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Rate IllinoisGO’s new online ad

Friday, Jul 31, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the self-described “Democratic centrist” group with strong ties to Gov. Bruce Rauner…

Illinoisans for Growth and Opportunity (IllinoisGO) today announced the launch of a web ad focused on the need for Democrats to come together to support a balanced budget plan that seriously addresses our state and its cities’ financial challenges. IllinoisGO’s video, part of a larger digital organizing campaign, is airing on multiple digital platforms in Democratic districts statewide to educate and encourage Democratic voters to get involved to help change the dynamic in Springfield.

Illinois and its cities are facing major financial crises, thanks to the reckless leadership in the General Assembly and Governor’s office over the last decade. Democratic lawmakers have been accountable only to the narrow special interests and not to the people they represent. Their failure to pursue responsible budgeting has led to massive cuts to the state’s most critical responsibilities - educating our kids and providing for the most vulnerable among us – and a sluggish economy.

But Springfield can and must make the responsible, hard choices to get us back on track and pass a balanced budget that supports services for those in need, makes the tax code more fair, and protects the key investments necessary to grow our economy.

“Illinois’ dire financial state is a result of the majority party’s failed leadership and we need to come together to protect progressive values and save our state,” said IllinoisGO Chairman Anthony Anderson. “We will continue to urge Democrats in Springfield to change course and support the tough, but responsible, decisions to correct our state’s financial course, better serve our most vulnerable residents, and grow our economy.”

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  1. - Politix - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:12 am:


    Looks good but points off for repeating everything everyone already knows. Also, I have a feeling reg folks will be confused as to why this is only aimed at Democrats.

  2. - 19th ward guy - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    Nicely done. To the point. We spent money we didn’t have and made promises we can’t keep. Rauner won to clean this up, but the king won’t give it up. Nice that we all get to pay for his court.

  3. - Politix - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:14 am:

    Chicago cynics will be confused AND suspicious.

  4. - GA Watcher - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    And the tough, but responsible decisions to correct our state’s financial course are?

  5. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    Pretty good. Is this group really tied to Rauner? How so, specifically?

  6. - The Captain - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:16 am:

    If bland platitudes can solve the budget crisis we’ll look back on this day and on this web ad as the key turning point.

  7. - Tournaround Agenda - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    I’m guessing the “tough, but responsible decisions” are the Turnaround Agenda? What a farce.

  8. - Politix - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    “Rauner won to clean this up, but the king won’t give it up. Nice that we all get to pay for his court”

    Can we start being honest about the standoff here? Until Rauner takes his anti-union “reforms” off the table, nothing’s gonna happen. Blame Madigan all you want, but the House is representing its constituency. There is absolutely no groundswell of support for these reforms by the public, despite Rauner’s greatest efforts. Let’s start acknowledging the truth here. Please.

  9. - GoldwaterRepublican - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    Calm clear explanation of our states failures, and doesn’t lay the blame on one party, just mistakes of the past. Sadly I don’t think it serves much as motivation, you can’t tell democrats to just get on board the train they know they must look to their master before making a decision. So yeah good at pointing out mistakes but there is no real clear call to action.

  10. - Juice - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:33 am:

    Ok, maybe I’m being too nitpicky here, but June’s unemployment rate was 5.9, not 6. Not that there’s a substantive difference between the two, but I suspect there is a bit of a psychological difference.

    But I am glad to see that this outfit seems to be in line with both the Governor and the Democrats to continue to spend more money on services without actually coming up with a way to pay for it. So I’ll give it a “C” for consistency…in being disingenuous.

  11. - Politix - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:35 am:

    It’s tough to be objective when you know what ILGO really is.

  12. - A guy - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:35 am:

    This is really an excellent ad by advertising standards. If there is any criticism, it would be to the length of it. But…it keeps your interest both in audio and in video, which are extremely well balanced. Technically, really beautifully done.

  13. - Pelonski - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    C - It somewhat accurately outlines the general problems, but offers no solutions. If they want to be effective, they need to also explain to the voters that they are part of the problem. Illinois voters have continually insisted on low taxes, high services, and putting off big decisions. Until the voters change their priorities, we won’t fix the problems.

