Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Governor denies report *** Report: Rauner attended Koch donor conference
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*** UPDATED x1 - Governor denies report *** Report: Rauner attended Koch donor conference

Monday, Aug 3, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Erickson

Just as millions of Americans hit the road last month for vacation, even the governor took a quick break from the mess in Springfield.

Although his aides said nothing before he left town and offered no clue about his whereabouts for the weekend, the governor’s office did confirm he spent last weekend visiting one of his college-age children and participating in Parents’ Day activities.

No further details were released.

I think he meant the weekend before this past weekend.

* WaPo reported this on Saturday

Seven sitting governors, six incumbent senators and two House members — all Republicans — have flown here this weekend for the Koch donor network conference.

There are 450 donors at a seaside resort here, and the network of conservative advocacy groups they fund aims to spend $889 million in advance of the next White House election.

According to the story, Gov. Rauner was there as well.

*** UPDATE *** From Mike Schrimpf…

This is not accurate. The governor was in Springfield all weekend.

You can check out his twitter to see what he was doing in the area all weekend:

Yep. Looks like WaPo needs to issue a correction.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:19 am:

    That Gov. Rauner, he’s just so transparent…

  2. - Anonymous Redux - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    Koch brothers/ Walker/ Rauner make quite a team.

  3. - Not Rich - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    He can go wherever he wants..Im not so sure we all need transparency on his schedule 24/7

  4. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    How much IL taxpayer monies went to support this trip? I would assume he had to have had at least security.

  5. - Tournaround Agenda - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    I wonder why the governor doesn’t want anyone to know he’s meeting with the Koch brothers?

  6. - Jimmy CrackCorn - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    I wonder if he was droppin’ his g’s in that room

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    If he was there this weekend it must’ve been a quick trip, because according to hisTwitter he was out and about in Springfield both Saturday and Sunday.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    ===He can go wherever he wants..Im not so sure we all need transparency on his schedule 24/7===

    I wish I had you naïveté and trust that someone elected gets to live a “private life” too when it comes to who gets to have an audience with the governor, and where the governor goes, especially if I have to learn about it in WaPo.

  9. - Tournaround Agenda - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    To the update: Did WaPo just get a list of the people invited without confirming they were actually there?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    To the Update;

    ===You can check out his twitter to see what he was doing in the area all weekend:===

    So… From now on, instead of knowing the governor’s schedule, we all now have to get on “The Twitter”

    That’s one way to raise Twitter Followers, lol

  11. - Triple fat - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    I just hope all five of the conservative US Supreme Court Justices showed up to assure the Governor that he has nothing to worry about when his future pension breaking and anti-Union Executive Orders make it to their Court. It’s always best to have the Justices’ input when you’re rigging the game.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:32 am:

    Further, to the Update,

    Anyone notice the Governor’s Twitter @GovRauner deleted tweets and started over a while back?

    I found that… Odd.

    So, when will the next “reset” of @GovRauner be?

  13. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    I think Rauner believes the Koch Twins are pikers playing bush league.

  14. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    The burden of proof seems to be lacking here.

  15. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:36 am:

    OW- He’s working on perfecting his Dr. Who personae.

  16. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:37 am:

    From another thread, thanks to the governor’s work, about 40 employees of Catholic Charities recently got an unexpected vacation.

    And residents of two shelters are now enjoying the great outdoors 24/7 this summer.

  17. - Newdealer - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    Only an oligarch would fly fish in a central illinois lake.

  18. - Phenomynous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    Bu-bu-but, the Koch Brothers, Rauner…

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:40 am:

    I will NOT accept a Tweet to be the absolute defining criteria of where the Governor is at any time, or any place, on any date.

    To appease me, the governor must face the camera, no closer than 12 feet, no further than 32 feet, holing the day’s newspaper front page, and pointing to, let’s say, the Governor’s Mansion, Portillo’s, the Harley-Davidson store, and a visible “time stamp”, verified with his $18 watch in an immediate Tweet following.

    Then, and only then, will a Tweet be… approved.

  20. - Pete - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    How much IL taxpayer monies went to support this trip? I would assume he had to have had at least security.

    His hair brush was in the trunk of the security detail that was following behind.

  21. - JoanP - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    Does anyone really believe that’s actually Rauner tweeting? He has staff for that.

    And, of course, he could be in Springfield and still attend the meeting. Conference calls, Skype, there a quite a few ways to participate in meetings these days without being physically present

  22. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Schrimpf, what if we want to see the governor’s schedule? Still gonna hide that?

  23. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    Guess we need to call the Post to find out if its list off attendees cane be verified.

  24. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:50 am:

    No need to fly fish when the fish will jump right into you boat (or hit you on the head):,32068,541363358001_2010246,00.html

    New tournament date: Labor Day weekend.

  25. - HL - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:51 am:

    Does it matter if he was physically there or not? he was certainly there in spirit. And his check book was there!

  26. - Not Rich - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    O Willy: Yes, I believe the Gov and other officials should have a private life. First, I am NOT a Rauner fan, I think he is as bad as PQ and Rod. BUT, I am consistent about his ability to have some privacy in his political and private life. I assume that you KNOW exactly where the AG and the SOS were this weekend?? Since you seem to give THEM a break about their whereabouts ??

  27. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    Can you verify your whereabouts this weekend without opening yourself up for a trespassing violation? LOL.

    Much ado here.

  28. - MsBeags - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    He was at Southside Christian for services on Sunday. (8/2)

  29. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    …And we need witnesses beyond Golf Course Geese.

  30. - Curious - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    The article states, “The Washington Post is one of nine news organizations allowed in to cover the traditionally private confab, on the condition that the donors present not be named without their permission.” Did Rauner retract his “permission”?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:03 am:

    - Not Rich - ,

    === I assume that you KNOW exactly where the AG and the SOS were this weekend?? Since you seem to give THEM a break about their whereabouts ??===

    The WaPo report put the question “in play” See a difference?

    The alleged hiding of the Governor’s schedule is a fight for others, not mine, but pointing to a Tweet of a man, “fishing”, shot from behind now constitute absolute exoneration?

    It does put WaPo in the position to prove their point, that’s 100% for sure.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    - A Guy -,

    My schedule isn’t under FOIA rules.

  33. - Anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:06 am:

    But, what if the Washington Post’s coverage is accurate?

  34. - Anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:08 am:


    ===I will NOT accept a Tweet to be the absolute defining criteria of where the Governor is at any time, or any place, on any date.===

    Do you think he was hiking in Appalachia?

  35. - plutocrat03 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    thanks to the governor’s work

    I take it to mean Madigan’s lack of work. Probably at home cutting some Chicago Land Baron’s taxes.

  36. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    ===Much ado here.===

    I think you’re probably right in this case. I mean, whether Rauner attended or not, he’s certainly sympatico with the Koch Brothers.

    On the other hand, the last few times you’ve tried to minimize a faux pas, it’s turned out to be much bigger issue than you suggested. Mark Kirk’s bro with no ho and his bravura performance on C-Span come to mind.

    Again, in this instance, you’re probably right. But it’s not impossible to imagine being in Springfield in the morning, and in California in the evening, and back again on Sunday. And since his schedule is off-limits for some ridiculous reason, it’s created a fun little game for reporters and the professionally curious among us. For your sake, A guy, let’s hope Rauner is telling the truth.

  37. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:21 am:

    So, he skypped it?

  38. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:28 am:

    47, to me it would be much ado whether he went or not. The fact someone reported he was there when he says he wasn’t is goofy. In this age with camera phones on virtually everyone??

    These days everything gets 15 minutes in the limelight. It doesn’t seem to me there are many people talking about Mark Kirk’s Bro now. It’s been replaced with Giddy’s goofy remarks. Such is the state of the 24 hour news cycle. Stories live and die…and you get to believe them if you want to whether they’re true or not. Eek.

  39. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    ===It doesn’t seem to me there are many people talking about Mark Kirk’s Bro now.===

    Lol, keep telling yourself that. Next time something dumb rolls out of his mouth, you’ll get the video montage of every thing else he’s said. And then, once the campaign begins in earnest, you’ll get to see these neatly edited into 30 second spots.

    But yes, whether Rauner attended or not is a silly thing to argue about. Whether his team is lying about it is another matter entirely. Like I said, for your sake, I hope they aren’t lying.

  40. - Albany Park Patriot - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    What does he need to be there for? He knows the Koch Brothers agenda like the back of his hand.

  41. - Jocko - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    I don’t care either way, but Shrimpf’s response of “not accurate” strikes me as being too clever.

  42. - cez - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    Sorry …”cryptic post”.

  43. - walker - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:50 am:

    Don’t know. Don’t care. Not like these folks can’t call each other any day. Or get together for some fancy wine.

    It would only matter if we expected the Gov to be working on the Budget/Turnaround Agenda over the weekend.

  44. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:00 pm:

    ==Not like these folks can’t call each other any day.==

    Well said.

    To the update, it is embarrassingly simple and public to have checked twitter before running with the conspiracy theories. Many disappointed haters.

