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Question of the day

Monday, Aug 3, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’ve done this before, but I think it’s time we do it again. Do you think both Illinois state fairs should go ahead as planned or should they be canceled? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

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  1. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:04 pm:

    Hold them. “How Rauner saved the State Fair.”

  2. - anon. - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:04 pm:

    Too late to cancel this year but cancel them in future years & use the $$ saved to subsidize tickets to lolapalooza for downstaters.

  3. - Soccermom - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:05 pm:

    I don’t think they should cancel both. I think we should have one and cancel the other permanently. Other states trundle along with just one Fair. I think we could, too.

  4. - Stacy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:06 pm:

    Hold them, bit have all proceeds go to purchase WIC milk

  5. - Philo - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:06 pm:

    Cancel. It’s wrong to spend money on fairs when the neediest are being told to do without state services that they rely upon.

  6. - Tony - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:07 pm:

    Cancel everything but Governors Day because that is all that really matters.

  7. - john doe - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    I agree with Soccermom. Surely we don’t need 2 fairs.

  8. - Tournaround Agenda - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    At this late juncture, would it be more costly to hold it or cancel everything? My answer depends on that.

  9. - CorporateThug - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    Something is wrong when Sammy Hagar and his band get to walk out with a check but our service providers can’t get paid. I say cancel them.

  10. - Centennial - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:09 pm:

    It hurts me to say it but cancel both. Awful to spend money on Rascal flatts when we are canceling WIC and closing YMCA programs

  11. - Been There - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    As much as I like the fairs and actually see their worth it is hard to justify when we are not paying social services.

  12. - East Central Illinois - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    A lot of the comments on here are as if the State Fair is just a series of concerts. It is so much more than that.

    In addition, if the fair were to be cancelled, especially at this late date, there would be a serious impact on Springfield not getting the revenue stream from all of the fair visitors.

  13. - Pat - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:15 pm:

    Hold them - too many people depend on the fairs.

  14. - Huh? - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:16 pm:

    No budget = no fair regardless of any other state law mandating that the state hold the fairs. No budget trumps anything else.

  15. - the Patriot - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    Cancel, As bad as it seems, I have to many friends that worry each week about a paycheck.

    I don’t care what you think about programs like WIC. If you want to kill it, ok have the discussion and kill the program, but right now we are just not funding it because we don’t have the money. If you are not going to give families WE have defined as in need money, I do not believe you should pay Sammy Hagar.

  16. - Obvious Answer - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    Keep them, if Rauner and Madigan forced to sit in the dunk tank. Charge $10 a pop, $5 to dunk the legislators, and give all revenue to social services.

  17. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    Cancel them both, we either have a budget crises or we don’t.

  18. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    ==too many people depend on the fairs.==

    Compared to the thousands dependent upon the WIC program?

  19. - Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:20 pm:

    Sorry, it’s hard to comprehend how a shutdown only impacts the disadvantaged. It would be a shame to cancel but I don’t see how they can hold either fair without an appropriation.

  20. - Ferris Wheel - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    Cancel them - the constitution prohibits expenditures without appropriations. I see the value in the fairs, but we can’t pick and choose when the constitution applies and when it doesn’t.

  21. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    If there are no consequences to the regular folks, there will be no pressure on Rauner to put non-budget items aside and do the work on the budget. Most folks don’t feel WIC cuts.

  22. - Wow - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:21 pm:

    We don’t have the money! Its like you don’t go on vacation when your broke. My family LOVES the fair and we always spend a lot of money participating but if we don’t have a budget we don’t have a fair let alone two fairs. It will be a huge crush to the economy but in the end we CAN NOT AFFORD to pay for something that does not pay for itself.

  23. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    ==the constitution prohibits expenditures without appropriations==

    That argument has been beaten back a few times now by the courts.

  24. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:23 pm:

    I cannot imagine a better crowd of people to personally feel the impact of their own selfishness when they voted Mr. Shake-Em-Up into office.

    Shut down the Fair and make those people find another state run, day care + carnival program for their kids.

    These people think cut backs are only for other people living in Chicago. Shut down the Fair and make these people discover that they are just as effected.

  25. - Dee Lay - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    No Budget = No State Fair
    Maybe find a way for private donations to keep the 4H stuff happening - the rest gets cut.

    DuQuion’s State Fair should be nixed permanently.

  26. - Tough Guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:25 pm:

    I love the State Fair but it should be cancelled given the lack of a budget. It’s tragic that they can circumvent the appropriations process to fund the fair but senior citizens meals are being cut, needy children’s programs are being cut or eliminated and countless other critical services have fallen by the wayside. Rauner should just have a couple of his corporate sponsor pals write a check for the whole thing.

  27. - Sir Reel - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:25 pm:

    Cancel. If the State Fairs can proceed without a budget then why have a budget? Just spend revenues as they come in?

  28. - JS Mill - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:26 pm:

    Soccermom X2

  29. - AC - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    I enjoy the fair, but it’s tough to make a case for the fair being open while the neediest in the state go without. Budgets and appropriations matter, or at least they should.

  30. - Chicago Guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    Unless someone has a very compelling argument, the DuQuion’s State Fair should be permanently cancelled.

  31. - Belle - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:34 pm:

    There isn’t a budget. There isn’t any money. And, the fairs do not make money.

  32. - Ferris Wheel - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:35 pm:


    Yes it has. With debatable propriety. But that doesn’t mean my basic premise is wrong.

    It will be interesting to see if AG sues to enjoin fairs from taking place though…(or has she and I’m just uninformed? sorry if so!)

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:36 pm:

    Voted “Soccermom”


    Go through with the state fair in Springfield, this year, and cancel, without a budget, cancel DuQuoin, this year.

    Did I say this year?

    Revisit this dynamic, including legislatively, after a 2016 budget is realized.

    So voted “Yes”, but out of “No” being the same fate for both events should NOT be the same.

    This year.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:37 pm:

    “Yes, have them”

  35. - Anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:37 pm:

    ===Chicago Guy===
    I think the Du Quoin State Fair should remain to remind everyone in the state about how corrupt the State used to be to the point where one influence peddler managed to create their own state fair and that there’s a private home in the middle of the fair grounds.

    I voted that they should have the fairs, but this is due to state statute and the money that has already been spent on them. However, I believe that the state might want to start exploring where all of this money is coming from that hasn’t be appropriated to be spent. The wrong doing isn’t having the fairs, it’s spending the people’s money without a writ from the people.

  36. - Get a Job!! - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:38 pm:

    I love the fair, but we should cancel them. If we can’t pay providers for services or contractors that do necessary state work, how can we justify paying to promote the state’s agriculture industry?

  37. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:41 pm:

    I voted cancel them, but because I agree with Soccermom, cancel one. One state, one fair. counties can have their own fairs and that should be more than enough cotton candy for all.

  38. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:41 pm:

    Tney should both go on, as I think the farm families competing and exhibiting would at least help out the 50,000 getting kicked off WIC next week with something to eat.

  39. - Joe M - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:43 pm:

    Holding the state fairs is kind of a slap in the face to those who are and will be greatly hurt by the lack of a budget/budget cuts.

    The elderly may not be able to stay in their homes, working poor won’t have daycare, no AC for the poor, those with disabilities will have services cut, kids with autism will have services cut. Even if the Gov gave all of those hurt a free corn dog and snow cone from the fair, that wouldn’t ease their pain.

  40. - Wow - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:44 pm:

    We don’t have money for even one fair. Cancel them both until we have a budget.

  41. - anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    It appears our legislators have no problem violating laws, even the constitution; cancel the fairs. Most years they don’t make any money for the State anyway.

  42. - Almost the Weekend - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    =In addition, if the fair were to be cancelled, especially at this late date, there would be a serious impact on Springfield not getting the revenue stream from all of the fair visitors.=

    Springfield already receives more than its fair share of state tax dollars due to the high volume of state jobs in the area. DuQuoin would face a much large impact than Springfield.

    I agree that there should only be one fair, but I think it should be at DuQuoin. Having been to both fairs, I have enjoyed my experience at DuQuoin much more. The atmosphere where the fair is located and the racetrack makes it feel as if you went back in time. Somewhat of a nostalgia effect to be honest. With that being said the race track is deteriorating and not many hotels are in the area. There are downsides, but opportunity for development. And with one state fair it might be easier for the Illinois State Fair Manager to request large corporations from the agriculture sector (John Deere, ADM, Cargill) to sponsor the state fair.

    It would be an opportunity for people from the Chicagoland area and Central Illinois to travel to Southern Illinois. An area of the state that is very underrated and has a lot to offer in regards to tourism.

  43. - Scamp640 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:49 pm:

    Hold the state fairs. We are in a fake budget crisis that can be readily solved by simply raising revenues / taxes to what they were in FY2014.

  44. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:50 pm:

    Keep them going…WITHOUT state subsidy, but replace funding with local business, individual and sponsorship. Madigan could afford it from his petty cash account..

