Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Madigan addresses Rauner’s workers’ comp, property tax demands
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Madigan addresses Rauner’s workers’ comp, property tax demands

Sunday, May 31, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Speaker Madigan sat down for yet another interview this morning, This time with WSIU TV’s Jak Tichenor. It’s now online thanks to Have a look

* Jak asked Madigan if he thought Rauner’s current non-budget demands were “unachievable.” Here’s his response

Number one, whenever you reduce the benefit level on workers’ compensation, you’re reducing the standar of living for middle class families. You’re forcing injured workers to go to the welfare programs or to the emergency room. And, so I’ve explained to the governor that when he talks in terms of reducing the benefit level on workers compensation, reducing the standard of living for middle class families, he’s running up against core beliefs by both Democrats and Republicans in the General Assembly. People are elected to come here not to hurt middle class families, they’re sent here to help middle class families.

On the property tax freeze, a bill was called in the House to freeze property taxes. 37 people voted for the bill, all Democrats, no Republicans. Had every Republican voted for the bill, the bill would be over in the Senate…

My concern… is that he’s functioning in the extreme. He’s not acting in moderation. He’s functioning in the extreme. Let me repeat, both Democrats and Republicans have core beliefs that we shouldn’t reduce the standard of living for middle class families in Illinois.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:28 pm:

    ===My concern… is that he’s functioning in the extreme. He’s not acting in moderation. He’s functioning in the extreme. Let me repeat, both Democrats and Republicans have core beliefs that we shouldn’t reduce the standard of living for middle class families in Illinois.===

    There’s the frame;

    Including Republicans isolates Rauner from both parties, making it only Rauner standing in the way…

  2. - Norseman - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    === I’ve explained to the governor that when he talks in terms of reducing the standard of living for middle class families, he’s running up against core beliefs by both Democrats and Republicans in the General Assembly. ===

    That was the GOP I believed in. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

  3. - 1776 - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    Rauner didn’t propose a decrease in benefit levels.

  4. - Macbeth - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:37 pm:

    Madigan’s right. An element of government is compassion and assistance. That’s just how it works.

    Compassion and assistance are *not* part of any business — and that’s why businesses make money.

    Rauner does not understand this. Government is different from business. Always has been, always will be.

  5. - Wensicia - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:50 pm:

    ==He’s functioning in the extreme.==

    That’s what fanatically obsessed people tend to do.

  6. - walker - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:50 pm:

    We’ve spent enough time here criticizing Rauner’s approach as making compromise more difficult. Let’s put Madigan in the barrel for a bit.

    Bringing bills to the floor for symbolic votes, without taking them seriously as final proposals, is also “acting in the extreme.” It makes it harder for legislators to then change their votes when the “real” ones arrive.

    The RTW would never pass in Illinois. Killing it early was helpful to Rauner no matter what he thinks.

    The tax freeze vote would pass, but Madigan couldn’t risk it being taken seriously, for many reasons, because it would be bad fiscal policy for the state and local governments. If Rauner needs this to claim progress with his agenda, some modest change and weasel language will have to suffice on the issue.

    However, Madigan should not have run the workers’ comp and tort reform votes as theater, because it reduced the flexibility for future compromise that could occur.And he should have given Rauner pretty free rein on DCEO restructure, because if anywhere Rauner can personally help the state, it is in attracting businesses to move here.

  7. - Almost the Weekend - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    Is there any chance we can see the polling the Rauner folks have on Madigan being the most disliked politician in the United States?

    If that’s the case, I think the House Dems need to have a new face to construct this argument against Rauner. I think a downstate democrat would be ideal. I doubt it would happen and just my opinion for what it’s worth.

  8. - Macbeth - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    That’s what fanatically obsessed people tend to do.

    And what any ad campaign in the off-season will reinforce. Rauner’s money will buy him advertising — but it will lose him goodwill — and patience.

  9. - Just Me - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 3:54 pm:

    Madigan does not care about his statewide polling, and trying to attack a Democratic Representative because they support Madigan is too complicated for an argument to work successfully.

  10. - PublicServant - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:01 pm:

    1776, explain for us then your take on how Rauner’s bill doesn’t reduce worker benefit levels. See, we usually back up our claims here with reason. We’re not going to take what you say at face value without it.

  11. - Team Sleep - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:02 pm:

    Just Me - I respectfully disagree with that take. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was an issue in many Congressional races during the 2010 election cycle. Yes, I know that is a macro and national comparison, but John Boehner and the NRCC had the cash to make her an issue. Governor Rauner will have the cash to make Speaker Madigan an issue. Just having a candidate regurgitate a talking point is not enough. You need multiple mailers and plenty of TV points to make it happen.

