Medicaid – Know the Facts Part 2
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Oppose $810 million in proposed FY 2016 hospital Medicaid cuts because:
· The Civic Federation opposes “budgeting for other unrealistic savings,” including the Governor’s proposal to reduce Medicaid funding to hospitals by $400 million under the Hospital Assessment Program – the largest single proposed Medicaid reduction. Under the program, hospitals pay assessments to the State to draw down federal Medicaid matching funds. · The Civic Federation is concerned that the Governor’s proposal to eliminate fees [$60 million] for new Medicaid managed care entities [provider-sponsored Accountable Care Entities and Care Coordination Entities] and require them to accept fully capitated rates “could disrupt the State’s overdue transition to managed care.” This proposal “has the potential to disrupt medical care for approximately 485,000 recipients if their managed care entity does not agree to full capitation and must disband.” Cutting Medicaid in the FY2016 budget is shortsighted and will result in real harm to people and communities. For more information, go to