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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* With time quickly running out on the spring session, I don’t think this should be seen as a snub

Among the slew of politicians who did show up for Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s inauguration Monday, one was missing — Gov. Bruce Rauner.

“With the end of the legislative session nearing, the governor stayed in Springfield to continue negotiations with lawmakers on the state budget, Turnaround Agenda and other bills,” Rauner spokeswoman Catherine Kelly said Monday. “He looks forward to working closely with the mayor over his term for the people of Illinois and Chicago.”

In contrast, Emanuel traveled to Springfield in January to attend Rauner’s inauguration.

* There’s also a real problem here with logistics. Instead of taking the state plane, Gov. Rauner is driving back and forth from either Chicago or his north suburban home to Springfield. We’re talking a minimum of 3 hours each way, so driving up to the city for the inaugural and then driving back down to Springfield would take up his entire day.

Yet, his top agency officials are still riding on the state shuttle, as are legislative leaders.

I know, I know, he repeatedly blasted the state’s airplane fleet as a waste of money during the campaign and promised to shut it down and sell it off. But he hasn’t done that yet, and he’s now the governor with lots of responsibilities, along with his top staff, so…

* The Question: Should the governor and his top staff start using the state plane, even if it results in some seriously negative media coverage? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

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  1. - JoanP - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:25 am:

    Realistically, there are times that he and his staff need to move quickly around the state. I have no problem with judicious use of the plane. Just don’t abuse it.

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    Rauner should sell the planes or at least threaten to do so in order to give him a bargaining chip with the legislative leaders, who probably can’t remember the last time they had to drive to and from Springfield.

  3. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    Yes. Let’s face it, he said a lot of regrettable things during the campaign. He’s likely to walk back a lot of that, so he might as well work as efficiently as he can and use the state plane more often. Maybe he can get them to fly it out of Palwaukee, closer to his north shore home.

  4. - 2nd Ward - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:31 am:

    As a Dem, I’ve always respected that he stuck up for Gov staff salaries. He should bite the bullet and explain that this is a big state and it’s important for him to be in many places in a day.

  5. - Honeybear - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    Seriously, unless he’s got an office RV, don’t make him drive. His time is too important. State officials time is too important. Just take the plane and get them there faster.

  6. - Carhartt Union Negotiating Team - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    The state plane is part of the deal. It’s not an extravagance if used with some decent respect. Chicago is a world-class city and the key to Illinois’ success - regardless of how dire everyone says it is. Its a public relations move to not take it or to sell it off. I’d rather him use it than use some corporation’s gift. No one is saying, “Gosh, he’s so nice to NOT use the state plane.”

  7. - Phenomynous - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    No. He should use his private plane.

  8. - Democrat Grrrl - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    Voted “yes.” This is one of those times when optics are outweighed by common sense. The Guv needs to get from place to place, swiftly. No need to apologize for that. Getting rid of the planes was a stupid promise on Rauner’s part, and now he is stuck. He needs to buck up and unstick himself.

  9. - anon. - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    He should use it. The state already owns it, the marginal cost of using it is relatively small especially compared to to the cost of the security detail end entourage also driving.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    Voted “Yes”


    Do I want a stubborn governor or an efficient governor.


  11. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    Absolutely. It is stupid to prove a point by being as inefficient as possible.

  12. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:33 am:

    I don’t usually weigh in on these things, but I strongly believe Rauner should flip flop and ride the plane, along with his top staff - one of whom’s wife is having a baby this week.

    The back and forth from Chicago to Springfield during RRB’s overtime sessions just about killed me dead. It’s why I moved back to Springfield, along with missing my non-political Spfld friends.

    He’ll take an enormous amount of heat from journalists and pols who like to pounce on those sorts of things, but he should do it anyway.

    Reimburse the state out of his bulging campaign fund if need be, but do it.

  13. - Bogey Golfer - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:34 am:

    =I have no problem with judicious use of the plane. Just don’t abuse it.=
    That’s why I voted ‘no’, at least for now. Maybe reduce the fleet, and then in a year, develop a policy whereby usage would be permitted.

