*** UPDATED x1 *** Dems considering partial one-month budget
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor has said he would veto a temporary budget, and I’m not sure that the House Democrats have enough people in town to muster the 71 votes on their own, but it might put the GOP on the defensive a bit…
Subscribers were given a heads up about this earlier today. As always, follow the bouncing ball on our live session coverage post. *** UPDATE *** Monique Garcia got the list. Click here.
- MrJM - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:27 pm:
“Don’t worry! I haven’t lost a game of Chicken yet!”
“But sir — you’ve never driven a train before!”
– MrJM
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:29 pm:
=== but it might put the GOP on the defensive a bit… ===
Yep. Gov offers to help state employees get paid. Gov offers state union 30 day extension to negotiate. However, Gov refuses to give those seniors, disabled and everyday resident 30 days of additional services for his own political gain. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:34 pm:
===Gov offers to help state employees get paid. Gov offers state union 30 day extension to negotiate. However, Gov refuses to give those seniors, disabled and everyday resident 30 days of additional services for his own political gain. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.===
That’s the “box” Rauner’s Crew may find themselves.
Again, another “Rauner Choice”
- Yo - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:38 pm:
He has “said” lots of things and done something else……he will likely call this “partial” and not temporary when he signs it. Tough to determine what someone who is consistently inconsistent will do but if they come up with something “partial” it provides and avenue to keep his promise of making sure paychecks are issued.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:46 pm:
To GOP solons. Ponder this. The Gov left you hanging on the education budget. You’ve now got a record of opposing education funding. Think long an hard about whether you want to stick with the gov on no short-term extension. Remember now. He’s fighting for state employee money, but not money to go to your local non-profits to serve the seniors, disabled and needy. This is not a full year budget, this is a month negotiation extension. Think. Remember. Act on your own behalf and that of your constituencies.
- Bud Keyes - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:50 pm:
Any word on DCFS temp funding?
- Wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:52 pm:
Meh, the governor said he wouldn’t sign anything until he signed the single biggest chunk of the budget that he told his peeps to vote against.
- The Dude Abides - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:56 pm:
I think it’s a given that Rauner will veto a one month budget bill. Those folks who depend on these vital services are leverage to Rauner. He feels that he will need all the leverage that he can get to get those “turnaround agenda” items passed. I don’t believe that such items as term limits and prevailing wage and other Union killing items are going anywhere regardless of what he does but we’ll see.
- Stones - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 1:59 pm:
That just leaves us in the same spot on July 31.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:03 pm:
Please do something people are going to suffer.
- A guy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:07 pm:
One month budget. Hmmm. No.
Put some energy into something more substantive.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:09 pm:
===Put some energy into something more substantive.===
How will state employees get paid and social services won’t get monies?
That’s fun…
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:11 pm:
I would not want to accuse anyone of having bad numbers, but some of the figures on the chart just posted don’t appear to add up.
For instance, it would seem that the one-month operating cost of the ISD/ISVI is much higher than the amount listed of approximately $400k. State Trooper salaries at $13m sounds reasonable, but only $637k for the National Guard?
All small taters and I could be wrong, but…
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:12 pm:
Stones - yes, but the feds have done this kind of thing quite often over the last decade or so. And with no disrespect to the state budgeteers, the federal budget is much more complex.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:20 pm:
== Any word on DCFS temp funding? ==
Isn’t the agency under one or more consent decrees?
- Mason born - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:21 pm:
As I read the list it seems noth sides are jockeying to control the leverage. Notice a large chunk of state employees aren’t covered as well as most services. Madigan wants the leverage applied he just doesn’t want to be pushed by it. IMHO the gov should AV it to include all payroll, dnr and sec state services. If we are going to have a negotiations extension let’s cover it all.
- Honeybear - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 2:41 pm:
Well, I’m glad the most vulnerable will be covered. I think Rauner will sign it.
- Stones - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 3:09 pm:
Teamsleep - True, but I am foolishly hoping that cooler heads will prevail.
- The Equalizer - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 3:18 pm:
Rauner vetoes it and rails about the GA being unwilling to compromise on all five of his Agenda points. Coming soon!
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 3:58 pm:
Interesting piece on similarities between Blago and Rauner. http://wuis.org/post/blagojevich-rauner-parallels
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 4:24 pm:
AA looks to be right on the numbers in that chart.
As for a one month budget, anything that keeps basic services running and state employees paid while Rauner and Madigan go at it is positive.
- Sue - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 4:46 pm:
So Madigan plans on doing this month by month and provide all his programs supportive of his Democratic constituency- good luck with that. The Governor needs to veto and force the Dems to accept his program or suffer the consequences
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 4:53 pm:
==The Governor needs to veto and force the Dems to accept his program or suffer the consequences==
Yeah, and who cares who gets hurt because it’s all their (insert your choice of bad guy here) fault! For pete’s sake will some of you freaking grow up and stop throwing temper tantrums like a bunch of 3 year olds? Sue, are you a member of the Governor’s staff or a member of the GA. Because your statement certainly seems to indicate you have the attitude of a juvenile.
- Me too - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 4:55 pm:
Yeah one month but still no checks for the rank and file. Ridiculous.
