Friday, Jul 17, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sen. Daniel Biss is sitting on $1.2 million in his campaign account. Biss, of course, is running for comptroller in next year’s special election…
Biss, who has served in the legislature since 2011, raised $366,466 from April through the end of June, adding to the $870,058 he already had in his campaign fund. The Evanston lawmaker has raised another $12,130 since July 1. […]
Also eyeing a run is Chicago City Clerk Susana Mendoza, who served six terms in the Illinois House before winning election to the city post in 2011. Mendoza reported $381,741 to begin July after raising $226,210 in the three-month period.
Appointed Republican Comptroller Leslie Munger raised about $111K in the second quarter, leaving her with $113K in the bank.
* Moving along to the race to replace Tammy Duckworth…
In federal contests, Raja Krishnamoorthi reported raising $621,041 and had $596,296 to start July in his bid to win the Democratic nomination in the open-seat north and northwest suburban 8th Congressional District, outpacing two challengers. […]
Campaign reports filed with the Federal Election Commission showed Cullerton raised $134,760 in the three-month period and had $101,501 in his campaign bank account. Noland’s FEC report showed he raised $64,515 and had $61,587 to start July.
* And some notes from the Democrats on two Downstate Republicans…
Mike Bost:
* Raised: $298,409
* COH: $566,965
* $2,500 from Halliburton Company Pac
* $1,000 from NRA Political Victory Fund
* $5,000 from ExxonMobil PAC and $1,000 from Chevron Employees Pac
Rodney Davis:
Raised: $458,980
COH: $757,724
* $5,000 from Koch Industries Inc
* $1,000 from Bridgepoint Education Inc. Pac (for-profit colleges)
* And a suburban race…
* Raised $598,641
* COH $1,049,058
* Owes $148,701
* $7,902 to Jordan Winery in Healdsburg, CA for Event Catering/Facility Rental
By comparison - Schneider (who didn’t start raising until this quarter and who’s competing for money in a primary):
* Raised $623,932
* COH $482,834
Schneider’s primary opponent Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering raised $339K, loaned herself $200K and had $661K on hand.
- Repeal the Cutback Amendment - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:31 am:
I thought the Dems were writing off the Davis race? Maybe they think student turnout will help them in 2016?
awfully large loan by Rotering. I am looking forward to that primary.
- slow down - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 8:46 am:
Impressive numbers by Sen. Biss. The idea of having one of the most thoughtful and smart members of the general assembly, who also happens to be a mathematician, run the Comptroller’s office appeals to me, and apparently to many others.
- Confused - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:06 am:
Not looking so good for my dream of having Rotering run against Dold. That would have been fun to watch.
- Team Sleep - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:29 am:
Raja has two advantages: a) money and b) the ability to work the district at all times. If the two Senators are in Springfield for session - which they should be - then Raja has a leg up.
I would say that Raja not having to vote on the state budget is an asset, but Senators T Cullerton and Noland both voted against most or all of the approp bills.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:47 am:
Does the DCCC think pointing out the NRA donated to Bost is a bad thing to his costituents?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 9:53 am:
I not not vote for him. The pension theft designer “Smarter then the average bear”.
- The Captain - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:11 am:
It’s time for people to come to their senses and have Tom Cullerton run for re-election to his State Senate seat. That’s a seat worth defending, he just got outraised by a half million dollars in this congressional race. It’s time to be realistic.
- Sue - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:27 am:
Bliss running for controller is the best evidence of why we need leadership term limits. Bliss is a smart thoughtful guy but is voiceless with Cullerton running things. So a guy like Bliss leaves the senate and we are left with the useless types Cullerton controls
- William j Kelly - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:29 am:
XXXXUPDATEXXXXX you will see a republican challenger to munger with 100k on hand very soon.
- Apocalypse Now - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 10:31 am:
Looks like Davis and Bost will be ok going into the 2016 election. Cook, Sabato, and Rothenber/Gonzlaz have them rated, as likely Republican. So much for the Democrats drawing a map thinking those two districts would be bright blue.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 12:24 pm:
AN, where did you get the idea than anyone ever thought those two districts were “bright blue? That’s absurd.
New to the state?
- Andy S. - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 2:27 pm:
A Biss victory in the Comptrollers race could be disastrous for non-retired members of SURS. Biss, along with Nekritz in the House, was one of the most vocal pension reform/theft advocates and one of the main authors of SB 1; as Comptroller he would get to determine interest rates annually for the money purchase formula in SURS. Given his past history, I can easily see him setting 0-2% interest rates (even as SURS assumes it will earn a 7.25% return on its investments) and another lawsuit to go before the ISC. Just because someone is a mathematician does not automatically mean he is the best person for the job.