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Rate Sen. Mark Kirk’s new TV ad

Thursday, May 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the AP

U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk is touting his recovery from a debilitating stroke in the first television ads of his 2016 re-election bid.

The Illinois Republican launched the ads Thursday in Chicago and the Champaign area.

The early ad buy — which his campaign says cost more than $320,000 — is a sign of how competitive the race is expected to be.

* The press release…

“Courage”, the first television ad of the 2016 U.S. Senate election in Illinois chronicles Senator Mark Kirk’s unending determination to fight for Illinois families in the Senate. The over $320,000 advertisement flight starts airing today on broadcast and cable networks in the Chicago and Champaign media markets.

“Because we all have our own steps to climb, Kirk in spite of his stroke, is driven to fight for Illinois families in the Unites States Senate. Senator Kirk’s independent voice in the midst of partisan gridlock is a source of pride for Illinois. Senator Kirk has climbed the steps of the Capitol for fellow stroke survivors, veterans and everyone in Illinois working to overcome a challenge in their own life. He goes to work for them,” said Kevin Artl, campaign manager for Kirk for Senate.

    · In 2010, Senator Kirk won President Obama’s Illinois Senate Seat defeating former Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias in one of the closest elections in the nation.

    · Despite suffering a major stroke in 2012, Senator Kirk returned to work just a year later and capped off his inspiring recovery by climbing the U.S. Capitol steps surrounded by a collection of bipartisan Congressional leaders.

    · In 2015, Senator Kirk, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, created the group ‘Kirk’s Battle Buddies’, to offer encouragement, support, and counseling to fellow stroke survivors and veterans. ‘Kirk’s Battle Buddies’ participated in stair climbs at the John Hancock Center and Presidential Towers with more climbs scheduled this year.

Described in press accounts and by political pundits as a “moderate” and “independent”, Senator Kirk’s record has matched the description as he has often voted against party lines to support measures important to Illinois voters, including his work to protect the Great Lakes from pollution and contaminants, his support for marriage equality as a means to end discrimination and his votes for rigid background checks for gun purchases to prevent gang members from gaining access to firearms.

During previous elections when Kirk ran in a presidential year, Kirk has outperformed the Republican presidential candidate by an average of 12 points, demonstrating strong crossover appeal to independent voters and reform-minded democrats.

* The ad

* The script…

remember being in the ambulance, and holding the hand of the paramedic…

…and knowing something was very wrong.

I thought that was the last human being I would ever touch.

I had to learn how to walk again.

I forced myself to climb up steps everyday, even up our tallest building.

I was determined to return to the Senate, to do the job you elected me to.

Second to my service in the Navy, being your Senator is the greatest honor of my life.

As I learned to walk and climb again, I thought of our Illinois families struggling to get by…

I thought of our veterans and our heroic men and women who are serving in harm’s way.

They’re the reason why I fought so hard to get back.

They’re why I never doubted that I would climb the Capitol steps again.

I climb the steps for everyone facing their own challenges.

I’m Mark Kirk, and I approve this message.​


  1. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    Smart. Get past the health issues early. And pulls at the heart strings. Solid A.

  2. - DecaturGuy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:34 am:

    Very heartwarming. Incredible emotional appeal. I give it an A

  3. - Sage - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:34 am:

    Solid “A”. Prior to seeing the video, I questioned why he should be spending money this early. This commercial starts the job of putting his health issues behind him. He appears more vigorous and articulate in the commercial than he does in person.

  4. - Come on man! - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:35 am:

    Good ad.

  5. - Walter Mitty - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:36 am:

    A+…… Smart political move. But also, what a great story. I know Rich cautioned many folks just a few months ago that counting him out would be a mistake. I guess the owner of this site knows a thing or two… ?

  6. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Great spot.

    Of course, Duckworth has also faced enormous challenges. I suspect her story of coming back after getting blown out of the sky during combat service in Iraq will be just as compelling.

    Call the challenge stories a push. What’s next?

