This Just In: Exelon Profits Up 22.2 Percent in 2nd Quarter
Friday, Jul 31, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] While our state budget crisis becomes increasingly dire, Exelon still demands a corporate bailout despite making more than $1.3 BILLION in profit in the first six months of the year. This is exactly the wrong thing for Illinois’ citizens and businesses. EXELON JUST ANNOUNCED SECOND QUARTER 2015 PROFITS: $638 MILLION SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS A DAY or $292,125 AN HOUR That’s up 22.2% from 2014! Sounds like Exelon had a pretty good second quarter. And yet this wildly profitable company still seeks a bailout from struggling Illinois ratepayers and threatens to throw thousands of people out of work because they’re supposedly not making enough money. EDITORIAL BOARDS FROM CHICAGO TO BELLEVILLE AGREE…JUST SAY NO TO THE EXELON BAILOUT. Belleville said it best:
“State lawmakers need to see this bill for the dirty trick it is and kill it.” - Belleville News Democrat: “DON’T FALL FOR EXELON BAILOUT” Struggling Illinois Ratepayers have had enough. Just say no to the Exelon bailout. Vote no on SB1585/HB3293.