* Tammy Duckworth got a big boost yesterday when she was endorsed by the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee…
Senator Jon Tester, Chair of the DSCC, issued the following statement announcing the Committee’s support of Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth in Illinois:
“Tammy Duckworth has spent her life serving this nation and the state of Illinois, and she has a proven record of advocating for veterans, women and working families. Tammy’s incredible story reflects her persistence and tenacity, even when the odds are stacked against her, and she brings that same determination to her work on behalf of her constituents every single day. We are excited to support Tammy and we are confident that she will be an outstanding Senator for the State of Illinois.”
* But her fellow Democratic candidate Andrea Zopp was not pleased. Tribune…
In a statement, Zopp said she was “saddened and shocked that the DSCC would issue an endorsement without even interviewing me” and accused the group of displaying “total insensitivity to Chicago, African-American women and the democratic process.”
* Her full statement is posted on her website…
“Frankly I’m saddened and shocked that the DSCC would issue an endorsement without even interviewing me. I don’t know if it comes from their fear of me having raised in only two weeks nearly ¾ of what their candidate raised in two months…or their total insensitivity to Chicago, African American women and the democratic process,” said Andrea Zopp.
While Zopp has not yet formally announced, over the past three weeks during which she has explored the viability of running, she has raised nearly $700,000 and broad-based support.
Long-time political activist Leon Finney, who has been part of Zopp’s exploratory committee, added his comments.
“Actually we found the DSCC endorsement a sign of weakness and by the way not a little insensitive,” said Finney. “ The fact that the DSCC would make an endorsement while totally ignoring, interviewing or even reaching out to an exceptional, experienced, self-made African-American female candidate who in just over two weeks has raised two-thirds as much as their ‘chosen one’ demonstrates how totally out of touch Washington-centered politics are with the nation.
Having lived in Illinois since she completed Harvard Law School, Ms. Zopp has served as the first female, First Assistant State’s Attorney, General Counsel for some of the nation’s leading corporations, Executive Director of the Chicago Urban League and served on wide variety of boards and commissions. Ms. Zopp is married and has one daughter.
I received at least four urgent e-mails from Republicans pointing to her statement, by the way.
But, just for clarity, a “wide variety of boards” would include Chicago’s school board. And “some of the nation’s leading corporations” includes Exelon.
Just saying…
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:14 am:
“Dear Ms. Zopp,
If you’re going to be tilting windmills, don’t expect the DSCC to be following you. Aim a bit lower, like …maybe …a school board…
Reasonable expectations”
- Not Again - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:17 am:
Finally a primary that works out to Artl’s advantage. This one should be fun to watch.
- Anon - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:22 am:
Typical for duckworth. Have underwhelming fundraising then ask the party for a bailout. Happened in 2006 and 2012
- slow down - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:24 am:
Duckworth doesn’t need a “bailout”, she’s going to roll Zopp. Let’s not pretend otherwise.
- pundent - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:25 am:
How will they fully appreciate Ms. Zopp’s baggage if they won’t take the time to even talk to her?
- Tourés Latte - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:26 am:
…because that’s where Tammy started?
- dzipio - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:27 am:
Wow. Essentially call the DSCC racist. Nice bridge building they teach at Harvard.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:30 am:
I’m not sure what Zopp’s doing. I hope for her sake it’s not listening to Bill Daley.
Seriously Chicago school board? That gets you points with whom? And you want to be associated with Exelon?
- Amalia - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:32 am:
ugh, Andrea…..
- OneMan - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:32 am:
It seems not at least talking to her seems a bit daft.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:35 am:
Zopp doesn’t believe that Duckworth earned this chance to become a senator.
- Nick Naylor - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:36 am:
…And when you tap Leon Finney to be your primary defender, you are certainly on the road to disaster.
- Huh? - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:36 am:
Dear Ms. Zopp
How are we supposed to endorse you as a candidate when you have not declared for the race?
Also we find it interesting that you have called our support of an asian-American woman racist because we aren’t supporting a non-candidate african-American woman.
- The Captain - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:41 am:
Zopp is a vanity candidate. If you’ve never run for office and you want to run at the top of the ballot you better have Rauner money. It didn’t work for David Hoffman, Cheryle Jackson, Blair Hull, Jim Oberweis, Andy McKenna, Adam Andrzejewski, Dan Proft, Ron Gidwitz or Paul Vallas.
I saw an internal poll about a month ago that in a 3 way primary Duckworth was in the mid-60’s and Zopp was in the very low single digits (the 3rd candidate was around 10), presumably the DSCC is looking at similar numbers. Even if Zopp picks up all the undecided and all the support that was otherwise going to the 3rd candidate she tops off in the 30’s. For her to win the primary she would have to win over voters who are already telling pollsters at this early point that they are Duckworth supporters and to do that she’s going to a) have to go negative and b) have to raise enough money for negative attacks to work.
Given the above it makes a lot of sense for the DSCC to step in and try to consolidate around Duckworth. They want to beat Kirk and they don’t need a pointless, ugly primary ahead of the general.
- Northsider - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:44 am:
Andrea who?
Seriously though: Tammy Duckworth won a seat in Congress; she has a base and a constituency. She has statewide and national experiences and perspectives.
Who, Ms. Zopp, is/are your base? Where is your constituency? Why should the DSCC pay you any heed if you can’t demonstrate any tangible support beyond your inner circle?