  7. - John A Logan - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    It’s a good ad. I feel like I am being insensitive when I say this, but the last line of the ad, when Senator Kirk says “I’m Mark Kirk, and I approve this message” it seems like the word “message” is slurred or poorly edited by the audio production engineer. I listened to it twice and heard it both times. Senator Kirk’s recovery is courageous but that last word makes me wonder if it will cause people to be reminded of his stroke and if he is truly capable of continuing through another 6 years of service in the senior chamber.

  8. - John A Logan - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:39 am:

    When I say reminded of this stroke, obviously the ad references the stroke, and does not try to hide it, but the rest of the ad focused on his recovery. Therefore the final word might make people question the thrust of the ad, which is that he is capable and up to the task.

  9. - The Muse - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:42 am:

    Solid A. I’m not so sure his health issues will be a major issue, but I do wonder how well the public will react if he’s not his old-self in a live debate.

  10. - phocion - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:47 am:

    I respect that this ad tackles this touchy issue head on and in an emotionally appealing way, so I give it an A standing alone. That said, I agree with The Muse. Sen. Kirk appears quite healthy and lucid in this ad. If he underperforms in any live debate, serious doubts will creep into the electorate’s consciousness.

  11. - Do It - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:49 am:

    I don’t vote based on whether someone can climb the Capitol steps. Why can’t politicians produce ads that articulate their policies and plans.

  12. - Shore - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 9:57 am:

    Media, particularly Lynn Sweet have been incredibly unfair to him throughout his career basically touting him as some DC Republican hack so it’s a great ad. For those who are just learning, his entire campaign will be about the word independent from here until he gets his 50.9 percent and wins re-election thanks to suburban voters who won’t give the republican presidential nominee a second thought.

    the next 18 months will be about how a)duckworth struggles like alexi and every other kirk opponent has for 15 years about whether to trash him as a flip flopping career pol desperate to stay in office or dc conservative hack b)whether duckworth goes the obama route and just figures out a way to get so many new democratic voters into the electorate it doesn’t matter.

  13. - walker - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:01 am:

    A Grade. To be expected in a Kirk campaigns.

    Covers both the “moderate” and “independent” labels, which voters love.

    Courage bit is fine, as long as he doesn’t overplay his hand and try to conflate his current physical challenges with some sort of combat veteran experience, which he has done in the past.

  14. - CousinVinny - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:03 am:

    A. Did they title it courage because he is the only republican with the cojones to put Joe Biden and Harry Reid in an ad?

  15. - OneMan - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:03 am:


    Top notch.

  16. - Gooner - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    Very good spot with, as to be expected of Sen. Kirk, a sleazy touch.

    To make a “bipartisan welcome” partisan is par for the course for Kirk. I don’t think any of the Democrats would have been there if they expected him to use it in an add.

  17. - Adam Smith - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:11 am:

    Simply outstanding. Even the most strident of Kirk detractors having to grudgingly admit it’s a home run. Must be weeping in their granola.

  18. - The Fox - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:14 am:

    Count all the letter I and it should be clear where his concerns are.

  19. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    -== Gooner - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:04 am:

    Very good spot with, as to be expected of Sen. Kirk, a sleazy touch.

    To make a “bipartisan welcome” partisan is par for the course for Kirk. I don’t think any of the Democrats would have been there if they expected him to use it in an add.===

    Not true. The Senate has had a long history of acting with more collegiality. Georgia Democrat supports George Bush. Lieberman supports McCain. Senator Manchin of WV is Kirk’s closest friend in the Senate. Most Senators will stress their ability to be bipartisan. It was an historic step in his recovery walking up the steps of the Capitol. If it happened today, every single one of them would be there, ad or no ad. Why in the world would you not use this in an ad describing your recovery? Not sleazy at all. Just is what it is.

  20. - Gooner - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    Sure A Guy, which is why in this great era of bipartisanship, McConnell announced that his top priority was to destroy the President.

