Get out your decoder rings
Friday, Jul 17, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This was a good catch by Vandalia Radio…
[House Speaker Michael Madigan] cautioned reporters not to assume that the state’s budget crisis will be solved by negotiations between Governor Bruce Rauner and the Democrats who have veto-proof majorities in the General Assembly. […]
Pressed by reporters about why negotiations haven’t been pursued more urgently, Madigan said, “I don’t necessarily presume that there will be some kind of a deal put together between the governor and the legislative leaders.”
This might mean that MJM is figuring they’ll never come to terms on the governor’s “Turnaround Agenda,” or it might mean something else, or it may mean nothing at all. Madigan could’ve just been filling space.
Your thoughts?
…Adding… More at Reboot..
“I don’t necessarily agree with the first part of your remarks, that in the end this will be negotiated between the governor, and the leaders. I don’t necessarily agree with that,” Madigan said. He later added, “(T)here are conversations going on but I don’t think you should proceed under any presumptions that are based upon what happened in the past…. I don’t necessarily presume that there will be some kind of a deal put together between the governor and the legislative leaders.”
What did Madigan mean by those remarks? The only way a budget can be passed without Rauner’s support — and, presumably without any support from Republicans in the House and Senate — would be for Democrats to use their three-fifths majorities to pass a budget and then override Rauner’s inevitable veto.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:07 am:
Madigan is a pompous Jerk who is past time to be kicked off his throne…. this isn’t a Monarchy. The complete Democratic Control is most of what has us in this position in IL…. I hope Rauner gets most all He is asking for in the Turnaround Agenda… IMO it will bring a new breath of fresh air to IL even if it will hurt a little …. I, a state employee, am willing to sacrifice to achieve this.
- the old man - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:09 am:
The last words of a person who is on the verge of losing his power and influence usually is to be illusive and speak in double talk so that when things do turn out and things do get settled–and eventually they will get settled–he can refer back to his words and say “see my prediction was on target”.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:11 am:
My tinfoil hat tunes to rallying most of the Dem caucuses and enough honked-off Republicans for an override.
Or nothing at all.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:11 am:
What if the Governor never signs a budget, never signs a CBA contract…? What’s the result?
- chi - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:11 am:
Raunerites are up early this Friday.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:12 am:
Ah, presumptions.
Budgets were passed not that long ago by agreement with the legislative leaders over the governor’s objection.
If Democrats can break with their governor to pass a budget with Republicans, why can’t Republicans pass a budget with Democrats over Rauner’s objection?
This is precisely why Rauner is afraid to veto the one-month budget. There is always a chance that one or two members of the House Republican caucus will flip on the veto override.
In fact, it is almost guaranteed to happen.
And once that crack appears in the caucus, once a member dares defy the governor, it’s gonna be Mutiny on the Bounty.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:13 am:
===I don’t necessarily presume that there will be some kind of a deal put together between the governor and the legislative leaders.”===
It may come down to the Four Tops actually cobbling a budget, working together, all Four, and passing a budget for the Governor, giving cover to Durkin and Radogno.
Durkin and Radogno express, to the governor, “We trust Madigan, we worked, all of us, to get this budget. Veto is you must, but it will be overridden.”
I mean, after the Ed Approp double-cross, both Durkin and Radogno at least know Madigan and Cullerton won’t double-cross them on an agreed budget the Four are “happy” with…
Seen this movie before, but new “guest stars” of the GOP leaders to get a budget, that’s “fun and winning”
If it’s about the budget, and only the budget, conpletely abd solely about the budget, why not have the Four Tops compromise get the budget only, especially since the parties are so close, and let the Governor veto, yell, scream, but the GOP GA gets cover, there’s a budget, with concessions, and GOP targets/”No Taxes” members get their “pass” Rauner never would let them have. Ever.
It 1,000% will never happen, but the politics at play makes a compromise budget by the Four Tops outside the Governor and the Agenda items seems like a smart play, and smart governing too.
- Abe the Babe - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:14 am:
My sense is that he means a budget will be passed, Gov will line item out what he doesn’t want, and GA will override some but not all vetoes.
Voila… a budget negotiated through veto messages and floor speeches. Oh, and it will likely be a terrible budget.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:17 am:
Allen D:
If you are so eager to help, send rich a copy of your signed form showing you are withdrawing from the pension system.
That’s the Turnaround Agenda: 401ks for all.
Otherwise, you are just another hypocrite, complaining about how much the cow eats while you drink the milk.
- Slippin' Jimmy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:22 am:
Gov to GA Republicans:
Captain Bligh: “It is a matter of supernatural indifference to me whether you contaminate the natives or the natives contaminate you. I have but one concern - our mission. Let one of you provoke an incident which endangers it and I shall cause that man to curse his mother for giving him birth.”
Got it?
- lake county democrat - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:23 am:
What the Madigan-genuflectors have never explained is what Rauner and the GOP have to gain by taking the turnaround agenda items off the table. The Dems already have supermajority status and have gerrymandered the state so that there are few competitive districts left. Those districts are probably the least likely to be telling their Reps “please, just raise my taxes already!” (see caveat below) And Rauner sure doesn’t need the job or a future in politics. They’ll either get some of their turnaround agenda items or let Madigan and the Dems pass their budget. I think Madigan realizes this and has concluded it’s more important to protect their gerrymandered districts and donors’ interests than to give Rauner more of a “crisis platform,” so he’s preparing to use his supermajority status and looking to spin it in the most favorable light.
