Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** This just in… Rauner signs K-12 funding bill
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*** UPDATED x2 *** This just in… Rauner signs K-12 funding bill

Wednesday, Jun 24, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Subscriber protection removed and comments opened because the press release was just made public.]

* 1:59 pm - Gov. Bruce Rauner will sign an appropriations bill today which funds elementary and secondary education, sources say.

That means schools would be guaranteed to receive their first state aid payment this August and would open on time this fall (except Chicago, of course, but that’s a different story.)

Stay tuned.

*** UPDATE 1 *** The press release, which hasn’t yet been sent out…

Governor Bruce Rauner signed House Bill 3763 today making appropriations for General State Aid, Early Childhood Education, Bi-lingual Education and the Teachers’ Retirement System.

Governor Rauner has always made clear that improving education is his highest priority. While the legislature’s bill does not increase education spending by as much as the governor’s proposal, it does increase K-12 education spending by $244 million and early childhood education funding by $25 million.

“Education is the most important thing we do as a community. I would have done more for our schoolchildren, but I am taking action today to ensure our teachers are paid and our schools are open and funded,” Governor Rauner said. “I refuse to allow Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls to hold our schools hostage as part of their plan to protect the political class and force a tax hike on the middle class without real reform.”

As part of his budget plan, the governor proposed increasing K-12 education by $312 million and early childhood by $32 million.

Bill No.: HB 3763

An Act Concerning: Appropriations

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2015

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Illinois Association of School Administrators…

“We are relieved that school districts can now plan for the new school year knowing that the state budget for education is in place. While we believe General State Aid should be fully funded for schools, going from 89 percent funding to 92 percent in this budget represents some progress. The downturn in the economy and the cuts to state funding the past few years have left many school districts across the state struggling, so we are encouraged that this budget includes $85 million that is supposed to go to the neediest districts as well as increases for Special Education and Early Childhood Education. Educating our children is the single best long-term investment the state can make and we are pleased that the governor and the General Assembly have made it a priority in the middle of these tough budget negotiations.”

* Stand for Children Illinois…

Today, Stand for Children Illinois – a statewide education advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring every Illinois student has access to a high-quality public education – praised Governor Bruce Rauner and the leaders of the Illinois House and Senate for enacting HB3763, the state education budget. While the state is still falling short of fully funding our schools, this budget is still an improvement, funding general state aid to school districts at 92 percent as compared with the 87 percent this past year. It also sets aside $85 million to recoup the losses from our neediest districts.

“We commend Governor Rauner and the General Assembly for adhering to their commitment to prioritize public education in the latest budget,” said Mimi Rodman, Executive Director of Stand for Children Illinois. “In the midst of our state’s fiscal crisis and competing spending priorities, this budget demonstrates that progress remains possible when both sides work together. While we have not yet achieved the goal of full and equitable public school funding, the governor and General Assembly have eased some of the burden on our local school districts, particularly in our most underserved communities. We hope this healthy collaboration will continue as all Illinoisans work together to ensure every child has access to a great public education that prepares them for the future.”

* Advance Illinois…

Statement of Advance Illinois Executive Director Robin Steans on the Signing of the Education Budget

Today, Illinois took a first step to ending the way schools are funded through the regressive general state aid formula. While Public Act 99-5 will still prorate education funds, it raises the level of proration to 92% and supplements the budgets of our neediest districts with an additional $85 million. For years now, these districts have suffered disproportionately under proration and these additional funds help to mitigate the impact on our state’s most vulnerable students.

“We applaud the Governor for taking action and signing the education budget to allow districts time to plan. While we still have a long way to go to get to fair and full funding, this is an important first step. We have a very real problem and an intent to address it,” said Advance Illinois Executive Director Robin Steans.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:14 pm:

    Rauner just bought significant, significant, time.

  2. - Jimmy CrackCorn - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:15 pm:

    and… I’ll capture your pawn with my rook. Your turn!

  3. - East Central Illinois - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:16 pm:

    Rauner’s first major positive move!!!

  4. - Nony - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:17 pm:

    This is a clear sign that this is going to be a very long battle on the whole budget.

  5. - Mama - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:17 pm:

    HB 3763 is a House bill that was approved by the House & the Senate. It was sent to the governor as part of the budget. How is Speaker Madigan and the legislators holding our schools hostage?

  6. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:19 pm:

    In an ironically illogical slap in the face to Madigan, Rauner criticizes Madigan for increasing education funding.
    These guys are maniacally blinded by their rage to kick Madigan in whatever way possible.

  7. - Cassiopeia - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:20 pm:

    This is a very good sign. I am hopeful that he will AV other appropriation bills for operations this week so that state government can continue to operate.

  8. - sss - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:21 pm:

    This still doesn’t mean CPS opens in September.

  9. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:21 pm:


  10. - Mama - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:22 pm:

    Any bets on which appropriation will be signed next?

  11. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:22 pm:

    This tells me that State Fair season could be very interesting

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:23 pm:

    ===I am hopeful that he will AV other appropriation bills for operations this week so that state government can continue to operate.===

    I look at this as Rauner doing the right thing, but allowin’ more time and far less pressure of schools over Rauner’s head to keep pushin’ for leverage, and shutting down the state, while schools stay open.

    An equal “yes/ugh”

  13. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:23 pm:

    This and the release of the school construction grant for Macon County are positive steps. And since the bill was sent to him last week, he acted in less than a week. Not a terrible turnaround (pun somewhat intended?!).

  14. - A Jack - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:25 pm:

    Okay….. Isn’t this a piece of that unbalanced budget that he wasn’t going to sign?

  15. - Mama - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:25 pm:

    “Rauner just bought significant, significant, time.” What does this mean for the unions/ employees?

  16. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:27 pm:

    “I refuse to allow Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls to hold our schools hostage as part of their plan to protect the political class and force a tax hike on the middle class without real reform.”

    “I refuse to allow the EVIL and CORRUPTED Speaker Madigan and his legislators-STOOLIES that he controls WITHIN HIS APPLE-STAINED GRIP to hold our schools hostage, LIKE A STALE UNNUTRITIONAL TWINKIE as part of their CORRUPTED plan to protect the DISGUSTING political class and force a BANKRUPTING tax hike on the POOR DEFENSELESS middle class without real HONEST-TO-GOD reform.”


  17. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:29 pm:

    In yet another positive gesture from Madigan, he sends an education budget to Rauner enabling him to fulfill his promise to increase education funding.
    When will Rauner finally wake up and smell the “moderation” coming his way?

  18. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    - Mama -,

    With schools open, the immediate impact on families is greatly reduced. It buys Rauner significant, significant time to frame the blame… on anyone but Bruce Rauner.

    Schools closed, it’s a catastrophe, a reminder every day.

    The state is shut down, workers locked out?

    Not the same ball park as schools.

  19. - Arizona Bob - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    …and when exactly may we expect the IASA to come out and call for a freeze on school administrator salaries over $100K and an end to having schools pay most, or all, of the administrators pension contributions and ALSO buying them annuities to supplement their already too generous pensions? OF course, they’d be doing this “for the children” and that IS their major concern, right? (snark intended)

  20. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    “Rauner just bought significant, significant, time.” What does this mean for the unions/ employees?==

    It means that schools will be open this fall no matter what happens

  21. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:31 pm:

    And, as. Rauner Republican, how do you explain your vote against an increased education budget that Rauner signs?
    Can you spell “hung out to dry?”

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:32 pm:

    Okay….. Isn’t this a piece of that unbalanced budget that he wasn’t going to sign?==

    He’s signing a funding bill that appropriates less than he wanted, so in his mind he probably has money in hand

  23. - Georg Sande - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:33 pm:

    In this three dimensional game of chess, the Governor just made a very, very strong move and took away significant PR opportunities from Madigan and the other Dems. But … this also may well signal a long and entrenched fight. Especially so if the remaining budget is vetoed.

  24. - Joe M - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:33 pm:

    Good news! But, is the Governor just going to subtract the amount of money this bill spends - from the $32 billion of revenue the State currently projects? Then what happens to the rest of the bills once he has signed #32 billion worth. Or will he slice up a number of the bills to still get them to total $32 billion? So still tough times ahead.

  25. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:33 pm:

    Governor Rauner just blinked.

  26. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:34 pm:

    Austin - yes, it was nice of Speaker Madigan and his chamber to fulfill his Constitutionally-required duties, which are clearly spelled out in Article 8, Section 2, Subsection B of the Illinois Constitution.

  27. - Short but Slow - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:34 pm:

    Wasn’t there a second Approps bill that just paid for staffing at ISBE? Is he going to sign that?

  28. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    Sorry - their Constitutional duties…

  29. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    ===how do you explain your vote against an increased education budget that Rauner signs?===

    The GOP GA was always going to be collateral damage, pawns, literally lights on the voting board in the chambers.

    Durkin pushed back with at least that quote yesterday.

    Bruce Rauner can care less… about GOP GA members.

    Rauner, in his thoughts and $20 million, can always get another of them.

  30. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:37 pm:

    Not following the logic ( assuming there is any) that we should somehow blame Madigan in any way on regards to this particular bill. Of course, I want logic while the masses just accept all press releases as is. How does sending the governor a bill which he praises somehow hold our schools hostage? If Anyone is holding anything hostage, it’s the Governor and his Turnaround Agenda before the budget drama.

  31. - Federalist - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:40 pm:

    Great political move by Rauner.

    Gives him some leverage with the general public.

    I doubt if there will be to many other easy signings. I do not see this as a thaw in relations but rather as the beginning of a very long, hot Summer.

  32. - Just saying... - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    “I refuse to allow Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls to hold our schools hostage as part of their plan to protect the political class and force a tax hike on the middle class without real reform.”

    Ummm…seriously Governor…Madigan sent you the bill to sign. How is that holding schools hostage? Once again, Madigan is looking more and more like the adult in the room. Jeesh!

  33. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    Team Sleep.
    Maybe “moderation” is not the appropriate adjective.
    Just maybe it signals Madigan’s will to give Rauner something he wanted.
    Maybe not exactly.
    Maybe like giving Rauner DCEO reform, W/C reform, votes on RTW and property tax relief. Maybe…there’s a track record of cooperation here.
    Maybe not entirely the way Rauner wants it delivered in his lap.
    But the Speaker (and Cullerton) have demonstrated a willingness to cooperate and compromise.
    If only Rauner can continue to learn the art of compromise, we may see some degree of moderation on his part.
    But probably not.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:44 pm:

    ===Governor Rauner just blinked.===

    I agree. But by blinking “just” with schools, Rauner is going to dig in deeper, and use the new “clock” without the fear of schools with locked doors.

    The biggest political loser(s) are the GOP GA caucuses.

    If I’m Rauner, it’s blinking to clear my eyes and reset a staring game.

    Help me see another angle - 47th Ward -, with respect and and an honest ask.

  35. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:44 pm:

    Take from the other side: “I’m glad the Governor saw fit to put aside his extremist demands to sign the education budget that we (the Dems) passed.”