- Sue - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 5:06 pm:
Demoralized-for all of Madigans talk of compromise-where is it. His one month deal is essentially 1/12 of the budget he got thru the GA
- Anon - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 5:06 pm:
One month budget has been filed by Leader Currie http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/99/HB/PDF/09900HB4190ham001.pdf
- Bud Keyes - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 5:26 pm:
Thank You RNUG. Not sure why DCFS needs to be in the critical services appropriation bill if covered by a decree though.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 5:34 pm:
If Rauner had any idea what he’s about to get into with this “government shutdown” his staff refuse to acknowledge, he’d sign the one-month budget.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 5:43 pm:
For the record, the amendment as filed includes MI/DD care in institutions and community care.
Having said that, the SoS Securities Fraud enforcers, or at least their money, is an interesting Tier One selection.
- Sue - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 5:49 pm:
Rather then look at patches or stopgap spending-why don’t the Dems attempt to understand why we are at this place in the first place- routinely spending more then Illinois/Chicago could afford. Rauner is right-absent reforms continuing the status quo even for a month is insanity
- Ultimata - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 7:23 pm:
Sue, Rauner’s ‘reforms’ will not balance the state budget. They are irrelevant. The state legislature could fix most of the budget’s problems by reinstating the the income tax increase that was passed under Quinn.
- Zerker - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 7:27 pm:
Not sure I understand the logic of paying some employees and not others
- Mason born - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 7:35 pm:
If I understand your previous statement a consent decree can fill in for an appropriation?
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 7:41 pm:
Seeker, don’t try to be logical in this situation. There is no logic here.
- Zerker - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:00 pm:
AA,I guess not. Now it looks like the Demos are willing to leave some state employees twisting in the wind. Rauner could AV the bill to include them and look like the hero
- unclesam - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:25 pm:
Not sure how many here noticed, but the “partial, one-month budget” filed today (in both chambers) will only become law if many of the vetoes budget bills also become law (i.e., the GA overrides the vetoes). About nine of the vetoed bills need to be overridden for portions of the “monthly budget” to become law. Trick bag indeed…
- waffle fries - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 8:46 pm:
uncle sam - the partial budget bill is saying that none of its contents become law if the underlying bills referenced do become law, as those are intended to be full year approps.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 9:09 pm:
== Not sure why DCFS needs to be in the critical services appropriation bill if covered by a decree though. ==
Without checking, I believe only one or two DCFS programs are under a consent decree. The other programs would need to be funded for the rest of the agency operations to continue. Plus, a lot of what DCFS does is contracted out to service providers with DCFS providing the oversight.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 9:11 pm:
- Mason born -
Usually court orders or federal agreements override other stuff.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 9:31 pm:
Sue, this “Tier One” list is hardly one-twelfth of a real budget. Not even close.
- Mason born - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 9:57 pm:
Thanks for the reply. I always figured the service was required paying the folks who perform the service was up to the state.
- Tone - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 10:36 pm:
Taxes should not be raised until deep spending cuts and layoffs are made. At least 10% to start.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 10:44 pm:
The latest news from the Little Birdie News Service. Little Birdie reporting from the House Republican Caucus meeting. Gov. Rauner starts out by apologizing for throwing GOP lawmakers under the bus by signing the education budget bill after asking them to oppose it. Several GOP lawmakers called it a cheap shot to only give them a half hour’s notice. Rauner went on ask the legislators to oppose the House Democrats one-month budget extension bill. One especially vocal lawmaker questioned why the GOP caucus had to look like the bad guys to hometown seniors, disabled and needy while the governor is currying favor with public employees. Rauner told the assembled members that they can’t let the Democrats look like the good guys. Little Birdie noted during the governor’s response that Goldberg, the Governor’s liaison, quietly escorted the vocal Republican out of the room whispering “do you want your [Little Birdie couldn’t tell if Goldberg used the “D” expletive or the word sham] million or not.” After a some more grumbling from the assembled partisans, the governor played a motivational movie clip to encourage Republican unity. After much effort, Little Birdie was able to get the following link to this classic motivational speech.
- Juice - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 10:52 pm:
Norseman, any idea if BVR was still at Dartmouth when that inspirational speech was originally delivered?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 10:54 pm:
- Norseman -, your “news service updates” are educational and very well comically timed. Thank you.
- Juice - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 10:57 pm:
And Tone, nice drive by comment, when in a world where math is a real thing 10% doesn’t get you to balance. And that’s even before taking debt service off the table. And if it was that simple, why didn’t the Governor actually propose a budget that was balanced?
- MyTwoCents - Tuesday, Jun 30, 15 @ 11:25 pm:
Tone, here’s some facts for you. According to the agency audits in 2004 the average headcounts for DCFS, IDNR & ISP were 3,406; 1,816 and 3,299 respectively. In 2014 those numbers were 2,630; 1,188 and 2,718. I could go on, but pretty much every agency tells the same story. The budget problems have nothing to do with agency operations and those mythical layoffs and 10% cuts ideas you have. It all basically comes down to the State finally stopped using the pension funds as a piggy bank and having to pay back all that money. So how does eliminating even more employees in woefully understaffed and critical agencies help?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 1, 15 @ 2:54 pm:
Can someone explain the different columns in the chart? Is it FY 15 funding, Govs Plan, Temp budget amount?