That is hard to identify. Disappointed that this Governor continues to lob hand grenades. I suppose it is to be expected since he had no prior government experience.
Rich Miller. Accurate reporting, fact-based analysis. Doesn’t pretend he knows everything or is above everyone. Oh, you mean someone who is an elected official in the statehouse? Bueller? Bueller?
I wish both sides were stop coming out with inane press releases blaming one another and actually sit in a room together and hash out major issues facing this state. There is way too much caucusing and strategizing how to smear the other side and not enough fundamental talks about the issues.
Sit all the legislatures in the room, with dominos pizza (since it’s cheap) and make them stay in there until they have progress.
I’d say Cullerton is a teenager…more mature than the rest, but not yet an adult.
Heather Steans and David Harris are among the adults in the room…unfortunately none of the grown-ups are in charge.
- West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:48 pm:
So far its just the kids in the hall and it doesn’t look like the kids are alright.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:49 pm:
None any longer, now that everyone is playing by the same rules.
Rauner, Cullerton and Madigan are the closest to adults because they have the ability to apply the brakes, but until all three act like adults then none will.
In the Senate, possibly John Cullerton. Just going to depend; he can come up with reasonable proposals and compromises but doesn’t always get listened to.
In the House, and this is going to sound a bit out there, but maybe, just maybe, Raymond Poe. He doesn’t always follow Madigan and he doesn’t get rattled by the threats and posturing. The only problem is he doesn’t have much real power other than a bit of respect and a lot of experience, so I don’t think he can make that much of a difference overall.
Not currently. Among politicians, Pat Quinn came closest, but the voters threw him out of the room, as they likely will the next politician who has the temerity to suggest that taxes must be raised and contractual obligations paid. After all, this is Illinois, land of spoiled children.
- horse w/ no name - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:52 pm:
“Pat Quinn came closest” - HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! - Oh, you were being serious?
I’ll give you two. John Cullerton, for the modest and prescient way that he has led on pensions, and Don Harmon, for his, entirely reasonable reply to Rauners taunting which was published here last week.
I’m ready for both sides to come together on what can be accomplished. They need to make a budget — they need to settle a contact — let’s do it and actually help the folks who live in this state.
Rauner talks about how he’s working for the people of Illinois. He’s compromised. Let’s see Madigan do it, too. And let’s get things going for the coming year.
The vacuum left after the passing of Judy Baar Topinka was never someting born of hyperbole.
This question, and the fact I can’t think of a soul right now that could get the Leaders and the Governor together to mediate makes her loss to the state ever more apparent.
I’ll keep looking, and reading here to see suggestions, but this is a void, finding the adult. We need one soon.
Adults? Did we ever have any in the Illinois Legislature? All we have is 2 parties who enjoy taking swings at each other, I’m just waiting to see who gets knocked out first so far neither have landed a blow it’s a shame they can’t even do that correctly. end snark/
I have been saying this for quite some time, only to have most of my remarks removed because the “comment police” do not agree. There is not a person, man or woman, in Springfield that is a true statesman (woman) who wants to stand up for what is right for this State. It is all D against R. This goes for the top three (Rauner, Madigan, Cullerton). What a true shame for everyone. Where does this all end? Maybe the “Comment Police guy (gal)” has the answer. He is one making a lot of $$$ on all of this.
I vote for the Illinois Supreme Court. They’re not in the room, but you can certainly see a mom saying “No more excuses, you two get in there and fix it.”
- Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:05 pm:
The Supreme Court is the closest thing we have to adults. They impose their form of discipline on the executive and legislative branches when they overstep boundaries. Now they are not perfect adults and they require formal presentation of issues before they can act. But in this environment, they are the adults.
I know lobbyists are not welcome but many of them are adults in various rooms. If I were Mike Z, I would get a meeting together of a few of the GOP adults and Dem adults and get their advice…McClain, Filan, Cullen?….Hendren, Sullivan, Kimme?
The adult(s) will emerge from someone willing to tell the Governor, President, and Speaker to stop this nonsense and finish the job, and all three take he/she/them seriously.
Well, Greg Harris, Ron Sandack and Richard Goldberg took themselves out of consideration by behaving like children at today’s smearing, sorry, hearing.