(The caveat above: Rauner would do well to prioritize the less union-unfriendly aspects of his turnaround agenda given the power of unions even in the GOP, something he seems to have a tin-ear to. I know I’m not the first to remark on this…)
- 29th Warder - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:24 am:
Is he going to get Drury & Franks on board or are there flippable Republicans?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:25 am:
This governor is not smart enough to line item.
I am not sure enough of the GOP caucus has the stones to stand up to Rauner for Radogno and Durkin to formally be on board. But there are enough teacher-friendly Republicans who realize that Rauner is coming after them regardless…and believe me he is coming.
The old Daley joke applies: What does Rauner call someone who is 99% loyal?
Reboot had another great piece about how Rauner is forfeiting the opportunities for small victories to set himself up for big defeats.
Remember, this is a publication set up by Ken Griffin’s wife to speak to reform-minded Repulicans, Independents and even Democrats.
- Give Me A Break - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:26 am:
Allen D: How’s those contract talks going for you? How about you announce to your co-workers you are going to the next meeting and will be representing them and helping them sacrifice and share the pain?
- Anonin' - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:29 am:
Just guessin’, but we bet Madigan was cautionin’ against that moment when TeamBungle and the Bobblehead + his rentals + Madigan & Cullerton come out all happy face and say there is an agreed budget deal.
More like there will be a budget in the fall after about 20 more votes on different approp bills, 2 dozen u turns on previous Bunglebills and a very very agonizin’ GOPies caucus where they are ordered to vote for stuff they opposed for the five month overtime session.
Then Bobbs will intone that he must spread his magic nationally to stop Trump and…. whoosh Slip&Sue grabs the reins of power
What fun.
- Former Merit Comp Slave - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:30 am:
By the time employees and service providers start missing checks, I think the pressure will mount so that enough votes can be found for overrides in both chambers IMHO
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:33 am:
- YDD -,
Good points, and the Daley “rule” is as old school as it got, isn’t it?
Yeah, that’s why my premise is 1,000% never going to happen, but, there are levers out there for cover, as you pointed out with ReBoot, which are more than fair, but my cheering for autonomy of the GOP GA has led me down the path of “Welp, we can help the governor, or we can drag the governor over before he sinks us all”
The Teachers’ Union, Local 150, the McPier/Rosemont Unions in trades with conventions/hospitality, they need a clear signal from legislative GOP members they, the members, haven’t forgotten the two-way relationship(s)
You are On It, in an honest way, more than me, I agree. My premise give max cover to GOP members they already know Rauner won’t provide them.
Who knows, between my Pollyanna and your real, there might be common ground there too(?)
- Ordinary citizen - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:35 am:
I think it means 30 more years of democrat spending more than the state takes in. Why change the status quo?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:36 am:
===… and…. whoosh Slip&Sue grabs the reins of power
What fun.===
I knew ole Slip and Sue would be destined to be governor! Heaven help us.
Then you’ll have lots of people in a circle, yelling fire first, aiming… well, …
- Might be the "A" Team - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:37 am:
Rauner wants to pull Cullerton and Emanuel off the united front of Dems.
MJM wants to pull Radogno and Durkin off the GOP front.
No surprise on either side.
The strength of will battle
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:38 am:
LCD, the anti-union elements are the ballgame for Rauner.
Term-limits and redistricting reform aren’t priorities; they’re the Paco Rabane on the pig.
If term limits were a priority, candidate Rauner wouldn’t have peddled that obviously flawed referendum he used to build a voter database. He wanted it to get tossed to use as a “reform” beard for his anti-union agenda in office.
- SAP - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:40 am:
Even if the Speaker and the President go it alone or the 4 Tops reach an agreement, if they don’t get the Governor on board, I’d expect the Governor to try the old 4-corner stall and sit on it for 60 days and then veto or AV to stretch out the clock a little more. That gets us into October. Yikes.
- Mason born - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:41 am:
Seems to me this is a reminder that the governor stands a real risk of becoming irrelevant if he pushes this to far. Gonna sting to become irrelevant 8 months after taking the job.
- Time for term limits - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:43 am:
Dems in Congress went for years without a budget. Madigan is taking a page from Obama’s playbook and will keep doing what he has always done…. spend your money. After all, your share of Illinois debt is only about $24,000. You can afford much, much more.
- Cassandra - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:44 am:
Does Rauner plan to run again? If so, a budget which essentially reduces him to clerk status (vetoing a few items here and there on a budget bravely (heh) passed by Dems after prolonged uncertainty) might not feature well in campaign commericals.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:46 am:
- Time for term limits -,
While it’s fun abd feels good to bash with hot button words, Obama (Executive) and Madigan (Legislative), they have two conpletely different roles in governing, let alone the national/state thingy which is really different.
But hey, it’s Friday…
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:47 am:
” what Rauner and the GOP have to gain by taking the turnaround agenda items off the table” I counter that by asking, since they have no chance of passing, what do they have to lose by taking them off the table?
- Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:47 am:
The house dems only need a few GOP votes. The governor needs about 1\3 of dems. Who do you think has better odds of success?
- Might be the "A" Team - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:47 am:
If Radogno and Durkin align with the Speaker - they will be replaced in the next cycle as big GOP money will slate and fund opposition. This isn’t business as usual for the Speaker to be able to leverage and dictate. Love him or hate him, the gov brings a power base not trying to feather their own nests (they’re already there) willing to spend their own money to win the point.
