Okay, I don’t like the man, he is callous and uncaring about the problems of lower-income people, but I see no sign that he is racist; it only hurts your cause when you start screaming “racist”…
I agree. Calling him racist only detracts from the legitimate terribleness of his ideas. And further allows people to discount serious and legitimate allegations of racism.
There’s plenty of actual racism going around. No need to drag it out unnecessarily.
I don’t think Rauner’s a racist, and I don’t even think he hates lower- and middle-income people. He simply has no use for them. They just don’t register in his worldview — except as generally nameless, faceless competitors for “wealth” in general. He believes they’re soakin’ up all the wealth by qualifyin’ for all these costly public benefits, when gov’t largesse should really be reserved for those honest, hard-workin’ corporate types who devour each others’ companies and invest public-pension $$$ and qualify for god-fearin’ tax breaks and whatnot.
Being white and a republican doesn’t necessarily make one a racist. White republican racists, however, do make up a significant portion of the Republican base ala Trump supporters. That is if national polls are correct.
Whew, if the debate is between whether the Governor is heartless or his cuts are racist (that’s actually what they said), I think Rep. Black from the other today’s other post is right.
===Being white and a republican doesn’t necessarily make one a racist. White republican racists, however, do make up a significant portion of the Republican base ala Trump supporters.===
Thanks for sharing! Calling a person a “racist,” because their policies may be “racist” since they would have a disparate impact on minorities seems logical. Effective, perhaps not, but it is logical, and, if I was protester, I probably would not temper my language. The beauty of the first amendment.
The die hard Rauner folks think the poor are lazy. Rauner’s opponents call him racist for believing the poor are lazy. Life is not complex for any of them.
Ummmm…by the definitions spouted here, anyone supporting affirmative action, giving advantages in government hiring and promotions (umm…how many consecutive AA DOJ AGs have we had now, and what percentage of the population (and lawyers) does their race make up? and.. uhhh..what is the race of the POTUS appointing them?)? Racism in ANY nation can be found anywhere if you look for it, and clearly this person is.
Arizona Bob, your handle explains your views on this subject. You do bring up another reason the Trump base doesn’t like government… It creates far too many opportunities for minorities and is far too inclusive for their taste. Thanks for bringing that up.
By the way Az Bob the reason minorties are well represented in IL is due to Veteran preference and not any affirmative action quota. I know you probably have little regard for this but that is a FACT.
Here’s the sad thing about this. When minorities who are impacted disproportionately than everyone else try to explain that fact, they are accused of playing the race card. When Black people bemoan the disparate arrest rates against them, they have to make all the good white people feel better by explaining that they know that all white people aren’t racist. When these cuts devastate communities of color in a way that doesn’t seem to happen anywhere else, they are whining lazy people who just don’t want to work. What we need is more white people to acknowledge it when it happens instead of feeling put upon. Honestly, the new politically correct racism is this amazing almost dogmatic belief that there is no more racism if you just work harder. Personally I don’t think the Governor is racist. I do think he’s an elitist. And being on the receiving end of his elitist policies is much harder and much more dangerous if you are a member of a minority group on top of it. It just is. And as long as people refuse to acknowledge that point…we have a very long way to go in race relations. That’s just a fact.
While we’re on the subject, has anyone noticed that bob is the name of a women’s hairstyle? It’s kinda like naming a person “short hair in the back with some bangs.”
=By the way Az Bob the reason minorties are well represented in IL is due to Veteran preference and not any affirmative action quota. I know you probably have little regard for this but that is a FACT.=
I remember when you really had to work a lot harder to be called a “racist”. You had to say really hateful things based upon an individual’s race. You had to belong to a group of people publically committed to white supremacy. You had to treat people based upon their skin color.
It used to be really hard to be called a racist. Now it is just a political term.
Nothing wrong with your moniker, but does the “triple fat” have to be all between your ears?(snark).
The simple fact is that people like me and the Donald couldn’t be happier when ANY AMERICAN prospers…it increases the size of the pie and enriches us all. It’s an incredible waste that the governmental institutions in Illinois and the nation have wasted minority culture and opportunities for merit-based prosperity in this nation.
My wife’s Hispanic, and the work ethic she and her family have brought to this country far exceeds the average contributions of “typical” Americans. But of course, they came here legally to become educated and “move forward” here in ways they never could have in South America because of access and opportunity here.
African and Caribbean immigrants, not raised in the dysfunctional liberal “dependency” culture created by Dems, have done very well here, far better than most AAs who had the advantage of being born here.
The best way to create equality of opportunity is to stop the government from perpetuating the culture of dependency and out of wedlock birth and lack of nuclear families across all races.
Fix that, and the other problems will be solved as well, but there goes the Dem voter base!
AB, are you missing the irony of your spewing your usual nonsense on this thread?
Does “other side of the coin” mean anything to you?
