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It’s Rauner’s world now

Monday, Aug 3, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

If there was any doubt before last week, there’s zero uncertainty now. Gov. Bruce Rauner won’t allow anyone else to interfere with his dominance of the Illinois Republican Party.

When the party was out of power for 12 years, several independent actors were always trying to influence elections from behind the scenes, elbowing people out, putting people in. This is a diverse state, and the party has numerous factions, both economic and social. All of those factions have de facto leaders.

One of those independent actors has been Ron Gidwitz, a moderate, wealthy business executive and one-time gubernatorial candidate with a network that includes lots of his rich friends. He ran the monied wing of the party.

Gidwitz used his and his friends’ money to boost candidates who were to his liking. He backed Sen. Kirk Dillard for governor in 2010, for instance, then switched his allegiance to Bruce Rauner four years later. That move did more to hurt Dillard than it did to help the mainly self-funding Rauner because it totally dried up Dillard’s money, leaving him unable to effectively compete until organized labor finally entered the race on his behalf.

After months of public silence, Gidwitz reemerged last week. Sources say he has been bad-mouthing US Sen. Mark Kirk behind the scenes for quite a while. A recent Michael Sneed item in the Chicago Sun-Times about an anonymous top Republican who wanted Kirk to step down from the Senate was widely pinned on him.

Sen. Kirk has had his problems of late, forced to apologize for, or at least back away from some racially charged and just plain weird remarks. Numerous Republican leaders have privately expressed shock at the bad press he’s generated for himself. Kirk has had to fight off rampant speculation about his future ever since his massive stroke, and his oddball statements during the past few months have kept the rumor mill at a fever pitch.

Kirk also faces the fight of his political career next year, running statewide in a presidential election year when Democratic turnout will very likely be much stronger than during his off-year 2010 victory. National political pundit Larry Sabato’s much-watched “Crystal Ball” publication recently moved Kirk’s race from “Toss-up” to “Leans Democratic.”

So, it wasn’t exactly a surprise when Gidwitz told Greg Hinz at Crain’s Chicago Business last week that Kirk ought to let somebody else run.

“I do not believe he will be a US senator in 2017 and, as top of the ticket, he could cause collateral damage (to other Republican candidates),” Gidwitz told Hinz about Kirk. “I call on him to step aside and allow other Republicans to seek his seat.”

If that reads like a prepared script, it’s because it was. These weren’t off the cuff remarks. It was a carefully planned hit.

Well, perhaps “carefully” is the wrong word here.

If you hadn’t noticed, Gov. Rauner is a bit of a control freak, to say the least, and he has taken full command of the Republican Party’s power and money structure here. “I’m the head of the Republican Party,” the governor firmly declared to WJBC Radio just the other day.

He allows very little to no independence. Republican state legislators may grumble about him in private (boy, do they ever), but they toe the Rauner line when it comes time to vote on the House and Senate floors. Only one legislator, Rep. Raymond Poe (R-Springfield), has ever had the temerity to vote against the governor’s commands – and that only happened once.

The state Republican Party Chairman is a Rauner guy, as is the Cook County Party Chairman.

Much of Gov. Rauner’s top staff came out of Mark Kirk’s Senate office and Kirk’s campaigns. Those high-level staffers still have a strong loyalty to their former boss, and Team Rauner is fully behind the incumbent Senator.

So, not long after Greg Hinz called the Kirk campaign for comment about Gidwitz’s statement, Gidwitz himself got a call. And it wasn’t a very nice one, either.

“He sounded like a beaten man” after the governor’s forceful message was relayed to him, declared one GOP source later that evening.

Soon after, Gidwitz called Hinz to fully retract his comments and endorse Kirk’s reelection.

I should say that I’ve always liked Gidwitz and respected him. But the days of Gidwitz and others successfully acting independently are over.

Gidwitz’s complete backtrack was one of the more humiliating scenes I’ve witnessed in quite a while. Others most surely took notice.