No adults to be seen anywhere. Just constant posturing using the worst phases ever such as “the people of Illinois.” There is no issue that “the people of Illinois” agree on 100%-quit trying to make it sound like you have a mandate for your own agendas.
- The Unknown Poster - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:21 pm:
Sadly, there have been no adults in the room since Judy Barr Topinka’s passing.
Years were wasted on the thieving fever dreams of Ty, the Civvies and the semi-literate hysterics at the Tribbie edit board.
Like a sideline trainer going through the protocols for a severly concussed player, the Supremes patiently but firmly explained to them that their game was over and that simple declarative sentences written at a sixth grade level mean what they say and are not subject to contradictory interpretation.
Perhaps if there are no adults in the room, we should give the state budget mess to a bunch of high school kids to figure out. I’d bet they could do it more quickly than our legislators!
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:27 pm:
Ralph Martire.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:31 pm:
Ralph Martire has consistently and correctly stated that the pension debit is a symptom of our structural deficit and not the cause. It is the lack of our tax system to keep pace with the growing cost of government (just like our household expenses increase) that is at the root cause. Only by not making required pension payments have politicians been able to provide state services to citizens without the proper amount of taxation. Once you make the pension payment, then the structural deficit must be faced.
Agree with Word on the Supremes. Who else has made the point that it is responsible to pay back money borrowed from the pension fund payments and there is no wheedling out of the responsible course.
>>>> “Pat Quinn came closest” - HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! - Oh, you were being serious?
The past is over and done, but agree on Pat Quinn with the gigantic exception of signing the FY15 budget. He made a lot of cuts, was unpopular with AFSCME, increased revenue, and made the pension payments every year. Mind you, I’m limiting consideration to his adulthood to that very narrow perspective. Contrast his behavior with that of our current leaders, none of whom has put forward a budget that balances expenses with revenues.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:35 pm:
@ Earnest - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:33 pm:
=Who else has made the point that it is responsible to pay back money borrowed from the pension fund payments and there is no wheedling out of the responsible course.=
When both sides, not just the governor, not just the Democrats, when both sides actually stop with the press releases, we will know adults are milling about.
I agree with the “Duh!!” comment. There has to be someone out there BESIDES Rauner, Madagin, and Cullerton. Anyone have the guts to STAND UP!! I heard that “step up” comment before.
Clearly Madigan
He patiently sent members to the sham Working Groups, worked a spending plan through passage in the House and Senate and is trying to give BVR some accomplishments. Team BVR has missed many opportunities because they are new, uninformed or craving a big government shutdown to boost the presidential campaign. They should check with Newt.
Meanwhile they may be learning that insulting folks or questioning integrity creates ill will that does not heal Check with Tristano
Hey Norseman…….Grow up or pick up your marbles and GO HOME! Wow!!!
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:45 pm:
Eric Madiar who came out with a legal opinion - a few years ago - that the state can not welch on it’s pension obligations.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:48 pm:
I want to also offer up RNUG.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:49 pm:
My big three are Ralph Martire, Eric Madiar, and our own RUNUG. The three pension adults who have been consistent, thoughtful and have gone where the facts have taken them.
I’m also voting for the Supremes. I’m not sure there’s an adult in the executive or legislative branches, maybe the legislative branch, but I’m sure that the Four Tops make sure these adult voices are marginalized.
Imagine if the chambers were run by say Kwame Raoul and Elaine Nekritz. That would be more adult. We’d still have a governor intent of break em down and build em back up. It’s the venture capital way.
I made a list of twelve strong “adults” on the budget in the legislature alone, some of whom have already been noted. Then realized it doesn’t matter anyway, because it’s up to elected leaders to fix it at this point, representing state-level political forces. Don’t look for superman or wonderwoman on this one.
I was never a big Madigan fan, but at least he has tried to give Rauner teachable moments. Even after his failed state road show Rauner still insists that he wants everything in his agenda. He never took RTW and other Turn Back agenda items off the table. He just hid them in his remaining requests.
You didn’t condition the question with “present elected official” perhaps intentionally, so . . . just thinking out loud . . . would either of these be a pick for adult?
___________________________ #1
Munger channeling Kimme (Topinka’s chief of staff, Nancy Kimme, will remain in her position. Kimme is a top deputy in Rauner’s transition team.)
re Munger:
Tim Nuding, Director of Governor’s Office of Management and Budget
Tim Nuding has spent 25 years working in state government for the Illinois Senate Republican Staff. The first 16 years of his career were spent focusing on state fiscal issues through the Senate Appropriations Committee both as a budget analyst and as the Director of the Senate Appropriations Staff. Most recently he has served as Chief of Staff to Illinois Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno. Tim’s experience working in the legislature has given him a unique perspective and understanding of the budget problems facing Illinois. He is widely respected in the State Capitol and has established a solid network of relationships with executive agency staff, stakeholders and key legislators and legislative staff from both political parties. Tim graduated from Illinois State University in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. He and his family reside in Rochester, Illinois.
Madigan gave Rauner months to work on something substantial. Instead, BVR chose to continue the campaign, focusing on an issue so toxic and unsupportable in this state that it can’t be used as leverage.
He swoops in the final few weeks and expects the other party to roll over? That’s childish.
I don’t really see how Madigan bears the blame when this is what he has to work with. And it’s not his responsibility to make Rauner look competent or accept any part of his agenda.
Rich, when are u gonna write about Rauner’s plan to lockout state employees (union and merit comp except agency Directors and Deputy Directors)? It’s gonna happen in July. He won’t let any of them back in until they agree to move from the Tier 1 pension system to Tier 2.
On a sidenote, whenever I see Jim Durkin (a very fine person and legislator) up there doing the bidding of Bruce Rauner, I always wonder if Ray Poe is so glad he didn’t get the leadership slot. I wonder.
I would look to the disciples of Lord Luking. for example, glad to see Derek Blaida in the mix and for someone comparatively young, he is quite an adult.
Rauner. Adults usually have to tell the misbehaving children to behave.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:50 pm:
I think the governor and the four leaders are all adults.
Let’s just be clear that they all have competing interests.
And let’s not forget that all life’s a stage and all of us actors with roles to play.
They all have parts to play.
The only tricky part here is no one really trusts/understands/believes what Rauner wants. He has said he wants so many different things and also acted in contradictory ways.
Maybe he isn’t quite sure what he wants and that is the problem.
His advisors tell him he is holding all of the cards, or atleast a strong upper hand, but if he doesn’t come out of this at least looking like a winner after spending $100 million of his own money, that does not sit well.
But does he really want to fix the state budget, is his ultimate goal to dissassemble Illinois’ middle class alliance, or is he really auditioning for VP?
No one really knows. By the way he is plundering the state coffers with people like Purvis, and waving his sword around, I think the answer is #2.
In which case, he is certainly going about it the only way he can, but then Democrats will and should do everything they can to stop him.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 6:01 pm:
Pat Quinn? Really? Well, I’ll see that and raise you an Arizona Bob. C’mon, man.
To the Post, I’ll join the votes for the Supremes with an Honorable Mention to the Staff folks who have to work around their bosses’ petulance. Right. Anonin’ ?
Adults in the room in the Capitol? Most likely the innocent, hard-working State employees whose livelihoods are threatened by all this bickering and childish behavior.
The Democrats have rolled over the Republicans mercilessly for 10 years. The power has been neutralized with Rauner winning a couple downstate D’s breaking Madigan’s supermajority, increasing the power of Rauner’s veto. Both sides are now pushing hard at each other to check for boundaries, weakness, and limits.
Rhino, give it a think; if there truly were practical, working Dem super-majorities in the House or Senate, we wouldn’t be having this discussion on June 4. They don’t exist.
What also is true is that Gov. Rauner can’t pass the time of day without a significant number of Democratic votes — not the revenue he wants, not anything. In fact, he’ll need more Dems now the he did before June 1.
Martire. And I agree with earlier comment regarding sound bites. I have long followed the factual releases by Martire but rarely saw them in the media. Instead saw the sound bites from Rauner and Dems- Rauner is just a shill for big money and has no concept of government’s role, and the Dems have long had the chance to fix this but displayed no guts because their number one concern has been to get re-elected (resulting in their cowardly pension reform bill instead of addressing the need for more revenue).
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 8:08 am:
Rauner has won nothing.
He will have won nothing until he passes a budget that is approved by the General Assembly and the voters.