  12. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:03 pm:

    Norse - many in the establishment liked the days when it was nearly impossible to distinguish between republicans and democrats in Illinois. You know, the people who created this mess Rauner was elected to TRY to fix.

  13. - Anonin' - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:05 pm:

    “The RTW would never pass in Illinois. Killing it early was helpful to Rauner no matter what he thinks.”
    Sure that’s why border county RTW is still on the watered down BVR list….remember the message do my non budget nonsense and maybe I will help with the budget….does not persuade anyone he is off RTW

  14. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:10 pm:

    - chicon -,

    How will Rauner pass anything, being against everyone?

    lol, as long as you’re happy I guess…

  15. - DuPage Dave - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:11 pm:

    Here’s free advice for Rauner. Nobody wants to see election ads in a non-election year. We can’t stand them during an election year.

    All they will say is “I’m Bruce Rauner and I have a lot of money to tell you bad things about people I don’t like.”

    Where has this ever been tried before? Where has it ever worked?

  16. - Norseman - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    === the establishment ===

    LOL! No need to respond to this kind of goofiness.

  17. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:18 pm:

    Willy. He’ll pass something when Madigan and Cullerton give him something in return for a tax hike. Shared pain to fix the problem. Then I’ll be happy. You?

  18. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    Norseman. Ah, the personal zinger with no substance. Impressive.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:22 pm:

    - chicon -, I would love to see compromise, a budget, trust, and the Sonny Corleone style of governing stopped…

  20. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:25 pm:

    The Godfather style of governing is Madigan’s home turf. Playing nice with doesn’t work.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:29 pm:

    lol, when has Rauner played nice?

    RTW, Union contract, Rauner Resolutions…

    Oh well.

  22. - Norseman - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:35 pm:

    chicon, when you offer some substance, I’ll be happy to respond. Otherwise, I’m just amused by the old “establishment” line. Got any other conspiracy theories to entertain us?

  23. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:41 pm:

    Willy - didn’t say Rauner is playing nice. He’s playing chess against the Master. Playing nice will get him nowhere, imo. They are negotiating - I don’t see what is so surprising about that.

  24. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:45 pm:

    Norse - interesting take that use of the word establishment means conspiracy theory in your book. Would it make you feel better if I used “machine” instead? Or is that another thing that doesn’t exist? LOL….

  25. - Norseman - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    chicon, use whatever word you want. It’s just as meaningless as your original statement.

  26. - kimocat - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 4:55 pm:

    I would think that give and take on the budget would be just that — cuts vs. taxes, right? Rauner is just showing that he really doesn’t care about raising taxes — as long as he can stick it to unions, particularly public ones. Madigan is right about one thing: a lot of what is left of the middle class are in fact public employees and private sector union members. What do you call a guy who is ready to sell out on taxes, maybe even (God-forbid) income taxes, so he can be plutocrat star for union killing? I’m not sure, but it definitely is a banned word.

  27. - Quiet Sage - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:10 pm:

    The Speaker’s statement would be more convincing if not for last General Assembly’s SB 1, which by reducing pensions would have cut the standard of living for tens of thousands of middle class families.

  28. - Let'sMovetoTexas - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:24 pm:

    Oh yeah - forcing workers to show that their injuries were suffered on the job will force them, bleeding and helpless, into emergency rooms!! Madigan represents the forces of reaction and the status quo, and he doesn’t care about anything but keeping power so he can continue to destroy Illinois’ future. He will lose in the long run, but again, he doesn’t care.

  29. - Old Elephant - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:24 pm:

    So apparently, by the Speaker’s definition, Lisa Madigan wants to reduce the standard of living for working men and women in Illinois.

    Why don’t any reporters have the courage to ask him about that?

  30. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:26 pm:

    Let’smove - careful about using the phrase status quo. Someone might think you’re into conspiracies.

  31. - PublicServant - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:30 pm:

    Agreed, Quiet Sage. But, while we don’t have Mother Theresa as Speaker of the House, Rauner’s ideology is clearly anti-Middle Class/ Pro Plutocrat, and ya gotta back the imperfect champions of the moment against a person who ideological viewpoint is as anti-democratic as Rauner’s is. He is anathema to government of the people, for the people, and by the people. He only believes in rule by those with the money to buy it. He won not being Quinn. Now he wants to draw attention away from polices he wants to implement by having people focus on him not being Madigan. Own your policy objectives governor. Stop obfuscating and debate your initiatives in the clear light of day, rather than your preferred method of Vegas-style meetings in the shadows.

  32. - Just Me - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:30 pm:

    So, what does the Speaker think is the solution to the state budget problem? Why hasn’t anyone asked him that? I would love a soundbite of Madigan saying, “We need to raise the income tax.”

  33. - kimocat - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:33 pm:

    You are right quiet sage. When you have friends like Madigan, better watch your back. Although I still wonder if the whole SB1 charade was just ducking for cover.

  34. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:41 pm:

    Exactly right, Just Me. Another question would be “if the governor agrees to a tax increase, what are you willing to give him?”

    So far the answer seems to be “not a thing”. And Rauner is the bad guy in the deal….

  35. - TurnaroundWhat - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:47 pm:

    - Quiet Sage - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:10 pm:

    The Speaker’s statement would be more convincing if not for last General Assembly’s SB 1, which by reducing pensions would have cut the standard of living for tens of thousands of middle class families.

    While most of us hated sb1, you can’t with a straight face say it would cut the standard of living for middle class families. No one would have lost their annuities. Less of a a cola sure, but in reality not to the point it would have reduced standards of living.

    Now changing the causation standard for workers compensation or limiting a person’s ability to sue a corporation, those could actually reduce the standard of living.

  36. - Percival - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 5:55 pm:

    I listened to him with Rick Pearson and Amanda Vinicky on WGN. Was that the same interview? It sure sounded the same. Same verbiage, and by the end I felt that if asked about the weather report he would respond that “moderation is required and the Governor’s’ plans are in the extreme.” He would not answer many questions other than to recite the above verbiage. He would not discuss revenue, and wanted to talk only of his “Spending Plan” full o’ goodies, without substantively addressing this year’s deficit, unpaid vendors or the coming pension bombs. Not very encouraging to anyone with a brain that is not receiving a government check.

  37. - Ahoy! - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 6:37 pm:

    A poor business/jobs climate also reduces the standard of living of the middle class. What do middle class people need most? Good paying jobs.

    Also, addressing causation in workers comp is not going to hinder the middle class lifestyle, this is just political talking points by the speaker who panders to trail lawyers, who this will impact the most.

  38. - zonz - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 6:57 pm:

    If as Rauner says our State of IL is in a desperate, crisis situation . . . how is it wiser to execute PR ploys and ad campaigns rather than spend the weeks post-Feb. 18* actually negotiating?
    Only someone in the bubble of hubris and epistemic closure would choose to execute PR ploys and ad campaigns

    *Full text: Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address via @crainschicago

  39. - Mama - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:01 pm:

    Rauner wanted a property tax freeze, it was called for a vote, but none of the IGOP voted for it. Why?

  40. - Mama - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:04 pm:

    “He (Rauner) is anathema to government of the people, for the people, and by the people. He only believes in rule by those with the money to buy it.” PublicServant, I agree with your statement 100%.

  41. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:08 pm:

    Zonz - hold Madigan to the same standard if you’re interested in fairness. What have he and Cullerton offered on their side of the negotiations? Anything that would make their own constituents mad? No, but Rauner is the bad guy for doing the same thing…

  42. - Rauner Wins - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:12 pm:

    Sorry, but MM comes off as a man with no rabbits left in his hat here. He keeps appealing to the middle class, but the message won’t resonate–the overwhelming majority of middle class voters will never have any intersection with workman’s comp. Abuses of workman’s comp in Illinois are legendary. So Rauner wins–he’s going to crucify MM on the airwaves on this issue. Property tax? Rauner wins again. MM says here that state funding for roads and cops are a middle class issue. Baloney. The middle class is looking at the pocketbook, and the middle class isn’t going to see cops and road paving as a core issue.

    Really and truly, MM comes off as old and tired and a bit desperate here, and editorial boards are siding with the gov. Rauner might just pull this out yet. At some point, sheer volume of public opinion would seem go favor the governor. Add a strike/lockout to the mix and he wins again.

  43. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:14 pm:

    Mama - news flash; Rauner was actually voted in because of his agenda. Attempting to do the things he campaigned on should be no surprise. Sorry you don’t like it, but that’s democracy. If the dems did the job in the past 12 years, there is no Rauner.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:17 pm:

    All those thinking Rauner is winning or won;

    There is NO budget, there have been NO Turnaround Agenda items passed, Rauner is attacking a group and a leader that Rauner needs 40 votes for things to pass…

    Divided government is about stalemates.