  45. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    ==Not like these folks can’t call each other any day.==

    Though it may help if one of the major parties had a cellular telephone. It’s only 2015.

  46. - Anonin' - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    Hey Sherlock
    It appears TeamBungle last twit is 5:11 p.m. on 29th and resumes about 7 p.m. on 31st….MIA for 48 hours…we don’t really care what he was doing or where. But since the TB offers a weak alibi let’s press on. He is probably for the IM-Ex Bank renewal so Koch Bros probably would not invite anyway

  47. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:24 pm:

    ===Koch Bros probably would not invite anyway===

    He was definitely invited. USA Today, which like the WaPo, was one of the favored media outlets invited to cover parts of the retreat, reported that Rauner and 6 other sitting governors “were attending.”

    That doesn’t mean he attended. I accept Schrimpf’s statement that he did not attend, mostly because why would they lie about something so unimportant?

  48. - Anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    CNN is also reporting he was there

  49. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    Hey Watson
    Conference was Aug 1-3. He was in public places in Springfield every day. Public golf outing on 1, church on 2, ALPLM on 3… no MIA… remove tinfoil hat.

  50. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:33 pm:

    Newdealer –

    For what it is worth, my 14 year old fly fishes local ponds in the suburbs…

    Since it is more active fishing people tend to bother you less…

  51. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    Come on Anonymous

    We all know Bruce is evil…

    Me thinks he has a clone, rich oligarchs do you know. I am sure Rauner prime was drinking his wine club and lighting cigars with $100 bills while plotting against people with those Koch brothers….


  52. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 12:54 pm:

    No, Pluto, thanks to the governor’s work.

    He has made it very clear he will not deal on the budget until his non-budget agenda is addressed to his satisfaction.

    That is his choice. Layoffs and shutdowns are the predictable consequences of that choice.

    It amazes me the some think you can be governor of a state and not be responsible or accountable for your actions, or lack thereof.

  53. - Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Do the folks who believe the Governor’s schedule isn’t subject to FOIA also want to give Hillary Clinton a pass on the use of her personal email account? Just askin’

  54. - IL17Progressive - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:04 pm:

    Why is twitter being used to valid location. The likelihood that huckster Gov. Bruce is directly controlling that account is very low.

    Any one able to pull pics from twitter and apply software to get date, time & location from images? A smart PR person would know enough to pull that out - Schock was trapped via pic data.

    Easy to do a quick private jet out and back with little notice. Anyone checking private in/outs at airports?

    Why would Gov. Bruce lie about attending? Yikes, he’s put lots into his image of ‘normal guy’ and being a Koch event would blow that deception let alone the trash talk by Koch and acolytes of the 99% of Citizens.

  55. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:13 pm:

    - Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Do the folks who believe the Governor’s schedule isn’t subject to FOIA also want to give Hillary Clinton a pass on the use of her personal email account? Just askin’

    Any federal classified information in the schedule?

  56. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:18 pm:

    The Washington Post is one of nine news organizations allowed in to cover the traditionally private confab, on the condition that the donors present not be named without their permission.-

    So what Rauner’s other lapdog (Mike Schrimpf) is saying Rauner is not giving anyone permission to publish his name.

  57. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:20 pm:

    ==Easy to do a quick private jet out and back with little notice. Anyone checking private in/outs at airports?==

    Yes, the likelihood that that occurred is much greater than WaPo making a mistake.

    He was in downtown late morning (unless he had a clone standing in at the location I was at. The Taylorville event where he is pictured at occurred that afternoon, and he’s standing in Sangchris Lake (down the road from Taylorville) at sunset. But your theory of him hopping a jet to DC and back (roughly 3 hour flight each way, not including the time it the flight time of the black helicopter he’d need to take to an airport from Taylorville), in between those occurrences, is much more plausible.

  58. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:40 pm:

    If he went, he should have just been honest. The cover up is always more serious than what you actually do. And if WAPO and these other outlets are falsely reporting him there, they need to get in gear and correct that.

  59. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:44 pm:

    ===Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    Do the folks who believe the Governor’s schedule isn’t subject to FOIA also want to give Hillary Clinton a pass on the use of her personal email account? Just askin’===

    You’ve just crystallized the definition of an absolutely “dense” comment.

  60. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:44 pm:

    The commenters who were criticizing him for attending will now be saying positive things about him for doing what they wanted by refusing on the invitation, right?

  61. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 1:47 pm:

    The tinfoil hats and deniers are here in droves.

