* I’ll have more for subscribers about this meeting tomorrow. From the Sun-Times…
With the state just one day away from shutting down its services, legislative leaders — including Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan — failed to reach a compromise on Monday with Gov. Bruce Rauner over an ongoing budget impasse.
“We’re no closer today than we were a month ago on negotiating a budget,” Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, told the Chicago Sun-Times following a Monday meeting between the four legislative leaders and Rauner. “Nothing’s changed. We are looking for reform, Democrats are looking for revenue.” […]
The meeting at the state Capitol in Springfield on Monday was initially seen as promising because Madigan, who has a powerful grip on his chamber’s supermajority, showed up to the meeting. Madigan, who Rauner has targeted in recent negative TV ads, had given the governor the cold shoulder recently, having been a no-show at recent closed-door meetings Rauner had called. […]
At the meeting on Monday, Rauner continued to ask Democrats to advance his so-called turnaround agenda in order to avoid a budget impasse. Earlier in the day, Rauner sent an email to state employees saying that Democrats had offered no compromises on the governor’s turnaround agenda items. Rauner has said he must have those pro-business, anti-union changes in law in order to move forward with a budget.
“We’ve offered other solutions that he’s rejected because he wants those pieces of the agenda that we think are harmful,” said Rikeesha Phelon, spokeswoman to Illinois Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago. “As a result, we are no closer to a resolution…He chose to move toward a shutdown through an outright veto.”
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 6:42 pm:
===He chose to move toward a shutdown through an outright veto.”===
Rauner chose. Rauner owns. It’s Rauner’s now.
The Rauner Vetoes, those 19 Vetoes. Rauner owns.
- Macbeth - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 6:50 pm:
How long can Rauner go without a budget?
In other words, can a governor not sign a budget for a fiscal year and simply govern by EO?
- Mama - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 6:55 pm:
“Rauner continued to ask Democrats to advance his so-called turnaround agenda in order to avoid a budget impasse.”
Why is it very important to Rauner to get all of his “turnaround agenda” now (FY2016)? He got the Dept. of Commerce privatized. He could get another part of his turnaround agenda next year. What is the rush?
- A Jack - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 6:55 pm:
There is no spending authority without a budget. Since he doesn’t need any money, he can go four years without a budget, but the rest of Illinois wouldn’t fare so well.
- A Jack - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:02 pm:
The rush is that he won’t agree to new taxes until his turn around agenda is passed. If he agrees to new taxes before its passed, he just lost all his leverage. He knows he is going to have to agree to new taxes eventually, but is trying to use that leverage with the GA while he can.
- Austin Blvd - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:13 pm:
Durkin didn’t usta want reforms this bad. Obviously his arms bein’ twisted on the way inta the meetin’.
- Austin Blvd - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:18 pm:
A Jack:
You and Brucie are foolin’ yourselves if you think the Dems are going to support Brucie’s proposals.
The only thing that MAYBE might work is if Durkin’ and Radogno promise ALL of their GOP members will vote for the agenda and then Bruce is turned loose on the remainder.
Even then it is a lon’ shot, and Durkin’ and Radogno know that.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:25 pm:
=== Durkin didn’t usta want reforms this bad. Obviously his arms bein’ twisted on the way inta the meetin’. ===
- AC - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:25 pm:
Maybe a few more attack ads would help Rauner get a budget agreement, or at least increase flower and hard hat sales helping Illinois economy. I’ll bet a daisy girl style political attack ad or two, and Madigan and Rauner would be best friends.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:26 pm:
Of course there’s no agreement. You can’t triangulate with Madigan in the room silly.
- A Jack - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:32 pm:
Austin, you misread me. I have no desire to see any of the Governor’s agenda passed.
But the comment above was what was the rush, and the Governor knows that he has to get his agenda passed this year or its toast.