- Another Vote For Martire - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 8:17 am:
The guy has it nailed. Why don’t they just listen and do what he says? It would consume a lot less political capital for everyone than what they’re doing now.
“Madigan gave Rauner months to work on something substantial. Instead, BVR chose to continue the campaign, focusing on an issue so toxic and unsupportable in this state that it can’t be used as leverage.
He swoops in the final few weeks and expects the other party to roll over? That’s childish.”
I agree and couldn’t have said it better myself–literally.
Rauner viciously attacked unions and spent too much time pushing that agenda. Madigan helped pass a lot of very important bills this session, which to me is much better than last year’s session.
Plus, Madigan doesn’t attack people in public like Rauner does. He is not petulant and nasty, like Rauner was in his recent press appearance.
I know this is politics, and even with all the rancor, I am pulling for the leaders to pass a balanced budget that involves raising revenue. There’s little to fear in raising revenue, and lots to fear if we don’t.
- Gooner - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:41 pm:
Kelly Cassidy is one, at least on guns.
As to the budget, I’m not aware of any.
- Stones - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:42 pm:
That is hard to identify. Disappointed that this Governor continues to lob hand grenades. I suppose it is to be expected since he had no prior government experience.
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:43 pm:
Rich Miller. Accurate reporting, fact-based analysis. Doesn’t pretend he knows everything or is above everyone. Oh, you mean someone who is an elected official in the statehouse? Bueller? Bueller?
- JW - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:43 pm:
I wish both sides were stop coming out with inane press releases blaming one another and actually sit in a room together and hash out major issues facing this state. There is way too much caucusing and strategizing how to smear the other side and not enough fundamental talks about the issues.
Sit all the legislatures in the room, with dominos pizza (since it’s cheap) and make them stay in there until they have progress.
- PTR - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:46 pm:
I’d say Cullerton is a teenager…more mature than the rest, but not yet an adult.
Heather Steans and David Harris are among the adults in the room…unfortunately none of the grown-ups are in charge.
- West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:48 pm:
So far its just the kids in the hall and it doesn’t look like the kids are alright.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:49 pm:
None any longer, now that everyone is playing by the same rules.
Rauner, Cullerton and Madigan are the closest to adults because they have the ability to apply the brakes, but until all three act like adults then none will.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:49 pm:
No. There are no adults in the room.
- CharlieKratos - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:49 pm:
RNUG. He’s just not in the right room.
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:50 pm:
In the Senate, possibly John Cullerton. Just going to depend; he can come up with reasonable proposals and compromises but doesn’t always get listened to.
In the House, and this is going to sound a bit out there, but maybe, just maybe, Raymond Poe. He doesn’t always follow Madigan and he doesn’t get rattled by the threats and posturing. The only problem is he doesn’t have much real power other than a bit of respect and a lot of experience, so I don’t think he can make that much of a difference overall.
Now if you had asked instead about wild cards …
- Andy S. - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:50 pm:
Not currently. Among politicians, Pat Quinn came closest, but the voters threw him out of the room, as they likely will the next politician who has the temerity to suggest that taxes must be raised and contractual obligations paid. After all, this is Illinois, land of spoiled children.
- horse w/ no name - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:52 pm:
“Pat Quinn came closest” - HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! - Oh, you were being serious?
- West Sider - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:53 pm:
I’ll give you two. John Cullerton, for the modest and prescient way that he has led on pensions, and Don Harmon, for his, entirely reasonable reply to Rauners taunting which was published here last week.
- Macbeth - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:53 pm:
I’m ready for both sides to come together on what can be accomplished. They need to make a budget — they need to settle a contact — let’s do it and actually help the folks who live in this state.
Rauner talks about how he’s working for the people of Illinois. He’s compromised. Let’s see Madigan do it, too. And let’s get things going for the coming year.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:54 pm:
The vacuum left after the passing of Judy Baar Topinka was never someting born of hyperbole.
This question, and the fact I can’t think of a soul right now that could get the Leaders and the Governor together to mediate makes her loss to the state ever more apparent.
I’ll keep looking, and reading here to see suggestions, but this is a void, finding the adult. We need one soon.
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:55 pm:
- Austin Blvd - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:56 pm:
Madigan. He is doing his negotiating in public for all to see. Bothers Rauner and the GOP to no end.
