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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Now what?


  1. - Bruce Rauner - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:17 pm:

    I’d comment, but that would no be worth it. Too much work for me.

  2. - Frenchie Mendoza - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    Layoffs. Safety net gone. No budget until late fall. If at all.

    Rauner’s a real winner.

  3. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    Can’t repeat it, but I think Julie Hamos’ quote from a few years back is now applicable.

  4. - Missing G - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    Time for all state employees to quit and follow the dream of opening up a bar

  5. - Centennial - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    Go to the mattresses. I don’t see another option.

  6. - Tommydanger - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    There’s way too much jockeying going on in this high stakes race.

    Get the adults in the same room and work it out. Check your egos and agendas at the door and focus, focus, focus people.

    This is your collective responsibility! Now go get it done!!!

  7. - Skinny - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    We wait

  8. - Woodstock worker - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

  9. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    “Bruce Rauner” said it.

  10. - Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    Can’t make any suggestions, seems no one would listen anyway.

  11. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:25 pm:

    Rauner and Madigan with their seconds meet at dawn?


  12. - View from the Cheap Seats - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:26 pm:


  13. - Anonin' - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:27 pm:

    “Hey I just found that the Reduction Veto chapter of my copy of “Governor For Idiots” was trimmed out and that book was a gift from the Madigan family,” the Bobbs

  14. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    Madigan waits…

    I once predicted it would start getting ugly after the 4th of July weekend.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    (Sigh, walk to fridge, look deep inside, reach, find box of Cannoli. Take box to table, remove one Cannoli, smell Cannoli, nods head as Cannoli passes “smell test”. Go to counter with Krups coffee machine, load machine, grab for coffee cup from cabinet above. Look in cup, sees it’s clean, places cup under the machine, start coffee. Coffee finished, take coffee and Cannoli on plate to side counter, grab fork, lean into counter, plate raised high, take bite of Cannoli. Close eyes, eat. Put plate down, still leaning, drink from mug of coffee. Sigh)

    We wait.

  16. - Louis G Atsaves - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    We wait. No one is prepared for a long shut down. Not state employees. Not unions. Not third party providers. No one. Anyone who claims differently is delusional.

    Winter is (no longer just) coming. Winter has arrived in Illinois. (Hat tip to Game of Thrones).

  17. - phocion - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    Now, nothing. Madigan will give nothing because in his view to do so would be perceived as weakness. Rauner will not give Madigan everything he wants for nothing in return.

  18. - The Captain - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    This will not be a quick war.

  19. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    It’s like the tv show House.

    We wait.

    We’ve tried several courses of action - treatments - based on our understanding of the problem, they haven’t worked.

    So, apparently our diagnosis is off.

    So, we wait for something to change, new data will lead to a new diagnosis, and a new treatment course.

  20. - LBJ - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    We watch the House and Senate GOP take more suicide votes for a Governor who will throw them under the bus when it is expedient for him.

    They are playing the Speaker’s game.

  21. - thunderspirit - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    === We wait. ===

    Pretty much this.

  22. - Stopped Making Sense - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    Introduce an appropriation for state worker salaries, at the very least. Please.

  23. - Jaded - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    Cullerton has to be the adult in the room and broker a deal. It really is what he is best at, but I’m not sure even he can pull this one off.

  24. - walker - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    Madigan is laying back, being passive-aggressive and not moving the situation forward or backward. Rauner has been actively walking backward since May 31, and trying to insulate himself from any fallout.

    Would like to think there will be a breakthrough, because they are just not that far apart on the budget numbers, and Rauner can get some movement on two or three parts of his Turnaround Agenda.

    All signs point to the abyss, however.

  25. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    It’s not July 15th yet. Why worry? BIG snark!

  26. - Sour Kraut - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:33 pm:

    Luv your posts, OW… have a special brain, my friend. =)

  27. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:34 pm:

    Now what?

    “Prepare three envelopes.”

    – MrJM

  28. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    Nothing to do but enjoy Cap Fax (great posts in just the last 2 minutes, phocion, Jaded, and walker.) and hope.

    I continue to foolishly think there’s some hope here for Madigan or Rauner to budge. It is only July 8.

  29. - Stones - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:39 pm:

    In all seriousness, it seems like there is plenty on the table to compromise about. This doesn’t have to be a death struggle.

  30. - Tha missin g - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:42 pm:

    @ missing g
    First you take my nickname now your takin my plan B? WTH?

  31. - DuPage - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:43 pm:

    Rauner is “saving money” by directly taking it away from future retirees. He thinks all the public employees in the state would fall for this. Rauner, meet Illinois constitution.

  32. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:45 pm:

    Wait for Demoralized’s sham jar to get full - in a week or two - and have a great big Cap Fax pizza party.

    Have “a guy” start an “extreme” jar for a taco party later.

    Finally, have RNUG buy a round when he wins the end of session pool with his October pick.

  33. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:47 pm:

    At this point, it seems like parody songs and limericks are in order….

    Springtime for Rauner, anyone?

  34. - conn smythe - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:48 pm:

    wait for one of the GOP caucuses to leak. either on temp budget or one of tjhe budget veto overrides.

  35. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    Pass a short term temporary budget.

    Which is the least any sane politicians could do for their constituents. Not that Rauner or Madigan care much about anyone else at this point.

  36. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    - phocion - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    Now, nothing. Madigan will give nothing because in his view to do so would be perceived as weakness. Rauner will not give Madigan everything he wants for nothing in return.


  37. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:50 pm:

    The GA says yes to Worker’s Comp and property tax freeze. Rauner agrees on new revenue strategy.

    The budget passes…everyone goes home. By the end of July

    My $.02.

  38. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    …everyone goes home a winner.

  39. - Jocko - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:54 pm:

    This one’s on Rauner. He can own the cuts (and subsequent pain) or publically apologize for failing to negotiate in good faith with the legislature.

  40. - Earnest - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:55 pm:

    I think Candidate Rauner is going to have to become Governor Rauner. It’s easy to campaign when you can have plans-to-be-named-later, but not easy to campaign and not govern when things are a mess and becoming worse.

    I’d say they could do a no-fault budget, passing appropriations piecemeal whenever someone with political clout got loud, but that ship sailed already. There wasn’t enough revenue to pay for that approach anyway.

  41. - ahhhhh - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 3:59 pm:

    sox cubs this weekend, october should free,
    what a joke rauner is. if he wanted to be speaker he should have spent that $ money for a house seat, he probably could’ve had few to choose from?

  42. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:03 pm:

    Deep South:


    So Wrong.

    Rauner has gone from proposing a tax increase during the campaign and introducing a tax increase requiring budget to now claiming he has been taken hostage by Madigan and is willing to sign a tax hike under duress.

    Democrats are not going to pass a tax increase unless every single Republica is voting for it, and for every single Republican to vote for it, Rauner has to OWN IT.

    None of this, “Madigan made me do it” stuff.

    No pal: Math made you do it.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:04 pm:

    Thanks, - Sour Kraut -.

    To “Now what?”

    It’s ironic to me to have the governor say he doesn’t want to negotiate IN the media but is willing to send mixed messages through the media, today and before today, in hopes leverage, not compromise is achieved.

    It’s also ironic to me that Madigan stands in front of microphones, just to cover his constant message, engrained in reporters’ brains, memory by rote.

    The way to get this standoff beyond me eating Cannoli after Cannoli is both sides being pragmatists to the playing field that currently exists.

    Currently exists.

    That’s the key. Currently exists.

    Rauner needs 71/36. Madigan needs to be able to protect his core beliefs while sitting on 70 other cats that herding after the governor’s rhetoric, is still going to be tough.

    Being polite in private and bashing in public, governmentally speaking is a recipe for negotiated failure, if both sides just plain don’t trust.

    We all know there was one person that could have been ideal to broker here. All sides do.

    So, “now what”?

    There is a beauty to the stories of compromise in Springfield, the “Sox Deal” usually the first trotted out. We all need that hope.

    Maybe MJM, Rauner, and a 3rd party, as witness for both sides, and come to an understanding of the realities existing.

    Rauner can run Ads until the cows come home but there are still only 67 GOP GA members. Madigan needs to understand some of Rauner’s goals, to lay out to the new Governor where goals like that lay in a General Assembly constituted as this one is. Today. Now. The cordial is over.

    The two men need trust. It has to start.

    The rest, is “the wait”.

  44. - Buzzie - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:05 pm:

    This will not be resolved until there is a large enough reaction from the various “publics” which, in turn, will force both Republican and Democratic legislators into a corner where they will finally have to decide if they follow their constituents or their respective political leaders. So far there has been little or no reactions from the citizens, only from special interest and lobbying groups.

  45. - Keyser Soze - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:07 pm:

    Will the State stop collecting taxes? Just looking for an upside.

  46. - Bill White - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:12 pm:

    Q: Now what?

    A: This:

  47. - Politix - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:14 pm:

    Nothing. Why should Madigan call his brand new 5 bills now? If they don’t pass, he will get the blame a la “it didn’t pass bc Madigan killed it” and all that other Twitter baloney.

  48. - Mama - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:15 pm:

    We could start a “We support a tax increase.” petition. How many signatures are needed to get Rauner to allow a vote for a tax increase? How many republicans does Madigan need to pass a tax increase?

  49. - Snucka - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:16 pm:

    =”Prepare three envelopes.”

    – MrJM==

    Not much to laugh about today, but that’s golden.

  50. - frisbee - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    Whole lotta shakin going on!

  51. - Hoping for Rational Thought - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    Mama - Rauner isn’t stopping a vote. No one has even created a bill for an increase yet. Cullerton and Madigan control what gets voted on. They won’t take a vote until there is a deal because they don’t want a voting record for legislators unless it gets implemented.

  52. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:18 pm:

    Rauner hires the Jurassic Park folks to clone a Godzilla for him, which he unleashes on the General Assembly.

    Shakin’ up Springfield!

  53. - Politix - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:18 pm:

    Rauner again puts up legislation and expects it to pass without any work across he aisle to see it through. He hasn’t learned a thing.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:20 pm:

    And, …

    - MrJM - wins.

  55. - From the 'Dale to HP - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:23 pm:

    Hickok/Dillinger in 2018

  56. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:24 pm:

    RNUG @ 3:25

    It would be a more direct fix.

    IL thunderdome MJM and Rauner enter one man leaves. /s

  57. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:24 pm:

    This is a different political landscape, imo. MJM can not, will not blink or compromise. “What, and give up nearly 30 years of GA mastery? NEVER!” Rauner doesn’t have a generational political footprint like Madigan does. But he does have a persona described and dissected by the media for months and years. Rauner doesn’t look like the kind of person who will blink, either.

    It would require someone with the stature, political, personal or otherwise, to bring these 2 titanic egos to the negotiating table. And MAKE them come to an agreement. Make them give and take.

    Does such a person exist?

  58. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:26 pm:

    “Rauner hires the Jurassic Park folks to clone a Godzilla for him, which he unleashes on the General Assembly.”

    This line (reworked) from “Destroy All Monsters” might sum up the situation:

    “I didn’t think Tokyo (Springfield) would escape this terror, but Rodan (Rauner), Godzilla (Madigan) and Manda (Cullerton) are all here at the same time.”

  59. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:27 pm:

    Oh, Mama, this isn’t about raising taxes…it never has been. This is about Bruce Rauner versus Michael Madigan; about Rauner wanting to be as famous as Scott Walker and Madigan holding onto power; about whose will is stronger; and, about who wins. Everything and everyone else has been reduced to bit players.

    One always looks at the end game. Does anyone see one, here? I’ve been around here for 40 years, and I don’t see one. As Willy said, these two need to find trust and right now there is none whatsoever.

  60. - From the 'Dale to HP - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:27 pm:

    In seriousness… no clue. It’s now fairly obvious that Rauner has no clue what he’s doing. He’s got himself in quite the bind and has no clue how to get out of it. His decision to keep digging is a curious one, and one that will only make things worse for him and everyone in the state. And since he’s going to keep digging, anything can happen.

    This only ends badly for a lot of people. Who exactly is TBD.

  61. - Arizona Bob - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:29 pm:

    Rauner proposing a serious way of balancing the budget, and presenting one to the public. Cut or defer all the pork, get rid of all ‘wants” and stick to “needs” in the budget, freeze all departmental spending to 2011 levels (adjusted for inflation).

    Pay for pensions, and Medicaid, cut most grants that until they can show the recipients as being worthy and effective.

    Freeze salaries and hiring.

    Cut all discretionary grants not mandated by law or receiving at least 50% matching funds from the Feds.

    Suspend “non-essential” services.

    Remove all unfunded mandates in education and municipal work, while shifting other costs to make up the difference.

    There’s $4 billion that can be cut from this budget without turning Illinois into Hades, folks. The trick is to find the least harmful places to cut.

    Oh, don’t forget to cut all the places Madigan like to spend to maintain his power.

    With a truly balanced budget on the table, let Madigan come up with an alternative balanced budget. You can’t put the guy’s feet to the fire if the fire isn’t lit…

  62. - Totally frustrated with dems - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:30 pm:

    Dems are gonna have to comprimise. Without a budget they get no money to spend on the democrat base that lives off the government. The dem base will scream like you can’t believe. Just wait till the benefits stop. Then the comprimise will begin

  63. - Term limits - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:35 pm:

    We really should let Madigan and the dems drive the state off a cliff with never ending spending. After the crash, we can start from scratch….with term limits to break the one party rule that caused this mess.

  64. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:37 pm:

    “Without a budget they get no money to spend on the democrat base that lives off the government.”

    Corporate fatcats who live off of corporate welfare are the democrat base?

  65. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:38 pm:

    “With a truly balanced budget on the table, let Madigan come up with an alternative balanced budget. You can’t put the guy’s feet to the fire if the fire isn’t lit…”

    Rauner could have made many of the cuts you just listed with an amendatory veto. He had his chance, and he flubbed it.

  66. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:39 pm:

    “I’m just standing in a doorway. I’m just trying to make some sense.”

  67. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:40 pm:

    ===get no money to spend on the democrat base that lives off the government===

    Yes, such thinking always helps pass legislation and solve problems.

  68. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:40 pm:

    Cage match.

  69. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:45 pm:

    @Arizona Bob “There’s $4 billion that can be cut from this budget without turning Illinois into Hades, folks. The trick is to find the least harmful places to cut.”

    Bob, you sound just like the kind of “SuperStar” that Rauner goes on and on about needing to hire. Have you sent in your resume?

    I mean, too bad he didn’t have you at his side when he had the opportunity to use the Line Item Veto to ‘cut’ out all that ‘extra’ spending you speak of.

    Oh that’s right…in Rauner’s words “That wouldn’t have been worth it”.

  70. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:46 pm:

    - Term Limits -,

    If we promise to stay off your lawn, will you give us our baseball back?

  71. - No Longer A Lurker - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:50 pm:

    Garrett Popcorn pops record profits this year.

  72. - Facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:50 pm:

    Nick Name:

    Maigan and the dems have a super majority because they give so much money to corporate fat cats? Be serrious. Dems run the state because they give so much money and benifits to the freeloader base of the dem party.

  73. - LBJ - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 4:58 pm:

    But maybe Madigan doesn’t have to make Rauner blink. Perhaps the only person he has to make blink is Durkin and a few members of his caucus.

    When Daniels was Speaker, 5 members of his caucus broke with him and refused to put their votes on the workers comp. bill that Pate had passed over. Those five really hurt Daniels and the caucus began to fracture.

    House GOP members may be getting nervous about taking all of these suicide votes. If Madigan can’t get to Rauner, get to Durkin’s members who have decidedly thinner skin.

    Just sayin’.

  74. - Enviro - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 5:09 pm:

    Rauner and Madigan stand their ground, pass a balanced budget, a one year tax increase, and more budget cuts.