  14. - the Cardinal - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    If you want to grind things to a screeching halt (more than they are) dump the planes. That ought to keep bunches of people in a happy place for hours as they meander up and down I-55 gazing off at the green fields of Illinois number one export.
    Wonder if Amtrack will wait for the leaders to get on board?

  15. - NoGifts - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:38 am:

    His time would be better spent working than in transit. This is penny wise and pound foolish.

  16. - Get a Job! - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:38 am:

    Illinois is a large state. The airplanes serves a purpose for executive staff & occasionally legislators…….the Governor is wasting alot of time on I-55. Also, as we’ve recently seen, its a less-safe mode of travel.

  17. - Trajan - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    I think Rauner has the resources to manage his own travel schedule. He needs to win something before doing something that can make him look hypocritical. The $400K donations last week may end up as distraction enough this and next week. Not sure he needs to create another one when he can just rent (or even) buy a plane. It would simply be just another good investment like one of his extra homes.

  18. - a drop in - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    Rich, United flies nonstop Springfield to Chicago. Why not use public airlines?

  19. - Juvenal - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    Voted No.

    It isn’t just reporters who will blast him.

    He issued an Executive Order calling for an end to all “non-essential” state spending. A quick review of the Governor’s constitutional duties reveals attending his pal’s inauguration is not an essential duty.

    His senior staff shouldn’t be on that plane either.

    You can’t fund private flights back and forth from Chicago to Springfield and cut funding for autism, calling the mayor’s inauguration more essential than care for kids with autism.

    Every penny Rauner spends will be measured against the cuts he invokes.

  20. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    Sell the planes.
    Signed, the Dixie Truck Stop.

  21. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:44 am:

    He should use Ken Griffin’s private plane like he did during the campaign.

  22. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    Yes, it’s also safer. I’m a fan of especially the Governor having state transportation including a plane to get him around. Reimburse for non state trips, but keep him safe and available for emergencies and such.

  23. - Norseman - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:46 am:

    It was silly pandering for him to diss the planes and it’s even sillier for him to drive back and forth instead of using those planes.

  24. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    Yes. Rauner said a lot of silly things during the campaign , and the faux populism about state airplanes was among the silliest.

    He was elected governor of Illinois, not sheriff of Mayberry. It’s a big state and the governor needs to get around it as much as possible.

    Use the tools at your disposal to do the job right and get to it. The campaign’s been over for some time now. You got the gig.

  25. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:48 am:

    He said he was going to sell them and didn’t, that’s another issue.

    With that said, and the planes are available, I have to double down with previous comments and say the efficiencies of flying far outweigh the cost and time of traveling by vehicle(s). I don’t think Rauner would care one bit about the bad publicity it might produce.

  26. - Norseman - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:48 am:

    === ArchPundit - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    Yes, it’s also safer. ===

    How many accidents has his motorcade been involved in already?

  27. - relocated - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    Flying is more efficient than driving. With that said it should be used judiciously. Flying to Chicago so you can be home for dinner each night is a problem, flying for legitimate state business is not.

  28. - Lottie O'Neill - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:51 am:

    One word — Amtrak.

  29. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:55 am:

    Amtrak would take longer than driving!

  30. - too obvious - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:56 am:

    How many times during the campaign did Rauner promise he would live in Springfield? About a thousand?

  31. - the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:56 am:

    First, let’s be pretty clear that the state plane is hardly a luxurious private business jet. It’s extremely utilitarian, and somewhat uncomfortable to boot.

    Second, the idea that Bruce Rauner would get rid of a private plane in a company he bought with the same transportation needs as Illinois is laughable. He wants to run government like a business, he says. Well, would a business get rid of its air fleet under similar circumstances? I think the answer would be “no.”

    So, he should just do the responsible thing and start using the state plane instead of wasting time on the road. Sure, sometimes it’s nice for the Governor to travel by car to see the state, and he should be able to do that. But honestly, when he is in a hurry on I-55, how much contact does he have with anything other than the interstate?

    Yes, he’ll take some heat. But the heat should be because he took a gimmicky stand, not because he is being a responsible Governor when it comes to travel.

