Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner pledges he will “fight any legal attempts” to prevent employees from being paid during shutdown
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Rauner pledges he will “fight any legal attempts” to prevent employees from being paid during shutdown

Monday, Jun 29, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a blast e-mail…

FROM: Governor Bruce Rauner
TO: All State Employees

Good afternoon:

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, I wanted to update you on the status of our negotiations with the General Assembly and review some key points about the possibility of entering the new fiscal year without a budget.

Last week, I vetoed 19 budget bills that together would have created an unprecedented and unconstitutional $4 billion hole in our state budget. Soon after, I proposed a compromise to the leaders of the General Assembly - a reasonable way forward to much-needed reform and a balanced budget.

As of today, we have not received a response to our compromise proposals. Rather than coming to a bipartisan, common-sense agreement, the leaders of the General Assembly appear resolved to enter the new fiscal year without a budget. While our administration will continue to work diligently toward a compromise agreement, we are prepared to manage state government without a budget.

Starting Wednesday, if there is no state budget in law, here are some key points to keep in mind:

    · State employees will be paid for their work - and I will do everything within my power to ensure you don’t miss a single payroll. Our lawyers are working hard to ensure that all employees will be paid on their scheduled pay dates. The precedent already exists. This is the right thing to do and I will work with union leaders to fight any legal attempts to overturn existing precedent. If certain parties take action to temporarily block pay for state employees, we will explore every option, including asking local financial institutions to extend temporary bridge loans to employees. Credit Union1, for example, has already agreed to offer no-interest loans for qualifying members of the credit union should salary payments for state employees be delayed.

    · All state employees must come to work according to their normal work schedules. Except for certain administrative steps announced by the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, most state services should continue.

    · The expiration of the state’s collective bargaining agreements on June 30th is not connected to the budget. There is no lockout and there is no strike. The state has reached a temporary agreement to continue negotiating with state employee unions for another 31 days. That means all union employees should continue to report to work even though there is no current collective bargaining agreement in place.

    · Services provided pursuant to federal consent decrees should continue without interruption. If there are any questions or concerns about consent decree service vendors being paid without a state budget in place, please contact the Governor’s Office of General Counsel.

    · Payments to other vendors that still have contracts, however, are likely to be delayed. Most vendors cannot be paid until a budget has been passed and appropriations authorize the Comptroller to pay their bills. For specific questions or concerns about communicating with vendors, please contact the Governor’s Office of General Counsel.

I am deeply thankful for your continued commitment to serve the people of Illinois. Our citizens depend on you every day and I know you will not let them down - even if we enter the new fiscal year without a budget.

Very truly yours,

Bruce Rauner

This could put the attorney general in an awkward position. We’ll see.


  1. - Skeptic - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:44 pm:

    With a link to the Trib article that’s behind a pay wall.

  2. - A Jack - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:46 pm:

    A very nice e-mail.

  3. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:46 pm:

    I have been critical of Rauner in the past, but this is a great PR move and well written. I am impressed.

  4. - G'Kar - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:48 pm:

    Serious question–who are the “certain parties” that would try to “temporarily block pay for state employees”? The GA? The AG? Who?

  5. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:48 pm:

    Caught in a pickle of your own making? Chuck the rules and just make it up as you go.

    If the Governor has the authority to spend money without a lawfully passed budget, what other laws is he not subject to?

  6. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:53 pm:

    === Caught in a pickle of your own making? Chuck the rules and just make it up as you go.

    If the Governor has the authority to spend money without a lawfully passed budget, what other laws is he not subject to? ===

    I presume that he’s going to ask for a court order to pay or expects a union request to do so.

    Interesting spin to make him look like a hero in this mess. Creative step.

  7. - Joe M - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:54 pm:

    I applaud that the Governor says state workers will get paid. But he didn’t really have to make it into a political statement and create a straw man who didn’t want the employees to get paid. There is no such straw man that I can identify.

  8. - Stones - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:54 pm:

    Seriously, how can the Governor circumvent the GA without a budget in place? Where is spending authority necessary to issue payrolls?

  9. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:54 pm:

    Putter the AG in an awkward position might be the point.

  10. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:55 pm:

    Well written and well played.

  11. - How Ironic - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    @ Bruce Rauner

    ” This is the right thing to do and I will work with union leaders to fight any legal attempts to overturn existing precedent.”