  62. - OneMan - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:09 pm:

    Well where do we start here…

    IL17Progressive –
    Yeah, because those folks at those events that he mentioned are all part of the conspiracy…

    Like those folks at the Taylorville Golf Outing

    of course Josh is in on it, he actually arrived via private jet last month…

    The South Side Church folks are in on it to (service was actually on Thursday at 2L:45 PM)

    Folks at the reception…

    It is all part of a clever plan to hide his true whereabouts…

    ==Easy to do a quick private jet out and back with little notice. Anyone checking private in/outs at airports?==

    Yes, the likelihood that that occurred is much greater than WaPo making a mistake. ==

    Yeah because papers never get stuff wrong…

    Well, he doesn’t seem to own a jet, because if you look at his campaign disclosures he borrowed aircraft when he ran. So unless he managed to covertly buy a jet he would have had to rent or borrow one…

    Also the reporter’s own photo does not seem to show him

    I know it seems unbelievable that an Illinois governor would spend the weekend in Springfield, but from what I understand that used to happen…

  63. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    I fully agree with OneMan.

    Some of y’all need to take a breath already. I mean, it’s only Monday, kids.

  64. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:24 pm:

    Restaurant-Quality - OneMan -,

    Well done.

  65. - anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    Yep, my kids were in on the conspiracy too, they texted me they had just talked with the Guv at the Farmers Market(must have been a cut out of him, and one that could talk at that.)

    And then they told me about the meeting later that evening when we got together. Kids, ya just can’t believe a word they say!!!

  66. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    “Cez” take your cryptic post and stick it where the sun don’t shine, you ignorant troll.

  67. - Enviro - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    Are we concerned concerned that our governor spent time last weekend at the Koch donor conference?

    My concern is that our governor seems to advocate bringing the Koch brothers corporate wish list to Illinois government.

  68. - Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:29 pm:

    A Guy @ 1:44

    Crystallized the definition of a dense comment?

    How so? Didn’t this Governor campaign on the promise of transparency yet he won’t allow his public schedule to be posted?

    Hasn’t Hillary Clinton been criticized (fairly in my opinion) for using her personal email for official government work, presumably to avoid being subject to FOIA?

    No one is suggesting that classified information is involved in Rauner’s FOIA denial but the general principle of avoiding transparency still applies. I certainly hope you can grasp the concept.

  69. - anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:42 pm:

    Please don’t compare HRC’s emails while SoS to Bruce’s daily schedule.

  70. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:14 pm:

    True. HRC’s emails were much worse.

  71. - A guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:05 pm:

    ===No one is suggesting that classified information is involved in Rauner’s FOIA denial but the general principle of avoiding transparency still applies. I certainly hope you can grasp the concept.====

    What I “grasped” from your first post was this was exactly what you were suggesting and equivocating. Thanks for clearing it up Stoney.

  72. - Stones - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:09 pm:

    You’re welcome. Glad I could assist.

  73. - Mama - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:37 pm:

    Didn’t Rauner run on being the transparent governor? If his schedule is blocked from the public, he is not transparent.

  74. - Silent Majority - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 7:53 pm:

    I’m at the Koch conference. Rauner is not and was not here. I understand that he was invited, as many other governors were, but indicated that he could not attend due to the budget situation in Illinois.

  75. - Triple fat - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 8:24 pm:

    I would like to know, if the Governor has ever used the mansion’s, taxpayer funded, video conferencing equipment. I also wonder if video conference meeting are subject to FOIA requests. At the mansion or the Governor’s offices. Anyone know?

  76. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:19 pm:

    I was in California last weekend. I saw a man in a Carhartt jacket at the LA Airport. He was tall and had light hair. But I lost him in the crowd before I got a look at his face.

  77. - anon - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    triple fat, were you this concerned when Quinn and Blago used the mansions video conferencing equip…….. oh wait. Quinn only left his underwear there and Blago got fired by Trump because he didn’t know how to turn a computer on.

    Guess they wouldn’t have used any equipment at the mansion!!!

  78. - anon - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    Mama, maybe some of these politicians are learning a thing or two from Obama, the self proclaimed most transparent prez in history.

  79. - Jimmy0 - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:24 pm:

    “Do you think he was dropping gs in this room” hahahahahahahahahha

  80. - Triple fat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:43 pm:

    Anon in other forums I have respectfully expressed my disappointment with OUR President regarding his transparency - amongst other things like the drone program. Tell me have you ever criticized a Republican for going back on their commitments? Also, I think I’ve made views regarding Blagojevich pretty clear on this blog.

  81. - Triple fat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:45 pm:

    My views clear.

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