  32. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:57 am:

    No. He needs to stay in Springfield.

  33. - Anonin' - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 11:59 am:

    Nobody really cares….and nobody believes he is not flyin’ some of the time..maybe paying for it himself ( but takin’ a deduction) Takin’ Mr.ReBoot’s plnme would violate the “gift ban”
    They do make the staff drive which is really stupid.
    BTW IDOT has tried sellin’ the planes several times …. no buyers

  34. - Wensicia - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    Since he hasn’t sold it, why not make use of the plane when needed? It seems rather silly to hang on to something and refuse to use it.

  35. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:02 pm:

    Yes, obviously if the plane is being used anyway why should the executive not use it?

  36. - Scamp640 - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:02 pm:

    He needs to ride his motorcycle. Put a sidecar on the motorcycle for his briefcase and his staffers.

  37. - Walter Mitty - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    No… My mind can be changed if there are examples other than an inauguration that is missed. As for legislative leaders using it..Let’s all take a step back.. Look at your working life. If you had such few calendar days to be at “work” is it so important that you need to fly? This is one promise I hope he keeps for now. If it is impacting his “business” duties as Governor. Then re-think…

  38. - The obvious - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:13 pm:

    Sure. An airport or the state planes cannot be shut down in a day or even a few weeks. It takes some time. It’s not like a hotdog stand where you’re selling hotdogs. People would understand. Of course it would be an easy hit for the media because they like easy hits. But reasonable people would understand you might as well use the asset while you have it to do the State’s business.

  39. - Arsenal - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:15 pm:


    Illinois is in the slightly-unfortunate, but by no means unique, position that it’s population center isn’t it’s governing center. As a Springfield resident, I have no problem acknowledging this and allocating state resources accordingly. The Governor, any Governor, has to find a way to navigate this divide. The state plane can only help.

  40. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:32 pm:

    ===How many accidents has his motorcade been involved in already?


  41. - Nick Naylor - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    No self-respecting (near) billionaire would be caught dead in a Beechcraft King Air.

  42. - D.P.Gumby - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:35 pm:

    Not using the planes is like saying I’m going to keep using my horse cuz people will think a car is pretentious. Take the plane and leave the Turnaround Agenda/RTW resolutions.

  43. - Keyser Soze - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    No-brainer. The drive up and down I-55 is a huge time-killer.

  44. - Mongo - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:39 pm:

    It is silly optics to fight the use of the plane. The plane is faster, allows all except the pilot on it to work while in transit, and allows state officials to get anywhere in the state on short notice.

  45. - Louis G Atsaves - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:40 pm:

    I voted “no” to avoid any more flare-ups of the Rauner Derangement Syndrome. No matter what Rauner does here, he will be criticized by the RDS sufferers.

  46. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:50 pm:

    Louis, Rich’s question pre-supposes some media criticism for breaking a campaign promise made repeatedly.

    That’s life in the big leagues. I hope you don’t think Rauner is some delicate flower that can’t take some heat.

  47. - zonz - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    Please rephrase this

    “Gov. Rauner is driving back and forth from …”

    Mr. Rauner is NOT doing the driving.

  48. - East Central Illinois - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:01 pm:

    You mean politicians break campaign promises?? I am shocked . . . Keep the plane.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    C’mon - Louis G. Atsaves -,

    He’s the governor, there’s a state plane.

    Efficient over stubborn.

    Please try not to make Rauner a victim of what you think might happen.

  50. - MyTwoCents - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:06 pm:

    Yes, it was short-sighted for him to swear it off during the campaign just to score political points. IL is a big state and traffic in Chicago isn’t exactly an easy commute either. The Governor has to have the ability to be efficient and that means moving about the State in the most efficient means possible, whether it’s a plane or helicopter. Also, between the increased usage of ISP vehicles driving all over the State and the increased risk of vehicle accidents, how much extra would it cost to use the plane once or twice a week?

  51. - Chicago Bars - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:17 pm:

    Don’t use it. Should buy his own and use it. After the “One ugly van” campaign shtick would love to see what he’d name his private plane.

