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The reviews are in

Wednesday, Jul 22, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kim Geiger

Senate President John Cullerton stepped to the microphone Wednesday at the Thompson Center in the Loop and tried to play statesman in the Springfield stalemate, calling for a do-over on negotiations and suggesting that approving a budget is the most important task at the Capitol.

Before Cullerton had even finished, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s aides had fired off an email to reporters ripping the Northwest Side Democrat as a politician who wants to raise taxes and take Illinois backward. A visibly frustrated Cullerton, in turn, blasted Rauner, saying the first-year governor has missed the “nuanced” nature of governing and is stuck on campaign talking points.

“This is a supermajority of Democrats and a bunch of pro-union Republicans in this state,” Cullerton said. “This isn’t, you know, Oklahoma or Kansas. And so he’s got to understand, he ran for governor of Illinois.” […]

The continued bickering is another sign of how far apart Rauner and Democrats are, even as the new governor has tried to isolate Madigan as the only person standing in the way of a compromise. On Tuesday, Rauner told reporters that if he and Cullerton could negotiate a deal on their own, “we would have this done.”

Asked about that Wednesday, Cullerton said: “I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

* AP

Rauner wants business-related reforms before a budget and largely blames Madigan for the impasse, saying he could negotiate better if only dealing with Cullerton.

But Cullerton dismissed that notion at a Chicago news conference Wednesday, saying Rauner isn’t negotiating with him.

* Greg Hinz

Referring to the governor’s anti-union agenda, Cullerton declared that his state “is not Oklahoma. He’s got to understand, he was elected in Illinois.”

Another example: the president’s comment that the governor “has spent his time in office prioritizing a corporate agenda that will make his corporate supporters happy.”

* Finke

Rauner has insisted that the legislature adopt his “reform” measures before he will discuss higher taxes to help balance the budget. They include workers compensation reform, limits on civil lawsuits, a property tax freeze, term limits and redistricting changes. Rauner has said lawmakers only need to pass a handful of bills to break the logjam.

“The handful of bills are pretty radical bills,” Cullerton said. “This anti-union agenda is just not supported not only by (Democrats), but by a number of (Republicans). He seems to be unaware of the fact we passed a major workers compensation bill four years ago.”

Cullerton said he is still willing to work with Rauner on components of his reform agenda. He said he last met with the governor two weeks ago.

* Mark Brown

Senate President John Cullerton, who would like to be seen as the reasonable man in the state budget battles, suggested Wednesday that Gov. Bruce Rauner and legislators go back to square one and start over.

“His plan is dead. Our plan is dead. Let’s acknowledge that and start moving forward,” Cullerton said.

Cullerton’s overture was promptly rejected by the governor’s office as more of the same from Democrats, so promptly in fact that Cullerton had yet to finish speaking before Rauner’s dismissive response landed in the inboxes of reporters covering the event.

Cullerton appeared surprised but undeterred by the rapid rebuff of his suggestion that Rauner submit a new budget — with the proviso the governor actually make sure it is a balanced budget this time.

Admittedly, this wasn’t a particularly helpful approach, because Rauner has always pretended his budget WAS balanced. Starting over would require the governor to be truthful, which isn’t his strong suit.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:35 pm:

    When - Norseman - asked if I thought it was a good idea for the GOP GA to root for a complete veto if everything after singing the K-12 Approp, I said it would be best only if Rauner started completely over…

    That is the smart … Rauner… play.

    That’s what Rauner shoulda done;

    Veto everything, start over, work with the Four Tops from the beginning.

    Sen. Cullerton is right about that part.

  2. - AC - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:36 pm:

    Cullerton, while not entirely correct was the adult in the room on pension reform, and now he is on the budget. Not that anyone will listen to him this time either, but anything is worth a try.

  3. - Are Ya Kiddin' Me? - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:39 pm:

    “Mark Brown……Admittedly, this wasn’t a particularly helpful approach, because Rauner has always pretended his budget WAS balanced. Starting over would require the governor to be truthful, which isn’t his strong suit.”
    Wow, from the paper that endorsed him. wow

  4. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:40 pm:

    If Rauner had any sense of responsibility, he’d step up and agree with Cullerton and say, “Yes, a reset is needed.”

    The fact that Rauner is *not* doing this — or feels like he’s going to no longer negotiate — is a worrying sign. Politics is negotiation. If you can’t negotiate — or your personality won’t allow you to negotiate — then you have no business in politics.

