It stands for Determination of Need. Nurses evaluate a person based on a standardized survey and score the responses. You qualify for nursing home care based on the score.
The Senate was in session for 5 minutes? Seriously? State employees and others are surly, demoralized, discouraged, etc, etc. Could they at least pretend to do something. Oh well, at least they didn’t go skeet shooting.
@thoughts matter. I agree.Maybe they all went back to their respective hotel restaurants to chow down on a horseshoe drizzled in cheese.What a travesty!
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 3:30 pm:
Please define “DON score”. Thanks
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 3:42 pm:
Determination Of Need.
- LTSW - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 3:44 pm:
It stands for Determination of Need. Nurses evaluate a person based on a standardized survey and score the responses. You qualify for nursing home care based on the score.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 3:52 pm:
Is the Determination of Need (DON score) also used for disability determination?
- Bystander - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 4:30 pm:
Diversion while waiting for the
Senate session to open.
- thoughts matter - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 6:43 pm:
The Senate was in session for 5 minutes? Seriously? State employees and others are surly, demoralized, discouraged, etc, etc. Could they at least pretend to do something. Oh well, at least they didn’t go skeet shooting.
- cez - Wednesday, Jul 15, 15 @ 9:18 am:
@thoughts matter. I agree.Maybe they all went back to their respective hotel restaurants to chow down on a horseshoe drizzled in cheese.What a travesty!