This just in… Illinois Supreme Court denies motion for direct appeal
Friday, Jul 17, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is gonna have to work its way up gradually, apparently… ![]() So, here’s where we are now. There’s an appeal in southern Illinois of the St. Clair County ruling. And the 1st District sent its case back to Cook County. Both of those cases will likely continue percolating.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:13 pm:
“In a short statement explaining the denial, the unanimous court wrote:
You guys, again? How’s about you just do your jobs, okay? “
- Bored Chairman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:15 pm:
Well, no pressure now for Rauner to blink first. This week’s loser is Lisa Madigan.
- Georg Sande - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:16 pm:
Yeah, gradually. Like 6 months from now. Lol.
State workers get paid as the Comptroller & Governor always said. The lampooning of them may have been fun for the leftists/status quo apologists here, but this one is clear. Rauner won and the Madigans lost.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:16 pm:
So it’s officially an “up” day for the AG, then?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:16 pm:
There is no benefit to the 7 justices to stick their necks out in a problem that they did not create.
Didn’t they take the slow path on the last election law issue and allowed it to work its way through the system?
This comes as no surprise.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:17 pm:
Translation: We’ve done enough heavy lifting lately. You folks get your stuff together or we’ll sit back and see what happens.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:19 pm:
Appropriations are overrated…
- Menard Guy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:19 pm:
Winners: Rauner and State Workers
Losers: Madigan and Madigan, and the state constitution (again).
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:21 pm:
LOL seeing all the state worker haters who have now become state worker defenders since the Rauner u-turn.
In the good advice to state employee column. Don’t turn around in front of your supposed Rauner protectors. You may end up with a pain in the back.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:24 pm:
There is a reason that each branch has a role. Let the Legislative and Executive figure this out…
- anon - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:27 pm:
i’m happy for the state workers. they’ve been used as pawns and are innocent parties in this mess.
i very much agree that state workers should not take this strange alliance as a sign that rauner is some type of friend to them. if rauner cared, he could have taken other measures to see state workers get paid. clearly, given rauner’s turn-around agenda, he is not a friend to the middle class - which I assume is where most state workers fall.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:29 pm:
Menard Guy, I disagree that the speaker is a loser. This doesn’t affect his bottom line. Rauner is a winner only to the extent that you can’t point to much of anything that he’s gotten from the legislative or judicial branch. So the biggest howling about the impasse will come from vendors and the needy. Also, I expect state employees and retirees to start receiving nasty notices from their health care providers about late payments.
- Now What? - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:34 pm:
…damn bobcats…
- anon - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:37 pm:
It’s the weekend. Take a couple-tree days off and enjoy some state vegetable.
- Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:37 pm:
Georg Sande, don’t forget the unions. Big winners.
Tell us, what’s next on the agenda for the Rauner/Corrupt Union Boss alliance, as they go after the “leftists,” as you put it?
- Skeptic - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:37 pm:
How is MJM a loser? And how is Rauner the winner? Munger is the one that filed suit. I suppose he did do “everything in his power” (which is what exactly?) to get use paid.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:41 pm:
How is MJM a loser? And how is Rauner the winner? Munger is the one that filed suit. I suppose he did do “everything in his power” (which is what exactly?) to get use paid.==
Time and leverage. State workers still getting paid relieves a huge pressure point
- Southside Markie - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:41 pm:
The errors referenced by the First District involve very basic legal principles which are well-known to any lawyer who has practiced in the Chancery Division. One has to wonder how the AG’s office allowed the trial court order to be entered without making sure that the judge included the proper findings and a date for hearing on the preliminary injunction.
- JackD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:42 pm:
Of course, if the Cook County Circuit Court does the TRO correctly, it will be back in the 1st District Appellate Court and possibly on to the Supreme Court all of which will take time but suppose the Supremes say payment was inappropriate. I wonder what order might follow.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:42 pm:
Ok I get it now it just wasn’t worth it
- sco vanderhomer - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:44 pm:
And what is the status of the union contract that was extended for 1 month?
- Southside Markie - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:49 pm:
To JackD: The AG can be back in the Circuit Court on an emergency TRO on Monday morning if she wants to.
- JackD - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:50 pm:
Southside: I know. I was looking down the road in the event she got it granted.
- Truthteller - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:51 pm:
If Rauner had been smart, he would not have indicated he would veto the one month budget which would insure that state employees be paid on time. His threatened veto with the court outcome unclear demonstrated he really didn’t care if employees were paid on time. He blew his cover
- Southside Markie - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 4:54 pm:
JackD. Sorry and agreed.
- Kippax Blue - Friday, Jul 17, 15 @ 5:08 pm:
Since Rauner is such a friend to state employees, he’ll have no problem with signing SB 1229!