  5. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:41 pm:

    I think once it’s clear in more minds that there is not a “budget battle,” but every social service provider in the state is being held hostage in order to gut collective bargaining and prevailing wage, the governor’s position will become untenable, and he’ll flip.

    That has happened every other time the heat’s been turned up a notch.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:43 pm:

    - Are Ya Kiddin’ Me? -

    The publisher, who went toe to toe with Dave McKinney, “endorsed” Rauner. The Sun-Times went against the idea they’d stop endorsing, TO endorse Rauner.

    It was an “owner” decision, not a Sun-Times decision.

  7. - Abe the Babe - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:44 pm:

    And to hang your hat on a set of reforms that you arent even comfortable talking about in the press. Sheesh.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:46 pm:

    - Wordslinger -,

    You are right. I think that’s what MJM and Cullerton are truly waiting out; for social services to really understand what’s stalling things for them, and apply the pressure to the Governor…

    … and the easy part after? Governors always own, but now it will become apparent why Rauner owns it this time.

  9. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:55 pm:

    Well played, Senator Cullerton. I would have said that the ball as in Rauner’s court, but he managed to hit it into the net before it had bounced once.

  10. - Wensicia - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 5:55 pm:

    It’s pretty hard to spin his lies. I guess that’s why Rauner’s people keep repeating his original talking points. The ILGOP might want to be careful when defending him with the lies changing day by day.

  11. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:00 pm:

    I think the ILGOP is going to be surprised come election time. And not in a positive way.

  12. - Politix - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:01 pm:

    Up day for Cullerton. He always does a better job of being truthful than Mike & Bruce.

  13. - Now What? - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:04 pm:

    This is way too early for this, and it won’t happen, but these “pro-union Republicans” and their constituents (and there are many of them!) need to step out on the ledge a little more and begin to show this governor that he does not have the votes. The “pro-union/anti-Quinn” vote got Bruce into office, and now those voters need to provide their reps some coverage and courage to apply pressure to the governor and tell him to back off the “reforms.”

    But . . .alas, ain’t gonna happen. Slow pitch softball, Jack Franks. Where are you?

  14. - cdog - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:11 pm:

    …reviews are in… and they are just lovely.

    Cullerton’s skill is inspiring. The reporting is solid.

    Tomorrow’s Rauner transvaluation will be most interesting.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:21 pm:

    I am “all on board” with the path President Cullerton suggests.

    Here’s why;

    ===- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 24, 15 @ 9:34 pm

    ===Willy, would he soothe the GOP Solon sting if he immediately vetoed the rest of the budget?===

    If it were me, sitting in a chair, voting and signing off on “sham” as a release from my office, it would soothe me, but at such an enormous price, I wouldn’t ask for it.

    It does reset everything.

    We’ve been at 71 and 36 for weeks now, not days. If the Legislative Shop can get over themselves and “sell” the premise to the two leaders that we will have a give and take centric to the budget, now you’re cookin’ with gas.

    GOP Members could use a reset. Big as a partner, not a chit. If they (GOP Leaders) make both the Dem Leaders and the Governor see their actual independent relevance, yes, I’d support a complete veto under those narrow and very specific parameters.

    A total veto used as imaginary leverage for Turnaround Agenda items that more easily can be gained with an honest budget discussion, no, no veto or total veto under that Opera.

    Rauner needs two very specific things, Turnaround Agenda items (even 2), and a budget. That budget needs revenue, work from scratch to get there. Fake leverage gets neither goal.===

    Cullerton is giving the path I could support under Rauner’s complete veto after the K-12 Approp.

    I’m not holding my breath, I doubt Rauner sees this as a face-saving “exit” for him.

    A shame

  16. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:31 pm:

    Willy, the problem to your sensible approach is that Rauner never loses.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:34 pm:

    - Norseman -, the things we coulda done.

    The things…

  18. - The Way I See It - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:34 pm:

    Why is it that Mark Brown appears to be the only major media figure (sorry, Rich) that realizes or is willing to say that the Gov majors in truthiness at best?

  19. - IrishPirate - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 6:46 pm:

    Excuse me when I include some pedantic commentary.

    Geiger’s piece refers to Cullerton as a NORTHWEST side Democrat. North side would be a better descriptor.

    Please return to regularly scheduled non pedantic commentary.