We all live in Rauner World now. Get used to it.


  1. - AC - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    Rauner bought the Illinois Republican Party, guess he views it as his to destroy if that’s what he wants to do with it. At least (R) works as shorthand for both Rauner and Republican, which is convenient.

  2. - Apocalypse Now - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    Illinois GOP has been floundering for about 20 years. Rauner is right to take control. Madigan has ruled with an iron fist for decades and look where the Democrats are today. Some may not Rauner’s style, but the results are what will count in the long-run.

  3. - Juvenal - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    === We all live in Rauner World now. Get used to it. ===

    It’s like Dodge City, only instead of handing over your guns when you enter town, you have to hand in your free will when you enter the Republican Party now.

    Reminds me of the Lee Daniels/Tristano days?

    Remember when Mitchell had his staff yanked for voting for Franks’ Senior Rx bill?

  4. - Apocalypse Now - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    Illinois GOP has been leaderless for almost 20 years. Rauner has stepped in to fill that vacuum. Once, more legislative seats are won in the 2016 election, he will be able to accomplish more of what is good for Illinois.

  5. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:20 am:

    I think the only one with any doubt in GOP circles was Gidwitz.

    He saw the light, and it was of the Rauner/Griff/Uiehlein Money Express plastering him all over the tracks.

    As an aside, I saw over the weekend that Uiehlein is already $2 million into Walker for president.

    That makes sense, since Walker gave him that sweet corporate welfare package for his distribution center in Kenosha County.

    I wonder if he had to take a drug test before he got that, like the cheeseheads want anyone who gets government assistance to take?

    I can’t remember where, but I’m sure I’ve heard some lectures on the evils of campaign contributions linked to government payouts….

  6. - Norseman - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:20 am:

    Good column Rich. The GOP is now Rauner’s party, dissension will not be tolerated. The next goal is to create a Rauner legislature in his own image to complete his takeover of the State of Illinois.

  7. - Democratic Response - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:24 am:

    - Apocalypse Now - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    Illinois GOP has been leaderless for almost 20 years. Rauner has stepped in to fill that vacuum. Once, more legislative seats are won in the 2016 election, he will be able to accomplish more of what is good for Illinois.

    Any reason to believe that this will happen?

  8. - Dudeman - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    ===Illinois GOP has been floundering for about 20 years.===
    Rauner is trying to be a leader in any other context. But many portray him as a bully. All successful leaders in American history are bullies. They have a vision and they pursue it. I have no idea what Gidwitz vision is, other than to make the once great Republican Party losers in Illinois.

  9. - Jack Stephens - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:27 am:


    By “good for Illinois” do you mean stripping individuals of,their Right to Free Speech and collectively bargain for wages and benefits?

    Please explain how stripping someone of these rights is an improvement.


  10. - is it just me? - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:28 am:

    Rauner triggers my ‘fight or flight’ response….still decidin’

  11. - Not Alan Keyes - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:28 am:

    Rauner. I like you but just remember, the tighter you grip the more that falls between your fingers. The Kirk defense will backfire on you

  12. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    Gidwitz got the whack in the mouth he deserved and needed. Don’t kid yourselves. A lot more people than just the Governor were irate with his remarks. With the exception of the most conservative members of the GOP, Gidwitz’ remarks were considered bad form and way out of bounds. He thought he was bigger than he was. He doesn’t think that anymore. And he won’t for quite a while, if ever.
    He acted like a real jerk. He was disciplined. Good.

  13. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:30 am:

    Rauner may come with the ILGOP to “play in Peoria”, but how “valuable” is he to the National Party? I realize he can finance himself (and others), but is he an actual asset or a bad “cruz” to McConnell and Company?

  14. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    NAK, that’s exactly what Princess Leia told Darth Vader, lol.

  15. - Anonymous Redux - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:32 am:

    If you break it , you own it?

