of Republican votes for it and reluctant agreement from Rauner. The Speaker and President Cullerton fully understand that Governor Rauner’s election was driven by opposition to a tax increase they are not going to get tagged with sole responsibility for such an increase that will be required even to implement the austerity plan proposed by the Civic Federation report. Conversely the Governor does not want to yield the anti tax high ground.

  142. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 6:47 am:

    - Robert the 1st -,

    It’s not what’s offered, it’s what’s agreed to.

    Rauner can try to be however he wants, but the goal gor both sides is an agreement, because good faith is needed by both sides.

    If not, AFSCME can’t strike, let Sonny get so angry, Sonny always gets angry. Rauner will shut down the state. He’s said so.

  143. - Wordslinger - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 7:15 am:

    Those advocating “recall” of any Illinois governor for any reasons might want to take a look at the requirements in Illinois.

    Virtually impossible, and the county signature requirements alone would no doubt prompt a one-person, one-vote challenge in federal court.

    Besides, Rauner’s personal fundraising network would swamp any such effort.

    The battle until the next election is in the General Assembly, where there is a realistic chance to stop Rauner’s reactionary agenda.

    Just hold Madigan and Cullerton accountable for doing so.

  144. - CharlieKratos - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 7:25 am:

    A cool $20 million isn’t going to do a lot for your election if Bruce has ruined your reputation with your constituents. On the other hand, if it’s shown that you’ll stand up for the working people you represent…

  145. - PublicServant - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 7:32 am:

    Are there no Republican Jack Franks that will buck their “leaders”, or are they all bought and paid for?

  146. - Carhartt Representative - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 7:50 am:

    The politician that Rauner most reminds me of personality wise is Sarah Palin. Sure, he doesn’t have that far right wing social agenda, but personality wise, I see real similarities. I wonder if we can be blessed by Bruce not finishing out his term either.

  147. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 7:51 am:

    ==A cool $20 million isn’t going to do a lot for your election if Bruce has ruined your reputation with your constituents. ==

    Absolutely true. It has value, but only to a point.

  148. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 7:59 am:

    Let’s all be very clear.

    According to Bruce Rauner, himself, that $20 million parked on his account is for discipline during session.

    How do I know? Rauner told all GOP GA members, “they don’t want a &@$#% problem.

    That’s discipline.

    Also, that $20 million isn’t controlled by Durkin, it isn’t controlled by Radogno, it’s controlled by Rauner. Why? Discipline.

    Bruce Rauner does not care for legislators. Rauner has said so. The Dem legislators ARE corrupt, 1/3 of GOP legislators ARE corrupt, so making them vote a certain way, even if they lose.

    Rauner. Doesn’t. Care.

    Not the way a leader of a party should be, but Rauner owns the ILGOP now, he doesn’t care what others think.

    “Do. What. I. Say.”

    That’s real.

  149. - Anonymous - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:04 am:

    Carhartt- he’s always reminded me more of Dan Walker.

  150. - AnonymousOne - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:08 am:

    Everyone (except him, buying everything/everyone he wants) is corrupt.

  151. - Carhartt Representative - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:11 am:

    =CCarhartt- he’s always reminded me more of Dan Walker.=

    I don’t really remember Walker. The first Governor I remember really is Thompson.

  152. - Jimmy the Jet - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:12 am:

    When are we all going to wake up !Billionaire Bruce could care less about a working man or woman in this state. He’s all about the new toy he just bought with his millions “The Governors Mansion” He has not an ounce of compassion or a clue of what working people go through each day to provide for their families. Four years can’t come quick enough for all of us!!!!!

  153. - poguemahone - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:19 am:

    How long does it take to copy/paste “Illinois” onto the same manufactured bill that every other state has used?
    I think it’s cute that Rauner is pretending someone actually has to write this stuff

  154. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:19 am:

    “If he lays harsh contract terms and cuts to benefits what choice does the union have? Accept, or fight back? Honest question on my part…”

    If Rauner’s terms are radical and meant to cripple unions, such as ending fair share fees, of course unions will resist these harsh terms. As long as the unions bargain in good faith, and Rauner continues down the path of trying to inflict mortal damage to them, in agreement with OW and others, let him risk making the wrong moves.

