Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Tom Cullerton says he’s in
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Tom Cullerton says he’s in

Monday, May 18, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Tom Cullerton has announced that he’s running for Congress. From a press release…

After spending the last weeks exploring a run for Congress, State Senator Tom Cullerton (D-Villa Park) announced today that he is formally running for the 8th Congressional seat being vacated by Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, who is running for U.S. Senate.

“Congress is a millionaires club. I want to change that by bringing my blue-collar work ethic and common sense solutions to Congress. I know what it is like to wake up, punch a time clock and put in an honest day’s work, “ Senator Cullerton said. “I believe everyone deserves a good job that allows them to get up each day and put in a hard day’s work. I believe that if you work hard every day, you deserve a good wage that provides for your family and the ability to retire with dignity. “

As a military veteran, Tom has made veterans and their families a cornerstone of his first term in the Illinois Senate, including sponsoring legislation that created Illinois’s first Suicide-Prevention Task Force for Veterans. As a proud Union member and former Hostess Route Salesman, Tom believes that working families need to come first and believes that Congress should increase the minimum wage.

* He’ll be up against Raja Krishnamoorthi in the Democratic primary to replace US Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth. From a Krishnamoorthi fundraising email today…

Democratic leaders are lining up to endorse Raja!

Here are just a few Democratic leaders who are backing Raja’s campaign for Congress:

    State Senator David Koehler
    Former State Rep. Paul Froehlich
    Beth Siela Marcin, President of the Greater Palatine Area Democrats
    OPEIU Local 45
    And many others!

We’re building a strong grassroots campaign — and we want you there from the very beginning.

* Sen. Mike Noland is another possible candidate…

Have you been keeping tabs on Congress?

Well, I have. And I am tired of standing by while the House Republicans try to carry out their arcane Tea Party agenda.

This is what the Republican Congress has done so far this week:

    Passed a ban on abortions after 20 weeks. This bill put an extreme agenda ahead of protecting the health of women.

    Delayed a long term funding plan for the Highway Trust Fund. As our infrastructure continues to crumble, Republicans want to play politics with funding improvements and creating jobs.

    Issued more subpoenas for its kangaroo court regarding Benghazi. As they continue their witch-hunt against Hillary Clinton, the United States faces real challenges abroad.

When I am elected to Congress I will stand up to these Republicans who are dead set on imposing their backwards thinking on the rest of America.

If you ready to help elect another progressive who will fight for a better tomorrow, I ask you to join our campaign today. If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


  1. - GOP Truth Squad - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 9:49 am:

    Is an endorsement by Paul Froehlich anything to trumpet???

  2. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 9:54 am:

    It makes sense for Cullerton to try to move “up”, but the real question will be, not who will be in, but who will be able to consolidate the quickest in the district, no matter how the financials look thru petition time.

    If it’s a ground game, precinct by precinct, block to block, the consolidating will go a long way for somebody, as it usually does. No reinventing the wheel in this race.

  3. - Deep Yogurt - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:02 am:

    Paul Froelich brings in the crucial American Expats living in Panama vote. Dave Koehler is a good guy but doesn’t live nearby either.

    Can’t wait to see who “and many others!” are.

    Best of luck to Tom in the face of this juggernaut.

  4. - siriusly - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:03 am:

    Former State Rep. Paul Froehlich? why? Why put that in a press release? Does that endorsement bring you any votes? Any credibility ?

    Clearly not in touch. Maybe he will get a Blago endorsement too.

  5. - siriusly - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:05 am:

    Noland has found a way to channel his feisty attitude into voter appeal. I could see him winning this if he can raise some money.

  6. - Wordslinger - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    That district is solid Northwest Suburban, with just a sliver of the city by O’Hare.

    Still strange to see Democrats competing in a district like that, much less winning it. Times have changed in the suburbs.

  7. - Team Sleep - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    I really like Senator Tom Cullerton. He is a regular guy in a chamber full of stiffs and people with self-important attitudes. He also has the electoral chops: Mayor of Villa Park and ousting a longtime official in Senator Pankau (which is not totally surprising but still pretty good for Tom Cullerton to pull it off regardless). What churns my curiosity wheel at this point is who the DCCC will back and who Congresswoman Duckworth will endorse. That will be telling.

  8. - Precinct Captain - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    Tom “Republican” Cullerton.

  9. - Team Sleep - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    My guess is that Paul Froelich brings the “Republican turned Democrat” angle. Sounds silly to us but it can work if the angle is played right.

  10. - A guy - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    === Wordslinger - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    That district is solid Northwest Suburban, with just a sliver of the city by O’Hare.