Do you find it ironic as well that the TV network you watch all day paid money to Trump for years to flap his gums now has its other paid hacks trying to take him down?
In case you’ve forgotten, I’d like to keep this fact this alive, active and at the forefront of your brains: According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/28/food-stamp-demographics_n_6771938.html
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:44 am:
Heartless yes, racist no.
- IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:45 am:
True. Rauner hates working people of all races.
- downstate commissioner - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:46 am:
Okay, I don’t like the man, he is callous and uncaring about the problems of lower-income people, but I see no sign that he is racist; it only hurts your cause when you start screaming “racist”…
- Honeybear - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:46 am:
Oh those cheeky Unitarian Universalists!
- Sun - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:47 am:
Just wait, the comment section at Illinois Review will say something much more effective any minute now.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:47 am:
Never let the merits of your argument get in the way of calling someone a racist.
- JB13 - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:48 am:
Well, the guv is white. And a Republican. Isn’t that the criteria for bonafide racist nowadays?
- Stones - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:48 am:
I’ve had enough of all the labels and name calling. Time for adults to sit down and work towards some common ground.
- Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:48 am:
Over the top claims and flat out lies don’t help us. Protesters, a constant reminder of why I don’t like protests.
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:50 am:
Much too ==extreme==.
Well said by Willy, Norse & dc.
- Ferris Wheel - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:51 am:
Hahaha @illinoisboi. Well played!
I agree. Calling him racist only detracts from the legitimate terribleness of his ideas. And further allows people to discount serious and legitimate allegations of racism.
There’s plenty of actual racism going around. No need to drag it out unnecessarily.
- Me too - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 10:59 am:
He’s not racist. It just so happens he hates all the people outside his income bracket, and the ones within it are generally white.
- Apocalypse Now - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:00 am:
The term “racist” is thrown around so much it carries little meaning anymore.
- O.W.L. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:01 am:
Emperor Madigan: “Good delusional liberals. Use your abhorrent statements. Let the hate flow through you.”
- Wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:02 am:
I’m glad Illinois Review found this crew. These crazy kids are made for each other.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:02 am:
FYI to whomever wrote the article it’s Morningstar, all one word.
- DuPage Don - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:04 am:
Ad hominem attackin’ in the extreme!
- Very Fed Up - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:05 am:
Definitely racist that he wont raise taxes to pay for public employee pensions.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:13 am:
If this were Great Britain, we would recognize him for the elitist he is.
noun: elitist
1. a person who believes that a system or society should be ruled or dominated by an elite.
synonyms: aristocrat, blue blood; snob
adjective: elitist
1. favoring, advocating, or restricted to an elite.
synonyms: aristocratic, snobbish, snobby, superior, supercilious; arrogant, haughty, disdainful, condescending; pretentious, affected; informal snooty, uppity, high and mighty, fancy-pants, la-di-da, stuck-up, hoity-toity, snotty
- Linus - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:15 am:
I don’t think Rauner’s a racist, and I don’t even think he hates lower- and middle-income people. He simply has no use for them. They just don’t register in his worldview — except as generally nameless, faceless competitors for “wealth” in general. He believes they’re soakin’ up all the wealth by qualifyin’ for all these costly public benefits, when gov’t largesse should really be reserved for those honest, hard-workin’ corporate types who devour each others’ companies and invest public-pension $$$ and qualify for god-fearin’ tax breaks and whatnot.
- Triple fat - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:16 am:
Being white and a republican doesn’t necessarily make one a racist. White republican racists, however, do make up a significant portion of the Republican base ala Trump supporters. That is if national polls are correct.
- Century Club - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:18 am:
Whew, if the debate is between whether the Governor is heartless or his cuts are racist (that’s actually what they said), I think Rep. Black from the other today’s other post is right.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:18 am:
===Being white and a republican doesn’t necessarily make one a racist. White republican racists, however, do make up a significant portion of the Republican base ala Trump supporters.===
Is that you Rep. Chapa La Via?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:19 am:
Thanks for sharing! Calling a person a “racist,” because their policies may be “racist” since they would have a disparate impact on minorities seems logical. Effective, perhaps not, but it is logical, and, if I was protester, I probably would not temper my language. The beauty of the first amendment.
- Liberty - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:19 am:
The die hard Rauner folks think the poor are lazy. Rauner’s opponents call him racist for believing the poor are lazy. Life is not complex for any of them.
- Bulldog58 - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:20 am:
Rauner may have proven himself to be a lot of things but I’ve yet to see evidence of his being racist.
- A guy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:24 am:
Well, if there were any doubt before now, we’ve definitely entered “the zone”.
- Tourés Latte - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:24 am:
Madigan: “If you think you are helping? You are not helping.”
- The Colossus of Roads - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:26 am:
This just in, IIRON established new chapter in Kendall county with a new issue campaign, ” make Oswego Willy pay”.