    Should be:

    ” This is the right thing to do and I will work with union leaders to fight any legal attempts to overturn existing precedent; unless of course that includes RTW and pension issues. On those issues, I’ll be working against union leaders, to discourage membership, pay the members less, and ultimately destroy the public union in the State of Illinois.”

  12. - AC - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    ==This could put the attorney general in an awkward position.==

    And the comptroller who stated in a mass email:

    “State employees will miss their first paycheck on July 15, and then again on July 31. They will be expected to show up for work with no idea of when they’ll be paid.”

    Of course, it’s hard to believe Rauner would put a fellow Republican in a difficult position.

  13. - Federalist - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    Very, very clever. I must admit I am impressed with this ’statement.” I don’t really trust him but that is another matter.

  14. - Hello - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:00 pm:

    Anyone else notice how he states there is no CBA in place while at the same time saying there is a temporary agreement in place? It sounds like he thinks the tolling agreement merely prevents a strike or lockout. I don’t know. Maybe its just me having trouble trusting him.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:00 pm:

    If Rauner can pull this off, making payroll without a budget, ok, what was the precedent?

    If this is the making of the John Kass/Lisa Madigan/”her Dad” type of play, then dear goodness gracious, Rauner’s genius is getting the Attorney General to do her duties, which may include stopping payrolls, solely under the guise of the “Kass Konspiracy”

    The Tribune will … oh man…

  16. - ??? - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:00 pm:

    Stones, as Norseman suggested, the state can issue paychecks if ordered to do so by the courts.

  17. - Former Merit Comp Slave - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:03 pm:

    Nice touchy-feely email however I don’t believe he has the authority to pay employees for pay periods beginning July without approved appropriations. The July 15 pay check is for last pay period in June.

  18. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:04 pm:

    I Will Always Love You - Parton, enhanced by VanillaMan

    If I had my say,
    No one would be in my way.
    But please know, I try so
    And I think of you ev’ry single day.

    And I will always love you.
    I will always love you.
    You, my state workers. Hmm.

    Bittersweet memories
    That is all your unions give me.
    Yet I try. Please, don’t cry.
    We both know if you strike, I’ll just die!

    Because I really love you.
    I really love you.

    I’m a winner - Big Man In Charge
    I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of.
    And I hope your savings are large.
    So after you’re cut, I’ll still be your gov!

    But I will always love you.
    I will always love you.
    I will always love you.
    I will always love you.
    I will always love you.
    I, I will always love you.

    You, my employees, I love you.
    Ooh, I’ll always, I’ll always love you.
    Even after you’re gone!

  19. - Retired - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:05 pm:

    What is the precedent for issuing paychecks without the benefit of an approved state budget?

  20. - How Ironic - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:05 pm:

    Maybe the legal precedent Rauner talks about was in 2009, when cash strapped CA started paying vendors, taxpayers and other entities in IOU’s (warrents)?

    That’ll go over big. Maybe the workers will have to cash them at Illinois Stores ™?

  21. - A guy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:05 pm:

    seems like some people should have a sense of relief with this.

  22. - Ferris Wheel - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:06 pm:

    Would this PR blitz be necessary if team Bruce thought hey were close to a deal on the budget?

  23. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:06 pm:

    47th in the past the state has entered into agreed orders to issue payroll under the state law that mandates people be paid for work…. However these orders are probably not lawfull and depdent on the nudge nudge wink wink agreement to the court entering the order. Thus the reference to it being poss Bly blocked may be a. Even led reference to whether lisa madigan will do the fake order to pay again

  24. - Wensicia - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:06 pm:

    Short version: “Basically, if for any reason you do not receive paychecks after the end of this month, it’s Madigan’s fault, not mine.”

  25. - Bill White - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:07 pm:

    What am I missing, here:

    As a response, why couldn’t the Attorney General declare that no action will be taken by her office until the topic has been sufficiently studied?

    Such studies might take a very long time to complete.

    The crisis point will be when Leslie Munger has to decide whether to cut checks.

  26. - NotYetRetired - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:08 pm:

    - Former Merit Comp Slave -

    ==The July 15 pay check is for last pay period in June.==

    This is not the case for all state employees. Some employees are paid on July 15th for time worked for the period of July 1-15th.

  27. - Frenchie Mendoza - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:11 pm:

    Obviously a relief for state employees — and this is good.

    What’s not so good — and what’s confusing — is that Rauner is one-by-one eliminating the pressure points to get the actual budget solved.