  36. - The Boy Blunder - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:44 pm:

    What we need is moderation. This is, in my view, operating in the extreme.

  37. - A guy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:45 pm:

    Amazing that this many commenters just read the identical piece of information and have reached such a variety of different conclusions.

    How bout this one. The schools will open on time with a little more money than last year…and a promise for more in the future.

    That’s what I read.

  38. - A Jack - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:46 pm:

    I am hoping the Governor had some kind of epiphany. He hasn’t seemed quite so confrontational this past week. There may be hope yet.

  39. - Downstate - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:47 pm:

    If sss is right, and the CPS still don’t open, the D’s will have to come up with a painful solution to that problem. The Democrats ALONE get to decide if they have a spending problem or a revenue problem in Chicago.

  40. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:48 pm:

    A guy:

    The fact that he signed it is a good thing. But, the fact that he signed it is also a bad thing. It just took a huge amount of pressure off of everyone to get any sort of overall budget agreement anytime soon. It’s really quite depressing.

  41. - Etown - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:48 pm:

    Hard to argue with Oswego on any of the points made above. This is a win for Rauner and now ball moves back to MJM. Perhaps MJM is not the only one who knows how to play chess while everyone else plays checkers.

  42. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:50 pm:

    @ Downstate:

    Nonsense. Even with a “D” plan an “R” still has to sign it. How you come to the conclusion that they can do anything alone is beyond me. And please don’t pull out the “veto proof” baloney.

  43. - East Central Illinois - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:52 pm:

    When school districts have been pro-rated on their General State Aid payments at 87% the past years and now it is going to 92% pro-ration - - this is good news to school districts. Add to that the possibility that school districts might not have received their first stated aid payment in mid-August as is usually the case and now it looks like districts will get this in mid-August . . . . School districts are breathing a big sigh of relief right now.

  44. - Tired Of It - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:54 pm:

    Schools open but a lot of State workers shut out and not working would mean no cash for registration fees, book fees, sports fees, lunches and so on. Many schools rely on this money and the supplies provided by these working families. it wouldn’t be long before the impact was felt.

  45. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:54 pm:

    It may be wishful thinking on my part Willy, but to me, signing this approps bill signals that Rauner was going to sign the budget all along. He may yet line-item some significant spending, but he’s never once pushed back on the idea that, sooner or later, he’d sign a major tax hike.

    As Wordslinger pointed out earlier today, no one could withstand the heat that would come if the schools didn’t open on time. Rauner is bluffing on the budget, most likely to force AFSCME into major concessions. He may even allow some parts of state government to shut down, but the schools were always a bridge too far.

    He hasn’t gotten one single reform measure passed, yet he just signed a major piece of the Madigan-Cullerton budget. A few weeks of a state shut down and hospitals and nursing homes and human service providers going nuts across the state, and we should have an income tax hike passed with close to 40 HGOP votes by August 1.

    And maybe, just maybe, if the ads stop and cooler heads prevail, some changes to W/C and another vote on that property tax freeze might actually happen. Toss in a Chicago casino and a new ramp for CPS, and everybody can go home before Labor Day.

  46. - A guy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:54 pm:

    === Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:48 pm:

    A guy:

    The fact that he signed it is a good thing. But, the fact that he signed it is also a bad thing. It just took a huge amount of pressure off of everyone to get any sort of overall budget agreement anytime soon. It’s really quite depressing.===

    I get you Demo. But school teachers could either be in the rotunda or in the classroom. I choose B.

  47. - Buzzie - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:54 pm:

    The state’s most wide spread budgetary emotional issue is now off the table; the use of children (outside of Chicago) as poltical pawns is greatly decreased.

  48. - Namaste - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:55 pm:

    A Guy, I hear that Med Marijuana is good for myopia.

  49. - TurnaroundWhat - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:58 pm:

    At some point the media may actually start reporting the stories in a balanced way. Madigan is enemy number one, but he’s not the obstructionist here. Rauner had an opportunity to take the high road but chose to roll in the mud. Ridiculous.

  50. - sss - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 2:59 pm:

    When Chicago schools don’t open, and CTU, students and parents are protesting outside Rauner’s Randolph Rooftop Penthouse (”let them learn!”), and he has no way to get Republicans on board a solution, who is he negotiating with?

  51. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    And the short term message will continue to be that schools will open because the Dems passed a budget.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===… signing this approps bill signals that Rauner was going to sign the budget all along. He may yet line-item some significant spending, but he’s never once pushed back on the idea that, sooner or later, he’d sign a major tax hike.===

    Agree, 1,000%

    ===Rauner is bluffing on the budget, most likely to force AFSCME into major concessions. He may even allow some parts of state government to shut down, but the schools were always a bridge too far.===

    I agree there, all points too. I guess what I’m looking at is if this is a blinking, can AFSCME hold out and allow the pressures and heat to fall upon Rauner (who he, alone, is the negotiator, no GA Leaders involved) to force a workable agreement.

    Rauner despises Unions. This signing frees up Rauner to take a harder stand, as a true believer might.

    ===He hasn’t gotten one single reform measure passed, yet he just signed a major piece of the Madigan-Cullerton budget. A few weeks of a state shut down and hospitals and nursing homes and human service providers going nuts across the state, and we should have an income tax hike passed with close to 40 HGOP votes by August 1.===

    Agreed,… I just don’t know if August 1st is long enough for Rauner, and I am afraid, as week 2 of Ads begin, the over/under on GOP votes will be 46.5, and I’m taking the “over”. It’s going to be the inflicting of maximum pain time.