    Governors own the state of the state…. Now it’s Rauner’s turn to own the mess.

  45. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:21 pm:

    OW - Lotta truth to your post about Rauner owning the budget. I’ll guess that is one reasons for the ad campaign is an attempt to take away that edge from the legislature. Going over their heads has been used by executives for generations.

  46. - Wensicia - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:22 pm:

    Rauner opted for reality TV show rather than to do his job. I hope the ratings are worth it.
    Unfortunately, the reviews will be conducted by the Tribune editorial board, rather than a credible source.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:23 pm:

    Maybe the question is;

    As Rauner runs Ads, what has Rauner actually accomplished?

  48. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:27 pm:

    Wens - Rauner’s the only one who has shown any flexibility at all. If he’s not doing his job, neither are Madigan and Cullerton.

  49. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:30 pm:

    Willy - I guess the answer is that he’s trying to accomplish what he said he would accomplish, and the other team ain’t playing. So he’s trying another tactic.

  50. - SallyD - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:32 pm:

    We need to raise the income tax by not merely 67% but by 134% to get this state on the right track.

    Raise my taxes please!!!

  51. - Anonymous - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:32 pm:

    Now that time has expired will an executive order budget fill in till one is passed?

  52. - Anon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:33 pm:

    @chicon Rauner actually offered little substance in the general elections. He tried to present himself as a typical moderate Republican. In January, the real Rauner with his agenda in the primaries was unleashed. People did not vote for the agenda he has put forth. And they did not vote fir a bully who now is throwing his money around.

  53. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:43 pm:

    Hi anon. I agree on the specifics point. But I clearly heard him say the state’s finances are a mess and that things needed to change pronto. If he bent over for Madigan like some on this board ask, those that voted for him would be appropriately irate.

  54. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:49 pm:

    One more point, anon… I believe a bully is exactly what the public voted for. A political outsider (norse, that is someone outside the establishment) who would stand up to Madigan and Cullerton. Someone who didn’t need the office for personal gain. I think this is what angers many here the most.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:53 pm:

    ===A political outsider (norse, that is someone outside the establishment) who would stand up to Madigan and Cullerton. Someone who didn’t need the office for personal gain. I think this is what angers many here the most.===

    I don’t think you read here too much.

    What angers and frustrates me is the fact My Party has been hijacked to be paid voting buttons, no matter the beliefs of the legislator, and that co-opting another party, ala Blago IS the agenda of Rauner first, and actual giverning to resukts of governing is last really upsets the balance of Co-Equal government.

    Please speak for yourself. Thanks.

  56. - JS Mill - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 7:56 pm:

    =A political outsider=

    Except that he is not. Rauner never has been an outsider, political or otherwise. Wealth does that for you. Plus he sat on his share of public committees, usually appointed by Democratic politicians.

    Politics runs on campaign money and he has thrown around his share even before he ran for office. Not a criticism, just a fact.

    Rauner is the ultimate insider.He is apolitical and all about the bucks. Again, not a criticisms, just the way it is.

  57. - Former Merit Comp Slave - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:00 pm:

    Chicon be clear….the people didn’t vote for Rauner, they voted against Pat Quinn. Huge difference

  58. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:00 pm:

    Continually being ignored is the fact that the very same public (that some here keep persisting in reminding us voted for Governor Rauner) also voted for a supermajority of Democratic legislators. If they really wanted someone to “stand up to Madigan and Cullerton”, they wouldn’t have voted D further down the ballot.

    The public voted against Pat Quinn - period.

  59. - Chicago 20 - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:03 pm:

    Oswego Willy -
    =As Rauner runs Ads, what has Rauner actually accomplished?=

    Rauner has history in public life.

    Rauner was appointed to the interim and then to the MPEA Board.

    The MPEA’s FY 2014 deficit has now climbed to $1.2 Billion.

    And it’s just going to get worse.

    The MPEA’s bond repayments will increase 20.3% next year. In 4 years the payments will increase 76.71%, in 9 years they will increase 92.82%, in 19 years the repayment schedule will increase 133.9%.

    Since the 2010 reforms, exhibitor’s costs at McCormick Place have doubled, tripled and quadrupled.

    Rauner was the Chairman of the Chicago Convention and Tourism Board.

    Rauner hired Don Welsh as the CEO of Choose Chicago and is paying him $491,758 a year.

    Choose Chicago is armed with a vastly increased budget of $33.2 million. The 2014 hotel occupancy rate for Chicago’s hotels increased .5%, while Nationally it increased 4.8%.