  20. - Anonin' - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:12 pm:

    Wonderin’ when TeamBungle gets asked about the humiliation that +30% of the GOPies have cashed the Pay & Obey payments
    Btw Wall Street journal gave up callin’ him a reformer

  21. - Albatros - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:16 pm:

    Macbeth had it right- Rauner really needed to take this opportunity to start over in good faith. He blew it big time, I am sad to say.

  22. - AJ_yooper - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:22 pm:

    I am becoming a fan of President Cullerton.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:23 pm:

    ===He blew it big time, I am sad to say.===

    He will never see it that way, that’s the shame. I’m hopeful that Cullerton will leave this “exit” open.

    - Anonin’ -, once all the EFT information is gathered and implemented, everything will fall into place.

  24. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:49 pm:

    In past stalemates, Cullerton always managed to get the parties together and work out a deal that, while it wasn’t exactly what anyone wanted, it was something everyone could love with and put together a structured vote for.

    Rauner just blew it big time. Instead of a somewhat graceful exit, he is going to end up in a crushing defeat. Rauner doesn’t realize it yet, but today WAS his Little Big Horn.

  25. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:55 pm:

    – live with –, not “love”

  26. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:57 pm:

    @ RNUG - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:49 pm:

    nailed it RNUG. I don’t think Rauner realizes that his leverage (the turn around agenda) isn’t really leverage at the end of the day. We have to pass a budget, but we don’t have to pass a “turn around agenda” — not right now and not without a few more elections if then.

  27. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:59 pm:

    Rauner plays perfectly into the MJM theme of operating in the extreme and not in moderation, non budget items, and the number one problem facing Illinois is the budget.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 7:59 pm:

    ===Rauner just blew it big time. Instead of a somewhat graceful exit, he is going to end up in a crushing defeat. Rauner doesn’t realize it yet, but today WAS his Little Big Horn.===

    You may be right, and honestly, all signs aren’t looking like you aren’t wrong, but if MJM and Cullerton now wait out Rauner, yeah, it might be Little Big Horn, but I have to believe back channels will prevail now with the overt exit now on the table.

    Your “end date”, boy that’s looking like a winning ticket.

  29. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 8:11 pm:

    == Your “end date”, boy that’s looking like a winning ticket. ==

    Too bad I don’t have a pile of money down on it.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 8:20 pm:

    - RNUG -,

    You may not get a pile of cash, but your reputation only keeps growing and growing.

  31. - Tammy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 8:30 pm:

    Brown pretty much nails it. For a reporter who spends little time in Springfield, he usually right about statehouse politics. Must be a capitolfax subscriber!

  32. - Trooper - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 8:49 pm:

    It’s nice to have an attack dog fighting for you while you can appear reasonable.

    I got a sinking feeling Lance Trover ain’t gonna be around long.

    Everyone sees he is too boilerplate and silly.

    Lance. Think. Talk. Think.

    Not Talk Talk Talk

  33. - Percival - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 9:06 pm:

    He held a big new conference just to tell Rauner to start over? He offered no new ideas on how to resolve things. It’s just lip service to pressure Rauner, and it won’t work.

  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 9:07 pm:

    Cullerton won me over with his reasonableness during the pension debate. He’s easily the most underrated figure in Illinois and Chicago politics. The Speaker has been so dominant for so long, John is often overlooked. Marc Brown’s story is probably the first time someone in the Chicago media gave Cullerton his due. It’s about time.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 9:11 pm:

    - Percival -

    Dunno if you’re paying attention, but Cullerton just left Rauner out there all alone.

    Yeah, lots happened. Lots.

  36. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 9:28 pm:

    Put a fork in him.
    The Governor has lost.

  37. - Macbeth - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 9:46 pm:

    The more interesting question is who’s telling Rauner he can win this?

    Is this why he won’t reveal the secret meetings? I mean, at some point he — Rauner — becomes a parody of himself. The Turnaround Agenda.

    It’s time to rebrand.

  38. - Tall Shade - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 9:55 pm:

    Why don’t Cullerton and Madigan just pass Rauner’s budget and add an income tax increase of 2.5 bil to cover the amount Rauner’s budget comes up short?
    They don’t need Rauner’s help to do it.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 10:02 pm:

    - Tall Shade -,

    ===…and add an income tax increase of 2.5 bil to cover the amount Rauner’s budget comes up short?===

    Ever heard of Jack Franks? lol

  40. - ??? - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 10:06 pm:

    Tall Shade, is that a serious question or sarcasm? Because if it’s serious the answer is obvious.

  41. - Tha missin g - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 10:15 pm:

    Get the broom.