- bloval27 - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:58 pm:
Adults? Did we ever have any in the Illinois Legislature? All we have is 2 parties who enjoy taking swings at each other, I’m just waiting to see who gets knocked out first so far neither have landed a blow it’s a shame they can’t even do that correctly. end snark/
- Arsenal - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:58 pm:
Plenty! They just get ignored.
- Duh!! - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:58 pm:
I have been saying this for quite some time, only to have most of my remarks removed because the “comment police” do not agree. There is not a person, man or woman, in Springfield that is a true statesman (woman) who wants to stand up for what is right for this State. It is all D against R. This goes for the top three (Rauner, Madigan, Cullerton). What a true shame for everyone. Where does this all end? Maybe the “Comment Police guy (gal)” has the answer. He is one making a lot of $$$ on all of this.
- Biker - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:59 pm:
State Senator Michael Noland, who is leading the way on decriminalization as well as legalization and taxation.
- nobiggie - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 2:59 pm:
Judging by the charades put on today, not the Douglas side
- Skeptic - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:02 pm:
I vote for the Illinois Supreme Court. They’re not in the room, but you can certainly see a mom saying “No more excuses, you two get in there and fix it.”
- Yossarian - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:02 pm:
Only Pumkin & Stella (Rauners’ dogs).
- Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:05 pm:
The Supreme Court is the closest thing we have to adults. They impose their form of discipline on the executive and legislative branches when they overstep boundaries. Now they are not perfect adults and they require formal presentation of issues before they can act. But in this environment, they are the adults.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:06 pm:
No. We have kids in a name calling contest now.
- Lobby - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:07 pm:
I know lobbyists are not welcome but many of them are adults in various rooms. If I were Mike Z, I would get a meeting together of a few of the GOP adults and Dem adults and get their advice…McClain, Filan, Cullen?….Hendren, Sullivan, Kimme?
- The Captain - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:08 pm:
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:12 pm:
The adult(s) will emerge from someone willing to tell the Governor, President, and Speaker to stop this nonsense and finish the job, and all three take he/she/them seriously.
Big ask.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:14 pm:
Well, Greg Harris, Ron Sandack and Richard Goldberg took themselves out of consideration by behaving like children at today’s smearing, sorry, hearing.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:15 pm:
Not that I can tell. There is one adult at the Tribune Tower - Eric Zorn.
- OurMagician - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:18 pm:
No adults to be seen anywhere. Just constant posturing using the worst phases ever such as “the people of Illinois.” There is no issue that “the people of Illinois” agree on 100%-quit trying to make it sound like you have a mandate for your own agendas.
- The Unknown Poster - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:21 pm:
Sadly, there have been no adults in the room since Judy Barr Topinka’s passing.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:21 pm:
The Supremes.
Years were wasted on the thieving fever dreams of Ty, the Civvies and the semi-literate hysterics at the Tribbie edit board.
Like a sideline trainer going through the protocols for a severly concussed player, the Supremes patiently but firmly explained to them that their game was over and that simple declarative sentences written at a sixth grade level mean what they say and are not subject to contradictory interpretation.
- Amy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:23 pm:
Perhaps if there are no adults in the room, we should give the state budget mess to a bunch of high school kids to figure out. I’d bet they could do it more quickly than our legislators!
- Deep Yogurt - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:24 pm:
I miss Luking
- Abe the Babe - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:25 pm:
Hey name was Judy and she left us last year.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:27 pm:
Ralph Martire.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:31 pm:
Ralph Martire has consistently and correctly stated that the pension debit is a symptom of our structural deficit and not the cause. It is the lack of our tax system to keep pace with the growing cost of government (just like our household expenses increase) that is at the root cause. Only by not making required pension payments have politicians been able to provide state services to citizens without the proper amount of taxation. Once you make the pension payment, then the structural deficit must be faced.
- Earnest - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:33 pm:
Agree with Word on the Supremes. Who else has made the point that it is responsible to pay back money borrowed from the pension fund payments and there is no wheedling out of the responsible course.
>>>> “Pat Quinn came closest” - HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! - Oh, you were being serious?