    Welsh claimed that the 2015 NFL Draft was a huge success.

    I don’t think so.

    The Chicago Park District gave away $1 million in rent to the NFL. Costs to Choose Chicago are estimated well over $4 million.
    For comparison of the impact of the NFL Draft lets looks at occupancy rates. Chicago hotels occupancy rate increased .7% from 2013, an increase of 256 room nights for the whole month.

    Chicago’s share of hotel taxes from those rooms at the average daily rate was $2,884.

    Welsh spent at least $5 million to get $2,884.

    Rauner, Reilly and Welsh have failed the citizens of Illinois.

  60. - Anonymous - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:05 pm:

    “What angers and frustrates me is the fact My Party has been hijacked to be paid voting buttons”

    What angers Willy is that My Party is no longer controlled by Mike Madigan a/k/a the leader of Willy’s Party.

  61. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:06 pm:

    OW - all in one post you tell not to speak for others and then tell us what Rauner’s real agenda is,thereby speaking for him. I gave my opinion of the motivations of others; that is not speaking for them, just as your statements on the motivations of Rauner is not speaking for him.

    And how do you know how often I read here?

  62. - RNUG - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:08 pm:

    == The Speaker’s statement would be more convincing if not for last General Assembly’s SB 1, which by reducing pensions would have cut the standard of living for tens of thousands of middle class families. ==

    - Quiet Sage -, that was a ugly nut necessary political move to get a more or less slam dunk case in front of the IL SC so the politicians would get the message they couldn’t get out of paying the pensions. In other words, to quote others here, it was an attempt to fit a politically acceptable solution to a math problem that requires a tax hike or drastic service cuts.

  63. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:10 pm:


    Madigan and Cullerton proposed billions in cuts. Democrats are prepared to split the budget gap almost right down the middle with a combination of spending cuts and new revenue.

    And keep in mind, reinstating a portion of the income tax was an idea backed early on by Topinka, Radogno, and the Business leaders.

    But Cullerton is spot on. Rauner is holding people with disabilities hostage in order to move his “turn around” agenda.

  64. - chicon - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:11 pm:

    Lester - then you should have no worries, as he’ll be out in four years, replaced by a democrat. Then things can return to the perfection of the last 12 years.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:13 pm:

    ===And how do you know how often I read here?===

    Oh, I don’t, which is confusing why you feel you need to speak for me.

    As for…

    === I gave my opinion of the motivations of others; that is not speaking for them, just as your statements on the motivations of Rauner is not speaking for him.===

    The big difference is…

    Rauner personally telling the GOP GA to vote as I say or face a $&@#% problem as a factual point to consider, along with…

    ILGO PAC, designed to find friendly Dems… for Rauner, along with…

    Tournaround Agenda PAC designed to advocate Rauner’s Agenda…

    Those are NOT my opinions.

    These facts, they are his agenda. Budgets and agendas show their priorities by the monies spent towards goals.

    $60 million pledged, $34 million in actual dollars, and Ads ready to roll, I’m not speaking opinion, I’m speaking to what’s happening.

  66. - RNUG - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:14 pm:

    == As Rauner runs Ads, what has Rauner actually accomplished? ==

    … giving an income boost to the various media groups in a non-election year.

  67. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:20 pm:

    Anonymous 8:05:

    Just because Willy can think for himself and isn’t afraid to criticize leaders in his own party doesn’t make him a Democrat.

    It just makes him unusual for a Republican in this state these days.

  68. - RNUG - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:22 pm:

    == What angers Willy is that My Party is no longer controlled by Mike Madigan a/k/a the leader of Willy’s Party. ==

    The above statement does not compute.

  69. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:22 pm:

    Thanks - YDD -.

    I’d send you a thank you note…

  70. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:25 pm:

    - RNUG -,

    You have my Marker as always.

  71. - Mama - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:38 pm:

    - Chicago 20 - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:03 pm:
    “Rauner was appointed to the interim and then to the MPEA Board.

    The MPEA’s FY 2014 deficit has now climbed to $1.2 Billion.

    And it’s just going to get worse.

    The MPEA’s bond repayments will increase 20.3% next year. In 4 years the payments will increase 76.71%, in 9 years they will increase 92.82%, in 19 years the repayment schedule will increase 133.9%.”
    chicon, you think this man has all the answers? LOL!