    ===And maybe, just maybe, if the ads stop and cooler heads prevail, some changes to W/C and another vote on that property tax freeze might actually happen. Toss in a Chicago casino and a new ramp for CPS, and everybody can go home before Labor Day.===

    That would be the ultimate “win-win”.

    This is your only… only wishful thinking part.

    I see W/C and property tax in serious play as the GOP GA will be green on revenue.

    Thanks for your thoughts - 47th Ward -, as always.

    Much respect.

  53. - walker - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:09 pm:

    That’s a government shutdown that would have seriously hurt the Governor. Shoring up the weakest place in his defenses.

  54. - ??? - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:12 pm:

    Does anyone know off the top of their heads the bill numbers of the other approp bills that have been sent to him? I tried looking on the General Assembly website, but I didn’t know how to find them. Thanks.

  55. - Anono - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:13 pm:

    Hasn’t MJM invited the gov on more than one occasion to enact any part of the budget he wants? It isn’t like this is an unexpected move to the Speaker, right?

  56. - The Colossus of Roads - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:15 pm:

    It appears Gov. Rauner is smarter than most on this blog give him credit for. The rest of the budget will be a blood bath.

  57. - Waffle Fries - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    “I refuse to allow Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls to hold our schools hostage as part of their plan to protect the political class and force a tax hike on the middle class without real reform.”

    If the Governor vetoes the bill that funds services for the developmentally disabled and mentally ill, what does his quote even mean then?

  58. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:17 pm:

    ???, Click “Legislation and Laws” on top menu and then “Legislative Reports.” There are reports dealing with: Appropriation Bills Passed Both Houses and Appropriation Bills Pending Governor Action. You should be able to figure it out from there.

  59. - Former Merit Comp Slave - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    any influence from the missus?

  60. - ??? - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:20 pm:

    Norseman, thanks so much. I’ll check it out.

  61. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    ===can AFSCME hold out and allow the pressures and heat to fall upon Rauner (who he, alone, is the negotiator, no GA Leaders involved) to force a workable agreement.===

    I think this is doubtful. I hate to say it, but AFSCME is on its own in this negotiation. I think once the smoke clears on revenue hike and the reforms are dispatched, AFSCME is isolated. I think they’re going to be faced with signing a bad contract or walking out. I also think a few weeks of shut down will have so many members worried about making their mortgage and car payments that there won’t be too many eager to strike.

    If this is really all about breaking AFSCME, Rauner won’t get much resistance from Madigan or Cullerton.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    ===It appears Gov. Rauner is smarter than most on this blog give him credit for.===

    Ugh. What governor wants closed schools in the Fall?

    The question was always “how do you open schools and keep his battles going?”

    When the Approps were broken out as they were, the Ed funding bill as a stand alone was an option, but “will he take it?”

    It’s not like “poof” Rauner found a magical solution no one saw, or crafted/cobbled simething from dust to make this move.

    It’s a smart, wise move. It’s a move to also continue leverage without a pressure point on him. Governors still need a budget to find his/her agencies and his/her programs. That has not, not one bit, changed.

    Then there’s the $3 billion dollar hole…

    Rauner bought days, days for leverage, through an existing, obvious, “clean” avenue.

    Ok, now what?

  63. - Downstate - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:25 pm:

    The CPS funding is a D problem. Rauner is not under the same pressure to solve that problem, as he was for the non-Chicago schools.
    Rauner may have to sign off, but he doesn’t have to come up with the solution. Rahm and the GA will have to be the authors of the VERY painful resolution.

  64. - anon - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:26 pm:

    Bruce is playing this like a champ. Keep it up, I’ll be very surprised if he doesn’t win big at the end of the day.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:27 pm:

    ===If this is really all about breaking AFSCME, Rauner won’t get much resistance from Madigan or Cullerton.===

    That’s how I gamed it out too. I was hoping to get someone to confirm my thoughts.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    - anon -,

    … with a tax increase, dragging the GOP GA down with the weight of it.

    Yeah, ok, he’s going to win big.

  67. - Politix - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:30 pm:

    “I would’ve done more…”

    What you’ve experienced, Governor, is a little something called negotiation. A little something called give and take. I know that it’s been difficult for you to understand that can’t always have what you want in state government/life. Congratulations.

  68. - Sam Weinberg - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    While taking the schools out of the equation certainly allows him to take a less risky hard line on other issues, doesn’t it likewise mean that the leverage he can get out of that hard line is likewise reduced?

    I mean, wasn’t the Dems worst possible outcome that Rauner’s $20m would convince tens of thousands of parents that there kids couldn’t go to school because of union / Dem intransigence? Rauner will surely have the chance to score some victories, but doesn’t this greatly decrease the odds he’s going to give Madigan his Waterloo?

  69. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    That’s my governor maybe he can sign the marijuana bill on stage at the dead concert that would be great imagine the support for him.

  70. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:38 pm:

    AFSCME is in a bad position. However, I do think they can depend on Madigan/Cullerton to assist with fair share. Too big an issue for all Illinois unions for them to allow it to be eliminated for state workers.

  71. - Centennial - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    Is stuff like this going to grate on HGOP morale? You push em to vote against the dang bill… then he goes and signs it.

  72. - MickJ - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    We are still heading toward the state stopping on July 1 spending money raised from ratepayers for low income energy assistance. At the moment, full speed ahead toward immediate hardship for tens of thousands of low income households as this will put them on the road toward disconnection of utility service.

  73. - chiagr - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:59 pm:

    Was this not the bill written by the Democrats and passed by the House??? Madigan and company do all the work and Rauner still bashes them??? At least he is consistent.

  74. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 3:59 pm:

    ===You push em to vote against the dang bill… then he goes and signs it.===

    You mean all of those Republicans who originally sponsored this bill to increase education funding and then turned around and took their names off the bill after being told to vote against it? You mean grating on those Republicans’ morale lol?

    There are a lot of press releases not going out today from Republicans taking credit for increasing local school funding. Great work guys.

  75. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:02 pm:

    ===You mean grating on those Republicans’ morale lol? ===

    Yeah, and for the most part, they voted “No” and not “Present.”


  76. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:03 pm:

    ===There are a lot of press releases not going out today from Republicans taking credit for increasing local school funding. Great work guys.===


    Collateral damage.

    Just wait for all those “perfect” no tax pledges getting blemishes.

    Still rooting for them.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    “Hey! ‘Who’, ‘Who’ signed that sham bill?” - The Owl.

  78. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:09 pm:

    I’m relieved Rauner wouldn’t allow Madigan to force him to hold our schools hostage. Will he sign the rest of the budget piece by piece with this same mantra?

  79. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:11 pm:


    Now — is the governor going to shut down Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and all the other social service agencies in every single GA district that get the vast majority of their funding from the state?

    I don’t think so.Tnere’s talking tough, then there’s standing tough. The governor showed his cards with the sweeps and the flip on the $26 million in social service cuts.

    If he couldn’t take the heat there, no way he can take it when the backlash would be exponentially more severe.

    The endgame has started. Rauner needs to pick something on which to “declare victory,” then figure out where the $3.5 billion he needs is coming from.

    Hint: It ain’t sweeps. That’s been done.

  80. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:12 pm:

    ===I’m relieved Rauner wouldn’t allow Madigan to force him to hold our schools hostage.===

    The mere fact Rauner had the power of the pen to stop it anytime kinda leaves Madigan off the hook.

  81. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===Yeah, and for the most part, they voted “No” and not “Present.”===

    You’re doing a heck of a job Goldberg.

  82. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    Yes, OW, I was being sarcastic.

  83. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    The purchased can always say they voted against the bill because it was unconstitutional.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    Every time Rauner signs the “sham” bills, what’s probably most exciting for me is that the GOP Caucuses can’t “run” against the man funding them.

  85. - AC - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:22 pm:

    It’s a shame Rauner signed the bill, he too must be another politician controlled by Madigan. After all, he signed the sham bill instead of turning around Illinois and enacting real reform. /s

  86. - Centennial - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:23 pm:

    ==There are a lot of press releases not going out today from Republicans taking credit for increasing local school funding==

    My point exactly! Increased education funding is a winner in any district. Now BVR set up his caucus (accidentally, I hope) to have voted against increased education funding.

    Sloppy. MJM may not be perfect, but he’s been the man for a longtime because he doesn’t make rookie mistakes like this.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:25 pm:

    - Wensicia -, lol…

    My humblest apology.

  88. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:26 pm:

    Did the guv give his GA peeps a heads-up before he un-shammed the single-biggest part of the wildly out of balance budget he wasn’t going to sign and he directed they vote against?

    One second you’re on the Rauner bus, the next you’re under it.

  89. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    The GA R’s will have a million extra to rebut the “voted against” mantra to note that they wanted Rauners bill with more funding than the one that passed.

  90. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    Rep. Ron Sandack: (narrating) And there was nothing that we could do about it. Rauner was a made man, and Durkin wasn’t. And we had to sit still and take it. It was among the Raunerites. It was real greaseball stuff. He even signed the bill on a Wednesday so it couldn’t be buried in the weekend news.

  91. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    ===Did the guv give his GA peeps a heads-up===

    Yep. Less than half an hour, I think.

  92. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:32 pm:

    ===Yep. Less than half an hour, I think.===

    “Let the hired help know, thems the breaks…”

    - 47th Ward -, restaurant quality.

  93. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:34 pm:

    === restaurant quality===

    Michelin, even. There’s a reason why he won that award.

  94. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:35 pm:

    ===that they wanted Rauners bill with more funding than the one that passed.===

    It’ll be interesting to see what the transcripts say.

  95. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:37 pm:

    === The GA R’s will have a million extra to rebut the “voted against” mantra to note that they wanted Rauners bill with more funding than the one that passed. ===

    When you use your money to rebut, you’re dancing to the opponent’s tune. Yep, run those ads saying that you were for it before you were agin it.

  96. - Centennial - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:37 pm:

    Maybe I am over thinking this but BVR put the HGOP in quite the pickle here. They voted against a bill to increase funding to education. Voted NO. That’s a tough vote and will take some explainin’ come election time. Explainin’ costs money. BVR really has got these guys under his thumb now because it will take a pretty penny to put lipstick on this pig. If he turns off your money… you may really be up a creek since you can’t just “run on your record” anymore.

  97. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:39 pm:

    Where exactly are we to believe the governor is going to hang tough after caving on K-12.

    Here are the next biggest chunks of the budget:

    Healthcare? Although the governor does have experience in running nursing homes into the ground, I doubt he’d find it as satisfying in his current position.

    Human Services? See $26 million flip.

    Pensions? Welcome to your very own credit rating downgrade.

  98. - dzipio - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:39 pm:

    How is this Rauner’s victory? He did not write this bill, Madigan and the Dems did. I see it as Madigan sent Rauner a school spending bill and dared him not to sign it. Then he signed it. Blink.

  99. - George OhWell - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:40 pm:

    Yay…. 92% funded…. If education was as top priority as he claims, why not reflect it in a budget that says, since we’re gonna burn down the house one way or another to get things turned around here, why not say…. You know what, let’s start by fully funding our top priority. Otherwise, it’s a move open for attacks to being political football.

