*** UPDATED x2 *** Today’s quotable
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* HuffPo..
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is a “bro with no ho,” according to his colleague, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.).
The assessment of Graham’s love life was made during a Senate Appropriations Committee markup on Thursday and caught on a live microphone. […]
“I’ve been joking with Lindsey,” Kirk can be heard saying. “Did you see that? He’s going to have a rotating first lady. He’s a bro with no ho.”
* Follow up…
In the interview after a long meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the usually outspoken Kirk was mostly mum about what he’d said about Graham, a longtime bachelor with White House ambitions.
“No. No, comment,” Kirk said. Asked if he regretted the comment, Kirk responded: “I do.”
The Illinois senator said he had not spoken to Graham since the incident. An aide called the quip a “joke between friends.”
Democrats have been making hay of the offhand remark, circulating it instantly to the media after it was made.
That last line is true.
*** UPDATE 1 *** The Tribune includes what Kirk said immediately after the “bro with no ho” remark…
“That’s what we’d say on the South Side.”
*** UPDATE 2 *** From Sen. Kirk’s office…
Senator Kirk was joking with his colleague and immediately apologized to anyone offended by his remark.
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
In 2011, at the strong request of business interests the Workers’ Compensation “Reform” package was signed into law, aimed at lowering costs for employers in Illinois. These changes have had a negative effect on injured workers in Illinois and their ability to receive fair and reasonable compensation when they are injured on the job.
According to a study done by the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, Illinois had a 17 percent reduction in workers’ compensation rates in the past two years – the steepest drop in the nation. However, Illinois employers should have realized a total premium reduction of $1 billion since 2011. Unfortunately, insurance companies have refused to reduce their premiums in accordance with their own industry’s recommendations.
Demands for additional so-called “reforms” will likely take away more rights from injured workers and further increase the insurance industry’s profits. Any future changes in laws should instead look to promote insurance premium transparency, oversight and competition – not further sacrifices by the injured worker.
For more information about workers’ compensation in Illinois, click here.
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Question of the day
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Press release…
Southern country-rock legend Charlie Daniels and the Charlie Daniels Band will return to the DuQuoin State Fair for a blockbuster concert at the Grandstand on Wednesday, September 2nd.
Few artists have left a more lasting mark on America’s musical landscape than Charlie Daniels. An outspoken patriot and road warrior at the age of 78, Charlie Daniels has transformed his passion for music into a multi-platinum career and a platform to support the military, underprivileged children and others in need.
Daniels is best known for songs such as, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” “In America,” “Uneasy Rider,” “The South’s Gonna Do It,” and “Long Haired Country Boy.”
As always the DuQuoin State Fair loves to show off Illinois talent and the fair continues with that tradition with the Charlie Daniels Band. The group’s lead guitarist, Bruce Brown, is from West Frankfort, and fellow group guitarist, Chris Wormer, is a Peoria native.
Opening for the Charlie Daniels Band is Lee Roy Parnell. The guitarist and singer/songwriter is known for songs such as, “What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am” and “Tender Moment.”
If no revenue increase is approved, we’re looking at a $4 billion possible hole next fiscal year. So…
* The Question: If the budget stalemate continues, should the Illinois State Fair and DuQuoin State Fair be canceled? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.
survey services
Today’s number: 3,081
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the Journal-Courier…
Since 1950, the Land of Lincoln is sixth in the highest number of sightings of unidentified flying objects, the most of any Midwestern state.
With 3,081 reported sightings, Illinois trails only California, Florida, Washington, Texas and New York. […]
Illinois’ high ranking may be attributed to several factors, including relative population. Of the leading 10 states for UFO reports, eight are in the top 10 in population. California, for instance, leads the nation in population with 38.3 million residents, and its 11,092 UFO reports are more than twice the number of the next-highest state.
Water also may be a factor. UFO reports tend to be clustered around large bodies of water, a trait shared by nine of the top 10 states for sightings. With Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River, Illinois has plenty to attract cosmic visitors looking for a scenic vista or a cool drink.
Still, the Illinois county with the highest number of relative sightings is Schuyler County, with 67 sightings per 100,000 population. Perhaps earthlings are not the only ones interested in land prices and crop yields. Or, maybe the extraterrestrials want to check out the fishing at Schuy-Rush Lake.
Winnebago County, in the landlocked Rockford area, is second with 40 per 100,000.
Credit Unions – Paying it Forward in their Communities
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Credit unions have a well-recognized reputation for providing exemplary service in meeting their members’ daily financial needs. A “People Helping People” philosophy also motivates credit unions to support countless community charitable activities on a continual basis.
Financial Plus Credit Union in Ottawa is no exception, having raised and donated tens of thousands of dollars for many worthwhile causes throughout north central Illinois. This includes serving as the main sponsor and co-host of the local Easter Seals telethon, conducting food drives for local food pantries, collecting supplies during times of disaster, and much more. Donation canisters in the credit union’s lobbies also facilitate collections for a different local organization each quarter. In addition, Financial Plus staff members themselves have come to the aid of the community via donating individual funds to help families facing significant medical crises, and purchasing holiday gifts on a private basis for foster children.
Credit unions are able to wholly serve their communities because of their not-for-profit cooperative structure and leadership of a volunteer board elected by and from the local membership. Credit unions– locally owned, voluntarily led, and Paying it Forward in your community.
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You be the judge
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Why not just say what the comments were?…
Concerns have been raised over potentially racist comments made by a bystander immediately after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s visit to Decatur on Wednesday afternoon.
As the governor finished his talk and walked away, a loud argument broke out in the crowd between several protesters and other attendees at the event.
The protesters and others later raised concerns about the argument, which revolved around potential cuts to the child care assistance program and perceived racist comments about those who receive public aid, and that Rauner did not acknowledge or react to those comments.
A spokeswoman for Rauner, when asked about the incident later, said the governor did not hear the comments and does not condone racist behavior.
According to other reporters who were there, the man in question is a well-known local tea partier who was wearing a blue Rauner t-shirt and one of those “patriot hats.” He was confronting Annie Yarbary, whom we discussed earlier today.
* Thanks to Hannah Meisel at WILL, we have audio of the full exchange. It gets a tad graphic at the end, so beware if you’re in an office where that sort of thing is frowned upon…
It’s kinda difficult to hear, but it’s your standard tea party stuff about how parents should be taking care of children instead of the government, and something about having 100 kids.
Budget impasse delays transportation projects
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From a member e-mail sent by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois…
To: ACEC-IL Members at Transportation Firms
Good morning.
This morning, I was notified by IDOT Secretary Randy Blankenhorn that the bonded projects scheduled for tomorrow’s letting will be removed.
The Secretary indicated that given the lack of a budget agreement for FY 16 he would not start any new projects that could not be finished due to budget constraints.
This will impact about $100 million from this letting. There will be no impact on design work for now, but possibly some phase 3 work associated with these projects.
The Secretary will be speaking today at our North East regional luncheon where he will provide a more information.
Workers’ comp thoughts
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Workers’ comp is essentially a no-fault system, designed to keep most disputes out of the courts. The judicial branch has added some exceptions over the years, but the business lobby has pushed for decades to add many more. Here’s Mark Denzler of the Illinois Manufacturers Association…
“Should the employer be on the hook to pay 100 percent of medical costs and wage payments to an injured worker if they’re not responsible for the majority of the accident? It really comes down to a matter of fairness. The business community, the IMA, we’re not looking to cut any benefits. We’re simply looking for fairness and reduce costs while still protecting injured workers.
* Jay Shattuck of the Illinois Chamber…
“Which means that the workplace must be at least 50 percent or more of the cause of the injury for it to be a workers’ compensation claim. That is what we would support.”
* Speaker Madigan has said that entirely giving in to the business groups would mean injured workers would wind up in costly emergency rooms and be pushed out of the middle class. Finding that 50 percent line could also mean more court cases.
* One reason why our national ranking may be so bad is that other states have been slashing benefits to the bone during the past few years. NPR…
The cutbacks have been so drastic in some places that they virtually guarantee injured workers will plummet into poverty. Workers often battle insurance companies for years to get the surgeries, prescriptions and basic help their doctors recommend. […]
The changes, often passed under the banner of “reform,” have been pushed by big businesses and insurance companies on the false premise that costs are out of control.
In fact, employers are paying the lowest rates for workers’ comp insurance since the 1970s.
* Benefits are also pretty high here because wages are high. Unions and their allies don’t want to see Illinois in a race to the bottom…
Workers are awarded a portion of their wages up to the state maximum for the specified number of weeks assigned to each body part. But depending on those numbers, the final amounts can vary widely.
The loss of an arm, for example, is worth up to $48,840 in Alabama, $193,950 in Ohio and $439,858 in Illinois. The big toe ranges from $6,090 in California to $90,401.88 in Oregon. […]
The amount of lost wages covered — capped at $220 a week — was set by the [Alabama] Legislature in 1985. But unlike other parts of Alabama’s workers’ comp law, it was never tied to inflation.
The amount is now the lowest in the country. Providing just $11,440 a year, it is below the poverty line for a single person and not even half the poverty line for a family of four. And benefits for arm amputations, for example, end after four years.
So, since business groups here aren’t pushing to reduce benefits, they have to find another way to save money: Causation.
* Another reason for our high costs often pointed to by Illinois Democrats is that insurance companies are not passing along savings (including significantly reduced fees for medical providers) which should’ve been produced by the state’s 2011 reforms…
And in 2013, insurers had their most profitable year in over a decade, bringing in a hefty 18 percent return.
* Rep. Jay Hoffman recently sent me an e-mail about his workers’ comp bill, defending the limited causation that is in the legislation and adding this…
The real meat of the bill is related to insurance reform. NCCI, which is funded by the insurance companies and issues advisory rates, has indicated that the 2011 reform should have resulted in an 18.1% decrease in rates. They also indicated that this year would see additional reason for reduction because this will be the first year that the 2011 reforms have been fully implemented. Business has testified they haven’t seen these reductions.
Our bill would follow 26 other states in providing pre-approval of rates to determine if they are appropriate. It would also provide premium relief if you have a certified safety program. In addition, it would require self insured companies to disclose the same info as fully insured so the department can adequately assess the industry.
The bottom line is, assuming NCCI is correct, this should result in decreased costs to employers without reducing benefits to legitimately injured workers. If they are worried about individuals wrongly receiving compensation, they should fund the fraud unit at the department of insurance which we passed in 2005 and investigate fraudulent claims. Apparently IDOT has begun doing this successfully in their department.
Your take?
* From the Illinois Hospital Association…
On behalf of the patients and communities they serve, Illinois hospitals are deeply concerned that payments from the State for services provided to Medicaid beneficiaries and State employees may stop if the State budget impasse is not resolved by July 1. Many hospitals – especially safety net, rural and critical access hospitals that serve vulnerable communities in all parts of the state – depend on State revenue to fulfill their mission of providing quality health care to their communities. A lengthy State shutdown could jeopardize access to health care for the children, seniors and families in these communities. A significant delay in payments from the State could jeopardize hospitals’ ability to meet their obligations – pay employees, vendors, and suppliers – and meet their operating expenses.
If a budget resolution does not appear likely by the end of the month, the adoption of a temporary one-month budget should be considered to preserve access to essential health services until a final budget agreement is reached.
*** UPDATE *** From the governor’s office…
An unbalanced short-term budget with no real reforms is still a phony budget and unacceptable to the people of Illinois. If Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls have any interest in real reform and compromise to grow the economy and end the era of wasteful spending and broken budgets, then there is no reason a deal can’t be reached prior to July 1.
* From Decatur…
As several in the crowd began to jeer the governor for potential cuts to state services, the governor noted his office has tried to make concessions to Democrats in the House but said he’s focused on the passage of five pieces of reform in return for the passage of a budget before it ends June 30.
Those included items he has spent months discussing, from the need to lower property taxes, scale back workers’ compensation expenses, institute tort reform and have term limits for lawmakers.
“They’re stonewalling us,” Rauner said about Democrats in Springfield. “They’re pretending that they’re negotiating, and they’re not.”
That’s helpful.
* Tribune…
Not everybody sweating it out at the midday event was buying Rauner’s argument. Renee McAfee and Annie Yarbary, child care workers whose clients rely on state subsidies, waved signs opposing Rauner’s agenda and shouted out as he delivered his speech and took questions from reporters.
“We need this budget passed. We need for you, Madigan, Cullerton, whoever, to get it together,” Yarbary told Rauner during a chat after the event. “Quit fighting over there like 2-year-olds and stand up for the people of Illinois.”
“Well said, I agree,” Rauner replied.
* The governor said they should contact their legislators…
Rauner: I agree with you. And you’ll help, help me, just these are–
Yarbary: What do you want me to help you with?
Rauner: Ask your senator and ask your representative–
Yarbary: I already have, I’ve talked to Senator Manar and I’ve talked to Sue Scherer–
Rauner: What did they say?
Yarbary: They’re saying that we need to find revenue.
The governor soundlessly chuckled.
Rauner: All they want to do is force a tax hike, then we’re all going to lose in the long run.
* Many thanks to my pal Hannah Meisel at WILL for the raw audio of the complete exchange…
*** UPDATE 1 *** The governor travels to districts represented by Democratic Sen. John Sullivan and HDem Mike Smiddy today…
Daily Public Schedule: Thursday, June 11, 2015
What: Governor Discusses the Turnaround Agenda’s Impact on Adams County
Where: Peter’s Heating and Air Conditioning
4520 Broadway St., Quincy
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015
Time: 11:30 a.m.
What: Governor Discusses the Turnaround Agenda’s Impact on the Quad Cities
Where: Tennant Truck Lines, Inc.
20812 E. 550 St., Colona
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2015
Time: 3:15 p.m.
*** UPDATE 2 *** A familiar pattern is developing. From the IL GOP…
A Time for Choosing
It’s time for Sen. John Sullivan to stand up for taxpayers instead of President Cullerton and Speaker Madigan
Last week, Democrats in Springfield passed a budget with a $4 billion hole. Last year, they passed a budget that was unbalanced by $1.6 billion. The Democrats controlled by House Speaker Mike Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton reject reform and pass unbalanced budgets.
After more than 80 years in power, Mike Madigan and John Cullerton wield unmatched power over legislators. Sen. John Sullivan claims to represent Western Illinois, but he is controlled by the heavy hand of John Cullerton and Mike Madigan. They have given Sen. Sullivan more than $1,000,000 to reward his blind loyalty.
It’s time for Sullivan to stand up for Western Illinois taxpayers instead of his Chicago bosses Madigan & Cullerton.
John Sullivan
Sullivan has taken $1,037,820 from Madigan, Cullerton and committees they control. (Illinois Board of Elections, Accessed 6/10/2015)
The budget constructed by Madigan and Cullerton for FY2015 was unbalanced by $1.6 billion. “Illinois lawmakers moved Monday to plug a gaping $1.6 billion hole in this year’s state budget after weeks of tense negotiations between a Republican governor and Democratic-led Legislature over authority to transfer funds as money runs out for social programs such as subsidized day care. (”Illinois House Passes Plan To Fill State’s $1.6 Billion Budget Hole,” The Associated Press, 3/24/2015)
Sullivan voted to pass Madigan and Cullerton’s unbalanced FY2015 budget. (Illinois General Assembly Records, Accessed 6/10/2015)
The budget constructed by Madigan and Cullerton for FY2016 is unbalanced by more than $3 billion. “House Democrats worked into the evening Tuesday to push through major parts of a new budget they acknowledge is at least $3 billion short in an effort to force new Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner to eventually go along with a tax increase to fill the deficit.” (Monique Garcia and Kim Geiger, “Illinois Democrats Push Ahead With Budget That’s $3 Billion Short,” Chicago Tribune, 5/26/2015)
Sullivan voted to pass Madigan and Cullerton’s unbalanced FY2016 budget bills. (Illinois General Assembly Records, Accessed 6/10/2015)
*** UPDATE 3 *** Another one…
A Time for Choosing
It’s time for Rep. Mike Smiddy to stand up for taxpayers instead of
Speaker Madigan
Last week, Democrats in Springfield passed a budget with a $4 billion hole. Last year, they passed a budget that was unbalanced by $1.6 billion. The Democrats controlled by House Speaker Mike Madigan reject reform and pass unbalanced budgets.
After more than 80 years in power, Mike Madigan wields unmatched power over his House members. Rep. Mike Smiddy may claim to represent ordinary Illinoisans, but he is actually controlled by the heavy hand of Mike Madigan. Speaker Madigan has given Smiddy over $250,000 to reward his blind loyalty.
It’s time for Smiddy to stand up for Illinois taxpayers instead of his Chicago boss Mike Madigan.