  45. - Captain Illini - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    VM has it right…elections have consequences. Besides, I’ve never known where the State of Duquoin was anyway, thus it should be relegated to a County Fair and done away with.

  46. - lincoln's beard - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    We have *two* state fairs? Yeeesh.

  47. - Anonin' - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    The sadest development is there will only be four days of harness racing

  48. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:55 pm:

    the duquoin state fair should end permanently. it is a relic from another time with no relevance to modern day. the people there can set up a museum to commemorate what they once had. it doesnt need to keep going.

    the illinois state fair should be automatically canceled when the state fails to enact a budget by july 1

  49. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:56 pm:

    Go ahead as planned could be the only plan Illinois has

  50. - Juvenal - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:56 pm:

    It’s hard to justify the taxpayers throwing a party for Sangamon County for ten days.

  51. - Langhorne - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:57 pm:

    Yes on the fairs. Another part of our ag history to try and hang onto. Besides, the finance article of the constitution matters very little any more.

  52. - The Muse - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:58 pm:

    Hold them. Not holding them still takes away a fair amount of business from the surrounding areas which still hurts working families, regardless if they’re downstate or upstate.

  53. - Anon #8 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:04 pm:


    Thinking of little Luna Lopez not getting her milk has made me no longer care about state fair harness races.

  54. - Scamp640 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:05 pm:

    I wonder what proportion of folks saying to cancel the fairs come from urban areas. I wager close to 100%.

  55. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:06 pm:

    So why is having a state budget important at all? It sure seems that nothing changes if there is no budget, so other than the pesky, outdated Constitution, what is the big deal? This governor can do whatever he wants, so I half expect him to announce a third state fair in Chicago. Maybe a fourth or fifth one too. Why not? What could possibly stop him?

    It wouldn’t be fair to cancel the Fairs, but it sure isn’t fair to stiff human service providers and college students either. I suppose once the fairs are over, we’ll be hearing more from the college students out there wondering if their dorms will be open when they return to campus or if they’ve borrowed enough to cover the hole from the missing MAP grants.

  56. - Austin Blvd - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:08 pm:

    Team Rauner is in a race to beat the Supreme Court’s decision that will rule against spending
    State money without an appropriation.
    It may be a short term Win for Team Rauner but it is as irresponsible as an administration can be.
    Long term Loss for the state.

  57. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:09 pm:

    AB, great idea. Why don’t you get on lining up those private funds right now for tne fair that starts in nine days.

    One of your most reasonable proposals, ever.

  58. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:09 pm:

    Have them. In times of crisis, we all need bread and circuses.

  59. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:11 pm:

    As reasonable as canceling a fair with only nine days notice.

  60. - Enviro - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:12 pm:

    Go ahead as planned.
    People need the jobs and the fun.

  61. - Austin Blvd - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:15 pm:

    Holding the fairs is the equivalent of governing with no consequences for failing to enact a budget.
    But hey, as Jim Edgar once said, “Illinois politics are very political.”

  62. - PolPal56 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:15 pm:

    I’ll take the unoffered third option. Hold the real state fair and cancel fake state fair DuQuoin forever.

  63. - Just a Citizen - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:16 pm:

    Agree with Soccer Mom. We don’t need 2 state fairs.

  64. - northsider - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:17 pm:

    Cancel Springfield, which is scheduled first, and if they haven’t resolved the budget by August 28th, then cancel DuQuoin.
    Elections have consequences. Just ask Gov. Lingle.

  65. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:25 pm:

    The State Fair(s) might just be the environment that helps loosen up this log jam. I wouldn’t cancel anything that has the potential to bring people together. If we don’t preserve anything people like, they could easily forget what this big fight is about.

    Tough as it is, I constantly remind myself that our great state is worth fixing and this tough time is temporary.

  66. - Casual Observer - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:26 pm:

    Cancel the acts but not the fairs. They don’t make money anyway. Vendors make schedules and count on the income. Plus, I need me some Vose fries, a corn dog and shakeup.

  67. - SouthernIL - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:27 pm:

    Economic impact is why I voted to keep open. Southern Illinois motels are full for 30 miles around. Anytime a couple hundred thousand people are visiting a venue, it stimulates the economy. Double digit employment in almost every county and then shut down the only cheap family entertainment. Its over 5 hours from metropolis to Springfield. Maybe folks are right, we should make a new state from about 70 down, by the way we get granite city refineries and the southeast oil fields and all the coal. People from northern Illinois hates cheap electricity anyway. The Fair budget is about 1.6 million and the income aside from last years fair was about 1.4 million that’s without sales tax or economic impact so its an income generator.