- SAP - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:47 am:
Flip able R’s? Poe, maybe. If he is ready to retire or if AFSCME, SEIU, etc. step up big-time. Maybe. I don’t see Durkin and Radogno peeling away from Rauner’s millions.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:47 am:
===I don’t see Durkin and Radogno peeling away from Rauner’s millions. ===
Exactly right.
- Georg Sande - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:49 am:
The Speaker’s words match his conduct- extremely immoderate.
- Time for term limits - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:51 am:
Willy -
As I said. It’s a “page from the playbook”. It’s the very same stratagey and disdain for the rule of law. “We don’t need no stinking budget”.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:51 am:
- Might be the “A” Team -,
You do realize the Raunerite Agenda isn’t a winning agenda, right?
Otherwise, Rauner would’ve ran on it, on purpose.
Further, the premise that being the Executive and be willing to shut down your own agencies for weeks and weeks under the guise of a budget, but in reality it’s not…
… maybe the GOP GA might be saving Rauner from himself in the governing aspect of the actual job.
Rauner has to govern sometime.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:53 am:
=== ===I don’t see Durkin and Radogno peeling away from Rauner’s millions. ===
Exactly right.===
Yep, that’s why my premise, 1,000%, will never happen.
- Horse w/ No Name - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:53 am:
For all of Rauners actual cash, Madigan is figurin’ that the Governor’s going to run short on political capital (of which he’s already low) and the GOP leaders are going to start to get shaky. They, too, have to put their members in front of voters in about 13 months.
- Bushwacker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:55 am:
Allen D……I too am a state employee and am NOT willing to accept the Gov’s collective bargaining agenda…… soon will have all the benefits like wages, vacation, holidays, insurance, seniority etc SLASHED to shreds! Enjoy your midnight shift and $9.00/hour new job assignment!
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:57 am:
=== “I don’t necessarily presume that there will be some kind of a deal put together between the governor and the legislative leaders.” ===
RNUGS October prediction is looking good.
- Might be the "A" Team - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:57 am:
- Willy -
I tend to think that step one in the Rauner agenda is to diminish the Speakers power. Everything else is secondary to that. I wonder if he’d trade the anti-Union agenda to accomplish priority one.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:01 am:
@ Yellow Dog…. I would gladly Withdraw from the Pension to a 401k…. I have 2 IRA’s right now that I put into I have asked to withdraw from the pension system, in Springfield, but under AFSCME, I have no choice to do so, or that is what I am told…. my IRA’s are a much better investment than the state pension system and I am make a much better return on my contributions.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:01 am:
It’s not about Durkin and Radogno. If they flipped on Rauner, there would be no lack of volunteers in the GOP caucuses to take their spots, and Rauner would bury them in money.
If there’s anything to this, it might be about flipping a few Republicans here and there on specific approp. bills and cobbling together a budget piece by piece — as is already happening.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:02 am:
- Might be the “A” Team -,
I agree. Can Rauner live with “just” that in his first 8 months? I dunno.
Yeah, - RNUG - might win the pool; October.
- 29th Warder - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:03 am:
Russ Stewart says that this is exactly what Rauner wants
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:04 am:
@ Give Me A Break - all my co workers know where I stand and respect my opinion, they may not all agree with me, but respect my opinion and that I stand my ground.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:05 am:
- Alken D -,
You’d give up a constitutionally protected pension, for a 401K, on purpose?
Instead of a 401K, we have a bridge, in Oswego, a private bridge, we plan on having investors give monies to own part of the bridge and the tolls from its operation. Interested?
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:13 am:
@Bushwacker - I am sorry for you, that you think that you are only worth $9.00 per hour, or you would not have made that statement… I know there is fear and anger in change if you honestly think you are only worth $9.00 then maybe you should only be making $9.00…. just my opinion. no where in the turn around agenda does it say there is a drastic cut by 2/3rds to 3/4th what people are making … that isn’t going to happen…. are people making too much to sustain ILLINOIS … right now yes…. Union workers in IL make more than any other state in the country… and we have the worst ratings for more than half the things that involve state workers…. that should say something in and of itself.
- OLD LOBSTER - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:15 am:
Rich, it is not unreasonable to assume the leaders and the governor have quietly agreed that the only way for everyone to save face and get out of this mess is for the Democrats to use their extraordinary majorities, pass a budget, accept a veto, and override.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:16 am:
@Oswego Willy, yes I would rather have a 401k than rely on a corrupt state system for my retirement… like I said the 2 I have are doing quite well, and I have one growing at over 32% now for over 2 years straight.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:17 am:
“Term limits” They could pass a ‘4 or 6 years term limit’ for the governor’s office and all newly elected legislators.
- Just Me - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:17 am:
Reboot is wrong: the Dema will pass a budget with some cuts, Rauner will AV it with even more and wear the jacket at first, but then using his campaign operation will try to convince the public he had no choice.
Oh, and don’t be surprised if SOS, AG, and Treasurer gets their budgets slashed in that process.
- Triple fat - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:22 am:
I say let the Governor primary them out with an extreme candidate obsessed with eliminating decent paying Union jobs. That way the House will have a super-super majority. After the Governor does that to himself I’ll be able to.with all honesty, thank him for something he accomplished.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:23 am:
===are people making too much to sustain ILLINOIS … right now yes…. Union workers in IL make more than any other state in the country… and we have the worst ratings for more than half the things that involve state workers…. that should say something in and of itself.===
Wow. Just wow.
If you want to give, say 10% of your over bloated salary to me, ok!
It is NOT a Republican ideal to say people make too much money.
That is a pathetically sad way to think.