    What’s next — a promise to fight on behalf of vendors? A promise for a specific social service that their doors won’t close when the outcry gets loud enough?

    This does seem to provide context for a budget fight that could go on for months. When the outcry gets loud enough for X, make sure that X gets money — or fight via PR on behalf of X — then (a) link to Chicago Trib editorial (behind paywall), (b) blame Madigan, and then (c) smile and shrug and say, “Hey, at least ‘m fighting for you!”

  28. - Skeptic - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    “making payroll without a budget” Maybe he’s going to pay all the employees out of his own pocket and then get reimbursed by the State later? (j/k)

    “seems like some people should have a sense of relief with this.” Without snark I say I do feel a sense of relief but am simultaneously looking over my other shoulder.

  29. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:15 pm:

    I worked for the state a few years ago when this happened under Blagojevich. We all got paid because of a law suit filed by AFSCME (and no, a budget wasn’t passed right away). This is much a-do about nothing.

  30. - Casual Observer - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:17 pm:

    Shouldn’t he just send his legal counsel to the committee of the whole to explain this? Isn’t that what it’s for? To explain what happens and how after July 1?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:17 pm:


    Rauner Tells Workers “Go On Strike Against General Assembly”

    (AP) Springfield - …”

    Bizzaro World…

  32. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:18 pm:

    Try4truth that lawsuit had an order that everyoen agreed to, but was probably unconstitutional….

  33. - Chicago Publius - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:18 pm:

    What’s going to happen will happen purely by operation of law: absent a lawful appropriation, the comptroller will simply have no authority to cut the paychecks. If she stops cutting them, she’s the bad guy, and apparently Rauner will bring her to court. If she does cut them, eventually someone will go to go to court to challenge the validity of the checks. It could be a taxpayer group; it could be an employee’s bank; it could be someone else altogether. I don’t see the AG or the GA getting involved in this.

  34. - Anon - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:20 pm:

    A well-crafted piece designed to make sure people forget there is no budget, because he wants all of his non-budget, turn back agenda passed before he will agree to sign any budget. And, the extra time to negotiate benefits him. He has been on a losin’ streak, so it gives him a bit of time to regroup and come out swingin’. This (his Mr. Nice Guy routine) too shall pass.

  35. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:21 pm:

    As an additur if the state makes necessary payments to employees and federal programs only, that leaves something like 15 billion for other services that is not spent. In other words, with no budget and selective payment the fov begins to accumulate money while keeping itslef going. That could be a win win for rauner but it will wreak havoc with our economy.

  36. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:21 pm:

    Wensicia wins.

  37. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:23 pm:

    ===I don’t see the AG or the GA getting involved in this.===

    She has no choice.

  38. - All the answers - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:24 pm:

    I agree with Chicago Publius - this seems to put Rauner’s comptroller pick in legal pickle.

  39. - Wordslinger - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:26 pm:

    What was the compromise proposal toward a balanced budget?

    As far as I can tell, no one has been within $3 billion of a balanced budget proposal, governor or GA.

    Such a proposal would be a good idea, though.

  40. - chiagr - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:27 pm:

    Big PR stunt for everyone to like Gov. Rauner!! It is funny that such a successful business man would need everyone to like him!! strange.

  41. - walker - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:32 pm:

    And if there comes a day when they cannot get paid — “Not my fault.”

    I was probably wrong in thinking Rauner would like to leverage a short term shutdown. Rauner appears afraid of an interruption in services.

  42. - Demoralized - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:38 pm:

    There will have to be a court order to issue paychecks without a budget. The union will go to court to do this and the Governor is going to support them. These orders have come from the courts in the past when there was no budget.

  43. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===Rauner appears afraid of an interruption in services.===

    Maybe. More likely, he’s afraid being blamed for the interruption in services.

    This is his Kobayahsi Maru test and it looks like he’s following James T. Kirk’s lead. When you find yourself in a no-win situation, cheat by changing the rules of the game. It worked for Kirk. I guess we’ll find out soon enough how Rauner fares.

  44. - Joe M - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:40 pm:

    ==Short version: “Basically, if for any reason you do not receive paychecks after the end of this month, it’s Madigan’s fault, not mine.” ==

    Which Madigan? I’m sure the Governor doesn’t really care as long as people blame a Madigan. And if the Gov is real lucky he’ll have people blaming both Madigans!

