Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » GOP Rep: Right to work “like spanking a child”
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GOP Rep: Right to work “like spanking a child”

Friday, Jun 19, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Phillips is a sponsor of a “right to work” bill, and now we know why

State Rep. Reggie Phillips made his feelings on the proposed right-to-work resolution clear Thursday, saying AFSCME members are “like ants” and asking his members to lock arms and support towns that pass the resolution.

Phillips, R-Charleston, along with State Sen. Dale Righter, R-Mattoon, spoke at the Charleston Chamber of Commerce’s legislative update lunch at the Unique Suites hotel. Phillips pointed to right-to-work and pension reform as two of the biggest topics state legislators are dealing with.

Phillips said he will ask Charleston city officials to resurrect the right-to-work resolution, rescinded by council members after union supporters packed council meetings to speak against it, and wants his constituents to support it.

Phillips noted he attended one of the council meetings in support of the resolution.

“There’s only 38,000 members in AFSCME (represented by the contract in Illinois),” he said. “You’d think there’s 38 million. They’re mobilized, like ants.”

Phillips said he wished Gov. Bruce Rauner and Phillips’ own supporters would have stood firm on the issue. The process of change may be painful but is necessary for the state, he said.

“Trust me, it’s like spanking a child sometimes,” he said. “The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”



  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    Is Phillips so clueless that he believes AFSCME is the only Union in Illinois?

  2. - Anon - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    Does he have data that supports child abuse turning folks into better people?

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:45 am:

    ===“Trust me, it’s like spanking a child sometimes,” he said. “The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”===


    When you’re owned, you do as you’re told, and you feel empowered by the fake muscle your “sponsor” gives you.

    Ok. I don’t live there.

    Unions, Rauner won, elections have consequences.

    We let a stranger in our house….

  4. - walker - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:45 am:

    Lotta respect shown there!

    Seriously Rep, this is not just about AFSCME. It’s about every union in Illinois.

  5. - Norseman - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    When kids say stupid things, parents will put soap in their mouths. They don’t like it, but it makes them better people. Phillips, open wide and use Dial.

  6. - AlabamaShake - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    Does Reggie Phillips understand that AFSCME hasn’t really been the union mobilizing folks around RTW? And that RTW impacts unions well beyond AFSCME? And that RTW work laws are (generally) actually separate from public sector labor laws?


  7. - Wordslinger - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    Wonder what he says in private about his fellow citizens when he’s not on guard.

    Unleashing The Brain Trust.

  8. - Obamas Puppy - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    The folks at EIU must love the fact that he owns half that town and considers a significant part of the working class people he represents as insects. Unfortunately you do not have to pass a test to get elected.

  9. - HangingOn - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    I’m confused. Sounds like he thinks all of us in the state (Union or otherwise) are the children needing spanked, when it was the politicians who caused the problems. Can anyone say whipping boy?

    Or I could be wrong. It’s Friday and my brain is fried….

  10. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    “The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”

    We are all adults. Why would any elected official look upon other adults like this? Just who does he think he is that he believes he is empowered to give citizens corporal punishment? We are all adults. With minds. We are all capable of reasoning. This elected official’s mindset is flat-out undemocratic.

    You work for us.

    A lot of this campaigning for lowering wages has been couple with an idea that government shouldn’t dictate. How can the exact same person suggest that if the citizens who elected them, don’t want a lower wage, then he will physically punish them? What kind of government is he advocating here?

    A spanking? That is how you see the relationship between us and our government?

  11. - Jeep - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    I think this could be about every worker in Illinois, union or non-union.

  12. - Peregrine48 - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Another party hack who has no idea what is really going on and just wants to be noticed for parroting the party line. Certainly, AFSCME may only have 40,000 or so members in state employment, but why is he concentrating on state employees here?

    The so-called “right-to-work” bills don’t impact just state employees, they hit all unions in all areas, and involve a lot more than just allowing people to decide whether to be union members or not. These bills target the entire middle class, and will benefit no one but big business.