So, - Allen D -, take your pay cut and your 401K and think it’s right, but it’s not a Republican ideal.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:26 am:
– I would gladly withdraw from my pension for a 401K–
Lenin had a phrase for guys like that.
Have at it, hoss. But understand that not everyone in your position is into self-flagellation.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:27 am:
==“I don’t necessarily presume that there will be some kind of a deal put together between the governor and the legislative leaders.”==
Then it may be approaching time to retire.
Madigan and Rauner cannot get to 71 votes without the other right now.
- kitty - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:27 am:
Allen D, While I disagree with you, I respect your opinion and that you’re sincere in your convictions. I’m a State employee who has worked for every governor since and including Thompson. I have a graduate degree and have given up, in terms of opportunity cost, a great amount of income to work for the State relative to what I could have earned in the private sector. I chose to exchange income for job security and benefits. It is unconscionable that anyone wants to diminish what I’ve earned and or change the terms of my employment in manner that is, per the ILSC, unconstitutional.
- @MisterJayEm - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:30 am:
I don’t know what, if anything, to make of it but Madigan’s repeated use of the word “leaders” — rather than “the legislature” — seems deliberate if not significant.
Could just be habit. Could mean… something?
– MrJM
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:35 am:
=== … it is not unreasonable to assume the leaders and the governor have quietly agreed that the only way for everyone to save face and get out of this mess is for the Democrats to use their extraordinary majorities, pass a budget, accept a veto, and override. ===
Have they also agreed to pass a tax increase to pay for it? Also, has Frank and a few others agreed to this? Maybe it’s not unreasonable in October, but it is in July.
- Juvenal - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:36 am:
You have 24 months from your start date to opt out of SERS, I believe.
But I personally have long supported the right of any employee to withdraw from the pension system at any time and keep any contributions they made.
Obviously, if you are morally opposed to defined benefits you would want to relinquish the interest and your employer’s contribution.
I suspect SERS would be more than happy to accomodate you. I would talk to them, not your union.
- Century Club - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:37 am:
If Madigan puts all his targets on a party line tax hike vote - which he will need to do if there are 0 Republican votes - he has given away his veto proof majority. There’s no way he wins 71 seats, even in a Presidential election year. Maybe he’s already given up on that (hence the Mautino for State Auditor bit). I can’t imagine he’s going to do that, even if he could line up Franks and Drury.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:41 am:
++- 29th Warder - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:03 am: ++
‘Rauner’ “ANALYSIS & OPINION BY RUSS STEWART” Does anyone think Stewart is right in his analysis? See the above post for the link.
- DuPage - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:45 am:
@ Allen D 9:16 =growing at over 32% for over 2 years straight.=
Careful with those investments in Greek government bonds.
By the way, are you Tier 2?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:45 am:
“Rauner has to govern sometime.” Willy, I hope you are right, but according to Russ Stewart’s article, that is never going to happen.
- Soccertease - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:46 am:
That comment is classic Madigan. Now everyone sits around trying to interpret, between the lines, what that guy who is smarter than everyone else is thinking. Plain, clearly spoken English would be better.
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:46 am:
==Have they also agreed to pass a tax increase to pay for it? Also, has Frank and a few others agreed to this? Maybe it’s not unreasonable in October, but it is in July.==
Bingo for Norseman.
- walker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:48 am:
Amazing how a simple statement not to presume, when from Madigan, can trigger all sorts of presumptions.
He’s like a mood ring. Even if he means nothing, we each know what he means.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:48 am:
- Noresman - can count noses, and knows the “score”, that I do know.
“- Anonymous -”, the governor, even on accident, will have to govern. The job is just too big not to fall into the actual work.
What that will look like, I dunno.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:54 am:
@Juvenal - I have contacted SERS about withdrawing from the Pension system and under the AFSCME contract I was not allowed to… or so was stated to me…. I worked the same question up through my MGR after I “heard” someone else had withdrew from the pension system took what they made and managed it themselves… and the same answer came back… I have no choice in the matter.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:56 am:
You know you’re in trouble when one of your top leaders begins to sound like a Three Stooges routine. And I quote:
“Well, I wouldn’t say yes, and I wouldn’t say no.”
“Would you say maybe?”
“I might!”
- Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:05 am:
==begins to sound like a Three Stooges routine==
Rauner, Madigan and Cullerton would fit perfectly. Jus sayin.
- Grandson of Man - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:14 am:
***“Rauner has to govern sometime.” Willy, I hope you are right, but according to Russ Stewart’s article, that is never going to happen.***
If Rauner wants to make a name among the conservative base and big donors, he could succeed, but if he wants to get elected president, chances likely increase that it won’t happen. The white voter base is shrinking and will be smaller in 2020. He made a play for the black vote but failed. He did better with Latinos but still lost that vote by a substantial margin. Blacks and Latinos didn’t swallow the anti-union trickle-down baloney.
In the meantime someone has to govern. Real pain is coming real soon.
- DuPage - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:14 am:
@ Allen D =I “heard” someone else had withdrew from the pension system took what they made and managed it themselves.=
That person might have been in SURS. They have several plans available including a “self managed” plan. When the self managed plans were first made available, there was a time period that employees in the traditional SURS plan could switch over.
- Enviro - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:15 am:
” or it might mean something else, ”
Veto Over-ride. IMO
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:16 am:
Allen D: Since the pension is not a union-defined benefit, how can they say one way or the other?