  100. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:41 pm:

    Woof, less than a half hour. Do you get dinner and a show after that?

  101. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:43 pm:

    The House GOP learned the same lesson Democrats did during the Good Friday massacre. You can’t trust this governor.

  102. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:44 pm:

    ==If this is really all about breaking AFSCME, Rauner won’t get much resistance from Madigan or Cullerton.==

    I think MJM and Cullerton protect AFSCME from some of the core stuff like fair share because of all of the other unions. But as for the contract, why would they care? Pretty sure a majority of downstate AFSCME voted for BVR…

  103. - Formerpol - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:46 pm:

    Only guys -and especially political guys - view all of this as someone ‘blinking’ or ‘giving in’; as if it is a test of toughness or a football game . We need a woman Governor and a woman Speaker and this silly male ego stuff would disappear.

  104. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:48 pm:

    “Dear HGOP,

    I wouldn’t trust Bruce Rauner, he’ll turn on you once he’s done with you.


    Gov. Christie”

    It’s snark, but, seems true enough.

  105. - dzipio - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:56 pm:

    I ask again, genuinely. If this is a bill created in Madigan’s House, how is Rauner signing it a victory for the Governor?

  106. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 4:56 pm:

    Man, that one has to hurt. Follow your leader down the path only to get tossed off the bus when it was expedient. And somewhat ironically, it makes them even more dependent on BVR’s cash because they all took bad votes. Who’s Sandack yelling at today?

    On the big picture front, this does have the appearance of digging in for battle. But I’ll grant that Word might be right about the gov caving on the rest too.

    On The other hand, I’m glad the House and Senate GOP are learning what this guy is all about, even if they have to learn it the hard way.

  107. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:02 pm:

    “Owls Get Clipped; Rauner Signs Sham”

  108. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:04 pm:

    “Sham-Wow, Rauner Cleans GOP’s Clocks”

  109. - Paul Smyth - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:08 pm:

    Madigan dangled this bill in front of Rauner and he took the bait. Played just as planned. Madigan didn’t break out the budget into pieces by accident, it’s all coordinated and Rauner just took the first piece of bait. Chess it is, and Madigan is aligning his pieces.

  110. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:11 pm:

    “What just happened…” - Evelyn Sanguinetti

  111. - Filmmaker Professor - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:15 pm:

    Thanks to all of you commenters for your interesting and thoughtful analysis on this. And no name calling! I always learn a lot reading this blog; that’s what I love about it.

  112. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:36 pm:

    Wordslinger, 4:41

    No dinner, No show, not even a kiss. I believe this is a strictltly, cash on the dresser, kinda deal ;-)

  113. - Politix - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 5:48 pm:

    - how is Rauner signing it a victory for the Governor?

    MJM knew schools wouldn’t open in the fall without an education appropriation. Rauner absolutely would’ve been blamed for that.

  114. - dzipio - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:01 pm:

    So it looks like Madigan’s plan now is to send the budget in pieces, dare Rauner to not sign them, and none of the “turnaround agenda” gets passed. It seems Madigan has exposed Rauner as unwilling to stand up to any real pressure

  115. - jls - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:15 pm:

    Rauner riding up on the white horse to save the children from Madigan and boost his image. Looking for a win.

  116. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:20 pm:

    The spin out the governor’s office is hilarious.

    Apparenlty, sending appropriation bills to the governor that increase funding for education is “holding schools hostage.”

    I don’t think this is how they drew it up in the huddle.

  117. - Nldev - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:22 pm:

    It looks like most of the people vist this site is living on state dough, they don’t pay any taxes.

    Governor did the right thing, not holding childern as hostages as what madigan wanted , so he can distract public from real problem of tax and spenting of working class future

  118. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:31 pm:

    ===Governor did the right thing, not holding childern as hostages as what madigan wanted===

    lol, yeah held it hostage by passing it on for signature.

    It takes more energy to be a victim than to understand what’s goin’ on…

  119. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:34 pm:

    Nldev, if nothing else, your posts are an argument for increased education funding.

  120. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:45 pm:

    The Governor is obviously impressing the select demographic his comments are intended to influence.

  121. - Nldev - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:47 pm:

    Oswego Willy

    Tell me what’s going on, is Madigan is new to politics, he don,t know how distract the Public , he is doing it for past 3 decades.
    Victim role played by those who living on Government Dough, want to increase taxes on others. NOT BY THE PEOPLE PAY TXES.

  122. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:47 pm:

    Nldev, the education bill the Rauner signed was sponsored by Madigan. But then again, you’re not worried about facts.

  123. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:49 pm:

    - Wensicia -, I got that one. I may be needin’ some more schoolin’. Much respect.

    To the commenters thinking Rauner saved schools from being held hostage by the Speaker;

    You should ask the HGOP how they all feel, most bein’ “red” on a signed law increasin’ education fundin’, with ample time, almost 30 minutes, to know they were bein’ double crossed.

    Boy, what a hero.

  124. - Nldev - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:53 pm:

    I know it was passed by Madigan, but Governor always said, Education is his number one priority, he even said he will increase the funding. He is NOT GOING TO STOP IT.

  125. - OJ - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:53 pm:

    Good move by Rauner. It’s way too early to say who won or lost today. That said, House and Senate Republicans will have a hard time with this issue in 2016.

  126. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:55 pm:


    I’m trying to emulate my good friend and mentor MrJM.
    I still have a long way to go…

  127. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:55 pm:

    - Nldev -,

    Ask yourself,

    If only the signature of the governor is needed to free schools from being held hostage, and the bill is on the governor’s desk, awaiting signature, “who” is preventing the governor from signing the bill?