  45. - Hoping for Rational Thought - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:40 pm:

    Finally found an article. I thought it was 2007.

    “And it would be a problem. In 2007, then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich and lawmakers agreed to a one-month budget for July, but it expired without action in August. Blagojevich told Hynes to write paychecks anyway, but Hynes maintained that he needed an authorized budget to do so.

    The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees sued Hynes, and a Christian County judge brokered a deal that allowed state employees to be paid in August, but ruled that in the future, the comptroller may not cut paychecks unless he had a budget or a court order in hand, except for minimal payments required by federal law”

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    ===I was probably wrong in thinking Rauner would like to leverage a short term shutdown. Rauner appears afraid of an interruption in services.===


    Rauner wants a shutdown. Rauner wants to pin it on Mike Madigan. Rauner wants the leverage of the shutdown, wants the shutdown to be painful, and wants to drag the Attorney General, Lisa Madigan, in, to make John Kass and @TribTowerChick to say, “Blame the Madigans, Bruce wants state workers working and paid”…

    …as days pass, and pass, and pass…

    It’s actually so crazy, it just might work, lol.

  47. - Wordslinger - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    Walker, I think you’re right. The actions of the last few days don’t gibe with the rhetoric of the last five months.

    There’s only one Big Chair. There’s no evading accountability or responsibility.

    It’s not like during the campaign when he could put off every dodgy business revelation on a subordinate or claim ignorance.

  48. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    === … that lawsuit had an order that everyone agreed to, but was probably unconstitutional…. ===

    Ghost, what would your argument be? At least if someone tried to litigate the constitutionality of a court order Rauner would oppose it per this release. Rauner is in a win-win PRwise on this one.

  49. - A Jack - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    I believe that last time a suit was brought under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, which would likely preempt the lack of state appropriation.

  50. - zatoichi - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:43 pm:

    I just met Munger in a meeting where she said again ‘no budget = no money = no checks after July 1′. She clearly must be wrong if Rauner can send emails like this a couple of days later. He making a very large loan to the state to cover the costs? He still has not presented his budget, so specifically who is proposing legal attempts to overturn existing precedent to pay workers if there is no money?

  51. - Rod - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:45 pm:

    If past is precedent for the present, I can see no precedent for “all” state employees being paid during a government shutdown. The precedent is clearly for “excepted” employees who are funded through annual appropriations who are nonetheless “excepted” from the furlough because they are performing work that, by interpreted law, may continue to be performed during a lapse in appropriations.

    On the federal level from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) we have a document to give some guidance

    In Illinois we have no guidance document that I know of, does anyone else know of such a document? By the fact the Governor in his statement writes: “Our lawyers are working hard to ensure that all employees will be paid on their scheduled pay dates. The precedent already exists. This is the right thing to do and I will work with union leaders to fight any legal attempts to overturn existing precedent. If certain parties take action to temporarily block pay for state employees, we will explore every option, including asking local financial institutions to extend temporary bridge loans to employees,” clearly betrays the shaky ground of the Governor and his legal team is standing on in relation to the claim of precedent for pay continuation for all state workers.

    The “certain parties” that could take action might not be the ones the Governor contemplates, it could be a member or members of the tax payers federation or other conservatives that do not agree with this type of constitutionally questionable action, it does not have to be Speaker Madigan or the AG.

  52. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===but was probably unconstitutional===

    It was more than probably unconstitutional. But it was an emergency situation, and a one-time dealio, and agreed.

  53. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:52 pm:

    So that’s why he extended the union contract a month. AFSCME can go to court and request employees be paid b/c of the sham budget the GA sent. BTW…why not post this info on that very helpful question and answer site just for employees. Nothing has been added there since the inception…just the same 3 low information questions/answers.

  54. - D.P.Gumby - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    So if Brucie sues Munger to force the checks to be paid and Munger’s defense is there is no budget, the AG could allow Munger to appt special AG to defender her rather than step into case between to Executive office holders.

  55. - RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:55 pm:

    Beginning to think, as they would say in Texas, that Rauner is all hat and no cattle.

  56. - Mama - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:55 pm:

    Rauner is trying to prove he doesn’t need Speaker Madigan or the GA.

  57. - Demoralized - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 2:56 pm:

    You would have to be lower than low to oppose workers being paid.

  58. - Exempt - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    Does “all state employees” apply to those not under his control, i.e. those who work for the other five constitutional officers in non-union positions?

  59. - Politix - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:09 pm:

    More faux, unnecessary, unwanted heroism. My guess is ck wrote the first draft and then Mike went and ruined it with the line about fighting shiz.

  60. - downstate commissioner - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    Good message from Rauner; sounded suspicious but good to me at first; was a good pr job for Rauner: and THAT is what the public will see. They won’t see the critiques from this blog that show the hypocrisy of it…
    Oh, and agree that Wensica said it right…

  61. - One of the 35 - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    I’ve always said never underestimate the Speaker, but, in my opinion, the Speaker has never before faced an opponent of this caliber. Brilliant political move by the Gov.

  62. - Educated in the Suburbs - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    ===as they would say in Texas, that Rauner is all hat and no cattle. ===

    In Illinois, he’s all Carhartt and no corn.

  63. - Corporate Thug - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    Did it occur to anyone to ask the direct question of HOW he plans to do this since all the budget bills are vetoed beside K-12?

  64. - facts are stubborn things - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    Interesting without a budget in place — where would the spending authority exactly come from.

  65. - facts are stubborn things - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:20 pm:

    Rauner is starting to realize that he can not allow the dems to seem like the only reasonable, moderate, non extreme people in the room. I think they have been watching MJM and trying to learn.

  66. - 618er - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    If the GA can send and he sign a bill funding schools to keep them open outside a budget, couldn’t the GA send an approriation bill over to cover payroll for a few months and put this back in his lap to sign or veto?

  67. - Rusty618 - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    “There is no lockout and there is no strike.”

    A lockout would be his decision, but a strike would not be.

  68. - facts are stubborn things - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    I suspect the courts will be involved very soon. AG we are waiting for your opinion on this.

  69. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    ==why couldn’t the Attorney General declare that no action will be taken by her office==

    It would not be without precedent.

  70. - carbaby - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    Payments to other vendors that still have contracts, however, are likely to be delayed====

    I guess that begs the question if all private agencies/community service providers were sent contracts.
    How many providers will be able to make their July payrolls with no payments coming in? I would venture to say that most small to midsize agencies will not be able to get by due to their thin margins anyway and being unlikely to obtain a line of credit to cover payroll. Large agencies can get by but only for limited time. When over 80% of your funding comes from government contracts to provide social services- the private sector may come to a screeching halt

  71. - Sangamo Sam - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    So much for being willing to “take the arrows”.

  72. - Wordslinger - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    So the governor signs the schools approps so schools open on time, he wants to bail out CPS and he wants to pay state employees and keep services going absent a budget.

    Ummmmm, what is the game plan, again? What is being “leveraged” to what end at this point?

    If he wants a budget, he could probably get it in 72 hours. If he wants the other stuff, he’s negotiating against himself.

  73. - Almost the Weekend - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:40 pm:

    Very similar to what Quinn did with legislators paychecks when he couldn’t pass pension reform. If I had to guess this is where the idea came from. Smart move by Rauner, force the constitutional office with last name Madigan to say state employees can’t get paid, while you are battling with Madigan to compromise on a budget. Keep underestimating Bruce Rauner people.You sound like the media labeling Obama a lame duck POTUS since 2013.

  74. - Austin Blvd - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:47 pm:

    Dear Governor Rauner:
    Yours Truly,
    The Illinois Constitution

  75. - IDOC - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    Thank you Governor Rauner, I know the road to working out a fair contract and balanced budget are long but as a Union Member I thank you for your encouraging words and working with the Union.


  76. - Anonin' - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 3:56 pm:

    While I have spent millions to describe you a lazy, corrupt, spongers, I pledge to keep stuffing your pockets with tax dollars.

    I could have avoided this if had I just turned the page in “New Governor for Idiots” and noticed that IL has an elaborate amendatory/reduction power. Had I read that section I could have AV’d the budget with the anti union verbiage, forced the Great Satan to block me and sued him till his pants dropped.

  77. - Langhorne - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    We will make every payroll, and if somebody tries to stop us, with legal mumbo jumbo in spite of that unnamed precedent, we will tell you to go get a loan. HERO. Now pass the agenda.

  78. - Follow the Money - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    Who owns these zero interest credit companies?? Credit1?

  79. - KurtInSpringfield - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 4:39 pm:

    Follow the Money,

    If you meant Credit Union 1, no one owns it. It is a non profit organization. It is essentially owned by every member of the credit union. Profits are given back to the members in reduced costs for services, lower interest loans, and increased savings interest rates.

  80. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:03 pm:

    Credit Union 1 was originally formed out of a merger between the former State Employees’ credit union and the Chanute Air Force Base Employees’ credit union.

    They’re hardly one of those “predatory lenders” the Madigan Crew used to whine about.

  81. - Tucker - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:12 pm:

    Dear Rauner Crew,

    Ummm, you do know, right, that many of the services “pursuant to federal consent decree” are provided by private agencies? The ones without contracts? The ones already operating on the razor thin margins?

  82. - ILPundit - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:34 pm:

    For all of the talk of Lisa’s role, she just exercised it. She’s advised of her interpretation of the laws and precedents. The next moves belong to Comptroller Munger and Treasurer Frerichs, who have to issue and sign the checks.

  83. - Mokenavince - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:48 pm:

    Wensicia wins and how, Rauner checkmates Madigan.
    The former mopes we had as governor were never this smart.

  84. - foster brooks - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:48 pm:

    did everyone forgot what rauner said he was going to do if a budget wasn’t in place July 1st?

  85. - QCLib - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:48 pm:

    One by one, Rauner is eliminating every issue behind not having a budget so in the end he’ll be able to push his own budget forward without the Dems having anything to argue with. “But what about the children?” Done. “Middle class families will be hurt by your refusal to pass our budget.” Done.

    Now he can argue simply based on the budget.

    The things to cut will have to be a sticky issue no matter what, unless he can find a way to eliminate that argument as well.

  86. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 5:53 pm:

    ===Rauner checkmates Madigan.===

    If you’re a state employee, especially a union state employee, and after more fair share employees joined the Union…

    … If a state employee is… well, I’d be hard pressed to find a state employee that’s been following how Rauner actually sees/thinks of State Employess and then thinks Rauner is looking out for them.

    Especially Union employees with Rauner’s generous offers.

    This is…

    …Rauner telling state employees, like it, lump it, but I’ll pretend to defend you, until I can break you.

    Bizzaro World.

  87. - foster brooks - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 6:30 pm:

    Thank you Governor Rauner, I know the road to working out a fair contract and balanced budget are long but as a Union Member I thank you for your encouraging words and working with the Union.


    You didnt notice the knife behind his back? lol

  88. - Greyhound - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 7:08 pm:

    I’m a state worker and when/if I miss a paycheck, I’ll blame Rauner first and foremost. The General Assembly are next. Munger is free of blame. If she follows the law her hands are tied.

  89. - RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:21 pm:

    == One by one, Rauner is eliminating every issue behind not having a budget so in the end he’ll be able to push his own budget forward without the Dems having anything to argue with. ==

    Nope. He’s eliminating items that will get the public mad at him personally. Rauner is still insisting on his Turnaround Agenda” … which is THE obstacle to having a budget.

  90. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:30 pm:

    ===He’s eliminating items that will get the public mad at him personally.===

    And you’re right. Exactly right.

    Hope your enjoying your vacation…

  91. - Wordslinger - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 8:47 pm:

    RNUG, he did that with schools, but that’s it.

    For example, who gets to call Archbishop Cupich to tell him that the $90 million or so Catholic Charities gets every year from the state isn’t in the pipeline because of something-something turnaround?

  92. - RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:11 pm:


    Had fun but tiring.

  93. - RNUG - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 9:13 pm:

    == For example, who gets to call Archbishop Cupich to tell him that the $90 million or so Catholic Charities gets every year from the state isn’t in the pipeline because of something-something turnaround? ==

    One of the superstars … who will explain it’s not Rauner’s fault.

  94. - cynical - Monday, Jun 29, 15 @ 10:06 pm:

    Ok people…really.I am sorry.those of you who think this is a nice reach out are not state employees. I am and have been listening for months to his rants of how overpaid we are and how corrupt we are. He has nothing to do with my pay…the law will dictate that…totally a or move…no regard for the work and dedication…he only cares about how it makes him look.if he truly cared he could have passed other elements of the budget that protect children and the elderly. State employees are dedicated to the people adding need a fake email to show up and do their jobs….

  95. - Late to the Party - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 6:51 am:

    To those who are jealous of State employees:

    Are *you* ready to show up for work hoping you might get paid at some future, unnamed date?

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