  16. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    GOP Governors; Thompson, Edgar, Geo. Ryan have traditionally “ran” the ILGOP. It’s the ILGOP model, and while those listed “ran” the Party apparatus, there is a long list of independent political actors;

    Lolita, Jim Ryan, JBT, heck GHR and Edgar themselves, just to name a few, were still organizing “their” Crews, to have the purposeful building around a GOP candidate or officeholder, while the sitting Governor ran the “state party shop”

    That model, is way over.

    Kirk, Munger, the state apparatus, even the Legislative Caucuses, (Daniels and Pate had their Crews, their agendas too, but I don’t want to go too far away…) Rauner has completely consolidated, a kingmaker with all the gold and power to grant “titles and fiefdoms” at Rauner’s own whim.

    Gidwitz? Gidwitz had influence. Had. Couple things really sunk him, even before Rauner and Crain’s; played away from his strength (money) when Gidwitz thought he could be a governor (awful candidate) and deciding to “go with Rauner” in a publicly blatent petty move, while right in so many levels, what made Gidwitz think after the $60 million Rauner raised and spent to be governor, that the monies owed to him by another candidate made Rauner think “Gidwitz is a player.”.

    Gidwitz was a pawn to Rauner to stop something, (money), not an ally in building the “New Order” in the ILGOP.

    I’m with Sen. Kirk. He has the backing (financial and the other elements) of the National and state operations, and a record with $80 million or so to make a case to be sent back to DC. No expense will be spared.

    Gidwitz found himself in the vacuum of learning “the lesson”; It’s Rauner’s World Now. Gidwitz is no different than an entry in a D-2, or an A-1 filing so a mail pice mails, or a TV ad gets play time. That’s it.

    After his ridiculously attempt to thwart Sen. Kirk, I think Rauner has let him off easy. But, Gidwitz is as relevant as a petty cash drawer. Campaigns need their petty cash.

    I can’t wait for Gidwitz to get done of that petty cash… over to Sen. Kirk.

  17. - AmericanPie - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    Does anyone really think Rauner will see a pick up of more than 1-2 seats in the Assembly, and 1-2 seats in the Senate? For example, Sen. Bennett is allegedly a top target, but he’s perceived to have done well and I can’t see him getting unseated in that district in a Presidential election year.

  18. - Phil - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:39 am:

    “Gidwitz is as relevant as a petty cash drawer.”

    Well put, OW.

  19. - Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:40 am:

    No question Rauner is riding high as head of the GOP right now. It remains to be seen if this will remain the case after 2016 if Kirk loses his seat and the GOP lose seats in the GA.

    Rauner’s win over an unpopular incumbent certainly wasn’t a mandate for his agenda and he has done much to alienate many of those who supported him mainly out of disgust for Quinn.

  20. - Really? - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:44 am:

    “Get used to it.” I can’t imagine Spartacus saying that.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:47 am:

    ===Illinois GOP has been leaderless for almost 20 years. Rauner has stepped in to fill that vacuum. Once, more legislative seats are won in the 2016 election, he will be able to accomplish more of what is good for Illinois.===

    Dear ” - Apocalypse Now - ”

    Although you have a swell grouping of words, you’re not saying much and defending any thought even less than that. I know you feel better saying that, but your argument has no argument to it.

    - AmericanPie -,

    At a million a seat, if the over/under is 2 seats a chamber, I’ll take the “over”, even if you add the “hook” and go “2 and a half”


    Can’t be someone with no one, but I have no clue what a million dollar a seat could drag out. Good… or bad.

    Don’t be dismissive, for your own sake.

  22. - Nobody important - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:52 am:

    Funny how when a democrat like Madigan controls nearly everything he is described as benovelent. But when a Republican has control, he is somehow awful.

  23. - Arsenal - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    ==Does anyone really think Rauner will see a pick up of more than 1-2 seats in the Assembly, and 1-2 seats in the Senate?==

    I could easily see 3-4 if they get some good candidates for some key seats. More if they really get good at recruiting.