- Horse w/ No Name - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 10:56 am:
While Zopp has a big hill to climb, i have no problem with her making some hay out of being ignored. I’ve never understood the “everybody line up behind Tammy” mentality that a faction of Illinois Democrats have. And I say that as an Illinois Democrat. Her military sacrifice is unquestionably herioc, but is that the only standard we elect Senators on now? Outside of military service, I find Duckworth underwhelming in every other metric. I hope she gets a spirited primary.
- Century Club - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:00 am:
Always the role of the un-endorsed to carp about the process. But as far as these things go, I think Zopp did the best she could with it - got her credentials/fundraising success out, reinforced her narrative re: Duckworth (weak, establishment candidate). This is a lot less shrill than a lot of these types of statements tend to be.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:01 am:
I’ve thought from the beginning of this “campaign” that Zopp was getting played. But I wasn’t sure who was playing her (via Bill Daley).
If the GOP is pushing the story to you . . . .
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:06 am:
I don’t understand Zopp’s candidacy other than as a Bill Daley tool. She was a member of the school board that closed 50 schools and general counsel of a company that’s currently trying to get a huge corporate bailout - both points Rich raised above.
Being black is not enough - just ask Cheryle Jackson who got I think less than 15% of the vote against two white guys. You have to be a good candidate and raising a few hundred grand is not enough to make that so.
And calling the DSCC racist for endorsing a war hero asian woman? Really guys? Bad move. There are an enormous number of African American veterans and military service is hugely respected in that community so I expect Tammy Duckworth to get a large chunk of the black vote. To paraphrase Barack Obama. This is the wrong candidate in the wrong race at the wrong time.
- Tom Joad - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:09 am:
Neither person is a very impressive. Duckworth has no major legislation to her credit and is being sued by a former employee. Zopp seems to have dropped in from another state with a law degree so she thinks she’s entitled. I think we need some other candidates to choose from instead of having Durbin pick the House and Senate candidates for us.
- Nickname #2 - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:24 am:
– While Zopp has not yet formally announced, over the past three weeks during which she has explored the viability of running–
Did I miss something? She’s not a candidate yet, so how or why would anyone “endorse” her? If she wants endorsements, enter the race.
- Ghost - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:46 am:
She has a point, the Chicago African American community helped put Rauner into the Governor position….
- dupage dan - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:59 am:
=== but is that the only standard we elect Senators on now? ===
Or being married to a former president.
- dupage dan - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 11:59 am:
Or owning an ice cream store…..
- walker - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 12:06 pm:
Kopp might have had a natural and wealthy ally in Bruce Rauner. Unfortunately for her, he and Kirk are politically joined at the hip.
- Percival - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 12:08 pm:
Is that the same DSCC that lost the Senate last time around?
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 12:12 pm:
Walker, with Bill Daley in the mix, I wouldn’t count out Zopp being a natural ally of Rauner and Kirk in this race.
Make Duckworth spend money and dirty her up a little bit in the primary. I think the Zopp contributor list will tell the tale.
- Sue - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 12:51 pm:
May not make any difference in the long run but this was really dumb for the Dems to at least not have a process. Durbin’s political instincts seem to be aging as fast as he is
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 12:54 pm:
==Senate hopeful Andrea Zopp upset DSCC didn’t even call her before issuing endorsement of Duckworth==
A phone call would have been decent.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 1:07 pm:
==this was really dumb for the Dems to at least not have a process==
Particularly with the unhappiness stated by some African American leaders last election, including Pastor Booker and others, feeling as though Dems take them ==for granted==. This can only add to that impression.
Also, how does the favored Dem Senate candidate in a state like Illinois finish so far back in fundraising among national Senate Dem candidates?
- TR - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 1:09 pm:
@Northsider said: “Who, Ms. Zopp, is/are your base? Where is your constituency?”
I think that’s what this move was about, trying to create a base among black voters. Not a bad base to have in a Democratic Primary.
- A guy - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 1:23 pm:
-Senator Jon Tester-
Now there’s a name that strikes fear in your heart, right?
- James - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 2:00 pm:
Zopp appears to be a DINO. The Republicans ought to love her as an alternative to Kirk. Hired by a Republican States Attorney, husband a retired DEA agent. Harvard, Exelon, Sears all the honorary boards and committees. That’s impressive on paper but has she ever represented people of lower or middle income? Her only D credential that I can see is the Rahm school board appointment. And that’s from the Corporate wing of the Democratic party where she served alongside hard core charter school advocates. I’d be afraid she’d be a Senate vote to dismantle social security and medicare.
- Precinct Captain - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 2:00 pm:
==was really dumb for the Dems to at least not have a process==
The “process” is called the primary election. You can check out the statutes to read all about it.
==- Formerly Known As… - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 1:07 pm:==
“So far back” was nearly tying a candidate in a state 2/3rds larger than Illinois.
- better days - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 3:22 pm:
Ms Zopp a dumb fool.. If she don’t know Democrat politics in Illinois.. where the fix is in ,, then, she is unqualified for senator
- truthteller - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 4:19 pm:
Do you suppose Zopp interviewed Cecil Partee before she supported his white Republican opponent for whom she later worked
Why when the Democratic base is furious at the rich and their gouging of the middle class would the DSCC want a corporate Dem to run against a corporate Republican?
- Amalia - Friday, Jul 10, 15 @ 4:28 pm:
@duPage Dan, check the 70s so you can stop painting Hilary with the simple brush of the wife of the president. she was the head of the Legal Services Corp, appointed by Carter, because of her skills. of course, Republicans have been antsy about her since she served on the staff of the Watergate impeachment hearings, as an attorney. She stands on her own.