Medicaid - Know The Facts
Thursday, May 7, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Oppose $810 million in proposed FY 2016 hospital Medicaid cuts because:
• Hospitals did take a $27 million hit to address the FY2015 budget gap by paying an additional $27 million in assessments to the State – effectively the same as a cut.
• Hospitals are targeted for MORE THAN HALF – $810 million – of the Governor’s proposed overall Medicaid cut of $1.5 billion – even though they are only about ONE THIRD of the Medicaid budget.
• Drastic hospital cuts will mean:
o The loss of critical health care services like pediatrics, obstetrics, and mental health for everyone, not just Medicaid patients.
o Working families and businesses will have to pay more for health care.
o The loss of more than 12,800 jobs and $1.8 billion in economic activity statewide.
• $1 billion in Illinois hospital Medicaid cuts have been imposed since 2011.
• $1.9 billion in Illinois hospital Medicare cuts have been imposed since 2010.
• As a result, 40% of hospitals across Illinois are operating in the red.
Cutting Medicaid in the FY2016 budget is shortsighted and will result in real harm to people and communities.
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