  68. - Suthern Ill-Annoy Guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:31 pm:

    To me, pragmatism dictates it is too late to cancel the Fairs for this year. And yes, DuQuoin’s event does a lot for the local economy which is sorely needed in that area. But my understanding is that it is standard boilerplate on virtually all State contracts that payments are subject to appropriation. Perhaps those type of provisions could be employed with more force down the road (but not this year because costs/damages would outweigh benefits). If events get this far out of hand in the future, both of them should be called off.

  69. - Bruce (No, not that Bruce) - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:37 pm:

    Cancel them both this year. Then decide which one to keep for future years. When Indiana or Iowa get 2 state fairs, then we can have 2.

  70. - SouthernIL - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:37 pm:

    If the acts break even or come close the money is made through parking, admission and percentages.

  71. - Earnest - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:38 pm:

    I voted “go ahead.” Everything else is put into the FY16 budget when it becomes problematic, so why not the fairs?

  72. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:38 pm:

    It is too late now, but they should have been cancelled without a budget.

    Nine days to get a clean WIC bill through the GA and signed by the Gov. No reason why they can’t, as it is federal $.

  73. - Politix - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:43 pm:

    I voted cancel in context of WIC crisis. You can’t have your cake and eat it, too, Illinois.

  74. - Mouthy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:44 pm:

    So if you close the fair in Springfield and have a strike/lockout the local economy is going to take a beating. I live in Springfield and I know it won’t be pretty..

  75. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:47 pm:

    ==Its over 5 hours from metropolis to Springfield. ==

    How slow are you driving??

  76. - Tired - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:48 pm:

    Cancel it on principle; the requirement of a budget to run Illlinois is a few straws away from being meaningless. On a personal note, I’d like to see Rauner own a part of the shutdown so visible.

  77. - anonymous II - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:50 pm:

    They should cancel them. Yes, a lot of kids will be disappointed and the Springfield economy will take a hit. But it looks terrible to cuts funding for human services but make sure the public gets bread and circuses. When will there be a pressure point other than human service funding? Canceling the fair would make it real, or more real than it has been thus far.

  78. - forwhatitsworth - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:53 pm:

    Have Rauner pay for the fair and buy a few more votes like everything else he’s trying to buy.

  79. - Sunshine - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:54 pm:

    Have them.

    Not sure where the gate money goes because every time I pay cash they give me a ticket as a receipt, then two steps in they take my ticket. Sooooo….sounds to me like we need accountability then we would know if we are actually making money at the gates.

    Who accounts for all that cash anyway? One for you, two for me…..?

  80. - SouthernIL - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:57 pm:

    So then if we cancel the fairs that hurts all business, that a way to show the politicians. The heck with the mom and pop businesses that wait for the fair every year. If human services get cut lets make everyone feel the pain. I fell and broke my arm last week its only fair for everyone to have the same broken arm. That 200k loss that the Duquoin Fair shows but actually does not include sales tax revenue will fix family services

  81. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:57 pm:

    Cancel. Everyone keeps saying Illinois Is Broke. If we can’t feed children why throw a party?

  82. - walker - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:58 pm:

    Keep the fairs this year. Too late to cancel now and wouldn’t save much. Announce next year’s DuQuoin fair is cancelled as of now.

    This impasse isn’t about the budget numbers, but about the Turnaround Agenda. Why add to the levers people cynically pull?

  83. - Streator Curmudgeon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:04 pm:

    Cancel them.

    We should have circus when some people don’t have bread?

  84. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:08 pm:

    –The State Fair(s) might be the environment to help loosen up this log jam. I wouldn’t cancel anything that has the potential to bring people together. If we don’t preserve anything people like, they could easily forget what this big fight is about.–

    LOL, dude, what are you going on about?

    The meds just kick in or something?

    But, to play along for a second — just what is this big fight about, that we shouldn’t forget, at the state fair, where people could potentially come together?

  85. - Soccermom - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:14 pm:

    If you’re talking about economic impact, the stuff the Governor is canceling has way more impact across the state than the Fairs do. I am changing my vote — cancel them both (one permanently). If we don’t have money for hungry babies, we sure don’t have money for Sammy Hagar and the Fall Out Boys. (I know, I know — just said it that way to annoy my daughter…)

  86. - Tatler - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:17 pm:

    Keep. I can afford to take a nice vacation occasionally, but a ton of farm families can’t and most are as part of the struggling middle class as other groups cited on the post.

  87. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:19 pm:

    Too late to cancel.