    Still strange to see Democrats competing in a district like that, much less winning it. Times have changed in the suburbs.====

    What you say is true here Sling. This district was really masterfully drawn using the template of the Duckworth/Roskam race to tilt it in favor of Tammy in particular and the Dems in general. It’s still pretty close in an election that doesn’t include Tammy. It takes a very precise swath of areas that had been trending bluish for a while, added to some very independent and often less likely voters. It’s got a significant Asian-American population and a significant Latino population. Joe Walsh was such a turn-off to Asian Americans, it helped skew some party ID there.

    This one could begin to look like the 10th in competitiveness with two different candidates. Being a Veteran will help here. If Tom wins in the primary, it’s very possible the Asian-American voters participate at a far lower level in the general. This one’s truly a “turnout” district. A lot of Roskam supporters who felt somewhat disenfranchised after the remap.

  11. - walker - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    Local insiders are mostly for Raja, and many supported him over Duckworth. The state and national movers, and of course the voters, saw it differently.

    Noland’s force of personality and self-reliant image can attract Republicans and independents in the district. Kind of a suburban Mike Bost appeal, without the screaming and paper tossing.

    Going to be all about funding. Either one can win.

  12. - A guy - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    True Walk. Their memories run deep (the local insiders, that is) on the Nationals dropping Tammy in a second time over the candidate they worked for and preferred. (Cegelis/Raja) They’ve never had the money or the organization to stop this from happening. They’re divided in DuPage and Tom is on one side of the divide. It will be interesting to see “who favors who” and how this shakes out.

    My guess is the GOP would rather see Raja than Tom. But either would be a tough race.

  13. - Shore - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    I don’t know Cullerton. I’ve watched Raja run and lose a few times and he seems more like a dan seals type who wins headlines and some shekels from donors because of his resume but can’t close because he lacks the political chops, charisma and instincts to close. We’ll see.

  14. - A guy - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    Shore, all true except the “charisma” part. Raja is a pretty charming guy. Chops?? He’s a little reluctant to take the gloves off and go hard at someone. This might be his last, best chance to do it. We’ll see.

  15. - Under Further Review - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    The Cullertons have been a part of “the club” since when? 1870 something? There is even a street named after the Cullerton pols on the near West side.

  16. - zonz - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 12:09 pm:

    Raja “perennial guy” Krishnamoorthi
    brings big bux every time he runs for office.
    Redistricting may boost Krishnamoorthi’s Congress bid
    Jun 2, 2011, 06.16 PM IST

  17. - Anonymous - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Cullerton in the race, Does that somewhat limit his power in Springfield over the budget debate? Just asking.

  18. - Big Noise - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    Shore got it right.

  19. - Big Noise - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 2:56 pm:

    Paul Froehlich? Why would you even mention him?

  20. - Not Paul Froehlich - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 3:01 pm:

    From Lynn Sweet’s article today in the Sun-Times

    Meanwhile, Krishnamoorthi, 41, a Schaumburg resident, last week unveiled several endorsements, from Democratic Illinois Reps. Danny Davis and Dan Lipinski; state Sen. Dan Kotowski D-Park Ridge; Rep. Joaquin Castro D-Texas; Rep Jim Himes D-Ct., and Beth Marcin, the President of the Greater Palatine Area Democrats.

  21. - Jonah - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 4:10 pm:

    Cullerton will have to give up a very possible GOP Pickup state Senate seat

  22. - Creative Nickname - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 4:11 pm:

    ==Not Paul Froehlich
    Meanwhile, Krishnamoorthi, 41, a Schaumburg resident, last week unveiled several endorsements, from Democratic Illinois Reps. Danny Davis… ==

    Great time to roll out that Danny Davis endorsement too.

  23. - Jonah - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 4:11 pm:

    Kotowski? The guy who was saying Quinn was going to win a recount on election night?

  24. - Boone's is Back - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 4:38 pm:

    ====wins headlines and some shekels from donors because of his resume ===

    ….If you call $1 million raised the last time around a few shekels. This race will be about raising money, and fast, in addition to geographic strengths in the map. Right now I would say both of those things look the strongest for Raja.

  25. - Johnny Jutice - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 9:23 pm:

    Paul Froehlich may be dislike by some on this site, but he was well respected by the voters in the northwest suburbs. They elected him every time he ran for State Rep. regardless of his party because they respected Paul for who he was, not his party. That’s why his endorsement carries weight,

  26. - Anonymous - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:07 pm:

    In 2012 Krishnamoorthi received impressive endorsements, yet was soundly defeated at the polls…almost 2:1

    It is true that there is an ugly divide in the DuPage County Pary. Goodness knows with Rauner as Governor there ought to be reason to unite.

    PC, comments like Tom Republican Cullerton hardly pave the road to unity. With Tom’s record as Senator, I am proud to support him as a Democrat and voter. Tom Cullerton made history as the first Democrat to be elected in a district within the DuPage boundaries. For once those in his district have representation. If you object, then give some reasons.

  27. - DuPage Grandma - Monday, May 18, 15 @ 10:13 pm:

    I am anonymous 10:07…

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