  42. - cez - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 10:28 pm:

    Slightly off topic
    AFSCME leadership criticized,and demeaned Quinn unmercifully during his tenure…even surrounding him at the State Fair and booing loud enough that his speech was inaudible .
    All because he ,due to lack of political power,had to compromise often,and not do everything in lockstep with AFSCME ’s agenda.By the time of the general election Quinn looked weaker than a wet towel. Hope AFSCME got the self inflicted bullet wound in their foot some medical attention.

  43. - Daniel Plainview - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 10:43 pm:

    It’s always tough for the big talker in the frat house to meet the real world. Can’t wait to see how these tough guys hang.

  44. - James - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 10:52 pm:

    I can’t imagine even the most senior respected Rauner aide making the decision on their own to decry Cullerton’s comments before he was even finished speaking. No aide would risk their job doing that, without Rauner ordering them to do it. So I am left with the impression that Rauner watches the news closely (despite his denials) and shoots from the hip out of anger.

  45. - Norseman - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 11:05 pm:

    James, sure the frat boys would do this without the gov’s order. As long as they use the Rauner book of weaselly weasel words, they’re ok. If fact, the frat boys get absolutely giddy putty out disrespectful snarky communication.

  46. - walker - Wednesday, Jul 22, 15 @ 11:19 pm:

    Deals made by Tuesday. Bills the following week. This game has run its course.

    Trusting in rational actors.

  47. - RNUG - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 12:02 am:

    == Trusting in rational actors. ==

    Rational actors don’t insist on an unsaleable Turnaround Agenda loaded with poison pills as a precondition to consideration of a budget compromise.

  48. - PoolGuy - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 6:46 am:

    I think if we knew his real end game, then he might be considered as acting rationally. i’m not sure his end game is to pass these reforms right now. if its only to make the Dems look as bad as possible to set up a winning election strategy next year, then maybe in his view he is being rational. or maybe there is another end game i’m not even aware of. i wonder if theyve used some game theory models with all the well paid superstars they appear to have. it would make sense to play out all the possible scenarios like a chess game to see the potential outcomes and work towards the best end result you hope to get. i just don’t know what the end result is. win some reforms now, more later but lose on revenue. win nothing but blame no reform and higher taxes on Dems next election. win some or most reforms through no-budget attrition but heavy damage to GOP GA. win some or none but look good for national level folks. someting else i’m leaving out. but another result is win nothing now, still sign off on revenue for budget and some damage to GOP GA, which may not be a result they seriously considered.

  49. - Langhorne - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 7:27 am:

    Rauner is the little kid in the sandbox, having one tantrum after another. He wont come in for dinner. If mom and dad (gop) try to coax him in, he screams at them and threatens them. Meanwhile, its starting to rain, and get dark. Radognos statement was pathetic, like wringing her hands and not knowing how to get the kid inside.

    Rauner blew it by not responding positively and genuinely to cullerton. He coulda presented his agenda all fresh, gotten lots of press, alongside the budget, and come to a conclusion.

  50. - Langhorne - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 7:29 am:

    Rauner is a slow learner: if you cant get dinner, get lunch. If you cant get a sandwich, get half a sandwich.

  51. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 8:41 am:

    Spot on, Mr. President. Many of us are fighting to not be states like Oklahoma and Kansas.

    America has the structural economic problem of stagnant or declining middle class wages, and union-stripping will only make it worse. It’s very clear that union jobs pay more than non-union jobs in the vast majority of occupations/industries.

  52. - The Dude Abides - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 8:43 am:

    Some of Rauner’s turnaround agenda items such as workman’s comp reform, severely limiting collective bargaining, ending prevailing wage and allowing municipalities to file for bankruptcies, do not have widespread popular support. What you have is the Minority party insisting on Democrats implementing these items that the majority of the public don’t care about in exchange for a balanced budget that includes more revenue. This isn’t going to happen. There’s a reason that Rauner didn’t campaign on these turnaround agenda items and that is that it would have hurt his election chances.
    There is popular support for a couple of his turnaround agenda items, term limits and redrawing districts. We don’t need both though, redrawing the districts in a logical, fairer manner is really all we need and I think this is something the Democrats should compromise on.