    Worth it to see the politicians jeered and booed.

  88. - Jake From Elwood - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:20 pm:

    Chop DuQuoin… Would that many folks even notice? Keep the Illinois State Fair…harness races!

  89. - Vote Quimby! - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:27 pm:

    I am taking both my daughters to FOB, but if there is no budget it should be cancelled.
    I’m not sure how many politicians will be at the fair…. Or the reception they would get from citizens while they were there.

  90. - Guzzlepot - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:37 pm:

    Cancel. If the State can’t pay its vendors then it can’t afford a couple of fairs.

  91. - PoolGuy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:03 pm:

    “Chop Du quoin.” obviously you’ve never been to the Du quoin fair. there is harness racing and music acts in Du quoin as well. jeesh.

  92. - PoolGuy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:04 pm:

    I think the people in southern Illinois would notice.

  93. - Mama - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:09 pm:

    You can not cancel contracts that have already been signed without with out a penalty. Therefore, the State Fair should be held this year. How does other states fund their state fairs? Maybe the state fair should be privately funded.

  94. - Filmmaker Professor - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:14 pm:

    Keep them. Definitely. Gov Rauner hasn’t had a chance to wear his Carhartt since the election. These will be perfect.

  95. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:48 pm:

    I was really torn here. On one hand, it would do the Governor well to walk in a couple Fair parades and get plenty of input into his job performance, so to speak. On the other, the thought of proceeding to pay Sammy Hagar et al (assuming the Fair office can figure out such things) when mothers are losing WIC coverage is too much to ignore.

    Cancel ‘em. DuQuoin forever.

  96. - RNUG - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:55 pm:

    == Plus, I need me some Vose fries, a corn dog and shakeup. ==

    You can get a Cozy Dog any day of the week at it’s name sake, and a shake-up (sugar or Splenda) at Sunrise Cafe any day.

  97. - illinoised - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 7:11 pm:

    Cancel. I enjoy the state fair but my conscience won’t allow me to attend knowing how citizens are suffering due to social service cuts.

  98. - PoolGuy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 7:27 pm:

    if vendors were able to switch to other fairs or carnivals, I would say cancel. but its not right to take away income this close to an event. its all embarassing, especially poor mothers who may not be able to feed their kids.

  99. - Kathryn - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 7:43 pm:

    they should have been cancelled a long time ago & not started again until it they are self supporting.

  100. - Enviro - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 7:45 pm:

    Too late to cancel this year, go ahead as planned.

    Cancel next year’s DuQuoin fair.

  101. - Soccertease - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 8:32 pm:

    Go ahead as planned. Grandstand entertainment and other contracts would have to be paid anyway. Please someone introduce legislation that will not require the two fairs to be held in Springfield and Du Quoin every year. Rethink next year whether: no state fairs, 1 state fair, make Du Quoin a county fair, etc. Unfortunately, with our non-Boy Scouts in the legislature we’ll probably find ourselves in the same position next year.

  102. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:11 pm:

    I’m all for one state fair. But, HOW IS THIS PAID FOR and/or considered to be a good idea this year? Yep, some money is from last years allocation. No WIC money, no money for the disabled, mentally ill, seniors? So no poor babies can be fed, YMCA’s are discontinuing programs, group homes are not being paid, judges order the state to pay for needed services and life just goes on??? Obla Di Obla Da

  103. - SoIL - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:26 pm:

    Cancel DQ. It is a joke anyway. The Springpatch fair doesn’t affect my daily life. DQ is just a state supported circus. But what isn’t these days.

  104. - Makandadawg - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 9:38 pm:

    I have attended both fairs but have been going to DuQuoin for over twenty years. The two fairs are very different and both serve their own seperate purposes. They both generate sizeable revenues for themselves and for those in the communities they serve. Their problem is not whether or not they should exist but that the state is terrible owner/manager of them. Imagine what being able to plan year round and have consistent budgets woulod do for them.

  105. - T.J. - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 3:23 am:

    I like how this boils down to “cancel them to see if people finally are sorry Quinn lost.”

  106. - Tommydanger - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 7:21 am:

    Put Rauner, Madigan and Cullerton in the dunk tank and charge a $1 a throw.

    Budget problem solved.

    Oops, I hope I’m not glorifying violence.

  107. - SourhernIL - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 7:24 am:

    After reading all the comments I do agree do away with one of them forever no more ßpringfield. Duquoin is the real deal anyway

  108. - Southern Illinois Hoopdee - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:14 pm:

    I wonder how a “close the Shooting Complex in Sparta” poll would go here.

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