  52. - Langhorne - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:17 pm:

    Be really thrifty and do a Romney–put RAUNER in a crate on the roof of his old blue van.

    As JRT used to say, the plane is a tool for efficiency, not a perk.
    I once flew over 1,000 miles in a day, on the state plane and helicopter, doing program announcements. Not fun

  53. - Left Leaner - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    Efficiency should be the priority…as any good business leader will tell you, right?

    Sad that this was a campaign issue. Like that he and his staff are spending more time in Springfield. But they have a multi-billion $$ state with very serious challenges to address. So let’s get and act serious please.

  54. - Daryl - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:28 pm:

    Voted yes, but unfortunately Rauner is stuck with a campaign promise that several groups would pounce on if broken:

    1)The people who want him in Springfield 24/7, 365, no matter what the rest of the state needs. See Cheryl44’s comment.

    2)The people who seem to insist every government expenditure is a waste of money.

    3)The Chicago TV reporters who will treat this as a terrible scandal.

  55. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:32 pm:

    use it when you need it Gov, which is occasionally. not saying this was the time, but get over the symbolism and govern as needed. was the Comptroller at the Mayor’s inaug?

  56. - Amalia - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:33 pm:

    also, where was sheriff Dart?

  57. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:35 pm:

    Pay back for the Pullman incident

  58. - JS Mill - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:36 pm:

    I think the Governor should use the plane and should not be shamed or embarrassed for doing so, he is the Governor for goodness sake! He has statewide responsibilities in a state that is 7+ hours North to South in a car (at best).

    For the rest of them (especially legislative leaders and legislators) I would say generally no. Some of the people with statewide responsibilities may need to use faster transport than a car from time to time, two planes would not be totally unreasonable. They need to find a way to dump the rest of the “fleet”.

  59. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:39 pm:

    Yes, use the plane but not as much as the previous administration and show some cost savings.

  60. - The Muse - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:39 pm:

    Yes, but just because there is a real need for him and his top staff to use it. Saving an extra 4-5 hours a day means more time for getting things done, and I think the people will forgive him for that… If (When?) we go to overtime, he’ll get the blame.

  61. - JS Mill - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:41 pm:

    With regard to the “Mansion”, my understanding is it really isn’t liveable right now. If that is incorrect please set me straight.

    When the Mansion is repaired, he needs to reside there. As every Governor should. Even then, the plane should be there for him. Seems silly, even with campaign promises, to criticize him for traveling long distances by air.

  62. - Juvenal - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:42 pm:

    Need more proof?

    Illinois mayors, colleges say proposed Amtrak cuts painful
    May 19,2015

    ” Amtrak officials said Tuesday during an Illinois Senate Higher Education committee meeting that service changes will be expensive to restore even if the state’s fiscal situation improves after next year.

    Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has proposed a 40 percent decrease in state funding for the publicly-funded rail service.”

    Besides, have you ever stopped to consider that maybe the governor didn’t want to go to the mayor’s inauguration and doesn’t want to go back to Winnetka every night?

    Whether you agree with him or not, whether you think he is good at it or not, Rauner loves being a salesman, and his favorite product is himself.

    He’s never been happier than he is in his life right now, riding the rails and preaching the gospel.

  63. - The Colossus of Roads - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    Voted yes but after careful thought, he should just put on his Superman outfit and fly himself.

  64. - Just an Old Guy - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:48 pm:

    It is ridiculous to think a Governor can travel this vast state without flying, geez it is 2015. His campaign attacks on prior admins. for using them were BS. Get to work use the plane!! Just don’t abuse the priveledge.

  65. - Soccermom - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 1:52 pm:

    The last time I checked (which was a while ago), the State had a fleet of 16 aircraft, most of which are crummy.

    Sell them all (except for a helicopter for disaster response), shut down the Department of Aviation, lease a share in a corporate-type jet for the Governor and top staff to get around the state efficiently, and let the GA and state employees fly commercial or take the train.

    (Looks like Soccermom work up on the GOP side of the bed this morning…)

  66. - One of the 35 - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 2:23 pm:

    By all means the Governor should use the state plane. Just don’t cross the line between governmental and political use.

