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The most bizarre impasse ever

Monday, Aug 3, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ugh

Low income mothers who rely on a supplemental nutrition program for their children may get less help because of the state budget crisis. The organization that operates the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program in Illinois says it will no longer be able to provide crucial services to tens of thousands of women.

At issue: federal money for WIC must pass through Springfield before it can be distributed in Illinois by the Community Economic Development Association (CEDA).

Anna Lopez depends on WIC to help feed her baby daughter, Luna.

“They’re helping me each month. They give me some coupons so I can go and buy some milk, eggs,” Lopez said.

The CEDA office, one of 19 Cook County WIC outlets, will close next week and suspend services to 50,000 low income women and children. The kids include many infants on special diets.

“We are the provider for over 5,000 medically fragile children that require a specialized formula,” