Durkin, Radogno escalate war of words
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno and House Republican Leader Jim Durkin held a press conference today. Click here to watch it on BlueRoomStream.com. * “We are getting down to crunch time,” Leader Radogno told Statehouse reporters. “Unfortunately, with each passing day, it looks more and more like the Democrats are unwilling to seriously engage and negotiate transformational reforms to state government.” Radogno said Democratic attendance at the governor’s working groups has “become spotty,” adding “things have been slow-walked, things have been taken off the table without any real negotiation whatsoever.” She claimed the Democrats are “ignoring the problems of this state,” including Chicago’s pension crisis, which includes a “$600 million pension payment that’s due in 40 days.” The Democrats “want to play politics,” instead of negotiating, she said. Radogno claimed Democrats took codifying the governor’s executive order on state employee ethics reforms off the table because they feared it was the first step to applying those reforms to the General Assembly. * Leader Durkin said that Democrats “only appear to be interested in doubling down” on the failed reforms of the past. “They are not participating in good faith,” on the working groups, Durkin alleged, saying “Democrats have made a mockery of the process.” Durkin said the Democrats are only interested in scoring political points on the House floor so that they can send out mailers and do robocalls into GOP districts. “They’ve ruined the middle class,” Durkin said, mocking the Democrats’ claims that they’re all about protecting the middle class. * In response to a question about the lack of actual legislation from the governor, Radogno said most of the bills they deal with start with conversations. “It is absolute nonsense that you throw a bill on the table, vote it up or down and then move on. That’s not how it’s done.” Radogno went on to say that the working group dealing with revenue had made some progress because the Dems are “desperate” for more revenues. * “The signal I’m getting on the House floor is that it’s over, that they have no desire to participate,” Durkin said about the chance that the spring session would go past May 31st. Radogno said it was solely the Democrats’ choice whether the session went into overtime. * And asked about the governor’s $400,000 contribution to Republican legislators, Radogno countered that there had been no scrutiny of contributions to the House Speaker during his fundraiser last week. She said the governor’s a Republican so it “makes sense that he supports Republicans,” and said there was “nothing nefarious about it.” Whew. Here we go, campers…
Madigan fires back
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * I told subscribers about these Democratic mailers this morning and the AFP mailers several days ago…
According to Riopell, at least three Republicans have been hit with the mailers so far. Subscribers have a copy of one of the Dem mailers and the AFP stuff. The governor’s people, by the way, flatly deny that they had anything to do with the AFP mailers. AFP has issued the same denial. This is not good news for the session’s prospects, to say the least.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Legendary broadcast journalist to retire
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * From Facebook… ![]()
* Jak is the Walter Cronkite of Illinois Statehouse news. There is nobody better. Speaker Madigan, for instance, doesn’t sit down with many TV reporters, but he knows Jak is fair and asks insightful questions, so despite the fact that Jak has put him on the hot seat numerous times with tough questions, Madigan regularly submits to Tichenor’s interview requests. Jak isn’t a “gotcha” guy looking for cheap ratings boosts. He’s a real, honest to goodness journalist. I’ve been privileged to appear on Jak’s “Illinois Lawmakers” show for years. Our friendship developed partly because of a mutual acquaintance, Jak’s wife Monica, who I’ve known since my early days in Springfield. But it grew strong because of our mutual respect. I cannot possibly say enough good things about the man. He’s decent, he’s honest, he’s trustworthy. Here we are in 2014… ![]() A congratulatory caption contest perhaps? *** UPDATE *** Jak just called and said he hoped to continue with the Illinois Lawmakers program. That’s a relief.
Rise of the Democratic Raunerites?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * Greg Hinz writes about a new Democratic candidate for Cook County State’s Attorney…
She has made five reportable state/local contributions since the early 1990s and one was to Rauner? With the advent of the ostensibly “Democratic” but pro-Rauner IllinoisGO PAC, and Rauner transition co-chairman Bill Daley pushing his own candidate for US Senate, is a pattern developing here? Or maybe I’m just being paranoid.
Illinois services set for Gov. Dan Walker
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * From an e-mail…
Online organizing ain’t all it’s cracked up to be
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * Well, that turned out to be a dud…
Rich Whitney, eh? Sheesh. What about the 2,725 people who signed that online petition? Did they just click it and forget it? No large numbers of students? No labor union members protesting en masse? From what I gathered, the unions decided to wait a bit. Unlike Gov. Quinn before him, Rauner seems to want rowdy confrontations. Better to just leave things to Whitney and his little crew… ![]()
Question of the day
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * With time quickly running out on the spring session, I don’t think this should be seen as a snub…
* There’s also a real problem here with logistics. Instead of taking the state plane, Gov. Rauner is driving back and forth from either Chicago or his north suburban home to Springfield. We’re talking a minimum of 3 hours each way, so driving up to the city for the inaugural and then driving back down to Springfield would take up his entire day. Yet, his top agency officials are still riding on the state shuttle, as are legislative leaders. I know, I know, he repeatedly blasted the state’s airplane fleet as a waste of money during the campaign and promised to shut it down and sell it off. But he hasn’t done that yet, and he’s now the governor with lots of responsibilities, along with his top staff, so… * The Question: Should the governor and his top staff start using the state plane, even if it results in some seriously negative media coverage? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. online survey
Sen. McConnaughay first to admit refusing Rauner’s contribution
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * The McHenry County Blog reports that one Republican state Senator has refused to accept a contribution from Gov. Bruce Rauner, who recently contributed a grand total of $400,000 to GOP legislators…
McConnaughay is known for both her practical bipartisanship and her toughness.