    Constituents? He’s not concerned about constituents. He just wants to satisfy the wealthy corporations that fill his campaign funds.

  13. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:52 am:

    Sound like he’s crying before the spanking

  14. - Politix - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:53 am:

    Yes, we need Republican policy to make us better people. Thank you, Sir Reggie. We’ve been waiting for someone like you to come along and lead us to greatness. Sheesh.

  15. - Very Fed Up - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    Strongly dislike right to work, and think we need more unionization not less. However a local municipality should be able to choose for themselves.

  16. - Thoughts Matter - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    I think the constituents are supposed to tell him how They feel and he is supposed to consider that, not the other way around. They did that when they oacked the council meeting-he chose not to listen.

  17. - Nick Name - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:55 am:


  18. - Gooner - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    Thought? Some state reps say crazy stuff. I don’t get too wound up about it.

    We see it all over the country. Given the numbers of state reps in the country, they are bound to say stuff that is off the wall.

    The union will use this to try to show the GOP is particularly evil, and I hope they raise some money off it.

    But no, I don’t think it really matters nor is it indicative of any overwhelming view among Republicans.

  19. - Thoughts Matter - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    Sorry. Packed the council meeting, not oacked

  20. - Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    Obviously, his comments are dumb. And they obviously say more about him than he realizes.

    The larger issue, though, is whether the idea that state workers and union members are “ants” and “need to be spanked” is the private (or not so private) sentiment shared among other — or most — GOP legislators.

    I think it is — and I suspect this is the real problem. A complete lack of respect for the people who make the state work.

  21. - SAP - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    Reggie Phillips: The Adrian Peterson of Illinois politics.

  22. - AC - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:58 am:

    Republicans who show solidarity with Rauner may very well find that their former unionized supporters abandon them. It’s much easier these days in Illinois to be a conservative or moderate Democratic party member than it is to be a pro labor Republican. Goodbye big tent Illinois Republican party, farewell independent Republican Illinois legislators, and hello franchise boilerplate ALEC/Rauner Republicans.

  23. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    “There’s only 38,000 members in AFSCME (represented by the contract in Illinois),” he said. “You’d think there’s 38 million. They’re mobilized, like ants.”

    I have never heard anyone say that an organization with a 38,000 membership equals 38,000,000 like they are a bunch of insects, until I read this elected official’s statement.

    Whatever this guy is for, should be reconsidered based upon the mindset he is exhibiting here. A shocking level of disrespect towards the people he expects to vote for him. He sounds like he is a plantation owner discussing his property in the Antebellum South.

  24. - Wensicia - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    Well, at least he admits right-to-work is about punishment, hurting working people, but we’ll all be better off with less, right?

  25. - Roamin' Numeral - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    Let’s stop calling it “Right to Work.” Let’s call it what it really is: Right to Work For Less.

    Less money in the hands of workers = More money in the hands of the Top 1%. How anyone outside of the Top 1% can support this is mind-boggling.

  26. - Not quite a majority - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:03 am:

    I’m a little confused — as a public blog does this make us all ‘mandatory reporters’? Should we call DCFS or State Board of Elections?

  27. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:03 am:

    === Goodbye big tent Illinois Republican party, farewell independent Republican Illinois legislators, and hello franchise boilerplate ALEC/Rauner Republicans.===

    Good observation, it’s not that I even disagree on its premise, but note;

    Rauner himself is dictating the “ILGOP” terms of membership by his money and hostile takeover of the GOP GA.

    The Raunerite ways happen to BE the ALEC/anti-Union/anti Reagan Democrats.

    A subtle difference I see.

    With respect - AC -.

  28. - Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    BTW — Phillips should probably remember that one reason Rauner won is because AFSCME members voted for him.

    Next time around, you’re not going to get AFCME voting for Rauner — or any member in the GOP. You turn your nose up at 38K votes? Who have family members? Friends? Who can influence other unions? Who all *vote*?

    Ok — whatever. Go forth and conquer, ace.

  29. - Langhorne - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    Thank you sir, please, may i have another?

  30. - ah HA - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    He is arrogant… very arrogant… He needs to be taken behind the woodshed!

  31. - IMUNION - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    Retalliate at the polls!

  32. - walker - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    VFU: Just to be clear, has “Right to Work” transitioned from being the label for no requirement to pay union fees, to meaning exemption from prevailing wage requirements?

    That’s how it seems in the Rauner Team communications.

    (”RTW” is quite a useful and expansive term! LOL)

  33. - Short Bus Rider - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:09 am:

    Well said Rep Phillips.

  34. - Anon2U - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:12 am:

    Well, he does sit next to Ives doesn’t he? Imagine the conversations going on between those two.

  35. - AC - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:12 am:

    OW - I agree that Rauner is setting the direction for the Illinois Republican party, and any similarities between his philosophy and that of ALEC are coincidental. What ALEC provides is a well worn path for him to follow, including pre written legislation and think tank justifications for his actions.

  36. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    ***“Trust me, it’s like spanking a child sometimes,” he said. “The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”***

    This says it all. They want to slap around middle class workers until they impose their will on them and lower their standards of living, as if they are workers’ parents. Welcome to the plantation.

  37. - The Colossus of Roads - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    I think Rep. Phillips needs a time out.

  38. - Enemy of the State - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:13 am:

    In Monty Python’s “Quest for the Holy Grail” the spankings at Castle Anthrax was followed by even more questionable and unacceptable activities.

  39. - Enemy of the State - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:14 am:

    Oops. Messed up that verb agreement.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:15 am:

    Wasn’t it Rich Miller who had to finally teach me it’s about “punishment”, first and last, not too many days ago?

    Some say spankings are punishments…

  41. - ajtg - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    @ Anon @ 10:44 am
    @ SAP @ 10:57 am
    @ Not quite a majority - @ 11:03 am

    Spanking is not the same as abuse just as a time out is not the same as locking someone in a closet (although both can turn into abuse). Abuse isn’t a joking matter.

  42. - Tres Margaritas - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:20 am:

    There should be an FDA warning on this post.

    “Reading quotes from State Rep. Reggie Phillips could lead to nausea, and the loss of brain cells.”

  43. - Norseman - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:22 am:

    Rich, I would suggest you add an ILLINOIS PALIN AWARD for the dumbest thing said by a state politician. I nominate Phillips for the first award.

  44. - Wensicia - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:23 am:

    ==Spanking is not the same as abuse==

    Yes, it is.

  45. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:23 am:

    ==This says it all. They want to slap around middle class workers==

    This is a big mistake unions, ESPECIALLY public unions make trying to gain sympathy with voters. You don’t represent every “middle class worker”. You represent your bargaining unit. Period. And the bulk of the actual middle class are the people on the hook to pay your bargaining unit. And many of them aren’t as sympathetic as you want them to be to your “plight” of 37.5 hour work weeks with more benefits than they typically see in their private sector job.

  46. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:25 am:

    ***“There’s only 38,000 members in AFSCME (represented by the contract in Illinois),” he said. “You’d think there’s 38 million. They’re mobilized, like ants.”***

    Awesome! I’m glad they’re noticing. That means it’s working.

  47. - Politix - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:37 am:

    “You don’t represent every “middle class worker”. You represent your bargaining unit. Period. And the bulk of the actual middle class are the people on the hook to pay your bargaining unit.”


  48. - Homer J. Quinn - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:38 am:

    “And many of them aren’t as sympathetic as you want them to be to your “plight” of 37.5 hour work weeks with more benefits than they typically see in their private sector job.”

    crabs in a bucket. private sector workers would have those benefits too if they were unionized, and they’d also fight to keep them.

  49. - Keyser Soze - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    Bad metaphor; now the left has mobilized like millions of ants.

  50. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:42 am:

    ==- Very Fed Up - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 10:54 am:==

    Should the locals choose on income taxes too? What about capital punishment? Why not just have micronations?

  51. - riverside - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    Rep. Philips has assured himself primary opposition next year. This is Jim Edgar’s old legislative district and there are quite a few pro union Republicans working at State facilities within the district. Philips is clueless ……

  52. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:46 am:

    ==crabs in a bucket==

    So the private sector worker should sacrifice more so that the public union worker can continue to live with better benefits than they have? And if they have a problem with that they should just work harder to get those benefits, right?

  53. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:51 am:

    ===So the private sector worker should sacrifice more so that the public union worker can continue to live with better benefits than they have?===

    Careful with that sort of logic, bubba.

    When you use class warfare rhetoric, the tide could go against the “wrong” class.

  54. - Juice - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:51 am:

    Anonymous, the Governor’s proposal did not separate between public and private sector workers. I get it, you hold a certain grudge and amount of jealousy against public sector workers, but some people would argue that private sector workers should be doing more to fight for better wages and benefits. The profits are there, it’s just not going to the worker. Instead of trying to drag everyone’s wages and benefits to the bottom, I would be much more interested in seeing the Governor come up with any kind of proposal that is focused on making everyone better off. At least that’s what a leader would try to do.

  55. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 11:57 am:

    ===some people would argue that private sector workers should be doing more===

    Yellow flag.

    It’s a whole lot more difficult - legally and otherwise - to organize private sector workers these days.

  56. - burbanite - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:00 pm:

    Private Unions are private sector, right to work goes to the heart of private sector union workers. Why is it that non union workers have such a hard time grasping that? I believe it is the PRIVATE SECTOR Union Employees that have been mobilizing against right to work.

  57. - Juice - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    Rich, fair on the organizing point. Standing by my broader point that the struggles of private sector middle class families are not the result of the public sector wages and benefits.

  58. - Joe M - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:02 pm:

    ==“The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”==

    I don’t know about a better person, but Right To Work For Less, will definitely make them a poorer person - which is what he really wants. Lower wages for the middle class mean more profits for the wealthy people he really supports.

  59. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:02 pm:

    “However a local municipality should be able to choose for themselves.”

    @ Very Fed Up—I think the decision as to whether one wants to choose being union rests with the individual, not the local municipality.

  60. - Get a Job! - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:04 pm:

    = “The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”=

    This Phillips statement just makes me think of this famous Judge Smails monologue.

  61. - efudd - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:06 pm:

    Yeah, where do these union members get the nerve showing up at a public hearing, exercising their right to be a part of the governmental process and have their voices heard? Phillips, the constitution is more than the 2nd amendment.

  62. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:09 pm:

    How can so few cost this state so much?

  63. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    I’d be banned for life if I expressed my thoughts on this guy.

  64. - A Jack - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    Well thanks Reggie. Although we are ants to you, we have memories like elephants. And if you run again, we will see who gets spanked.

  65. - Former Merit Comp Slave - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:22 pm:

    Rich the blog has been a swirl of emotions today. Tears of sorrow on Sullivan’s announcement and tears of hysteria laughing at this “representative’s” statements. And I’m outta popcorn…….

  66. - Call me Naive - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:28 pm:

    My question is what is it going to take to get a recall vote on Rauner?

    He has to be infuriating the GOP. If not they must really be puppets.

    I am truley ashamed of my government. It like watching a kindergarden class fight over the cool toy….

    or watching Marc Trestman trying to coach a football team. You think he shoudl know what he is doing but just keeps making questionable calls.

  67. - Honeybear - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:30 pm:

    I’m good with being called an ant. I might be small but I can lift up to 50 times my weight and combined with 38,000 of my brothers and sisters, you’re looking at one hell of a force multiplier. I give you this video.

  68. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    There is a petition being circulated rite now to recall the gov it needs 60,000 signatures.

  69. - Snopes - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:32 pm:

    Reggie just says what the rest of the GOP legislators are thinking. Give him a cookie for being honest.

  70. - HangingOn - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    ==How can so few cost this state so much?==

    They were elected.

    Oh, were you referring to the people that worked and paid into their pension every single time, or the people who shorted the pension payments therefore causing the problem?

  71. - Call me Naive - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    Where can I sign this petition?

  72. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    ===My question is what is it going to take to get a recall vote on Rauner?===

    It won’t happen. No way, no how, read the criteria. No member, not one GOP GA member will sign off, let alone the numbers needed.


    I would help the Rauner Crew in any way possible to stop a recall of Bruce Rauner, given today what others think Rauner should be recalled for in their eyes.

    Rauner won, get over it. Elections have consequences. Poor political PR decisions and not liking how Rauner is going about governing, according to “you” is NOT enough to recall any governor.

    Three and a half years from now, Rauner may choose to stand in judgement, which is what most rational people will see as Rauner making his case for re-election. That’s the system working.

    In 2016, take your frustration of Rauner out on those Rauner supports, and they support Rauner back.

    This insane idea that a recall is needed is sour grapes run amok.

    Today, no way Rauner will face recall, nor should he. Geez.

  73. - Call me Naive - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:44 pm:

    Actually I meant to say “is an option for voter;s who do not think their elected offical is the person they thought he/she was. As in they were mislead.”

  74. - Mortimer Duke - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    In defense of State Rep. Reggie Phillips, the little workers of Illinos kind of resemble ants from the perspective of us Superstars. That’s not our fault.

  75. - Courser - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Hopefully, someone will come along to spank him in the polls next election cycle.

  76. - Anon2U - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 1:04 pm:

    - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    There is a petition being circulated rite now to recall the gov it needs 60,000 signatures.-

    This plays into Rauner’s hands more than a strike ever would.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 1:06 pm:

    ===This plays into Rauner’s hands more than a strike ever would.===

    Yep. The martyr no one wanted. Ugh.

  78. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 1:10 pm:

    ===There is a petition being circulated rite now to recall the gov it needs 60,000 signatures===

    You are amazingly clueless.

    The constitution requires “at least 15% of the total votes cast for Governor in the preceding gubernatorial election, with at least 100 signatures from each of at least 25 separate counties.”

    15 percent of 3,627,690 total votes cast is 544,154 signatures.

    Plus, you need an affidavit: “The affidavit shall have been signed by the proponent of the recall petition, at least 20 members of the House of Representatives, and at least 10 members of the Senate, with no more than half of the signatures of members of each chamber from the same established political party.”

    Sorry, but you’re now banned for life for posting such nonsense.

  79. - Anon. - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 1:35 pm:

    Anonymous @ 12:09 — How can so few cost this state so much? –

    If you’re talking about the AFSCME members, they don’t. Payroll is a small fraction of the state budget. Even the pension contribution that is supposedly breaking the bank is mostly for people who are already retired and even the amounts for current workers are mostly for teachers, not state employees. We could fire every state employee and replace them with volunteers, and we would still have a deficit.

  80. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 2:15 pm:

    Can someone tell Phillips its “spankin”?

  81. - Norseman - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 2:34 pm:

    === Sorry, but you’re now banned for life for posting such nonsense. ===

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  82. - Sunshine - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    Got so many spankings when I was a kid, I now fly to Vegas and pay for them!

  83. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 2:48 pm:

    As you might imagine, he said even more than was quoted above.

    Stay tuned…

  84. - Juvenal - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 3:38 pm:

    Hey, I’m glad he said it.

    Can we stop pretending the real motivation here isn’t turnin’ Illinois around, but rather punishin’ our enemies?

  85. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 19, 15 @ 4:08 pm:

    The public sector employees spend their money in this state on provate sector business. They buy cars, tv’s, go out to restraunts, buy furniture, clothes, girl scout cookies etc etc.

    If you remove that spending from the ill economy how does that benefit the private sector? Fewer sales, less income coming in. This is bad for the economy to reduce 60k workers spending. If the private sector thinks they will jeep the same level of income they have today they are missing the symbiotic relationship between the state employee spenders in the economy and the success of il buisnesses

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