- Beenthereseenthat - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:35 pm:
Under Thompson and Edgar the agreed bill process worked fairly well. That involved business and labor convening a meeting to work differences on unemployment insurance and workers comp to a lesser extent. Why not try that again?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:37 pm:
===Of course there’s no agreement. You can’t triangulate with Madigan in the room silly.===
Heck, Rauner won’t even call MJM or Cullerton the names he calls them in public to their faces…
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:42 pm:
“At the meeting on Monday, Rauner continued to ask Democrats to advance his so-called turnaround agenda”
As a voter, I would like to see some key reforms, but they may take a long time. They may not even pass at all, such as a progressive income tax. Who knows when marijuana legalization will pass in Illinois? It might take some years, with a newer, more socially-progressive crop of politicians. That too is a “job creator,” and it would bring revenue and save money wasted on prosecuting marijuana possession.
These reforms can be pushed again after the budget is passed. They can be pursued without damaging the state.
I am only one very small voice, not more important than any other, but I wouldn’t want my elected representatives to toss the state over the fiscal cliff because I can’t get my way on reforms that are very dear to me. There is time later. That’s why politicians have multiple-year terms.
I wish Rauner would focus on budgetary issues, revenue and spending. Madigan has a little extra something-something for Rauner at this point, which is workers compensation reform that passed in the House–along with social services cuts (which I don’t like but have to live with to get a budget passed). I wish this was enough to pass a budget.
In my opinion, our biggest problem now is fiscal. I would like to see the state achieve some sort of fiscal stability, such as adequate long-term revenue.
- RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:02 pm:
== How long can Rauner go without a budget?
In other words, can a governor not sign a budget for a fiscal year and simply govern by EO? ==
- Macbeth - , Most spending quits June 30. Some limited amount can go about 15 days into July, with more contracted service agencies shutting down and increasing pain every day. On July 15 he basically runs out of what little spending he can do from last year’s budget on salaries. He may still have a bit of committed / FY15 contracted deliverables he could pay for … just depends.
- RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:04 pm:
== He got the Dept. of Commerce privatized. ==
But that wasn’t his poison pill version of the bill …
- RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:06 pm:
== Why not try that again? ==
To do an agreed bill, you have to be able to trust all parties to keep the agreement.
- Umm like - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:15 pm:
Well said grandson
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:17 pm:
==the Governor knows that he has to get his agenda passed this year or its toast.===
If anyone on the Governor’s team could count votes, Rauner would know by now that his agenda was never going to be passed this year. If they are clever and learn soon, there is a deal to be had that they can spin as win-win and better still, live to fight another day.
If not, this could be Rauner’s Waterloo.
- Wordslinger - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:20 pm:
I get the feeling that some of the superstars are under the impression this sort of brinksmanship hasn’t happened before.
It has. Many times.
The difference is this time is the governor has already blinked on schools and has been saying for months that he wants new revenue.
When the money’s gone, who’s going to want to talk about non-budget stuff?
You can’t bluff when you’ve already shown your hole cards.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:26 pm:
===If anyone on the Governor’s team could count votes, Rauner would know by now that his agenda was never going to be passed this year.===
An ongoing problem since Session started. The LLs have let Rauner down time and time again. They couldn’t get 60, they’re not getting 71. Plus, while charming, Goldberg won’t be flipping 24 House Dems anytime soon, whike the Press Shop tweets about it.
- Soccertease - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:35 pm:
If the Dems would agree to some sort of “turnaround reforms” it would at least be a start. It would also give them ammunition to point the finger at Rauner if he doesn’t agree to the compromise.
- Bulldog58 - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:45 pm:
-“Nothing’s changed. We are looking for reform, Democrats are looking for revenue.”-
And there’s your problem. This is a fiscal matter. They are suppose to be constructing a working, fiscally sound budget. Revenue is actually part of that process…ideology is not. Rauner now owns this crisis.
- JackD - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:55 pm:
The Democrats should agree to term limits if Rauner agrees to resign two days before the vote in the general assembly.
- steve brown - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:06 pm:
Told SunTimes the claim about skipping meetings is poorly sourced. There was late discussion of a meeting last week but schedules could not get synced. Not sure if correction catches up. Since meeting sounds like a rerun of the power point it is unclear what there is to be gained.
- Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:14 pm:
Sounds like a “sham” meeting to me.
- Wordslinger - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:18 pm:
Some day when one of these silly shutdowns looms, a slick lawyer is going to have three plaintiffs lined up to enjoin the state from collecting taxes during the same period.