The past is over and done, but agree on Pat Quinn with the gigantic exception of signing the FY15 budget. He made a lot of cuts, was unpopular with AFSCME, increased revenue, and made the pension payments every year. Mind you, I’m limiting consideration to his adulthood to that very narrow perspective. Contrast his behavior with that of our current leaders, none of whom has put forward a budget that balances expenses with revenues.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:35 pm:
@ Earnest - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:33 pm:
=Who else has made the point that it is responsible to pay back money borrowed from the pension fund payments and there is no wheedling out of the responsible course.=
Ralph Martire.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:36 pm:
To shuttle diplomacy;
When both sides, not just the governor, not just the Democrats, when both sides actually stop with the press releases, we will know adults are milling about.
- Publius - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:36 pm:
Some lobbyists, the Supremes, Cullerton, Steanes and certainly Rich Miller.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:39 pm:
Can the Supremes get “involved” any deeper than trying to get all these guys and their Crews in a room?
- I AGREE - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:40 pm:
I agree with the “Duh!!” comment. There has to be someone out there BESIDES Rauner, Madagin, and Cullerton. Anyone have the guts to STAND UP!! I heard that “step up” comment before.
- Anonin' - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:42 pm:
Clearly Madigan
He patiently sent members to the sham Working Groups, worked a spending plan through passage in the House and Senate and is trying to give BVR some accomplishments. Team BVR has missed many opportunities because they are new, uninformed or craving a big government shutdown to boost the presidential campaign. They should check with Newt.
Meanwhile they may be learning that insulting folks or questioning integrity creates ill will that does not heal Check with Tristano
- Hey - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:43 pm:
Hey Norseman…….Grow up or pick up your marbles and GO HOME! Wow!!!
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:45 pm:
Eric Madiar who came out with a legal opinion - a few years ago - that the state can not welch on it’s pension obligations.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:48 pm:
I want to also offer up RNUG.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:49 pm:
My big three are Ralph Martire, Eric Madiar, and our own RUNUG. The three pension adults who have been consistent, thoughtful and have gone where the facts have taken them.
- Kankakee Jimmy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:50 pm:
Governor Rauner.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:51 pm:
sorry about the spelling — RNUG our retired non union guy.
- MrJM - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:52 pm:
The Supreme Court.
For that reason, I expect to see Raun-Griff money flood into those campaigns.
– MrJM
- Belle - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:54 pm:
No. It’s pretty sad.
- Surprised - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:55 pm:
Maybe we change the Statehouse into a giant casino?
- Great Caesar's Ghost! - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:56 pm:
I think Daniel Biss has the smarts, common sense and the backbone to emerge as one of the adults.
- walker - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:57 pm:
The adults are out of sight, out of mind.
They cannot be heard over the din right now.
And they themselves have been subject to individual attack for previous compromise deals.
None of them has the power to pull it off.
This is all on the Governor and Legislative Leaders.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 3:59 pm:
Hey, thanks for proving my point. LOL
- Southern Illinois Hoopdee - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:01 pm:
I’m also voting for the Supremes. I’m not sure there’s an adult in the executive or legislative branches, maybe the legislative branch, but I’m sure that the Four Tops make sure these adult voices are marginalized.
- ChiTownSeven - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:05 pm:
Jim Dodge.
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:06 pm:
Madiar, Martire, Cullerton and the Supremes. Thank God for checks and balances.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:06 pm:
Eveleyn,she don’t say anything anymore
- Distant Viewer - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:13 pm:
Imagine if the chambers were run by say Kwame Raoul and Elaine Nekritz. That would be more adult. We’d still have a governor intent of break em down and build em back up. It’s the venture capital way.
- Distant Viewer - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:14 pm:
Sorry, that should have been the private equity way.
- A guy - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:17 pm:
Look at what the adults have done.
Maybe we should be wishing for something different.
- bored now - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:25 pm:
nope, none.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:26 pm:
An adult might put the good of the State ahead of their own re-election/party loyalty. Nope. None present.
- Centennial - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:27 pm:
Well good Lord almighty, it ain’t Sandack. Holy cow. I used to like the guy, but he makes me cringe now. How can he speak like that on the floor?
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:31 pm:
Rep. Sandack’s routine is akin to adult entertainment
- Buzzie - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:32 pm:
They all validate the need for term limits; terms not exceeding 24 hours.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:34 pm:
Leader Bellock! She is truly a class act!