- F.T. - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:17 am:
Might Madigan be opening the door to a lump sum budget? Not saying that will happen, but the longer the stalemate continues, the more that becomes a possibility.
- Willie Stark - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:21 am:
Allen D - You should quit your government job and just run money, man! Your returns are around what Warren Buffett managed for 2013 and 2014. Or, maybe SERS would hire you and we can take care of the pension problem that way. Can you share with us how you’ll avoid reversion to the mean long term and any hot stock tips?
- Mama - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:22 am:
Allen D, you are some kind of special. E-mail Rauner, I’m sure he will want you to come and work directly with his super star team. You will fit right in.
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:23 am:
“Change now can avert the runaway course this state is currently on.” That may be true. But that does not mean that Rauner’s view of change is the correct one.
- CharlieKratos - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:26 am:
Lump sum? Scary, but it would, seemingly, force Rauner to wear it all.
- Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:31 am:
I was just going down the list of possible GOP flips. Besides Poe, there isn’t an obvious one (to me, but I barely know any state reps anymore). There are so many new legislators in the state house. Certainly a deal can be made with a few of them. I am sure their districts need something and a little grease can go a long way. Or they can just live in fear of the gov.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:32 am:
@Willie Stark here is a tip, one of my best performing ones in my portfolio.
PRHSX - Health Sciences
High 10 holdings in plan of 164 holdings
Rank Holding Percentage
1 Actavis plc 5.4%
2 Pharmacyclics 3.8%
3 Gilead Sciences 3.6%
4 Valeant Pharmaceuticals International 3.6%
5 Alexion Pharmaceuticals 3.4%
6 McKesson 3.2%
7 Aetna 3.1%
8 UnitedHealth Group 2.9%
9 Biogen 2.4%
10 Humana 2.3%
Sector Diversification
Biotechnology 32.0%
Services 27.5%
Pharmaceuticals 19.6%
Products & Devices 9.6%
Life Sciences 4.6%
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:32 am:
The only way Rauner gets a lump sum, and accepts it, would be under MOUs and spending requirements for certain programs.
Since that is harder than actually doing a budget,,might as well just do a budget and be done with it??)
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:36 am:
@ Skeptic…. Are there “ANY” parts that you agree with in his plan?
or are you just thowing it out with the bathwater because it is him?
- cdog - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:41 am:
What Madigan means is this is Rauner’s self-inflicted situation.
Madigan will wait him out because Madigan has repeatedly said this governing thing needs to be done in moderation. Rauner has chosen to be extreme and will have to navigate the consequences of being so extreme.
Madigan is the eagle in the tree. Rauner is the fish that has flopped itself on to the land…..
Just have to be a little more patient. There are no actions to be taken by Madigan, it is unnecessary for him to throw Rauner a life line.
- Willie Stark - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:53 am:
cdog - right on! I’m sure Rauner hasn’t, but have Radogno and Durkin contemplated what will happen if the Speaker just decides to wait for the GOP to come up with a budget and revenues, and comes to him for the remaining votes needed to pass it? It would be an interesting question for Reps. Pritchard, Brady, Bryant, and others with state universities how long they think we can go without a budget. That’s just for starters. What leverage does the governor have? The speaker already said he won’t be broken. Is there anyone who doubts that the speaker means what he says?
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:59 am:
No Madigan means what he says just like Rauner does too….. It is a stale mate for right now.
- Old Lobbyist - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:01 am:
With veto proof majorities, maybe the Democrats just override the Governor’s vetoes and let him deal with the fund imbalances. It will take some time for this to be possible. Pressure will have to build to allow some target Democrats to take this kind of vote without incurring too much political damage but it could happen.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:05 am:
Another thing no one is talking about is that while all of this is going on…. no state vendors bills are being paid either…. now checks are still flowing right now because of the state being behind in payment to vendors to the tune of about 120 days… so we are still using FY2015 money paying vendors on a weekly basis… but when this gets to an end…. the start up for payments will be disastrous for the vendors that serve the state and what I fear is it could put some under and close.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:09 am:
@Mama - I have no desire to work in Springfield nor on a Political team or campaign. But thank you for thinking I am worthy of the job.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:11 am:
Just like yesterday’s blog. More comments along the lines of:
“Illinois, Heaven on Earth.”
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:23 am:
I like Illinois, that is why I moved back here from VA after the Navy… Just never been to keen on the “State of Chicago” - they should have been carved off long ago since they write there own laws and taxes different than the rest of the state.
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:25 am:
Allen D: I could stomach some tort reform, and if there were some way to get the workers comp reform savings back to the employers and not the insurance company’s pockets, that’d be good. RTW, prevailing wage, union busting, pension robbery…err…”reform”…slash and burn…not so much.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:25 am:
===Just never been to keen on the “State of Chicago” - they should have been carved off long ago since they write there own laws and taxes different than the rest of the state.===
Ok, - Allen D - has to be a gag, lol
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:30 am:
“- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:07 am:”
I do not believe that you are who you say that you are. Also, I do not believe you when you say that your returns are that great. Finally, I bet you returns were horrible between 2008-20
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:31 am:
- Pelonski - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:35 am:
Allen D is correct that you cannot withdraw from the pension system since it is considered a condition of employment per the Pension Code. He is incorrect, however, that it has anything to do with AFSCME.
He is also correct that a well managed 457(b) (the 401(k) equivalent for government employees) would probably be better for a Tier II employee. It would likely be worse for a Tier I employee, however. If you trust the governor’s numbers, it would be much worse. According to him, the plan is overly generous.
