Fun quote but they don’t seem that far apart. Rauner just needs to drop the poison pills and the Dems need to accept some reforms including WC causation and they are done.
I think they are in the same universe, I just don’t think they are in the same state all of the time.
Interesting to hear John Kasich on Meet the Press this weekend respond to the criticism that he hasn’t done what other Midwest Governors (Walker) has done. His said he isn’t in Wisconsin and had to work with both parties to govern in Ohio. Nice to hear a grownup discuss government.
== Interesting to hear John Kasich on Meet the Press this weekend respond to the criticism that he hasn’t done what…(Walker) has done. ==
Even more interesting to hear that John Kasich on Meet the Press said he favors giving millions of work visas to foreign citizens so they can compete for jobs with American citizens.
==You get regular reports from the Dem leader camps==
Respectfully, those are about as credible as reports from Rep leader camps imho. This seems more like an attempt to repeat something often enough that people may begin to believe it.
That is not meant as snark or a ==diss== or whatever the kids say, wordslinger. I am just skeptical these days lol.
- William - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:09 am:
Thank God.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:18 am:
- Abe the Babe - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:21 am:
Fun quote but they don’t seem that far apart. Rauner just needs to drop the poison pills and the Dems need to accept some reforms including WC causation and they are done.
- Aldyth - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:33 am:
- Tom - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:41 am:
I think they are in the same universe, I just don’t think they are in the same state all of the time.
Interesting to hear John Kasich on Meet the Press this weekend respond to the criticism that he hasn’t done what other Midwest Governors (Walker) has done. His said he isn’t in Wisconsin and had to work with both parties to govern in Ohio. Nice to hear a grownup discuss government.
- Gooner - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:45 am:
Yeah, I think they are playing a different game.
Madigan and Cullerton are trying to get a budget deal done.
Rauner views the budget as a negotiation point for other matters that concern him.
The focus of their actions is completely different, which makes negotiation different.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:45 am:
First law of thermodynamic order out of chaos. We are all star dust that hasn’t come together yet
- walker - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 9:53 am:
Governor Kasich also said he tried to pass some “anti-union” bills, and it became clear that that wouldn’t work for Ohio.
- Mouthy - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 10:00 am:
Maybe this will be one to the new X-Files episodes..
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 10:03 am:
Love me some Kent Redfield.
- Wordslinger - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 10:05 am:
I’m not sure how engaged the governor is.
You get regular reports from the Dem leader camps that the governor “didn’t know this” or “wasn’t aware of that.”
Then there are the flips.
It’s hard to see a really well-thought-out game plan being executed.
- walker - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 10:25 am:
They’re certainly reading off different scripts.
- Mama - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 10:37 am:
Why do people care what Kent Redfield thinks?
- Demoralized - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 10:56 am:
==Why do people care what Kent Redfield thinks?==
Says somebody who clearly has no clue who Kent Redfield is.
- Enviro - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 11:43 am:
== Interesting to hear John Kasich on Meet the Press this weekend respond to the criticism that he hasn’t done what…(Walker) has done. ==
Even more interesting to hear that John Kasich on Meet the Press said he favors giving millions of work visas to foreign citizens so they can compete for jobs with American citizens.
- Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 1:02 pm:
==You get regular reports from the Dem leader camps==
Respectfully, those are about as credible as reports from Rep leader camps imho. This seems more like an attempt to repeat something often enough that people may begin to believe it.
That is not meant as snark or a ==diss== or whatever the kids say, wordslinger. I am just skeptical these days lol.
- Laura - Monday, Jul 27, 15 @ 2:32 pm:
What a great line by one of the smartest and most humble guys to ever study Illinois politics.