  14. - Frank - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    “bland platitudes” perferct name for this effort, Captain.

    The IllinoisGO(P) press release says its “airing on multiple digital platforms in Democratic Districts throughout the state.”
    Does anyone know what exactly that means and what districts they are targeting?

  15. - Hit or Miss - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 11:01 am:

    I give it a B for pointing to the problems the state faces today and in the neat term.

    However, the ad is poor at pointing to specifics as to how to solve the problem. A balanced budget can be achieved by cutting spending but the ad offers no specific programs to cut.

    The ad also fails to mention that Republicans helped create the problem by wanting to keep taxes low. The road to where we are today was in part shared by both parties.

    Overall, I give the ad a C-.

  16. - Wordslinger - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    Woof, how about an intermission next time?

    OK, so the objective is to drive people to the website and hopefully capture their personal data.

    How do you do that with a web ad? Who’s going to see it? How does someone come across it?

  17. - illinoised - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 11:15 am:

    With apologies to Robert Earl Keen, the road goes on forever but the campaign never ends.

  18. - sideline watcher - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    “Their failure to pursue responsible budgeting has led to massive cuts to the state’s most critical responsibilities - educating our kids and providing for the most vulnerable among us – and a sluggish economy.”

    The most irresponsible thing that happened was to let that income tax expire. That is the cause of this mess. The hole in this budget that is necessitating these massive cuts is directly related to blowing a 5 billion dollar hole in revenue precipitously. We went from making whole pension payments, paying down our bills, providing for social services and healthcare. I’m sick of Republicans talking about serving our most vulnerable citizens. This party cares about the corporate class and that is it. The turnaround agenda is about the corporate class, it has nothing to do with serving our most vulnerable citizens or educating our kids or helping the economy grow. And these aren’t Democrats behind this group. Don’t believe it for a second. Smoke and mirrors.

  19. - zatoichi - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    It would be a much better ad if it specifically said ‘we are 4 weeks into a new year and neither the Governor nor General Assembly has presented a balanced budget for the year. That would be a good place to start working together’.

  20. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 12:27 pm:

    “If bland platitudes can solve the budget crisis we’ll look back on this day and on this web ad as the key turning point.”

    Lol, exactly.

    I could do without the bankruptcy hyperbole. Per the comments I’ve read here, Illinois can’t declare bankruptcy. The ad is IPI-light, in that it mentions negative aspects of the economy. We recovered from an unemployment rate of somewhere around 10%. I support businesses and reasonable business reforms but again could do without the “Illinois is terrible” narrative.

    The ad talks about a balanced budget and fair taxation but doesn’t mention new revenue or a progressive income tax.

    It says Democrats must do better. I agree, but not totally in the way I interpret the add to intend.


  21. - PTR - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 1:25 pm:

    @Frank said “IllinoisGO(P)”

    Like it. That should stick.

  22. - Nice work - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 2:07 pm:

    When are the real Democrats going to get involved in pushing back? There are all these groups fronting for the governor, but nobody standing up for the peopel who actually get hurt by these cuts.

  23. - Nobody important - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    Obviously…. this disturbing trend is all Rauner’ s fault. No way it has anything to do with the 28 year reign of Madigan and the dems.

  24. - cover - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 2:27 pm:

    = Obviously…. this disturbing trend is all Rauner’ s fault. No way it has anything to do with the 28 year reign of Madigan and the dems. =

    During 16 1/2 years of Madigan’s time as Speaker, there has been a GOP Governor.

  25. - cover - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 2:33 pm:

    Make that 18 1/2 years of GOP Governors, I miscounted.

  26. - Nobody important - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    Cover -

    And we all know that Madigan and the dems had no control. They did not run the state with one party super-majorities. So it’s all Bush’s….er…I mean Republican’s fault. Riiiggghhhhttt.

  27. - Hummmm.... - Friday, Jul 31, 15 @ 2:42 pm:

    It is amazing that we can have one-party, democrat super majority rule under MJM for all these many years, yet…strangly…. nothing is ever the democrat, one party super majority’s fault. Denial is a river in Egypt….except to some.

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