Amy’s Story: Erroneous Blood Test Alters Their Lives
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] My name is Amy Clark. Shortly after my first son, Brandon, was born I noticed he wasn’t meeting developmental milestones. He was showing severe developmental delays. As he got, he couldn’t speak and was excessively happy. Brandon was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, a rare neuro-genetic disorder. After genetic testing, I was told Brandon’s form of Angelman Syndrome was spontaneous and not hereditary. Brandon’s condition required so much of my time and attention I wanted to be 100 percent positive his condition was not hereditary before I thought about having another child. I sought a second opinion and was assured the initial tests were negative. I was told I had a less than 1 percent chance of conceiving another child with Angelman Syndrome. Our second son, Timothy, began showing the same symptoms of Angelman Syndrome that Brandon had. I sought answers and discovered my original genetic tests were not negative. The doctors were wrong, I indeed tested positive for the hereditary genetic mutation. This meant I had a 50 percent chance of having a child with Angelman Syndrome. Because of the doctors’ mistakes, I now have two disabled children who demand 100 percent of my time and attention. The civil justice system in Illinois allowed me to hold the doctors accountable for their mistakes. I cannot work, because it’s impossible to find someone to care for the boys. My life is not normal by any means, and my settlement did not place me in the lap of luxury. I needed my settlement to survive, pay the bills and to put food on the table. I didn’t win a jackpot—I obtained justice. Trust me, I’d give it all back to have that big, healthy family I always wanted. To read more of Amy’s story, click here.
Your daily “right to work” roundup
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the governor’s office…
* From the Freeport Journal-Standard…
Keep in mind that the alderman making that claim was against the resolution. * From the Illinois AFL-CIO…
* From a Pantagraph editorial…
Look, the governor has spent months and months wasting valuable time on this issue giving speeches and pushing local resolutions that could’ve been used to pass his legislative agenda. The General Assembly spent a few hours on the topic last week. The governor’s office hasn’t produced any legislation dealing with the issues the Pantagraph wants addressed, so it’s not like the House could’ve voted on that stuff last week. Plus, the governor appears, for now anyway, to have toned down his rhetoric several notches since that House vote. I’m not saying it was the most productive use of the House’s time, I’m just saying that the vote may have actually helped move the ball forward a bit. At the very least, the amount of energy expended by the governor’s office showed him - or should’ve showed him - that the idea is a dead-bang loser here.
Medicaid – Know the Facts Part 3
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Thank you Georgia and Nevada! Were it not for these two states, Illinois would rank dead last in the country in average spending per Medicaid enrollee – for kids, senior citizens, and people with disabilities or mental illnesses. Illinois ranks 49th in the country in average spending per Medicaid enrollee among the 50 states and District of Columbia – substantially lower than every surrounding state in the Midwest and lower than other large states like California, New York, Texas and Florida. But imposing $810 million in hospital Medicaid cuts as proposed in the FY2016 state budget will only help Illinois hit rock bottom. 40 percent of Illinois hospitals are already operating in the red – in every region of the State. Drastic Medicaid cuts will decimate access to health care in urban and rural communities across Illinois. Drastic Medicaid cuts will mean reductions and elimination of services for everyone, longer waits in the ER, higher health care costs for working families and businesses, lost jobs and lost economic activity. Cutting Medicaid in the FY2016 budget is shortsighted and will result in real harm to people and communities. For more information, go to www.TransformingIllinoisHealthCare.org.
Rauner Derangement Syndrome run amok
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a letter to the editor…
Oh, for crying out loud. * We get this sort of thing a lot in comments and it drives me batty. It doesn’t matter what he does, the governor is somehow evil. I’m not sure if some of y’all realize it, but going all-out against the governor for every little thing says more about you than it does about him. You should’ve seen some of the comments I deleted yesterday on a post about a pretty good speech the governor gave this week. Sheesh. Grow up, toss out the hyper-partisanship and open your eyes and your minds, please.
Stop the satellite TV tax
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The cable industry is asking lawmakers to place a NEW 5% tax on satellite TV service. The satellite tax is not about fairness, equity or parity – it’s a tax increase on the 1.3 million Illinois families and businesses who subscribe to satellite TV. Satellite Tax Will Hurt Illinois Families and Small Businesses
• This tax will impact every bar, restaurant and hotel that subscribes to satellite TV service, which will translate into higher prices, decreased revenues, and fewer jobs. • Rural Illinois has no choice: In many parts of Illinois, cable refuses to provide TV service to rural communities. Satellite TV is their only option. Satellite Tax Is Not About Parity or Fairness
• Satellite companies don’t pay franchise fees for one simple reason: We use satellites—unlike cable, we don’t need to dig up streets and sidewalks to deliver our TV service. • Making satellite subscribers pay franchise fees—or, in this case, an equivalent amount in taxes—would be like taxing the air. It’s no different than making airline passengers pay a fee for laying railroad tracks. They don’t use; they shouldn’t have to pay for it. Tell Your Lawmakers to Stop The Satellite TV Tax
Some things old are new again
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * I had completely forgotten about this until a commenter pointed it out yesterday. From way back on April 28, 2003…
* From my April 20, 2015 syndicated newspaper column…
…Adding… I should’ve also made mention of Blagojevich’s “Moving Illinois Forward” PAC, which was a lesser-funded version of the “Democratic” Rauner-favorable group. I have strictly avoided direct comparisons here between RRB and BVR because I do not want to imply in any way that the current governor is corrupt. And this post today is in no way making that implication. But if you’re wondering why the negativity appears to be escalating under the Statehouse dome, this may offer a clue. Rod Blagojevich won reelection in 2006 during a huge Democratic year, but he was a failed governor because he constantly pulled stunts like releasing those poll numbers. He also failed because Speaker Madigan made it his mission to bring the guy down.
*** LIVE *** Session coverage
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * Your daily Scribble Live feed, sponsored by The Illinois Kids Campaign. Watch it all live…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller