With a contract deadline just one week away, state workers in Illinois are continuing to push for a fair labor agreement.
Members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) say they are not pleased with Governor Bruce Rauner’s proposed cuts in pay and benefits, and his willingness to allow a government shutdown. Anders Lindall with AFSCME Council 31 says a strike is not in the public’s best interest.
“We have never had a governor who has made such extreme demands as to give state employees no choice but to force them out on strike for fairness,” he says. “That’s not what the people want and certainly not what state employees or our union wants.” […]
There is no formal agreement to extend the contract, but Lindall says bargaining dates have been scheduled for July.
Let’s hope cooler heads prevail on both sides here.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:32 am:
===“We have never had a governor who has made such extreme demands as to give state employees no choice but to force them out on strike for fairness,”===
If AFSCME sees the game plan, and falls for it anyway, it’s going to be AFSCME’s own fault if the final outcome is even worse than presented.
Sonny will lock you out. Look at Sonny’s demands. The want for a strike is blatantly obvious. There needs to be protests, t-shirts, chanting, marching, signs, angry Union workers…
If they give in to Sonny’s wants, that’s almost worst than agreeing to Rauner’s contract demands.
- Wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:35 am:
I think a strike and the lack of an FY16 budget would qualify as chaos.
The thing about chaos, once it’s unleashed, it takes on a life of its own.
- John A Logan - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:37 am:
Rauner is getting what he wanted. Chaos.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:41 am:
The biggest issue here is the Governor’s ludicrous proposal for health insurance. Until that is taken off the table I can’t see any sort of real negotiations happening. I don’t think there is a danger of a strike or a lockout in the near future, but once we get past July I think all bets are off.
- Are Ya Kiddin' Me? - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:43 am:
OW, couldn’t agree more.
A strike plays right into the Gov.’s playbook.
He wants to be Pres. Reagan and this would allow him to fire/layoff/furlough the Ill. public unions and be his Air Traffic Controllers strike.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:47 am:
I don’t want a strike but if there’s no strike or lockout the union has to take his last offer which is sure to be horrendous. That’s how it works, right?
- AC - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:48 am:
The obvious, if highly improbable, solution to avoid the unnecessary drama is for the governor to sign the no strike/no lockout bill.
- Joe M - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:50 am:
From the WIBQ article, it also said “If no agreement is reached before June 30, Lindall says the terms of the current contract should be extended while bargaining continues. He adds that state employees are committed to serving the people and providing vital services to communities.”
So that seems to put the ball back in Rauner’s corner. I agree that AFSCME should not strike. Rauner can still lock them out, but then that is on him, not AFSCME. And if it keeps draggin on, or Rauner is able to put his terms in place, then AFSCME should push for a GA override of SB 1229 (that Rauner will probably veto.) They should also step up the informational, peaceful protests.
They should also be recruiting the state university employees in contacting members of the GA to override SB 1229’s veto. The state university employees and their dependents have a lot of skin in the game because of the health in AFSCME negotiates, being the health insurance they will also get.
- Carhartt Representative - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:50 am:
=Rauner is getting what he wanted. Chaos.=
=The thing about chaos, once it’s unleashed, it takes on a life of its own.=
Very true.
- The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:53 am:
How many more days does the Governor have to sign or veto that no strike/lockout bill? It he does neither by a certain date it would become law. He’s obviously sitting on the bill as long as he can stalling this thing out. He would love for the employees to strike, that creates chaos and that’s exactly what he wants.
- Cassandra - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:58 am:
Why is the proposal ludicrous, when you consider that this is a negotiation that hasn’t gone very far, apparently.Most negotiations start off at the extreme on both sides. The general public will be comparing the state plan with their own plan, not with other states. How does it stack up, costs and coverage.
Want to make this health insurance controversy go away, poof? Single payer. Medicare for all. Advanced countries do it. We’ll probably do it someday too, hopefully before 2100. Then Illinois won’t have to provide health insurance to its employees.
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:59 am:
Keep in mind the Dems mantra, moderation and not in the extreme. There is a reason that MJM has created this basic framework.
- Almost the Weekend - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:59 am:
To the people who said AFSCME won’t strike. AFSCME strikes again! With their complete lack of competence and long term vision.
Elections have consequences, and poorly informing your rank and file results in outcomes like this. Bite the bullet and look four years down the road. Setup a long term plan to sustain this administration. Because if you don’t you won’t survive.
- Goldwater Republican - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:59 am:
some of you folks have a real interesting take on Government shut downs. I promise you if we go into one 95% of the general population will not feel it to the degree which you all speak of. Perhaps many of are so worried about this possibility because you are in fact state employees. call it chaos if you wish, but don’t imply the world will end, This state has lived through chaos many times before Bruce Rauner and his negotiations with AFSCME
- Cassiopeia - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:01 am:
AFSCME leaders are not very realistic if they think state workers will take a chance on losing their jobs by striking.
They will cross the picket lines in droves. Then what?
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:01 am:
Yes, I believe that if both sides don’t agree to honor the previous contract then it would be the last offer on the table. It has been customary for both sides to honor the previous contract for some time after the deadline to give both sides time to work out an agreement. This time, we will have to see how Rauner decides to handle this.
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:03 am:
Cassiopeia - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:01 am:
=AFSCME leaders are not very realistic if they think state workers will take a chance on losing their jobs by striking.=
Workers that are not prohibited to strike will not be fired if they strike. This agreement is so bad, that workers can not afford not to strike.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:03 am:
- Goldwater Republican -,
===I promise you if we go into one 95% of the general population will not feel it to the degree which you all speak of. ===
So, only 5% will “feel” a shutdown?
Please list how only 5% will be effected, you can even choose the “degree”.
- Joe M - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:07 am:
==Why is the proposal ludicrous, when you consider that this is a negotiation that hasn’t gone very far,==
Because Rauner is sticking to the exact same position he had back in February - as documented in a February 21st SJR article, “Rauner wants changes to insurance programs for state workers, retirees.”
If the Gov hasn’t budged an inch since February, its looking like he is not going to budge at all.
I agree with Cassandra about single payer national health insurance, but it is really not relevant any time soon to the Illinois budget. First the federal government would have to pass it, and that doesn’t seem likely anytime soon - and definitely not in time to help these negotiations.
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:11 am:
I can see the image on the steps of the capital where the dems stand with a well chosen group of firefighters and health care workers etc. calling on Rauner to act in moderation and step away from the extreme. Never doubt MJM….he has positioned himself and his majority exactly where he wants to be. He gave Rauner the Dems spending plan which needs about 3B more in revenue. Rauner can decide to make the cuts and own them or he can come to the table (in moderation) and reach an agreement on a mix of cuts and revenue. Rauner’s turn around agenda is getting votes in the house and some will pass with little bits that he wants and some will fail. Dems are operating in moderation not the extrmeme.
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:14 am:
how about this image — a “starter” who holds up a gun in the air and shoots it to start a race that would be made up of “middle class” folks who take off on a “race to the bottom”. It would be the Rauner the Olympics.
- Secret Square - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:16 am:
“How many more days does the Governor have to sign or veto that no strike/lockout bill?”
He has 60 days from when the GA sent it to him on June 4, that would be approximately Aug. 3.
- Alexander Cut the Knot - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:16 am:
“Moderation in all things”… including moderation. There is a time for bold, or extreme, depending what side you’re on.
- Northern pike - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:19 am:
Rauner will most likely force a strike. He will then call up the IL national guard to perform “essential services” and have his “hero” moment taking on the union.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:20 am:
==Why is the proposal ludicrous==
If you have to ask that question then you don’t have much of a clue as to what the proposal is.
- HeavyB - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:21 am:
“the union has to take his last offer”
No, an impasse is declared by either party, usually management, management makes its last and final offer, and off we go to arbitration. I believe this closer to how it works. Probably some time in Sept/Oct, guessing.
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:21 am:
“How does it stack up, costs and coverage.”
Private industry average is for the company to pick up 79% of the share of the premium. IIRC, Rauner’s offer is to pick up 60%. That’s just data on the premium though, I don’t see that the report discusses benefit levels.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:23 am:
- Alexander Cut the Knot -,
So Rauner is being extreme?
I’d think the Rauner Crew wouldn’t want to own that either. lol
- Casual Observer - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:23 am:
Norther pike: I know several state employees that are also part time National Guardsmen and women. So how would they respond to the call up?
- Northern pike - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:24 am:
By essential services I don’t mean the prison guards and state police. I mean some positions where he can get a good photo op standing next to the guardsmen doing something a state worker would have done.
- Almost the Weekend - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:25 am:
=Facts are stubborn things =
What Dems would stand with AFSCME? They have burned so many bridges and isolated themselves over the past five years they have nobody besides Mike Smiddy. Rauner has replaced their Republican allies with his puppets. They have no where to go and finally realized it seven days before their contract expires.
Don’t point to the arbitration bill because Rauner won’t sign it and it’s not veto proof.
- Northern pike - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:27 am:
Casual observer. I have no idea on that scenario, but I just think Rauner would love to do this in the event of a strike..
- Cassandra - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:30 am:
I’m not at the negotiating table, but lots of negotiations don’t move until the very last minute. And in this case, both sides are good, tough negotiators, I would imagine. Unlike some of our recent governors.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:30 am:
===I mean some positions where he can get a good photo op standing next to the guardsmen doing something a state worker would have done.===
Lemme get this one straight;
You think a sitting governor.., looks “good”… standing… next to uniformed soldiers… doing the work of civilians?
Yikes. Your idea of a good photo op might need done tweaking.
- Secret Square - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:33 am:
“He will then call up the IL national guard to perform “essential services”
See the post above on Task Force 1. I could see, maybe, them being replaced by National Guard personnel in the event of another tornado/flood/other disaster. But replacing park rangers, driver’s license examiners, road repair crews, etc. with the NG would just look ridiculous.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:38 am:
Giving Rauner the strike of his dreams would be the worst course of action that AFSCME could take.
It seems very clear that Rauner’s campaign strategy is entirely contingent on an AFSCME strike. Because it would match up with his strategy, an AFSCME strike would convince Rauner that he has the right plan for victory.
Regardless of the merits of the strike, or who could eventually win the full-scale, staggeringly expensive PR-war that would erupt with a strike, the mere fact of a strike would convince Rauner that the operational intelligence from his Superstars™ is sound and that his march to victory is going forward according to plan, i.e.
1) AFSCME strike
2) ???
3) VICTORY!!1!
The boost of confidence that a strike would give to Rauner, merited or not, would certainly make him an even more intransigent negotiator. And a more intransigent Rauner is definitely not in AFSCME’s interests.
tl;dr - An AFSCME strike is a very, very bad idea.
– MrJM
- Former Merit Comp Slave - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:43 am:
Oh Goldwater you are so very wrong in my opinion. I worked for the state 30 years and most John Q. Public folks don’t have a clue of the trickle down effect state government services have on their lives. Every business has to go through state licensing and regulations. Want a FOID card or is your court case waiting for forensic testing? Time to renew your drivers license? Gotta file your quarterly taxes? The list goes on and on. And I agree with others here, unions should not strike, wait for lock out.
- walker - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:45 am:
Nobody outside the room has much of a clue. Press releases are part of the negotiating strategy.
Waitin’ and seein’.
- Northern pike - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:52 am:
Oswego- I don’t think it would be a good idea or even a good photo op, but I think Rauner would think it would be great and it would put him on the national stage fightin’ the union.
- A Jack - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:59 am:
ILARNG are not trained to walk into state offices and provide “essential services.” The only use they may have in this situation is to augment State Police and Corrections, who cannot strike anyway. I can see perhaps if the strike gets out of hand and resulting in the tar and feathering of state officials, then perhaps calling in the Guard. But with the cost of oil and chickens these days, I find that possibility remote.
- facts are stubborn things - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:10 am:
@Almost the Weekend - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:25 am:
=What Dems would stand with AFSCME? They have burned so many bridges and isolated themselves over the past five years they have nobody besides Mike Smiddy. Rauner has replaced their Republican allies with his puppets. They have no where to go and finally realized it seven days before their contract expires. =
I don’t think that is the issue, it is who will stand with MJM and against Rauner. I think policits is local and I don’t believe that Rauner has republicans in his pocket…they have been voting “present”.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:12 am:
Rauner keeps putting more lit lanterns around Mrs. O’Leary’s cow and dousing Chicago in kerosene.
Five months ago,
As we earned our daily bread,
Rauner said, he’d rather see us dead
So he locked out the unions,
Then winked his eye and said
It’ll be a hot time, in Illinois, tonight!
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:14 am:
===the mere fact of a strike would convince Rauner that the operational intelligence from his Superstars™ is sound and that his march to victory is going forward according to plan, i.e.===
Great stuff there. That’s the point, crystallized. Well said.
===…I think Rauner would think it would be great and it would put him on the national stage fightin’ the union.===
The Rauner Crew is seasoned enough to know a photo op like that sinks POTUS wanna-bes, not galvanize anyone of significance.
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:15 am:
No strike just big talk. the union bosses know most state workers will stay on the job. also when the contract ends so does the state’s requirement to collect dues for the union.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:15 am:
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:41 am:
Please clarify
Your statement was confusing on if you think that there will be a strike/lock out or not.
- Southwest - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:16 am:
I have tried searching for information on the unions counter proposals and cannot find any details. I did hear a rumor that the union is asking for 12% salary increases over the next three years. does anyone know if that is true?
- kimocat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:21 am:
We know what Rauner has been offering ASFCME - wage freeze, loss of vacation and holiday time and the worst part — paying a fortune for what amounts to lousy health insurance. Not a pretty picture at all, especially for the merit comp folks that haven’t seen any kind of raise in years. And it appears that he hasn’t budged one inch. But I’d like to see the union make a reasonable offer — agree to wage freeze, but not permanently, lose a few vacation days and agree to pay a reasonable amount more for GOOD health insurance. It will only show who the truly unreasonable person is — Rauner. Rauner wants to reduce the standard of living for government workers as well as private sector workers, as his so-called “turnaround agenda clearly does.” Union advocates should not lose sight of the message that Rauner wants Illinois to become a low wage, no benefit untopia for big business — he doesn’t even think a middle class should exist.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:28 am:
I don’t think there will be either in the near future.
- Frenchie Mendoza - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:30 am:
Not sure why they’re not discussing different levels of health insurance for opting out of Tier 1 and into Tier 2.
Go Tier 2, get better insurance.
Stay in Tier 1, pay more for insurance.
Seems like this would work — and would balance short versus long term savings for both worker and state.
- Hullaballo - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:34 am:
I’m pretty sure AFSCME is serious when they say they don’t want a strike, they’ve been pushing for that anti-strike/lockout bill for a few weeks now. Labor union professionals, more than anyone, know when they are walking into a trap.
- Old and Tired - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:37 am:
Oswego Willy-
I enjoy your comments more times than not. But it seems that, depending on what mood you are in, you are either a “elections have consequences” pooh-pooher of labor concerns, then at other times you are a full-throated advocate of state labor. Maybe these aren’t mutually exclusive, but sometimes your philosophy begs for some consistency.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:41 am:
- kimocat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:21 am:
You are not a Dtate Employee.
State Employees get what is the average in the private sector for Vacation days.
No loss of Vacation days.
10 days through 5 years
15 days to the tenth year
17 days to the fifteenth year
20 days to the twentieth year
22 days to the twenty fifth year
25 days after 25 years of service
- Honeybear - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:45 am:
anon 10:15 not correct. Old contract stays in effect till new contract is signed. Thus they still have to collect dues. Refusal to do so would be seen as bad faith bargaining by the FEDERAL mediators who are on scene with both parties. This would effect an arbiters decision.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:48 am:
==Old contract stays in effect till new contract is signed.==
Umm, no it doesn’t. The contract has to be extended by mutual agreement. The state has indicated that they will not be extending the contract. If you are expecting a step increase in July, you are in for a rude awakening.
I don’t know about the dues issue. That’s above my pay grade. But if anyone is expecting to use provisions of the contract for anything beyond June 30 you are going to be disappointed.
- Honeybear - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 10:58 am:
Southwest- that is incorrect according my sources. No, as far as I know the negotiating team would be OVERJOYED just to get the same contract we’ve got! We just don’t want to go backwards. I think people can understand that.
- Century Club - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 11:03 am:
I can’t imagine AFSCME striking unless Rauner declared an impasse and implemented harsh new terms unilaterally. But that would take some time. It seems a shutdown caused by the lack of a budget is more likely.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 11:04 am:
- Old and Tired -,
Thanks, I’ll try to do better so you enjoy more of my comments.
To your Comment, I hope to clarify;
Elections have consequences. If your side wins or loses in an election, the consequences are coming, and I have very little time for an idea that those losing expect no consequences.
That said, how any group, like Unions, react to their new circumstances, that defines how they will be, given these new parameters.
Remember, I also say, “What are you prepared to do?”
That’s where the consequences of the election, and the response to the outcome actually meet.
I can, and do, have zero sympathy, but while having no sympathy, Labor/Unions need to answer the bell, “what are they prepared to do” given their new reality.
I hope that clarifies. It’s up to Labor to decide how those consequences will finally evolve.
- Secret Square - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 11:04 am:
“the negotiating team would be overjoyed just to get the same contract we’ve got”
IIRC the current AFSCME contract (along with many other contracts patterned after it) included 2% general pay raises for FY14 and FY15.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 11:12 am:
=== What Dems would stand with AFSCME? They have burned so many bridges and isolated themselves over the past five years they have nobody besides Mike Smiddy. ===
Thanks to the Gov’s ham-handed approach, AFSCME will get Dem support. Prior to Rauner’s offensive against all labor, I thought he would be able to make a deal with Madigan to clip AFSCME’s wings. Now that Rauner has demonized everyone, that ain’t happening.
- Strom Thurmon - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 11:15 am:
Rauner is out to prove he can run the state without the union, without skilled workers and without (what he calls) high expenses.
This is the strategy in his business, take over dramatically reduce costs, resell at a higher price. Big risk, big results - as he said, he has nothing to loose- he walks away with plenty of money for his personal comfort being able to say he tried but special interests stood in the way or he is a big hero and on the bigger things.
- kimocat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 12:36 pm:
Anonymous at 10:51 — Whoa, buddy — I’m on your side. I just think a lot of folks underestimate how successful the on-going and never ending campaign by the 1 percenters like Rauner, Zell and their buddies at the City Club has been. They have painted public employees as overpaid, underworked union shills and that it is entirely their fault that taxes are going to go up. It’s divide and conquer and guess what? It works. I know state employee benefits are in line with those of private sector, especially when you consider experience and education level. But Rauner seems to think that engineers, accountants, IT professionals, as well as State cops and Corrections staff should be compensated like burger flippers. I just think if the union would give a little, they may have a lot more sympathy from a public that wants greats services without paying for them.
- illinifan - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 12:42 pm:
Yup only 5% will feel a shutdown. Most doctors licenses renew July 1 or are issued for residency programs that begin July 1 so shutdown could include those along with other licenses, what about drivers license and plate renewals, birth certificates so a passports can be issued, help for the poor, evaluations for nursing home placement and payment for those services, emergency services when there is a natural disaster, road projects, and all the other services many have listed. Yup no one will notice a government shutdown. For a few days you are right no will notice. The longer it goes the more it will be noticed. Maybe it is time for such a shutdown so Rauner can figure out what the government actually does.
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 1:06 pm:
“I just think if the union would give a little, they may have a lot more sympathy from a public that wants greats services without paying for them.” The only way to disabuse the public of its illusion that services are free is to stop providing the services. The old adage of who is going to pay for the cow when the milk is free.
- Joe M - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 1:29 pm:
==“I just think if the union would give a little,==
How do we know that they haven’t given a little? I don’t think we know one way or another.
- Midway Gardens - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 1:43 pm:
The unions didn’t care much when the individual income tax went up 67%. How much sympathy if their health insurance goes up?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 1:45 pm:
===The unions didn’t care much when the individual income tax went up 67%. How much sympathy if their health insurance goes up?===
You DO know that state workers, they also pay state income tax… right?
You’re welcome.
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 2:13 pm:
You know, union members earn their paycheck just like everyone else. It is demeaning to suggest that being paid for work should be based on “sympathy.” I don’t find most private sector workers to be very sympathetic either but what difference should that make?
- kimocat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 2:20 pm:
Agreed anon. But if private sector is unsympathetic, it does make it difficult for our more spindly-spined reps to stand tall for us.
- Truth - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 2:37 pm:
So, if The employees strike or, a govt shutdown occurs and I have to renew a professional or drivers license will I be functioning illegally? Will I be given an indefinite extension on my current license until such time as I can acquire one when the state is back up or will I be subject to arrest or fines?
- Frenchie Mendoza - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 2:54 pm:
So, if The employees strike or, a govt shutdown occurs and I have to renew a professional or drivers license will I be functioning illegally?
What do you think?
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 3:25 pm:
Dear AFSCME, if you go on strike, you will be doing exactly what Rauner wants you to do. Please do not call a strike, force Rauner to lock you out!
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 3:56 pm:
“I just think if the union would give a little, they may have a lot more sympathy from a public that wants greats services without paying for them.” The union has given all that they can give. Have y’all not seen the list of Rauner’s request? Let me refresh your memory:
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 4:05 pm:
What AFSCME Council 31 does via the contract will affect a lot more employees than just State Employees. Unions: http://hr.illinoisstate.edu/managers/labor_relations/union_contracts.php
- kimocat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 4:05 pm:
Yes, Mama, I have. And they are totally and completely unreasonable. What Rauner is doing is just plain wrong — anybody that cared at all about having a competent and dedicated workforce in this state would not propose what he is proposing. But that laudable goal is apparently not important to his plan to become a famous union buster. And he has more sympathy than I wish he did. And I agree with a number of other posters here, that his entire plan is to force that strike and blame the ensuing mess on state workers.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 4:06 pm:
Just let the contract go to binding arbitration already, many states allow it to happen now.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 4:09 pm:
I don’t think AFSCME can count on Rauner to lock everyone out if it doesn’t strike.
- kimocat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 4:14 pm:
Just out of curiosity, why have we not heard a peep out of the Teamsters?
- BigZ - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 5:03 pm:
I was wondering the same thing Kimocat.
- Midway Gardens - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 6:18 pm:
– Pay taxes too. Not the point. The unions are constantly pushing for increased taxes so they can get the raises and benefits…sales tax increase in Cook now back on the table, millions in property taxes in Chicago, increasing the income tax. That they contribute a bit with health insurance premiums more in line with the private sector, just doesn’t concern me.
And they sometimes get ways to avoid the State Income tax. The Chicago teacher has CPS paying 77% of the employee’s portion of the pension contribution. They aren’t paying State income tax on that.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 6:32 pm:
- Midway Gardens - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 6:18 pm:
You are making this an us against them.