- walker - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:41 pm:
I made a list of twelve strong “adults” on the budget in the legislature alone, some of whom have already been noted. Then realized it doesn’t matter anyway, because it’s up to elected leaders to fix it at this point, representing state-level political forces. Don’t look for superman or wonderwoman on this one.
- Anon - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:41 pm:
I was never a big Madigan fan, but at least he has tried to give Rauner teachable moments. Even after his failed state road show Rauner still insists that he wants everything in his agenda. He never took RTW and other Turn Back agenda items off the table. He just hid them in his remaining requests.
- zonz - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:50 pm:
You didn’t condition the question with “present elected official” perhaps intentionally, so . . . just thinking out loud . . . would either of these be a pick for adult?
Munger channeling Kimme (Topinka’s chief of staff, Nancy Kimme, will remain in her position. Kimme is a top deputy in Rauner’s transition team.)
re Munger:
Tim Nuding, Director of Governor’s Office of Management and Budget
Tim Nuding has spent 25 years working in state government for the Illinois Senate Republican Staff. The first 16 years of his career were spent focusing on state fiscal issues through the Senate Appropriations Committee both as a budget analyst and as the Director of the Senate Appropriations Staff. Most recently he has served as Chief of Staff to Illinois Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno. Tim’s experience working in the legislature has given him a unique perspective and understanding of the budget problems facing Illinois. He is widely respected in the State Capitol and has established a solid network of relationships with executive agency staff, stakeholders and key legislators and legislative staff from both political parties. Tim graduated from Illinois State University in 1989 with a bachelor’s degree in Finance. He and his family reside in Rochester, Illinois.
- Daryl - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:55 pm:
Madigan gave Rauner months to work on something substantial. Instead, BVR chose to continue the campaign, focusing on an issue so toxic and unsupportable in this state that it can’t be used as leverage.
He swoops in the final few weeks and expects the other party to roll over? That’s childish.
I don’t really see how Madigan bears the blame when this is what he has to work with. And it’s not his responsibility to make Rauner look competent or accept any part of his agenda.
- SAP - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 4:59 pm:
Q: What’s the difference between the Illinois General Assembly and the Cub Scouts?
A: The Cub Scouts have adult supervision.
- Raunerite - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:10 pm:
Rich, when are u gonna write about Rauner’s plan to lockout state employees (union and merit comp except agency Directors and Deputy Directors)? It’s gonna happen in July. He won’t let any of them back in until they agree to move from the Tier 1 pension system to Tier 2.
- Cheswick - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:12 pm:
Today at the Statehouse? Not even.
On a sidenote, whenever I see Jim Durkin (a very fine person and legislator) up there doing the bidding of Bruce Rauner, I always wonder if Ray Poe is so glad he didn’t get the leadership slot. I wonder.
- zonz - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:18 pm:
pls delete mine at 5:17 - wrong thread
- Amalia - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:22 pm:
what deep yogurt said. Luking is much missed.
I would look to the disciples of Lord Luking. for example, glad to see Derek Blaida in the mix and for someone comparatively young, he is quite an adult.
- Apocalypse Now - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:48 pm:
Rauner. Adults usually have to tell the misbehaving children to behave.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 5:50 pm:
I think the governor and the four leaders are all adults.
Let’s just be clear that they all have competing interests.
And let’s not forget that all life’s a stage and all of us actors with roles to play.
They all have parts to play.
The only tricky part here is no one really trusts/understands/believes what Rauner wants. He has said he wants so many different things and also acted in contradictory ways.
Maybe he isn’t quite sure what he wants and that is the problem.
His advisors tell him he is holding all of the cards, or atleast a strong upper hand, but if he doesn’t come out of this at least looking like a winner after spending $100 million of his own money, that does not sit well.
But does he really want to fix the state budget, is his ultimate goal to dissassemble Illinois’ middle class alliance, or is he really auditioning for VP?
No one really knows. By the way he is plundering the state coffers with people like Purvis, and waving his sword around, I think the answer is #2.
In which case, he is certainly going about it the only way he can, but then Democrats will and should do everything they can to stop him.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 6:01 pm:
Pat Quinn? Really? Well, I’ll see that and raise you an Arizona Bob. C’mon, man.
To the Post, I’ll join the votes for the Supremes with an Honorable Mention to the Staff folks who have to work around their bosses’ petulance. Right. Anonin’ ?