- foster brooks - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:30 am:
Whats the demographics around rauners 9 homes?
- Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:32 am:
Ummmm…by the definitions spouted here, anyone supporting affirmative action, giving advantages in government hiring and promotions (umm…how many consecutive AA DOJ AGs have we had now, and what percentage of the population (and lawyers) does their race make up? and.. uhhh..what is the race of the POTUS appointing them?)? Racism in ANY nation can be found anywhere if you look for it, and clearly this person is.
- Jaded - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:34 am:
I often find that the people crying racism the most are some of the most racist people around.
- Keyser Soze - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:35 am:
Whew! Lotta hate going on here.
- Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:36 am:
While we’re on the subject, does everyone know what “LaRaza” means(The Race)? Kinda like naming a newspaper “White Supremecist”. LOL
Sadly, I think “WH” could sell as well as “The Race”.
- Triple fat - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:43 am:
Arizona Bob, your handle explains your views on this subject. You do bring up another reason the Trump base doesn’t like government… It creates far too many opportunities for minorities and is far too inclusive for their taste. Thanks for bringing that up.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:49 am:
===This just in, IIRON established new chapter in Kendall county with a new issue campaign, ” make Oswego Willy pay”.===
My phony Press Shop’s response?
“Get in line.”
- Triple fat - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:52 am:
By the way Az Bob the reason minorties are well represented in IL is due to Veteran preference and not any affirmative action quota. I know you probably have little regard for this but that is a FACT.
- sideline watcher - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:53 am:
Here’s the sad thing about this. When minorities who are impacted disproportionately than everyone else try to explain that fact, they are accused of playing the race card. When Black people bemoan the disparate arrest rates against them, they have to make all the good white people feel better by explaining that they know that all white people aren’t racist. When these cuts devastate communities of color in a way that doesn’t seem to happen anywhere else, they are whining lazy people who just don’t want to work. What we need is more white people to acknowledge it when it happens instead of feeling put upon. Honestly, the new politically correct racism is this amazing almost dogmatic belief that there is no more racism if you just work harder. Personally I don’t think the Governor is racist. I do think he’s an elitist. And being on the receiving end of his elitist policies is much harder and much more dangerous if you are a member of a minority group on top of it. It just is. And as long as people refuse to acknowledge that point…we have a very long way to go in race relations. That’s just a fact.
- Century Club - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 11:58 am:
While we’re on the subject, has anyone noticed that bob is the name of a women’s hairstyle? It’s kinda like naming a person “short hair in the back with some bangs.”
- Triple fat - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 12:09 pm:
Well said sideline watcher.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 12:27 pm:
We have officially jumped the shark into a level of hyperbole we have never seen or experienced.
- Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 2:36 pm:
@Triple fat
=By the way Az Bob the reason minorties are well represented in IL is due to Veteran preference and not any affirmative action quota. I know you probably have little regard for this but that is a FACT.=
Source please?
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 2:37 pm:
I remember when you really had to work a lot harder to be called a “racist”. You had to say really hateful things based upon an individual’s race. You had to belong to a group of people publically committed to white supremacy. You had to treat people based upon their skin color.
It used to be really hard to be called a racist. Now it is just a political term.
- Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 2:49 pm:
@Triple fat
Nothing wrong with your moniker, but does the “triple fat” have to be all between your ears?(snark).
The simple fact is that people like me and the Donald couldn’t be happier when ANY AMERICAN prospers…it increases the size of the pie and enriches us all. It’s an incredible waste that the governmental institutions in Illinois and the nation have wasted minority culture and opportunities for merit-based prosperity in this nation.
My wife’s Hispanic, and the work ethic she and her family have brought to this country far exceeds the average contributions of “typical” Americans. But of course, they came here legally to become educated and “move forward” here in ways they never could have in South America because of access and opportunity here.
African and Caribbean immigrants, not raised in the dysfunctional liberal “dependency” culture created by Dems, have done very well here, far better than most AAs who had the advantage of being born here.
The best way to create equality of opportunity is to stop the government from perpetuating the culture of dependency and out of wedlock birth and lack of nuclear families across all races.
Fix that, and the other problems will be solved as well, but there goes the Dem voter base!
- Wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 3:36 pm:
AB, are you missing the irony of your spewing your usual nonsense on this thread?
Does “other side of the coin” mean anything to you?
Do you find it ironic as well that the TV network you watch all day paid money to Trump for years to flap his gums now has its other paid hacks trying to take him down?
- AB's MOM - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 3:44 pm:
In case you’ve forgotten, I’d like to keep this fact this alive, active and at the forefront of your brains: According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/28/food-stamp-demographics_n_6771938.html
- nixit71 - Tuesday, Jul 14, 15 @ 5:50 pm:
I like the use of hot pink and black on their signs. Did they stop at Victoria’s Secret before the protest?