  53. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 8:48 am:

    I think Rauner end game is to create as much pain and focus as he can so that the next election he can pick off a few democrats. In other words, he must know he can not hold up the budget forever in order to get his turn around agenda, but he can sure put the spot light on it for a long time. I think this is really about the next legislative election. Rauner knows the dems are not going to allow a turn around agenda that goes to the core of their party, but this whole exercise creates focus and on issues for the next election. Rauner can say I tried, I did all I could against the Chicago machine but now I need your help to change the legislature.

  54. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 8:52 am:

    ==He said he last met with the governor two weeks ago.==
    This is the part that concerns me the most.

  55. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    I wish Ron Sandack would quit using state employees in Rauner’s pawn game. Rauner also needs to quit trying to pay people off for votes making it look like financial extortion.

  56. - Beaner - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    President Cullerton pointed out the Constitution requires the Office of the Governor to present a balanced budget to the General Assembly; the budget presented was billions out of whack. Please submit a balanced budget for our Chambers to consider. I was pleased some of the Central IL TV picked up on this. This is important; Rauner is SHAM Governin’…and then lying about it. The press has done a generally poor job of `splainin’ these ‘Turnaround’ `Reforms’.

    Illinois Held Hostage by _________…Day 23.
    Help fill in the blank above.

  57. - cdog - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:18 am:

    When this episode is over, Dems need to be ready with a one sentence, much repeated, statement. (as has been done with “moderation,” “extreme,” newly stated “corporate class.”)

    This statement will need to counteract the Rauner messaging
    machine which is guaranteed to be full of revisionist history tactics.

    (Add that to the Rauner play book. 1. Make it personal privately, but publicly say the opposite 2. Repeat a logical but invalid argument until it appears true. 3. Revise all historical events with omission of actual happenings. 4. Tbd. 5. Tbd)

    Get out ahead of it. It’s coming.

  58. - GA Watcher - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:27 am:

    Was out with some friends last night. Someone brought up the budget stalemate during the conversation. They were all exorcised over the fact that the Democrats were fighting the Governor on his attempted reform of state government. After all, one of them said, isn’t that why the guy got elected.

    I went through the litany of the reforms the Governor has indicated he wants in exchange for a budget deal. To a person, the group I was with was surprised. They all thought the Governor’s reforms would be geared more toward tax reform and looking at new ways of providing services. They didn’t realize that his initial priorities involved prevailing wage and collective bargaining. they questioned how this would help the State and lead to structural reform. Even on the property tax freeze, a couple of people questioned what good a freeze would do if nothing is done to reform the way we pay for public education. To them, the freeze sounds like the can being kicked down the road yet again.

    My friends are pretty upwardly mobile, middle to upper middle class types. So the GOP’s targeted base, in other words. If I were the Dems, I would pursue a strategy that points out that the reforms the Governor wants are not the ones the State needs. You’ll win more of them over. If I were the GOP, I would suggest that they advise their Governor to do a turnaround himself and focus his attention on meaningful reforms that have direct impacts on the State’s financial well-being.

  59. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    I’ve talked to many wealthy, generally liberal Democrats who hate Madigan and think Rauner is doing a good job, given the tough condition the state is in. They are not informed of the details of Rauner’s plan, his flip-flops, or his cuts. They wouldn’t approve of him if they were.
    Given the reduced news coverage in Chicago of state government, and the reduced attention most people pay. Mainstream news outlets, Rauner’s continuous campaign may be the most effective strategy he could have.

  60. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    Pay to mainstream news outlets. Sorry about the typo.

  61. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    @Wordslinger nailed it: “every social service provider in the state is being held hostage in order to gut collective bargaining and prevailing wage.”

  62. - messaging - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    == - cdog - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 9:18 am:

    (Add that to the Rauner play book. 1. Make it personal privately, but publicly say the opposite 2. Repeat a logical but invalid argument until it appears true. 3. Revise all historical events with omission of actual happenings. 4. Tbd. 5. Tbd) ==

    Cdog I couldn’t agree more with the post - Democrats are horrible at concise, plainspoken messaging. But I just wanted to make sure we don’t give the Rauner crew too much credit for the quoted section; that has been the national R strategy pretty much since 1980, and has only grown due to Gingrich/Rove/Luntz/Koch. This is just the first time it’s been given a serious try in Illinois.

  63. - Anonymous Redux - Thursday, Jul 23, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    None of the advice above will benefit our Governor.

    “You don’t get to choose what happens to you in this life, but you do get to choose how you respond, and that makes all the difference in the world” - Dalai Lama

    Governors are not Rulers.

    Governors must respond…for the good of the people…It’s the Job!

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