  75. - AC - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 5:13 pm:

    Pass recreational marijuana legislation with a veto proof majority, open a shop where the governor and his wife can shop for expensive chocolate edibles while posing for selfies with the locals, then hope he mellows a little bit. It’s our only hope, Obed & Isaac’s isn’t working.

    Or, Runer could meet with Madigan and Cullerton to do his job. They could even all pretend and negotiate as if it were August or September.

  76. - Former Merit Comp Slave - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 5:21 pm:

    In my past experience with such matters, after July 15 the crowds in the stands start yelling pretty loud. It becomes a sonic boom by the end of the month and I predict there will be movement very quickly to resolve the budget. Then the next battles will begin……

  77. - Sunshine - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 6:58 pm:

    Put fan into position…..

  78. - Outside the Bubble - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 7:01 pm:

    Nick Name you are spot on. If Illinois had the great Scott Walkers tax schedule Illinois would have a $4 billion dollar surplus….

  79. - Mason born - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 7:04 pm:

    The steady stream of hot air from IL’s political leaders raises global temperatures 5 degrees. Melting polar ice capsfflooding out coastal areas. New Yorkers and Hollywood flock to Chicago as the only “Cultured” city left. Chicago real estate triples in value saving the city and cps budgets. The NYSE sets up across from the Board of Trade. Hollywood turns 200 acres of depressed neighborhood intothe heart of worldwide movie land. The Pres vacating the White House chooses to go home bringing exec branch offices with him. Congress goes to KY out of spite. Il is flush with new bus. and tax revenue MJM, Cullerton, and Rauner hold a joint press conference to announce their brilliant leadership in saving IL.

    Of course they could all three sit down and reach a compromise like adults. Right now I’d bet on the global warming instead.

  80. - Mokenavince - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 8:19 pm:

    Now I know how the 1st World War started. This looks like a real mano y mano clash. There will be blood. No state for old men.

  81. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 8:52 pm:

    Now what we have here is a failure to communicate.

  82. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 8:56 pm:

    Rauner has clearly demonstrated an utter disrespect for government and disinterest in his job, it’s citizens and its dependents. It is all a big joke to him.

    Today’s PR stunt was another blatant ruse to accomplish nothing and insult hope.

    Rauner wants to blow up Illinois and believes that after its destruction, a better world will emerge. He wants to cause Armageddon, believing a new kingdom will arrive.

    This governor stands for disunion, bankruptcy and insolvency. He is rapidly becoming the worse of the four gubernatorial horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  83. - Furious - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 9:40 pm:

    Where’s the LT Gov in all this??

  84. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 9:53 pm:

    ===Where’s the LT Gov in all this??===

    Ole Slip and Sue is out doin’ magic somewhere…

    Unless she can file a $37 billion PI case, it might be best if she sits this out.

  85. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Jul 8, 15 @ 10:17 pm:

    We wait- at some point we will get temp budgets - at which point we figure out how many experienced people retired or quit while they weren’t being paid.

  86. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 9, 15 @ 12:09 am:

    It ends shortly, Madigan can handle the pressure of people screaming for their benefits. His folks pass a budget tomorrow, Rauner vetos it and the Govt. shuts it down. At that point let’s see what Bruce is made of when the poor and sick start knocking on the door.

  87. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Thursday, Jul 9, 15 @ 1:54 am:

    Bake Sale on the Capitol stairs!

  88. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Thursday, Jul 9, 15 @ 1:57 am:

    Or when the poor and sick start dying……

  89. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Thursday, Jul 9, 15 @ 2:01 am:

    Where will springfield be after it liquidates its assets?

  90. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 9, 15 @ 7:56 am:

    Cut another TV spot. Totally worth it.

  91. - Nickname #2 - Thursday, Jul 9, 15 @ 8:28 am:

    Why isn’t Madigan or the Dems out there saying they passed a budget in a form that the Governor could use to line item the cuts he wants, and then should he fail to find the necessary cuts, then he can ask for revenue. Wasn’t Rauner the guy who asked the Dems to allow the higher tax rate to expire?

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