I wish that I could say that I am happy that you joined us Rauner but I am not.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 6:38 pm:
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 12, 15 @ 9:55 pm:
Reminder of a RNUG comment which is very relevant today and during this crisis:
Why are these people so hungry to harm us. It is like they really want to hurt us. It is very cruel.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 12, 15 @ 9:57 pm:
By us, I mean State workers.
They are not our bosses. We are also taxpayers. They also insult us.
They put us in the “them” class and really want to hurt us.
- RNUG - Tuesday, May 12, 15 @ 10:17 pm:
- Anonymous -
I don’t know but I have a couple of theories.
For the general public, I see it as sour grapes / resentment because the average person has either had their pension stolen through bankruptcy / buyout or they have been switched to a 401K type plan that is not doing well. In other words, the public had their piece of the American Dream destroyed. So boil it down to envy. And this envy has been fed / driven by the constant Public Relations campaigns by certain groups.
In the case of the ruling class, while they are probably several factors in play, I think it comes down to the fact that the government unions still exist with good benefits as an example to the rest of the working public of what they used to have and could have again if enough people organized and pushed back hard enough. From the over class perspective, the easiest way to eliminate that push-back threat is to destroy the remaining examples of the way it used to be.
That’s my nickel take on it …
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:02 pm:
come on AFSCME “cowboy up” !! STRIKE and show the State of Illinois what you got !!! or is blow and no go? my bet is you want legislators to bail you out, be like a private sector labor organization and walk with a rat inflatable, burn barrels for warmth come December boycott handbills marches on municipalities !! lets see your real UNION YES power!!!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:05 pm:
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:02 pm:
“ck” why don’t you just take a break
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:28 pm:
anonymous take a break what’s that mean ? “victorious warriors win first and then they go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” Sun Tzu Art of War
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:47 pm:
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:28 pm:
“ck” it means what I said. Take a break from trying to destroy State Workers.
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:53 pm:
in ‘93 I was at the west gate at A. E Staley sorry if I missed you “state workers” while being pepper sprayed as we supported the labor strife in Decatur….how many picket lines you spent time on anonymous? and for how long ?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:05 pm:
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 7:53 pm:
“ck” I am from the private sector. I am also Pro-Union.
You on the other hand are hostile to State Workers and seem to be enjoying their pain and since my wife is one of them, I resent your giddiness at your hoped for destruction of their Union.
You don’t seem like any Unin supporter that I have ever met.
- Call Me Crazy - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 8:14 pm:
Apparently all of us agree that AFSCME calling a strike would be a disaster for them, their members as well as the similarly situated unions (like Teamsters who represent most IDOT employees) who also employ the Govs employees.
Now, who out there actually thinks AFSCME leadership also agrees and acts accordingly? I for one have serious doubts.
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:07 pm:
anonymous you (AFSCME) have 1.5 million members all I ask if show us the “stones” hit the street a be the “Big Dogs” without legislators !!! lets see what you folks got ? I don’t thing your leaders have the stones!
- railrat - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:16 pm:
and also anonymous you didn’t answer my question ? you or your wife pent months on picket lines? been pepper sprayed like those of us in ‘93 at A E Staley ? didn’t think so
- AC - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:18 pm:
Why do I get the feeling the Rauner administration is daring AFSCME to strike? “Big Dogs” and “Stones”…sigh, you’re going to have to do better. I’d suggest studying labor history to learn how to better goad labor. The problem with studying labor history is that you may discover some uncanny parallels to today.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:28 pm:
- AC - Tuesday, Jun 23, 15 @ 9:18 pm:
Thanks AC, I was waiting for another person to call out “ck”. She can be very aggressive trying to push State Workers into a strike.
The hostility is so overwhelming.
- That Guy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 8:52 am:
railcat- From someone who was also pepper sprayed during the labor march outside the Staley plant- it was a lockout, not a strike.