- anon - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 7:15 pm:
Martire has been presenting unvarnished fiscal reality for many years.
- jake - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 7:51 pm:
I vote for Martire also. He needs somebody to translate his message into soundbites.
- Juan MacLean - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 7:53 pm:
Coach Q. He’s keeping it all together. Now we just need to get him into THIS room.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 8:07 pm:
– Coach Q. He’s keeping it all together.–
The NHL channel did a piece on Coach Q with clips in which he was miked for a game.
That smiling Uncle Fuzzy you see in the post-game interviews ain’t the dude on the bench during a game, lol.
- Leatherneck - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 8:14 pm:
Adults in the room in the Capitol? Most likely the innocent, hard-working State employees whose livelihoods are threatened by all this bickering and childish behavior.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 8:26 pm:
I think Rep Lang, he has a good head on his shoulders.
- rilt - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 8:26 pm:
Andy Manar his star is risin. A no nonsense guy that has not forgotten were he came from.
- Rhino Slider - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 8:37 pm:
The Democrats have rolled over the Republicans mercilessly for 10 years. The power has been neutralized with Rauner winning a couple downstate D’s breaking Madigan’s supermajority, increasing the power of Rauner’s veto. Both sides are now pushing hard at each other to check for boundaries, weakness, and limits.
I’m not sure fighting hard is such a bad thing.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 8:54 pm:
Rhino, give it a think; if there truly were practical, working Dem super-majorities in the House or Senate, we wouldn’t be having this discussion on June 4. They don’t exist.
What also is true is that Gov. Rauner can’t pass the time of day without a significant number of Democratic votes — not the revenue he wants, not anything. In fact, he’ll need more Dems now the he did before June 1.
So here we are.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 9:20 pm:
The eight hundred pound gorilla the pension fund that’s what it’s all about?
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Jun 4, 15 @ 11:14 pm:
This is one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read.
- Georg Sande - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 6:29 am:
Great question to gin up the knuckleheads, Rich!! So I say you are (admittedly, snark).
- Juan MacLean - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 6:39 am:
@wordslinger - exactly!
- Amalia - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 6:42 am:
+1 on Martire. with Netsch gone, he’s the go to smart person on fiscal issues. and he serves on a school board!
- ah AH - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 7:30 am:
I think you are Rich. You tell it like it is.
- PublicServant - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 7:30 am:
I switch to Martire too. Pick an idea, any of them, and refute it. I doubt anyone can.
- illinoised - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 7:34 am:
Martire. And I agree with earlier comment regarding sound bites. I have long followed the factual releases by Martire but rarely saw them in the media. Instead saw the sound bites from Rauner and Dems- Rauner is just a shill for big money and has no concept of government’s role, and the Dems have long had the chance to fix this but displayed no guts because their number one concern has been to get re-elected (resulting in their cowardly pension reform bill instead of addressing the need for more revenue).
- Rahmfather - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 7:47 am:
Marty Morris?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 8:08 am:
Rauner has won nothing.
He will have won nothing until he passes a budget that is approved by the General Assembly and the voters.
- Another Vote For Martire - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 8:17 am:
The guy has it nailed. Why don’t they just listen and do what he says? It would consume a lot less political capital for everyone than what they’re doing now.
- downstate commissioner - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 8:27 am:
Leslie Munger has impressed me… Jim Durkin has been a BIG disappointment… Radagno seems to have lost her common sense since Rauner took over…
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jun 5, 15 @ 9:07 am:
“Madigan gave Rauner months to work on something substantial. Instead, BVR chose to continue the campaign, focusing on an issue so toxic and unsupportable in this state that it can’t be used as leverage.
He swoops in the final few weeks and expects the other party to roll over? That’s childish.”
I agree and couldn’t have said it better myself–literally.
Rauner viciously attacked unions and spent too much time pushing that agenda. Madigan helped pass a lot of very important bills this session, which to me is much better than last year’s session.
Plus, Madigan doesn’t attack people in public like Rauner does. He is not petulant and nasty, like Rauner was in his recent press appearance.
I know this is politics, and even with all the rancor, I am pulling for the leaders to pass a balanced budget that involves raising revenue. There’s little to fear in raising revenue, and lots to fear if we don’t.