If the state has no spending authority on July 1, for what possible purpose can there be for collecting taxes? For a spending plan that does not exist?
If nothing else, how’s about rebates for the down time?
Why should just the big kids get to play the games?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:24 pm:
Word, I was thinking this and the Fair Map would be a picture-perfect opening for Scott Lee Cohen.
- JS Mill - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:31 pm:
Is the property tax freeze the olive branch that rauner, cullerton, and madigan can find common ground on? I hope not, but is in the wheel house of all three.
- RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 10:21 pm:
== If the Dems would agree to some sort of “turnaround reforms” it would at least be a start. ==
They passed a couple of the items on the turnaround agenda … but without the anti-union poison pills, so Rauner doesn’t accept them as being part of his agenda.
- CrazyHorse - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 10:47 pm:
@Tom K. 10:30
I hate to break it to you but a tax increase is coming either way. Rauner just wants his agenda passed before he will agree to it. I hope you don’t think civil lawsuit limits, WC reform, Term Limits, and Redistricting will generate the billions missing from the budget. Rauner will have his hands in your pocket soon enough don’t worry.
- ryan - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 4:52 am:
@47th - I had successfully forgotten that name. Had.
- Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 6:32 am:
Are any of them starting to turn blue yet?
- Late to the Party - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 6:37 am:
We’ve been here before, many times over the past decades. When I was working for the State of IL, we were told to show up for work when there was no budget. Work continued. State did not shut down. Pay day happened, but was late at least once (IIRC).
- Pete - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 7:52 am:
“wants those pieces of the agenda that we think are harmful,”
Hasn’t enough harm been done to the state under the current GA leadership? Check and Balance. The check on the harm that the GA has been proliferating is finally here. Cullerton can spin it as a check on the Guv. But the check is now on the GA. I believe most people see it that way and voter for Rauner specifically for that reason.
Cullerton and Madigan might have the support of labor, but that wasn’t enough to keep Quinn in office. There leverage the GA has is slowly eroding. A shutdown was part of Rauner’s campaign discussions.
The medicine to cure Illinois’ fiscal hurts is not going to go down easy.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:00 am:
Why has no one asked rauner why these reforms are needed since the state is doing well at creating new buisness…. #tribune
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:02 am:
== Cullerton and Madigan might have the support of labor, but that wasn’t enough to keep Quinn in office. ==
At the end, when he needed it, Quinn lost quite a bit of labor support.
- AC - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:11 am:
==The medicine to cure Illinois’ fiscal hurts is not going to go down easy.==
If the “medicine” remains reductions in the rights afforded union workers and injured workers combined with a tax increase just like the Democrats, then it won’t go down easy at all. Add in cuts to home health care for the elderly and disabled, and the medicine may well be syrup of ipecac.
- the Patriot - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:14 am:
I think your hatred of Rauner is skewing your opinions OW.
Madigan has the power to pass the budget, drop the mike and exit stage left. He won’t because he doesn’t really want to take responsibility for the budget mess he created.
When you get past the Kool-aid kids, most know that Madigan created the mess. I agree 100% that Rauner is inappropriate in tying his demands to the budget. But remember, we did not get done fixing Quinn-Madigan’s last budget until March.
So, if the budget is all Rauner’s fault, why won’t Madigan just over ride and move on?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:36 am:
- the Patriot -,
It’s nothing more than math.
Rauner needs 71, Rauner needs 36.
Why does Rauner need that? Governors need budgets.
Always was, always will be, and that includes this Governor too.
It just is. Why would the Democratic leaders help if Rauner requires crisis and leverage? Welp, Rauner got his crisis, but co-equal partners don’t wear the jacket the same on Vetoes.
Governors own Vetoes. Rauner Vetoed the budget, so, get a budget, get the votes, get it passed, and that’s up to any givernor.
- Midway Gardens - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
Anyone think the hearings themselves are an effort for rapprochement? No they are attempts to embarrass the administration and individuals in it. To hold hearings on this is an attempted cheap shot. Shouldn’t be too surprised when the other side doesn’t rise above it.