The problem with going to a 457(b) even for Tier II is the “well managed” thing. Most people do a pretty poor job of investing their own money. It seems easy when the market is on a good run like it is now, but it gets a lot harder when the market hits a downturn.
Regardless, going to a 457(b) only won’t be an option any time soon. That was basically Rauner’s original idea, but he quickly realized that this would put a big hole in the budget both in the short and long term. As more an more Tier I employees retire, that effect will continue to grow.
- walker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:38 am:
Louis: You sure you’re commenting on the right thread? Usually you make sense. I see little anywhere around here that expressed Heaven in Illinois.
- Triple fat - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:51 am:
Century club
- if Madigan puts all his targets on a party line tax hike… he has given away his veto proof majority-
You seem pretty sure of this. The people of Illinois are smart enough to figure out that the income tax is too low… They also do not support Union busting. Some have accused the Speaker of employing theatrics - the truth of the matter he has been laying the groundwork to defend the income tax as necessary until we are able to amend the Constitution for a graduated income tax… That the people support. He will be seen as the problem solver.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:54 am:
I am no gag, plant, puppet, whatever you want to call me…
I was born and raised in Alton IL, my father was a hard worker and provider at Standard Oil, then Amoco Oil in Hartford making Gasoline from Crude until it was closed then until he retired he worked on the River dock transferring fuel. I graduated from Alton Senior High School and joined the Navy, went all over the world and even in a small bit of combat…. came back a Disabled Vet, have ran my own business in until my for 11 years until medical condition would no longer allow it, (due to the great wonders of military care and medicine where it originated from) and moved back home to IL and the State was the first job I got and WOW has it been an eye opener….
So many workers I come in contact with think they are owed something all the time… it is all I hear talk about… I am sorry but that is not the way I was brought up… I was brought up to give, to make things right, to do the right thing. Those are the values I have…
Do I believe in everything Rauner is doing is the correct way, maybe not… but what does he have to work with…. Madigan, who I am sorry is a brick wall, and has basically said so…. Illinois is on the wrong track as budget and finances go and that is my opinion. I say what I mean and mean what I say….
As to my finances in 2008-10, no I didn’t do so great, I didn’t loose any money if that is what you are referring to, I still made some but combined (without digging them out) I think only about 2.8% for the year in 2008 but I have never lost money since my first year in 1989 with some foolish investments that went bankrupt.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 11:57 am:
- Allen D -,
Thank you for your service.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
@Pelonski - about the withdrawal of pension funds and AFSCME … I said that was just what I was told as and explanation years ago…
Thanks for clearing all that up though, and I have manages funds and some funds I manage myself privately that is where I am making all the headway in the market and I put limits on everything…. you can take investment classes now they are very inexpensive at local colleges part of adult education curriculum or learn from investment books. it really isn’t that hard, diversify and protect assets.
- Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:07 pm:
Franks, Drury and a couple other D’s have said they will not vote for a tax increase. Have any of them been asked if they will vote for a lump sum budget? Or an override of said lump sum budget if it was vetoed? That would leave the Governor to decide what and how much money to spend.
Pass one, override the inevitable veto, then pin the funding shortfalls on Rauner. “Hey, Governor Rauner is the person who decided to cut/defund your favorite agency/program.”
- Mason born - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:23 pm:
Tripple fat @11:51
What illinoisans are you talking about? If the citizens good and true were so discerning why did Quinn who openly ran on a tax increase loose? Why has Madigan, the g.a., and governors of both parties chose to short the pensions for the last 30 years instead of raising taxes? People do not like taxes! The only taxes they like are ones the other guy pays. It’s human nature we all think we work hard for our money and deserve to keep it. Especially when a tax increase will yield no new benefits or services just pay back the years of shortages.
MJM knows this so does Cullerton even if his 71 votes were malleable enough to vote yes he isn’t wearing that hat alone.
Hey I get it math dictates a tax increase but don’t believe the voters will thank anyone for it. Punish yes thank uh uh.
- cdog - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:45 pm:
== …what will happen if the Speaker just decides to wait for the GOP to come up with a budget and revenues, and comes to him for the remaining votes needed to pass it? ==
That is exactly the action that will/should be taken by a wise, experienced politician like Madigan. Rauner has publicly burned Madigan. (Don’t forget that Rauner requested that no action be taken, as the temporary income tax expired. I guess R had another reality-based and legal plan…
(@Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:16 am
You need to repatriate some of your base. Play with the house’s/street’s money now. That sector smells like a bubble, bud.)
(btw, I told my husband I thought I had a professional crush on Madigan after that last press conference. Earlier, when Madigan had answered that ‘Rauner would say the he liked Madigan’ I thought I was going to fall of my chair! We all know Rauner says the opposite of what he is really thinking and doing. Well played MJM
Rauner is a headline and appearances kind of guy. That is a lot of why he took this gig.
Rauner has a choice between two headlines.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:47 pm:
Some are missing the larger context, counterintuitive as it may be, of what is about to occur.
The longer this draws out, the more support erodes for Madigan’s position on increasing taxes. No matter how many checks are missed, no matter how many wrenches Madigan tries throwing in the works, his ultimate aim is more revenue.
Cook County has already raised taxes. Preckwinkle advanced her timing to beat Emanuel to the punch. Chicago is next. By the time Illinois gets around to actually debating whatever tax increase is on the table, the largest concentration of voters in the state will already be fatigued if not opposed. Any support will be weakened, forcing Madigan to compromise at least on the size of the tax increase if not more.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:49 pm:
- SAD -,
You are aware Rauner needs revenue. It’s not just Madigan. You do acknowledge that?