  67. - Excesseively Rabid - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    Yes and bring back Meigs while you’re at it.

  68. - OldIllini - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    Voted no. Sell the state planes and use NetJet on a limited basis. Otherwise, car trips are a good way to hold private, high-level meetings.

  69. - Excesseively Rabid - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 2:43 pm:


  70. - kimocat - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    Of course he should use the planes and so shoulder the leaders and other execs for state business only. I remember back, I think during the Edgar Administration, they were taking heat on the planes and decided only the Gov. and the Leaders could fly. Well, then they ended up with the great optics of having planes flying around either empty or with one or two people. So they called up folks like me (a notch or 2 off cabinet level) and begged us to fill up the space. And I’m pretty sure that saved money because a lot of higher level state employees must travel around the state, particularly back and forth to the City and hopping a ride on the state shuttle saved a whole lot hotel and per diem bills.

  71. - Qui Tam - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 3:00 pm:

    Yes. Anyone who has traveled the state knows that this was dumb “political puffery” when he campaigning.
    If you saved money on hotel rooms, per diem, and mileage (let alone if the employees’ time was of any value), it could be justifiable in a number of circumstances.

  72. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    This is a man who certainly doesn’t need to spend any more time with his head in the clouds.

  73. - zonz - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 4:09 pm:

    Rauner can afford this, and if he had a staff with creative ideas, and listened to them, he would

    1. personally buy a new, very fast and extremely fuel efficient plane - - though best if it’s a somewhat used plane (to show he is frugal)

    2. donate all use of the plane “during his governorship” - - with the state required to pay only for
    (a) plane maintenance/security/storage; and
    (b) costs of fuel and pilot time for official business flights and commuting to/from Springfield and Chicago area - - let reporters hound Rauner if he uses it too frequently for back and forth commuting

    3. restrict use of the new plane to commuting to/from Springfield and official business flights

    4. subject to *3* allow use of the plane by all Constitutional officers and the four legislative leaders; also, for each of the foregoing, two designated staff members. (No court member use ever - - to avoid improper appearance.)

  74. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 4:22 pm:

    This is ridiculous. Just use the planes…

  75. - zonz - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    My approach addresses the need for a face-saving solution, though maybe Rauner *likes* going back and forth by automobile.
    - zonz - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 4:09 pm:

    Rauner can afford this, and if he had a staff with creative ideas, and listened to them, he would

    1. personally buy a new, very fast and extremely fuel efficient plane - - though best if it’s a somewhat used plane (to show he is frugal)

    2. donate all use of the plane “during his governorship” - - with the state required to pay only for
    (a) plane maintenance/security/storage; and
    (b) costs of fuel and pilot time for official business flights and commuting to/from Springfield and Chicago area - - let reporters hound Rauner if he uses it too frequently for back and forth commuting

    3. restrict use of the new plane to commuting to/from Springfield and official business flights

    4. subject to *3* allow use of the plane by all Constitutional officers and the four legislative leaders; also, for each of the foregoing, two designated staff members. (No court member use ever - - to avoid improper appearance.)

  76. - Joe M - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 5:37 pm:

    If he stayed in Springfield for the remainder of the session, and worked with the General Assembly, instead of being out campaigning across the state for his turnaround agenda, then he wouldn’t have to be flying at all, or spending 3-4 hours in a car to get back to Springfield.

  77. - Enviro - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 6:42 pm:

    The Governor and the GA should stay in Springfield for the remainder of the session both to save taxpayer money on transportation costs and to reduce their carbon footprint.

  78. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 6:51 pm:

    This guy is worth a gajillion dollars and he can’t get himself to Chicago for his good buddy’s inauguration? Especially when that good buddy came to his own inauguration?

    Says a lot about the governor, I think.

  79. - Lt. Guv. - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 8:07 pm:

    IL is a big state - he’s the Governor of all 102 counties. One of your jobs is to be out there. Use the century old technology.

  80. - Property of IDOC - Tuesday, May 19, 15 @ 9:48 pm:

    If he promised not to use it, then honor it. He is not too worried about efficiency anyway you cut it. If he would like to look good-he could just use his own plane.

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