*** UPDATED x1 *** This just in…
Friday, May 8, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
[Password protection removed and comments opened because the press release was finally issued.]
* House Speaker Michael Madigan has scheduled yet another committee of the whole for next Tuesday…
I have a call in to the Speaker’s office about the topic. Watch this post for updates.
Also, keep coming back to the blog today. Some big news is about to hit.
…Adding… I’m hearing the committee of the whole topic is tort reform. Still waiting on a call back.
*** UPDATE *** Press release…
Madigan Asks Full House to Discuss Illinois’ Civil Justice System
CHICAGO – House Speaker Michael J. Madigan on Friday announced the Illinois House will convene in a committee of the whole at noon Tuesday to discuss Illinois’ civil justice system and the protections it provides to victims and their families when killed or injured in accidents caused by severe negligence.
“Our justice system is often the last chance for victims and their families after their lives were torn apart by acts of carelessness,” Madigan said. “Even those who have never set foot in a courtroom are protected by our system because it allows any person to expose shoddy products and reckless actions that make our state less safe.”
As part of a discussion on Illinois’ civil justice system, the committee of the whole will hear from victims of medical malpractice and the family members of individuals killed in accidents or injured by dangerous products.
“When Illinois victims’ protections are discussed, unfortunately the bottom line sometimes is considered more important than what is fair and right. Special interests spend millions in attempts to change our court system to work against regular citizens. But too often it is our neighbors and co-workers – middle-class families – who need the court’s protections the most,” Madigan explained. “We must listen to the victims, their families and others who have seen firsthand how a strong civil justice system provides an avenue for their voices to be heard and fairness to prevail, and how a weak civil justice system leaves victims and their families traumatized several times over.”
Like the committee of the whole convened this week to discuss assistance for injured workers, Madigan cited the importance of the issue and the need for input from all House members as discussions on changes to the civil justice system continue.
- Wordslinger - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:15 am:
Nothing wrong with a good chin-wag. Beats closed-door working groups.
- Johnny Pyle Driver - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:19 am:
Rich, you tease!
- Anonymous - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:21 am:
Think Rauner will get the hint on leverage during this one?
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:22 am:
Of course not a word about how the high legal costs make our businesses not competitive and lead to higher unemployment for middle class families.
Wanna bet the witnesses will include very few businesses?
- Pese - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:23 am:
More theater. At least the Working Groups are bi-partisan and working towards trying to come up with solutions.
This theater is not trying to find solutions and is a partisan weapon.
- Give Me A Break - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:26 am:
Now if we could just get some vendors hawking dogs and suds in the gallery, we could all settle in for another day of entertaining debate and thoughtful discussion.
- Anonymous - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:26 am:
Pese, spare me the indignation. Rauner’s big idea thus far is to push local Gov’s across the state to pass non-binding referendums supporting his “Turnaround Agenda”.
And it’s failing miserably.
Theater indeed.
- out of touch - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:29 am:
“the working groups are bi-partisan”
The working groups are excluding the general assemble, save for a few members. They are widely reported to be “take it or leave it” discussions. What’s wrong with the general assembly hearing (I’m pretty sure that BOTH sides get to hear and ask all of the questions they choose) the topic that the governor is touting from his pulpit? He’s free to file his bills any time. The fact the legislature wants to play an active role should be no surprise. The fact that the legislature doesn’t capitulate no negotiating solely on Rauner’s terms should not be a surprise, either.
- Wordslinger - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:31 am:
– at least the Working Groups are bi-partisan and working trying to come up with solutions–
LOL, I’m pretty sure the House is bipartisan. God forbid elected representatives discuss issues openly and publicly In the legislature.
Quite a contempt for American democracy you have there, commisar.
- PoliticalPro - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:33 am:
School has been convened Mr. Rauner. Thankfully the Illinois Speaker and Senate President are willing to teach Bruce about governing.
Legislatively speaking Bruce Rauner is as green as grass!
- Norseman - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:43 am:
At least this provides some “public” discussion of the issues Rauner is ranting about.
However, this is still about sending a message. Call a leaders meeting Sonny and start engaging in the process.
- Anon. - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:52 am:
==Quite a contempt for American democracy you have there, commisar.==
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others. - Churchill
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:58 am:
The constitution protects the pensions as everyone expected. It does not protect pay raises or mean that salaries cannot be reduced (Chicago teachers) and health insurance co pays can be increased.
All parties- taxpayers, employees and businesses will share in the pain to fix the budget mess
- OneMan - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 11:04 am:
Lets all enjoy some “Isn’t the trial bar great”, at least it isn’t on Monday when I am going down with some 8th graders…
- hold on - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 11:04 am:
“severe negligence.”
- walker - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 11:10 am:
It makes sense, only if these public shows are the way that Madigan is moving the other side off of hard and fast negotiating positions.
Behind closed doors: “Must have Right to Work or no revenue discussion.” — OK Let’s bring your position out into the open and vote on it. Then we can talk seriously.
It might be an unbalanced presentation, but both sides are using the levers they have.
- Empty Suit - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 11:37 am:
Keep those hamsters runnin on that wheel Speaker
- zonz - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 1:28 pm:
These *committee of the whole* announcements are indeed a message to Raunerites:
“Yo BRU-CREW, more to come”
- Norseman - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 10:43 am:
At least this provides some “public” discussion of the issues Rauner is ranting about.
However, this is still about sending a message. Call a leaders meeting Sonny and start engaging in the process.
- Ghost - Friday, May 8, 15 @ 2:56 pm:
Has a committee of the whole ever produced some legislation of note