    I welcome the upcoming House Democratic repudiation of right to work. It will send a message that Illinois will not be a right to work state.

  155. - Jack Stephens - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 8:29 am:

    I’ve been on welfare my whole life. Looking forward to having a “Right to Work” as it’s prevented me from working. If it’s not in the Constitution it doesn’t exist. ;-)

  156. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 9:01 am:

    I’m surprised the Dems aren’t pointing out that Rauner insisted this be addressed before the budget, and that they HAD to put it to a vote because they’re running out of time, and the budget is the most important item. “We just want to get to work on the budget for the people of illinois.”

  157. - Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 9:11 am:

    Serious question: what is there to negotiate about right to work?

    It either is or it isn’t. Are they negotiating specific unions that would be impacted? And since Madigan suggested it was illegal, how do you negotiate in good faith about something potentially illegal? Are they talking statewide RTW?

  158. - Johnny Pyle Driver - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 9:21 am:

    they aren’t negotiatin’ RTW so much as RTW is a precondition to negotiatin’ the other stuff. “Give me RTW or the girl gets it!”

  159. - walker - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 9:22 am:

    Rod: You’re been making a lot of sense, from a rational point of view. Hope you are correct.

    Often, in the political world, things don’t work out that way. Your suggested route is to a middle ground solution. Rauner might choose to create a powerful public image for himself through no compromise, government crisis, and being the brave “Champion of Turnaround”.

  160. - Politix - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    Re: AFSCME contract. It’s pretty clear the gov wants to force a strike. He is dying for the big show, praying for it. He wants what Walker got in WI. It’s one of the few things he can’t buy. AFSCME should consider this when formulating its end game.

  161. - PoliticalPro - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    “Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 7, 15 @ 8:26 pm:

    - PoliticalPro -,

    There will be no recall.

    Rauner hasn’t legally broken his oath, Rauner hasn’t broken the law, not under investigation…”

    Perhaps if ol’ Willy read more and talked less he would know what he’s talking about. The fact is, Rauner doesn’t have to break his oath, the law, or be under investigation to be recalled.

    “Constitution of the State of Illinois


    (a) The recall of the Governor may be proposed by a petition signed by a number of electors equal in number to at least 15% of the total votes cast for Governor in the preceding gubernatorial election, with at least 100 signatures from each of at least 25 separate counties. A petition shall have been signed by the petitioning
    electors not more than 150 days after an affidavit has been filed with the State Board of Elections providing notice of intent to circulate a petition to recall the Governor. The affidavit may be filed no sooner than 6 months after the beginning of the Governor’s term of office. The affidavit shall have been signed by the proponent of the recall petition, at least 20 members of the House of Representatives, and at least 10 members
    of the Senate, with no more than half of the signatures of members of each chamber from the same established political party.”

    Clearly, Gov. Rauner can be recalled for any reason under the sun, but most of all simply because he is unable or unwilling to govern. And yes Willy, elections do matter, but so does the Illinois Constitution which provides clear path on how to rid the state of a governor with a 30% approval rating.

    Willy, feel free to skip back to your dorm room and read the entire Illinois Constitution, as spending your days writing on blogs is akin to writing on bathroom walls!

  162. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    - PoliticalPro -,

    You’re an amateur, lol.

    This will never happen.

    ===The affidavit may be filed no sooner than 6 months after the beginning of the Governor’s term of office. The affidavit shall have been signed by the proponent of the recall petition, at least 20 members of the House of Representatives, and at least 10 members
    of the Senate, with no more than half of the signatures of members of each chamber from the same established political party.”===

    Rauner owns the ILGOP GA.

    You are a Dope, and a rank amateur.

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