Madigan tax hike defeated
Friday, May 22, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Speaker Madigan coined a new phrase after his millionaire’s tax proposal was defeated yesterday…
All Republicans voting on the proposed amendment voted against it. Three Democrats also voted against the measure: Jack Franks of Marengo, Ken Dunkin of Chicago and Scott Drury of Highwood.
Even though three Democrats voted against his proposed amendment, House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, blamed members of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s party for its defeat.
“The passage of this was in the hands of the Rauner Republicans,” Madigan said. “The roll call was very clear. The Rauner Republicans voted against the resolution. They don’t even want to give the voters of the state the opportunity to vote on this question. It’s very regrettable.”
* Rep. Carol Sente was opposed last time around…
“As an individual, when I earn more I accept that I will pay more,” state Rep. Carol Sente, a Vernon Hills Democrat, said. “The approximate $1 billion per year in additional revenue is direly needed by our state to fund education.”
* But the Republicans got in some solid licks yesterday…
Rep. Ron Sandack, R-Downers Grove, took the opportunity Thursday to quiz Madigan about past votes by lawmakers that added to the state’s poor financial shape, including decisions to borrow money to make pension payments or skip payments altogether.
“Now, essentially the problem makers wish to be the problem solvers by asking taxpayers to come out of their pockets yet again without doing the real work necessary to solve our state’s financial problems,” said Sandack, who argued the tax would encourage high earners to leave the state.
Madigan said he had “no reason to disagree with your version of history” but said he was offering voters the chance to raise more money for local schools, which districts could use to ease their pension obligations.
* More…
House Minority Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, tried to pin down Madigan on whether he supported a term limit bill that Republicans have pushed.
“Mr. Durkin, I support term limits — as administered by the voters of the state,” Madigan replied.
Durkin retorted that Illinois residents were “voting with their feet” and leaving the state.
- nona - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:23 am:
=== Durkin retorted that Illinois residents were “voting with their feet” and leaving the state.===
Since we now have a Republican governor, at what point does the GOP share in the blame for people continuing to “vote with their feet”?
- Anonymous - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:24 am:
== They don’t even want to give the voters of the state the opportunity to vote on this question. It’s very regrettable==
Will he have the same response when a term limits amendment comes up?
- Ducky LaMoore - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:24 am:
Yep, Durkin, that is why the population of Illinois is up 50,000 since the last census. Bless your heart.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:25 am:
Now if they put some of the energy they spent fighting over this & RTW into working out a budget, we might get somewhere.
- Norseman - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:28 am:
This was a swing and a miss by the Speaker. If this was a campaign bill, I’m not sure a GOP legislator voting against the millionaire tax is a election deciding issue. If this was a shot at Rauner, it was a blank.
In listening to the debate, the Speaker seemed to be off his game. I thought he let GOP questions take him down a negative narrative with little challenge.
- walker - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:29 am:
===more money for local schools, which districts could use to meet their pension obligations.===
This might look good or bad to most voters as a tax, but it also was about moving teachers’ pension obligations to their employers.
- Team Sleep - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:29 am:
Ken Dunkin voted no? Seriously?! I wonder what his reasoning is for that vote.
- Federalist - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:36 am:
No surprise. As I pointed out yesterday, many DEMS from downstate are more centrist and or conservative.
These legislators combined with the Republicans made this hard to pass.
Personally, I thought it was a bad idea anyway although most on this site would disagree.
Hope the discussed CA to destroy state employees will go down to defeat. If so, it will be the reverse. A few Republicans will vote against it as well as most Democrats. This is not a prediction but if it fails that is who it will fail.
The one thing you won’t see major disagreement on is a CA on term limits. This will probably never even surface in a bill, let alone get out of committee, let alone be passed. That rejection will have bipartisan support.
- Federalist - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:39 am:
“As an individual, when I earn more I accept that I will pay more,” state Rep. Carol Sente, a Vernon Hills Democrat, said. “The approximate $1 billion per year in additional revenue is direly needed by our state to fund education.”
Does she really earn more than $1,000,000 per year or is this more hypocrisy and grandstanding?
- Anonymous - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:44 am:
They just set themselves up for another mailer
- Rod - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:44 am:
Rich I had exactly the same question as Team Sleep, if his office would give you an answer I would love to hear what it was. Not that the bill was going to be enacted anyway, not that it is an alternative to a graduated income either, but his particular vote was surprising.
- Team Sleep - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:46 am:
Federalist - but what I want to know is why a Republican such as Don Moffitt or Raymond Poe or Terri Bryant voted against it. I singled out those three because they are generally considered pro-union. Rep. Moffitt and Rep. Poe are in safe “R” districts, and Rep. Bryant could play that vote to her advantage in a district that includes SIU Carbondale.
- Wordslinger - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 11:54 am:
Madigan’ got the vote he wanted for the mailers.
- A guy - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 12:01 pm:
Sling, Durkin got “the quote” he needed for the mailers.
In fact, more than one. Touche on this one.
- Wordslinger - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 12:19 pm:
Guy, what quotes are those?
- Just Me - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 1:32 pm:
@Team Sleep — look at what district from downtown Chicago Durkin represents, then look at the median household income of that district. Then you’ll have your answer.
- Amuzing Myself - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 1:33 pm:
–Madigan’ got the vote he wanted for the mailers.–
Exactly what’s been wrong with this state for so long. If they were only half as interested in governing as they are about retaining power, we’d be so much better off.
- Anon2U - Friday, May 22, 15 @ 1:36 pm:
You’ll see soon enough… regardless of what Illinois media market you are in. Plenty of material from Madigan, Lang, Hoffman, G. Harris, Ammons, Mayor Chapa LaVia, D’Amico, Franks, Smiddy, Scherer, McAsey, Kifowit, Gabel, etc. They have become so used to doing (and saying) whatever they want that they have gotten sloppy and just figured no one would call them on it.
Put your helmet on tight, this is about to get intense!