  24. - Nobody important - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    American Pie -
    Recall the two landslide losses Obama incurred in congress? People are fed up with his pphony-baloney, far left ajenda. Perhaps….just perhaps, your average voter is looking at the GA the same way.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:59 am:

    - Nobody important -,

    I don’t think you have a grasp on things. How about explaining how this is like “Obama”, (I know it felt good typing that, didn’t it? Ugh.), and explain how that plays out in the Illinois General Assembly races.

  26. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:59 am:

    At every turn, there is a reminder of how happy I am to have left the Illinois Republican Party behind me. Thanks Ron. Thanks Bruce.

  27. - DuPage Don - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:06 am:

    Like the Republican Party was in such great shape prior to Rauner…give me a break!

    Why is it that when South Dakota Democratic Senator Tim Johnson was running for reelection in 2008 following a very debilitating (and I would argue much more severe cerebral malformation than Kirk’s) stroke, I never heard one democrat ask for him to step down or even hinted at it. In fact, Tim Johnson won reelection that year with 62% of the vote!

  28. - Apocalypse Now - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    =Although you have a swell grouping of words, you’re not saying much and defending any thought even less than that. I know you feel better saying that, but your argument has no argument to it. =
    That comment is aptly applied to most of your comments-OW.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    I’m still excited you learned to spell “apocalypse”. That was big for you.

    When you have a point, make it. At least try. Please.

  30. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:15 am:

    Rauner’s easy takeover just shows how weak the Republican Party is in this state. He’s moved on to bigger game: gut Madigan, take away his power over the GA and destroy the unions. Can his money buy him total power and control over Illinois?

  31. - Levois - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    This column and the information within gives me reason to think Kirk might be alright next year. But we got a long way until at least the November 2016 general election.

  32. - lake county democrat - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:47 am:

    This column makes it sound like Gidwitz’ position made sense - I don’t think it was just Rauner who thought it was stupid. Mark Kirk is one of the few moderate, experienced Republicans in the state. He’s an incumbant. He consistently beat Democrats in the 10th district and beat Alex G. Yes, he’s made some stupid gaffes but just who in this state are the Republicans going to run who is going to do better? If the GOP had a Lynn Martin available then maybe, but they don’t. The last time the party took control of the nomination, they gave us Alan Keyes.

  33. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    I am not particularly a fan of Rauner, but for Pete sake the Republicans have needed a leader since Pate left. It is the Republican Party organization and someone should organize it and run it. Rauner won and elections have consequences

  34. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:08 pm:

    ==We all live in Rauner World now. Get used to it.==

    A corporate takeover is a complete takeover. Not a partial one.

  35. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    So far Rauner’s takeover of the party has netted only an office for himself. Only because of the unfortunate passing of JBT did he get to install a crony in another office. We’ll see if Rauner’s takeover actually nets any seats in the GA in 2016 or 2018 (when Rauner Republicans will also be facing voters with him atop the ticket).

  36. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:16 pm:

    ==did he get to install a crony in another office==

    I’ve seen nothing to indicate that the Comptroller is anybody’s crony. C’mon.

  37. - Tournaround Agenda - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:22 pm:

    Next year, we’ll see lots more Rauner Republicans and Rauner “Democrats” (running with ILGO as supporters) running. The guy’s lust for control isn’t contained to the ILGOP.

  38. - Nick Danger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:10 pm:

    OW, you are dangerously nearing DWE status. You have much good to offer, please try not to go all snarky on us.

    Kindest personal regards,


  39. - Apocalypse Now - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    =I’m still excited you learned to spell “apocalypse”.=
    I. Didn’t. Realize…. there was a requirement for names used on the blog. Thanks. For. Pointing. This. Out. Another piece of useless information, OW.

  40. - Sir Reel - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:25 pm:

    I agree Rauner has a tight grip. But he’s never held elected office. After more than 7 months he’s accomplished exactly what? But he’s got boatloads of money. The new American political model.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:00 pm:

    - Nick Danger -,

    I’ll follow my own advice and not feed the trolls.



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