    “Who” is denying Bruce Rauner his chance to open schools on time?

    As - Norseman - pointed out, “who” sponsored the signed law?

    With respect, sometimes spin is used to try and hide the obvious.

  128. - Lurker - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 6:57 pm:


    What politician would say education isn’t a top priority? Do you also realize that people that work for the government also pay taxes?

  129. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:02 pm:

    - Wensicia -,

    He is one high bar. You also do well on your own, don’t mistake my ignorance on you!

    To go to - 47th Ward -’s snark,

    What makes that such restaurant quality isn’t just the incorporation of “Goodfellas”, which was genius, but really laying out there, naked, this Raunerite takeover of the ILGOP and if you’re not with them, you’re against them, and even when you’re with them, you aren’t them.

    Talk about hostage. Talk about hostage takeover. - 47th Ward -, was right when I was corrected not too long ago;

    It’s leaving it on the dresser money, not reward money.

    Man, that was good stuff today…

  130. - Nldev - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:03 pm:

    It shows he willinhg to sign the bill, if it helps to accomplish his priorities, In our state most of our budgets passed very late and signed.

  131. - dzipio - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:06 pm:

    Can someone tell me why Rauner did not give the HGOP a heads up? This would invite a rift within his party.

  132. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:07 pm:

    I think Nldev is pulling a gag.

  133. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:07 pm:

    - Nldev -,

    With respect, what do you think he signed?

    It’s an aspect of funding education, K-12, not even higher education.

    There is still no budget. The two sham budgets are at minimum $3 Billion short on revenue, and by signing this very narrow and specific bill, not one other budgetary issue is alleviated.

  134. - OJ - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:08 pm:

    It’s good to see Rauner working with Democrats - despite the objections of Republican legislators - to help provide Illinois children better educational opportunities. Learning on the job will have certain consequences got the IL GOP.

  135. - DuPage Dave - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:09 pm:

    I suggest that obvious trolls be ignored rather than fed. It’s too distracting.

  136. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:10 pm:

    ===Can someone tell me why Rauner did not give the HGOP a heads up? This would invite a rift within his party.===

    Rauner owns them, he doesn’t report to them, owes them nothing, thus the utter disrespect, and Rauner holds a war chest over they’d head if any or all complain.

    CEOs don’t report to middle management.

    Rauner is runnin’ the GOP like a ‘bidness’

  137. - dzipio - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:16 pm:

    Wow OW, that is so sad for them. Are they really so spineless?

  138. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:19 pm:

    - dzipio -,

    It’s not spineless, it’s the $20 million dictating the Caucuses.

    Use the search key, there’s plenty on Rauner and the GOP Caucuses

  139. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 7:55 pm:

    I think Rauner and Co. are very confused about who has leverage here.

    What do they think taking K-12 off the table forces the Dems to do? I can’t for the life of me think of anything.

    So either they’re confused, or Rauner is just salivating to short the pension payment.

    What big brains these guys have.

  140. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 8:15 pm:

    Short the pension payment in light of the Supremes ruling and the credit rating hammer comes down immediately on the governor’s watch, and they will explain exactly why they’re doing it.

    Rauner never had the cards to leverage the budget for his reactionary agenda. It never made sense.

    The governor showed in February that he wanted more money when he proposed a budget that was $3 billion-plus short.

    He couldn’t fake the cuts on paper; why would anyone believe he could take the heat to actually make them for realsies?

    You can’t bluff when you’ve already shown your hole card.


  141. - Rod - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 8:18 pm:

    I don’t see the Chicago Public School not opening. CTU President Karen Lewis was just on WTTW and she clearly said she supported a one year deal with no raise and improved working conditions with no change in benefits. The Board approved property tax anticipation warrants of over $900′million and JP Morgan apparently is part of this deal.

    So in the short term CPS can open, it is unclear how much if of the CTPF payment will be made in a few days. The extension of time by the GA is really irrelevant, because if CPS does not pay in full by the time the pension fund gets to court and even a hearing is held it would likely be August and if CPS pays up then the pension fund’s case will be largely moot, except for a month’s lost earnings which can be worked out by the lawyers.

    The long term problems are profound and even Senator Manar’s funding reform proposal, new property taxes, will not fix the problem. So there will be layoffs and even President Lewis recognized that possibility tonight.

    Given that the Ernst Young audit which I just read admits the CPS budget has been in violation of state law, as it relates only to CPS, because it has been unbalanced for five years some oversight must be imposed. The legislature and ISBE have to do something or the district will collapse.

  142. - OJ - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 8:27 pm:

    Rod - Iintersting take on a sad situation - i’ve often wondered if Illinois might start using emergency managers - like in Michigan - to start solving some intractable financial problems in local government.

  143. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 8:40 pm:

    - You can’t bluff when you’ve already shown your hole card. -

    You can try if you’re, um, slow…

  144. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 8:53 pm:

    Rod, I believe that “oversight” for the Chicago Public Schools is supposed to be conducted by Emanuel, who appoints the sup. and every board member.

    I suspect that the governor and legislature will be more than happy to allow Emamuel to keep that responsibility and the accountability that goes with it.

    But yes, CPS will open on time, one way or the other, and the governor will have to play a role in that. Again, no one can take that heat of them not opening.

    I think it’s starting to sink in slowly to the governor that there’s more to his new gig than speechifyin’ and advertisin’.

    When you get the Big Chair, you will be held accountable for everything. You can’t pass it off on legislators or subordinates. It’s never worked that way.