    Come on, A Guy. I know you are partisan, but you need to see reality. This isn’t 1985 anymore when Ted Kennedy could pal around with his GOP colleagues. Under McConnell, times are different.

  21. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    I had to learn how to walk again.

    I forced myself to climb up steps everyday, even up our tallest building.

    I was determined to return to the Senate, to do the job you elected me to.

    And that’s why I’ve voted repeatedly to repeal Obamacare. Because you don’t need health insurance like I had, you just need freedom and determination.

    I’m Mark Kirk, and I don’t approve of Obamacare.

  22. - walker - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:32 am:

    It is a bit of a stretch to see this as “sleazy.”

    Joe Biden was happy to have his mug on national news welcoming Mark Kirk up the steps. He’ll be kissing Tammy’s baby soon for some TV outlet and ad. (Let’s just hope he doesn’t touch foreheads with the candidate.)

  23. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    47, that’s coming and it will be impossible to spin.

    “Should all Illinois families who suffer a health crisis like yourself have the peace of mind of top health care, rehab and a year off work with full pay?

    “If not, why not? Why you and not them?”

  24. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    No doubt Word. Even after his stroke, he was bragging about voting 36 times to repeal the ACA.

  25. - Team Sleep - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:41 am:



    I really can’t see Senator Kirk garnering a serious primary challenge - or even a primary challenge at all. Since you can’t run for two offices at the same time, who’s going to give up his or her seat to challenge Senator Kirk? Are there any mid-term state senators who would take the plunge? Doubtful. This is what the GOP needs: a straight shot to a general election instead of nasty primary fights that leave us smarting instead of smiling.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    It’s an “A”, well done.


    He tells his story, and makes his points.

    Duckworth will have her story told, which may be fresher to some who don’t know it, and it will offset Kirk, even with Kirk rolling this so early.

    Duckworth’s, I’m sure, will also be an “A”.

  27. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    Gooner, I doubt McConnell would get the reception of Mark Kirk, or Joe Biden; two of the most collegial guys who ever served in the Senate (Toss in Alan Dixon, Ben Nelson, Dale Bumpers and a few others) Yes, I’m partisan. Never denied it. If anything, that would make me a softer supporter of Kirk, no?

    Senators were very differential to ill colleagues; Thurmond, Byrd, Johnson (SD) etc. It’s expected there, partisan or not. You call it sleazy to use the footage in an ad showing your colleagues on all sides welcoming you back. I think that’s hyper-partisan and in bad taste.

    I think the Obamacare issues will come up and be used for and against Kirk. So be it. Voters aren’t in love with Obamacare and it’s got it’s share of baggage. Partisan Dems will trumpet the benefits, partisan Reps will trumpet that it hasn’t worked well and rolled out horrifically. Everyone in the middle will discount either talking point and look beyond that one.

    Kirk will be aiming to put his congressional work up against Tammy’s. He’ll be very content if everything else is a “push”. Kirk wins this one. Not a blowout, but not that close. I’d guess 6 points or better.

  28. - Gooner - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Just to clarify — I didn’t find the whole ad sleazy. It was an extremely good ad that dealt well with the elephant in the room. I just thought the “bipartisan” tape was sleazy.

  29. - Northsider - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    A good ad, as ads go. And I don’t doubt for a second his courage in going through the rehab required to recover from a stroke.

    But he’s still a Republican. He still opposed the ACA. He still signed that seditious letter to Benjamin Netanyahu. He’s still just a cog in Mitch McConnell’s machine. And we still deserve better.

  30. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:52 am:

    ===Duckworth’s, I’m sure, will also be an “A”.===

    I’m sure it will. It’s been out there and achieved this kind of rating before. Not to be lost, her sacrifice in her service deserves an A.

  31. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    ====But he’s still a Republican. - Yes he is.

    ===He still opposed the ACA. Yes, he did. Not everyone feels the way you do about this. Don’t this this one will be a lynch-pin issue this time.

