Janette Weatherall
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the IEA…
I’ve known Janette since I started in this business. She was a sweet, kind and inspirational person. She was also a very hard worker and an inspired hire by the IEA. The union was primarily suburban and Downstate focused and had few African-American allies. Janette, who is black, helped build the IEA into the force it is today. Janette had cancer, beat it, and was enjoying the good life in retirement when the cancer came back. “My heart hurts,” Sen. Toi Hutchinson told me after I informed her of Janette’s passing yesterday. Mine does too.
- Corporate Thug - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 3:07 pm:
I didn’t know Janette personally, but knew her professionally. And I agree with everythnig you said about her, Rich. I know her IEA family will miss her, as we all will. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.
- Linus - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 3:10 pm:
Much respect to Janette - one of the good ones.
- Nearly Normal - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 3:34 pm:
Janette was a great person. She was one of my mentors on political action when I was on the IEA Board of Directors. I was so surprised to read of her death here. I so hoped that she had licked cancer and would have many more years to enjoy her retirement. May she rest in peace.
- Tournaround Agenda - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 5:30 pm:
I didn’t know her, but I hope she rests in peace.
- anonymous plus one - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 6:11 pm:
Janette was a sweetheart. Always friendly and available. Peace and prayers to her family.
- Toi - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 6:33 pm:
Janette was so excited to retire. She knew she’d done the organization proud. This was supposed to be her time. She was a truly kind woman who literally mothered a lot of us. She was strong but gentle, knew her topic and she knew how to play in the rough and tumble world of politics. There were times when I was so stressed with campaigning and studying and trying to balance my life with my work and Janette and her calm voice and warm hugs and soulful eyes always, always, always had a way of making me feel better. We have one more angel in heaven.
- Steelerfan - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 6:35 pm:
When we discuss things like unions, it may help illuminate our understanding to remember that they are really just people much like Ms. Weatherall. By the way, Janette worked many years for AFSCME Local 2000 prior to her work on behalf of IEA members. She cared deeply for all those members.
- Healed - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 9:33 pm:
Janette Weatherall was a true spiritual warrior. She was true to self and others. Anyone who had the previlage to be in her presence were blessed beyond their imagination. Because they don’t come any better then her. She now sit at the right side of the Father as he says “well done my faithful servant”. Blessing to the family. An angel got her wings to fly
- IEA Union Thug - Wednesday, May 13, 15 @ 10:16 pm:
I agree 100%. Janette was a first class all the way. I was honored to work with her.
- Hobbs - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 8:26 pm:
Janette always had her members and beliefs interests in mind as she worked on their behalf. A true labor activist who understood the history and the work of those before her and the need to carry on the work. RIP my Union Sister.
- Max Liberles - Friday, May 15, 15 @ 9:54 am:
I was shocked and felt deep pain when I was informed of Jeanette’s passing. I was president of AFSCME Local 2000 back in the 70s,80s and 90s and remember hiring Jeanette to serve in a staff representative, but before long I needed help lobbying in Springfield and Jeanette graciously agreed to do lobbying for our Local and did so both with enthusiasm and effectiveness. We spent years working together in Springfield and I still remember wonderful lunch conversations with her about both work and life’s experiences. When Jeanette decided to go to the IEA, I was happy for her while also knowing full well I would greatly miss her. Jeanette wrote me a letter for purposes of resignation of employment with Local 2000, but that letter was a very personal one involving her feelings and emotions vis-a-vis the two of us. I still have and treasure that letter. Jeanette will be in my prayers and her giving, generous, and beaming personality will be quickly noticed at her next destination where I’m sure she will be watching over us. I love you Jeanette may you rest in peace.