- Bushwacker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:53 pm:
@ Allen D……is your real name Lance or Bruce because no one that is a ASCME member would be spewing what you are! Go get your shinebox! This blog is for PROFESSIONAL ’s!
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:54 pm:
And Allen D, don’t let anyone here get you down. You clearly touched a nerve with some, and are clearly sincere. Thank you for your service to myself as well as your critics here.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:02 pm:
SAD, you’re kidding yourself.
Who talks about raising taxes? The governor or Madigan?
Once the governor gets around to the budget, you’ll see.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:03 pm:
SAD, Madigan’s ultimate aim is a budget that funds programs deemed critical by his members and their base. He would prefer to do it properly with a tax increase. If Rauner’s price for the political cover to accept and put votes on a tax increase is too steep - as it is now, then all Madigan needs to do is wait until his recalcitrant members get tired of the stalemate and push through another budget. It will be out-of-balance, but it will put pressure back on Rauner to make the painful cuts or continue the shutdown. As Willy says, Rauner will own the jacket for the pain or the continued shutdown.
- Kurt in Springfield - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:18 pm:
Allen D., Thank you for your service. I too served in the Navy and am a state employee. I, like Kitty, work in a professional position and receive significantly less compensation than what the private sector pays for the same work. Up until now I also have chosen to trade less income for better job security and benefits. However, if Rauner gets his way, we will all see paycuts and benefit cuts.
I agree with what Skeptic said @11:25 am. While I am for some other reforms, I am totally against Rauner’s anti union position. By the way, you haven’t specifically said if you are in a union covered position.
- cdog - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:30 pm:
Thank you for all the service members here who are citizens with a civic mind. I am also a Navy vet (AG 1980-84), state employee/AFSCME/professional/vested Tier 1 (1990-2001), self-employed (2001-present) Happy as an eagle in the tree.
Term limits were brought up in an earlier part of thread and are part of the Rauner Agenda. I have to ask, wouldn’t term limits make it easier for the Big Equity, Big Insurance, Big Oil, etc, to buy seats? Who could compete with who they chose to finance?
- Pelonski - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:34 pm:
I think Madigan’s comments come from a realization that Rauner is an ideologue who will hold out to the end for his anti-union proposals. He believes his caucus can hold out longer than the Republicans when it comes to a shutdown of state services so they will be able to get something done without the Governor.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:37 pm:
@ Kurt - Yes I am in a Union covered position, I am a MEMBER of AFSCME.
Now many are going to say what are you a full member and pay if you don’t agree with everything Union does…. Well I don’t have a choice in that area, yes I could do the “FAIR SHARE” but by me paying a couple dollars more (literally) I can vote on things that matter in the UNION and can say NO when it needs to be said.
I have said on previous threads that I would gladly accept a pay cut and keep my job rather than IL keep on it path and we start loosing jobs because we will inevitably file bankruptcy.
I am not opposed to raising taxes either but not without a balanced budget first… This same issue with taxes came up in another state I was stationed in while in the Navy and they had to balance the budget first prior to raising taxes… I thoroughly agree with this measure… and with all taxes or new taxes, they need to be specified to what they are going for and that is all they are for not moved from one thing to another…
- Publius - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:42 pm:
I am in awe of Allen D…to know so much and do so well as a money manager but still doing a state job…..well not really doing a state job. Today he seems to be spending most of his time writing posts to this blog. Perhaps his state job isn’t challenging enough for a person of his caliber.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:47 pm:
- Allen D -,
Illinois can’t declare bankruptcy.
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:54 pm:
“inevitably file bankruptcy.” Well, I have news for you…
- nadia - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:06 pm:
Alan D. - Ah yes a working man investing his life’s work for his retirement years, good luck with that, and I truly hope your investments aren’t in a bad way when it comes time to retire, I’m being sincere about that.
All in all a vast majority of working people have no business doing what you are doing, that is if they want to enjoy their retirement for more than a couple of years. Every working person deserves a good enough pension/retirement plan to enjoy the good years after they retire, hope you enjoy yours. I also thank you for your service.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:06 pm:
-Oswego Willy-,
Certainly. Revenue is required. It simply won’t be as much as Madigan would like, just as Rauner won’t get all the reforms he would like.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:09 pm:
- SAD -,
They both need about $3 billion.
Three billion is three billion…
If it keeps being so contentious, all 67 GOP GA members will be “green” to boot.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:09 pm:
“- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 1:37 pm”
What State were you in?
Are you tier 2?
- Politix - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:12 pm:
“The longer this draws out, the more support erodes for Madigan’s position on increasing taxes.”
Rauner’s already said he will consider a tax increase in exchange for dismantling AFSCME errrr I mean “reforms.”
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:15 pm:
You must be kidding yourself if you think being third in line to increase taxes won’t have any impact on the public’s reaction to the proposal. As for who wants what, “revenue” is as much a part of Madigan’s equation as “reform” is of Rauner’s.
- Allen D - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:15 pm:
@Anonymous - Virginia - and Tier 1
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:17 pm:
Um, - SAD -,
Governors sign tax increases, governors own tax increases.
Always was, always will be, including Rauner.
- Exasperated Teacher - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:22 pm:
You certainly don’t have to agree with everything your Union says. That is what the democratic processes are for in most unions and what I appreciate about my local (and IEA… to some extent).