    ===He still signed that seditious letter to Benjamin Netanyahu. - Jewish voting Dems in Illinois wouldn’t describe it this way.

    ==He’s still just a cog in Mitch McConnell’s machine.- I bet McConnell would seriously beg to differ with you.

    ===And we still deserve better.- You’ve got a choice and Tammy will be there to provide it for you.

  32. - Sunshine - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    Well done! Don’t let up!

  33. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    “Jewish voting Dems” (whatever that means) are not universally Likud supporters, nor are Israelis, for that matter. The politics are quite contentious. You can look it up, anywhere.

    Stereotyping someone’s politics based on their religion does not lead to truth.

  34. - Raunerbot - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    Mark Kirk will be a one term Senator…many in the Republican party in opposition to him, especially conservatives. Tammy Duckworth will be a formidable opponent and will more than likely be elected as the next Senator.

  35. - RayRay - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:25 am:

    C. I think it’s very predictable and his mother probably helped him.

  36. - Northsider - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    A guy @ 10:56:

    Despite his delusions to the contrary, Benjamin Netanyahu does not speak for or represent this American Jew, nor indeed for the overwhelming majority of us.

    As for the ACA, I’m perfectly happy to let voters decide whether opposing it then and now is something to reward.

    And yes, she will.

  37. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    -=== Wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    “Jewish voting Dems” (whatever that means) are not universally Likud supporters, nor are Israelis, for that matter. The politics are quite contentious. You can look it up, anywhere.

    Stereotyping someone’s politics based on their religion does not lead to truth.===

    Can it dude. Chicago has a lot of very active, very involved Dem leaning Jewish voters who handsomely reward Pro-Israel votes. Kirk has been close to them forever. Just look at the last race in the 10th district to see what the trends were that helped decide that race. Nice job on the “high-roading” effort. You’re just wrong. You look it up.

  38. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 12:15 pm:

    Guy, you’re presuming that there is a single “pro-Israel” position, which is certainly not the reality among American Jews or Israelis.

    What exactly am I “wrong” about?

  39. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 12:22 pm:

    Solid A. It is a very good ad.

  40. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    Here: ”
    Stereotyping someone’s politics based on their religion does not lead to truth.”

    Nationalism and Religion are no more tied together anywhere else than they are with this country and their immigrants all over the world. There are certainly folks like Northsider and Mr. Steinberg who have differing opinions on different elements. Whether it be NY, FL, IL or other places with large enclaves of Jewish voters, they are overwhelmingly and decidedly Pro-Israel in word, deed, treasure and otherwise. That was my point.

  41. - Wordslinger - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 12:34 pm:

    Guy, you’re having trouble with the reading comprehension today.

    I’d venture to say that the great majority of American Jews and Israelis are “pro-Israel” yet may have widely differing politics and views on issues specific to Israel.

  42. - John Boch - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 1:21 pm:

    Good ad, absolutely!

    If only he was such a top-notch senator.


  43. - Jonah - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 1:40 pm:

    It is very good Ad. Kirk, disabled or not, has always been a tough campaigner, especially in the brutal 2006 and 2008 elections, where the tide was very anti-GOP in the swingy North Shore. I realize this will be a Prez year in 2016, but Duckworth lost her only close race in 2006

  44. - K3 - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 2:20 pm:

    Watch out Tammy. Time to up your game.

  45. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 4:22 pm:

    you can’t have courage if you’ve been hiding your sexual orientation all your life.

  46. - A guy - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    ===Anonymous - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 4:22 pm:

    you can’t have courage if you’ve been hiding your sexual orientation all your life.====

    Why is that a measure of courage?

  47. - Under Further Review - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 6:31 pm:

    A solid “A.”

  48. - George OhWell - Thursday, May 14, 15 @ 11:22 pm:

    Still think he’s going to struggle in a Presidential election year. The medical challenges of both candidates neutralize each other and the lack of any kind of progress in DC hurts Kirk’s ability to sell any legislation he’s been able to contribute that makes positive effects on the lives of Illinois voters.

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