  145. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:00 pm:

    Wonder if there is blowback from GOP GA members being heard by the Rauner Crew?

    Will GOP Members go deep and really go after this? I mean, let’s be honest, if the end game, knowing how all these bills were parsed, was to sign specifically this bill, why o why hang the GOP members out in the Senate Admendment, it’s concurrance and leave no one cover?

    That is a Legislative Shop “failing” someone; the Governor to the maneuver, the members to the governor’s final intent, to themselves, “who” is going to trust the governor and his word on “hard votes”?

    The Press Shop is “failing” with these sham releases and cookie-cutter responses, only to have the boss sign a sham, to actually sign what Rauner requested GOP Members refer to as sham legislation.

    In six months, the animosity generated from the Press Shop and accelerated from the actions of the Legislative Shop is self-inflicted and accelerated even more with a confusing Ad campaign that now seems even more trivial, given the Ed funding signing.

    I understand Rauner is “his own man”, a true believer, and has his own thoughts. I get it, I do. Can’t anyone, with a lil political savvy explain pitfalls and get the options out there?

    A consigliere is best when heard 100% of the time, but heeded maybe 10% of the time. A bad consigliere is one when need but once to be listened to, and no one wants to hear what’s said. A bad Don tunes out all advice, no matter how anyone would rate the counsel.

    “How did we get this far?”. Too late, learning on the job is over.

    Either someone needs to explain to Rauner that the Press Shop and Legislative Shops are hurting him, or both Shops better get better at being better.

    Help the Governor, don’t feed the ego of the man.


  146. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:15 pm:

    Willy, would he soothe the GOP Solon sting if he immediately vetoed the rest of the budget?

  147. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:24 pm:

    “I refuse to allow Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls to hold our schools hostage …”

    So I’m going to sign this education budget that was sponsored by Speaker Madigan, passed by the legislators he controls and opposed by the legislators I control.

    I hope this teaches everyone a lesson.

  148. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:34 pm:

    ===Willy, would he soothe the GOP Solon sting if he immediately vetoed the rest of the budget?===

    If it were me, sitting in a chair, voting and signing off on “sham” as a release from my office, it would soothe me, but at such an enormous price, I wouldn’t ask for it.

    It does reset everything.

    We’ve been at 71 and 36 for weeks now, not days. If the Legislative Shop can get over themselves and “sell” the premise to the two leaders that we will have a give and take centric to the budget, now you’re cookin’ with gas.

    GOP Members could use a reset. Big as a partner, not a chit. If they (GOP Leaders) make both the Dem Leaders and the Governor see their actual independent relevance, yes, I’d support a complete veto under those narrow and very specific parameters.

    A total veto used as imaginary leverage for Turnaround Agenda items that more easily can be gained with an honest budget discussion, no, no veto or total veto under that Opera.

    Rauner needs two very specific things, Turnaround Agenda items (even 2), and a budget. That budget needs revenue, work from scratch to get there. Fake leverage gets neither goal.

    Then the biggest loser will be AFSCME. Rauner will have stopped the bottleneck in governing, and probably can get the Dem leaders passive, but not silent. That is not winning for AFSCME.

    That’s my thoughts outside the zoo.

    - Norseman -, what we coulda done…

  149. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:47 pm:

    - Norseman -,

    Note, we’re talking about, up to this evening, a sitting governor still running Ads into next week, who tried an end-around on one of his negotiating partners, and continues to absolutely marry, absolute musts, in progressing in complete concert an Agenda and a budget deal, along with poison pills smoked out.

    Given THAT set of parameters, I started my Don Quixote thoughts. Why Quixote-like? True believers are the hardest to make pragmatic.

  150. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:57 pm:

    Great way to end the evening with another excellent and succinct comment from Michelle, and a enlightening tactical discussion with the man who should be governor, Oswego Willy.

  151. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 10:01 pm:

    Michelle, the governor’s response rates up there in goofiness with “up day.”

    The difference is, Rauner’s came in a written statement, so presumably it was signed off on by at least a couple of people. Blago was just being his goofy self, extemporaneously.

  152. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 10:15 pm:

    Am I wrong to think that about 80% of the money Rauner signed off on will be going to pay union employees of the states school districts. They even get more money than last year. Who’s taking care of political class today? Madigan?

  153. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 10:19 pm:

    The only thing missing was the governor inviting the Speaker to the bill signing.

  154. - Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 10:24 pm:

    Best blogging of the session.

    One must wonder How Durkin and Radogno must feel about Rauner’s actions.

    “An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.” — Samuel Cameron, 1799-1889, who made his personal fortune in banking and railroads before becoming Lincoln’s Secretary of War.

  155. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 10:29 pm:

    ===The only thing missing was the governor inviting the Speaker to the bill signing.===

    You topped yourself!

    Thanks for the kind words - Norseman -, appreciate it.

  156. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 11:03 pm:

    Michelle, I suspect the governor, Madigan and Cullerton will be on the campaign trail together next year bragging about how they increased funding for education in the face of near universal opposition from Republicans in the GA.

  157. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 11:05 pm:

    …doin’ the fly-around on Griffin’s plane.

  158. - PublicServant - Thursday, Jun 25, 15 @ 6:36 am:

    Wow. Just read through the commentary. You guys sure chat a lot, lol. I noticed a decided lack of Raunerite response in this thread. I believe that signals that the Raunerite Borg are in communication with the Hive Mind.

  159. - Confused - Friday, Jun 26, 15 @ 6:39 am:

    I thought HB3673 was for back wages owed to thousands of state workers from about 3 or 4 years ago

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