What I don’t understand is how you can say that we need to “balance the budget” and then talk about new taxes. If we could balance it, we wouldn’t need new revenue. The governor proposed his own budget that desperately needed 2-3 billion more in new revenue (mostly due to phantom pension savings).
Please explain yourself and/or how the gov could balance?
As far as entitled state workers, I don’t doubt that you have run into some. Can you seriously generalize to all? or even most? And couldn’t you say the same for many Americans? As for your service in the Navy, did you ever run across a sailor who didn’t quite pull his weight? My brother (and father) have often remarked of their service that there were those who had advanced beyond their true capabilities.
Politics and freeloading are everywhere, and meritocracy is an ideal we should all strive to achieve.
On a final note, I can appreciate ideals such as sacrifice and service as well, but there is fine, gray line when it becomes exploitation of another’s good will. I just happen to believe that those who are trying to “reform” our pensions are doing the latter to people of your disposition.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:24 pm:
You make some thoughtful points. My only issue is where the story ends. Sure, Madigan can push through another party-line out-of-balance budget, just like last year and earlier this year. But that puts about as much pressure on Rauner to give in as Rauner would put on he GA by sending it right back again with a request they either do their job and pass a balanced budget for a change or compromise with him.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:32 pm:
Um, -Oswego Willy-,
That’s funny. I thought the Cook County board just passed a tax increase. With Chicago likely next, followed by the state. Multiple levels of government having taxing powers.
More specifically to the point of governors owning state income tax increases: if he is going to own it all by himself, does it not make sense for him to fight for what he wants before buying it? Would you go to a cat dealership and simply “buy” whatever car they decided to give you?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:35 pm:
- SAD -,
Check out the Sun-Times front page
“Toni’s Tax”
The Executive always owns.
You’re welcome.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:36 pm:
Or, perhaps whatever “cat” they decided to give you thanks to their auto correct?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:44 pm:
- SAD -,
Rauner can claim his victories, I wish he would already, but the increase in revenue Rauner will demand the 67 GOP GA votes for, as part of the deal, and Rauner signing it, governors own their signatures.
Spin 7 ways to Sunday, Rauner will sign a tax increase… Rauner can’t deflect his own signature.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:48 pm:
Sure. Toni ran on repealing it, then turned around and herself proposed restoring it. She introduced it, twisted arms for it, and got it. She owns that one, through and through.
Assuming we agree all executives own all tax increases regardless of circumstances, then we return to the point: why would any executive simply accept whatever they are handed by their board or GA without negotiation or compromise on both sides?
Would you simply “buy” whatever car the dealership have you? Or would you negotiate, possibly even hold out, for a better deal if you think the dealership is unreasonably trying to stick you with a bad car you will “own” the moment you drive off the lot?
- walker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:48 pm:
Hey folks this isn’t about Allen D himself. He has expressed his opinion, and that is worthwhile.
- Daniel Plainview - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:53 pm:
- Just like yesterday’s blog. More comments along the lines of:
“Illinois, Heaven on Earth.” -
The Atsave’s family seems to be doing well, especially thanks to Rauner’s big boost to the family income.
Did you happen to locate your better half? I hear she’s been MIA from important meetings.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:55 pm:
===why would any executive simply accept whatever they are handed by their board or GA without negotiation or compromise on both sides?===
Because Revenue for even Rauner’s own budget is a “need” not a “desire”
Rauner needs revenue. Needs.
The only way Rauner doesn’t “need” revenue is if his own budget balanced without it.
It didn’t.
- walker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 3:02 pm:
Daniel Plainview: Not really my place to say, but let’s leave family member attacks, and hints of personal corruption directed at fellow commenters, out of this blog.
This is a reasonably welcoming place for serious commenters, or no place at all.
- Daniel Plainview - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 3:11 pm:
Walk, I’m pointing out facts that have been reported by others, nothing more.
- DPGumby - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 3:27 pm:
We face a sad irony when the only reason Brucie’s agenda–turn around or whatever–is even on the table is because of Brucie’s money. There is little to no discussion of whether it has any merit–the vast majority of it does not, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Not even he can defend it on the merits beyond platitudes and buzz words because all he does is send checks to legislators and tell them to support it. He does not allow staff to testify and when they do, as at the State Museum hearing, they either provoke laughter, or at other hearings, insult the panel. I would call this “class warfare”, but Brucie has no class–just money.
- walker - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 3:32 pm:
DP: Not arguing true or false. Just saying inappropriate and unhelpful here.
- cdog - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 3:55 pm:
Let us proceed with SAD’s car analogy.
When you keep showing up at the Suburu lot, demanding a new Cadillac, it is possible that soon the men in white jackets will come.
Rauners demands are fantasy in this political reality. It is goIng to be too embarrassing at some point for logical people to follow his outrageous, uncompromising, and destructive demands.
- SAD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 3:56 pm:
-Daniel Plainview-,
Stay classy.
- Let'sMovetoTexas - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 5:01 pm:
Dear self-identified state employees: Stop blogging on state time and get back to work!
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 5:12 pm:
- Let’sMovetoTexas -,
How about you and your “people in my office” guys worry about doin’ your jobs instead of polling each other how much you like the Governor, lol.
I’m not a state employee…
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 5:14 pm:
=== Dear self-identified state employees: Stop blogging on state time and get back to work! ===
They don’t have to blog on state time. Us retirees can tell goofy Texas lovers to take a long hike in a hot desert!
- Pelonski - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 5:17 pm:
Many state employees don’t work 8-5, M-F, so the fact that they are blogging doesn’t mean they are doing it on state time.