  72. - Mama - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 8:43 pm:

    Rauner was not elected to be a bully! Rauner would not tell the voters what he planned to do once he was elected. When pushed as to why he would not reveal his plans, he said, “Because the people won’t like it.” Rauner is right, we don’t like it!

  73. - Norseman - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 9:14 pm:

    chicon, you’re consistent. Consistently wrong. Rauner is the proverbial insider. He’s been playing politics for awhile now. Of course you want to forget that he made a lot of money off of IL pensions. Don’t forget Levine was on his payroll. And, his very expensive staff represents a cornucopia of political insiders.

  74. - Wordslinger - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 9:42 pm:

    Chicon, what exactly did Rauner campaign on and what is he trying to accomplish at this point?

    You do know that for many years Rauner was one of the biggest financial backers of the state’s “establishment” politicians, Democrats and Republicans?

  75. - Tom K. - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 10:11 pm:

    Is there any way to call a special referendum, or simply have an “unbiased” third party take an accurate poll of Illinois voters, Illinois residents, and Illinois taxpayers? Winner take all. Obviously, the phrasing of the poll questions is key, they need to be as neutral and specific as possible.
    I think Rauner will win the battle of public opinion - Madigan and Cullerton have tremendous power, that is not in question - but they have ZERO credibility, having owned the past twelve, and in reality, many more years of Illinois policy. They OWN the current mess we’re in. And please don’t try and pin this on Quinn and Blago, with the first being a hand-puppet and the second a narcissist criminal, easily bent over by Mikey’s will. And yes, Edgar and the other U governor in jail share culpability as well, but the last twelve years are the most telling, and they occurred under the current legislature. The status quo has failed, Illinois needs to change. Mikey has no plan other to spend more - no thank you. This Governor was hired to change things. Go to the people and diminish the power of the status quo. And Sally? If you really think your taxes need to be raised, all you have to do is write a check and send it to Springfield. But leave mine alone, I AM in the middle class, and it is Madigan that is trying to diminish me - extreme, indeed.

  76. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 10:21 pm:

    ===Is there any way to call a special referendum, or simply have an “unbiased” third party take an accurate poll of Illinois voters, Illinois residents, and Illinois taxpayers?===

    Why have a legislature OR Governor? Quick Poll results will run Illinois…

    ===but the last twelve years are the most telling, and they occurred under the current legislature.===

    Nope. A new legislature was sworn in, as Governor Rauner was sworn in too.

    ===But leave mine alone, I AM in the middle class, and it is Madigan that is trying to diminish me - extreme, indeed.===

    How is MJM specifically trying to diminish you?

  77. - DuPage - Sunday, May 31, 15 @ 10:31 pm:

    @chicon7:14 =news flash; Rauner was actually voted in because of his agenda.=

    Rauner was elected mostly because of the “anybody but Quinn” reaction by people upset by Quinn saying he was put on earth to cut their pensions. A lot of them stayed home.

  78. - See the forest - Monday, Jun 1, 15 @ 6:21 am:

    Government is broken in Illinois. Money/donors drive what the house/senate and governor do.
    Change always begins from the bottom up. Until the people of Illinois wake up and hold their elected officials accountable, things wont improve.

  79. - Pelonski - Monday, Jun 1, 15 @ 6:41 am:

    Rauner’s major problem is that he is negotiating from a point of weakness in that he too wants a tax increase. That will quickly become apparent once he completely vetoes the spending bill the Democrats send him instead of using his line reduction veto powers to make the budget balanced. He is essentially asking Democrats to go against their principles in exchange for nothing.

  80. - Archimedes - Monday, Jun 1, 15 @ 7:15 am:

    Rauner won the election being the anti-Quinn. I think he also won by being anti-tax. He stuck to his talking point that the State budget could be balanced within the 3.75% income tax - indeed down to 3% by the end of his first term.

    He preached that a better business climate would bring in more revenue - but was also intentionally vague about the specifics for that.

    Now, the specifics are known. He really can’t balance the budget without an income tax increase.

    His better business climate is dependent on right to work zones and other reforms that strengthen the control of management and weaken the control of unions and workers not in unions.

  81. - zonz - Monday, Jun 1, 15 @ 11:32 am:


    Rauner’s Leadership Deception

    May 31, 2015 Rauner: “We’ll have constant communication as we have for a long time,” he said.

    May 29, 2015 - Rauner’s comments “followed the first face-to-face meeting in two months between Rauner and the four legislative leaders.”
    from (By Monique Garcia, Kim Geiger and Hal Dardick -Chicago Tribune)

    *********** ’nuff said ***********

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