Mike Smiddy
Smiddy has taken $257,549 from Madigan and committees he controls. (Illinois Board of Elections, Accessed 6/10/2015)
The budget constructed by Madigan for FY2015 was unbalanced by $1.6 billion. “Illinois lawmakers moved Monday to plug a gaping $1.6 billion hole in this year’s state budget after weeks of tense negotiations between a Republican governor and Democratic-led Legislature over authority to transfer funds as money runs out for social programs such as subsidized day care. (”Illinois House Passes Plan To Fill State’s $1.6 Billion Budget Hole,” The Associated Press, 3/24/2015)
Smiddy voted to pass Madigan’s unbalanced FY2015 budget. (Illinois General Assembly Records, Accessed 6/10/2015)
The budget constructed by Madigan for FY2016 is unbalanced by more than $3 billion. “House Democrats worked into the evening Tuesday to push through major parts of a new budget they acknowledge is at least $3 billion short in an effort to force new Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner to eventually go along with a tax increase to fill the deficit.” (Monique Garcia and Kim Geiger, “Illinois Democrats Push Ahead With Budget That’s $3 Billion Short,” Chicago Tribune, 5/26/2015)
Smiddy voted to pass Madigan’s unbalanced FY2016 budget bills. (Illinois General Assembly Records, Accessed 6/10/2015)
*** UPDATE *** Hmmm…
It has been brought to my attention that you have run a story about an endorsement of Mike Flynn by our organization. This is false. The press release is fraudulent. There is no formally recognized Chapter of “Log Cabin Republicans of Central Illinois,” and the gentleman who issued the press release is not even a member of our organization. Additionally, per our by-laws, local LCR Chapter Leaders cannot issue endorsements in federal races.
Log Cabin Republicans National has not had formal contact with the Flynn campaign as of the writing of this email. We would welcome it, though. In the meantime, please remove the story from your website.
If you could also provide contact information for Mr. Allcuzzi, I would appreciate it.
Happy to chat more by phone if you’d like additional comment.
Gregory T. Angelo
Executive Director
Log Cabin Republicans
…Adding… After sending Angelo the e-mail address (b.allcuzzi@yahoo.com), he sent me this…
Thanks. That email isn’t even in our database, let alone that name. There is no formally recognized Chapter of Log Cabin Republicans of Central Illinois. If ever there was, their formal recognition has long since lapsed. Local Chapters are also prohibited from endorsing in federal races.
It’s looking more like a dirty trick.
[ *** End Of Updates *** ]
* A somewhat unexpected turn of events. A tea partying former Breitbart editor endorsed by Richard Viguerie and Citizens United also gets the backing of a gay rights group. From a press release…
Today, founder and president of the Central Illinois Log Cabin Republicans announced his group’s endorsement of Mike Flynn for the United States Congress for the 18th District in Illinois.
“Illinois and the United States are facing huge problems and it is clear that we need fresh leadership to tackle the massive fiscal problems our nation faces. Mike Flynn is that independent voice we so desperately need who will tackle fiscal issues and not get distracted by divisive social issues,” said Mr. Allcuzzi. “Fiscal conservatism and social moderate politics is the key to reaching out to independent voters we will need to win elections. Darin LaHood’s strong social conservative record, quite frankly, is very alienating.”
The Central Illinois Log Cabin Republicans is an advocacy group to support conservative fiscal issues while advocating for the rights of LGBT persons. “Mr. Flynn has voiced on multiple occasions that the government should butt out of the gay marriage debate. He also opposes other divisive social policies like punitive measures to keep undocumented immigrants from working productive jobs. This is the new voice of Republican politics that shows the way forward in the 21st century,” continued Allcuzzi. “Mike Flynn will be a Congressman that will keep his hands out of our wallets and out of our pants.”
The endorsement of Mike Flynn was unanimous among the membership of the Central Illinois Log Cabin Republicans. The primary election will be held on July 7th and volunteers for the group will be actively working for Flynn.
* Meanwhile, this is completely expected…
Flynn tells WMBD’s Greg and Dan Show that he’s challenged LaHood to several debates, but LaHood has not responded.
Back to the future
Thursday, Jun 11, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Gov. Bruce Rauner speaking yesterday in Decatur…
“Let’s be clear what’s going on here. Madigan and Cullerton work for the Chicago machine, just like Blagojevich did. They’re all part of that Chicago machine. That’s where they come from. That’s where they make their money. They’re not really working for you. They’re working for the Chicago machine.”
* Also from yesterday, the man once called a “wallflower” by a certain former governor…
The governor’s accusation this week that regional legislators are working in the interest of their Democratic leaders is not the first time State Rep. John Bradley has heard that.
“I went through that with (former-Gov. Rod) Blagojevich,” Bradley said Wednesday, two days after Gov. Bruce Rauner came to Marion and Belleville on a finger-pointing tirade against General Assembly leaders that blamed them for the state’s fiscal crisis.
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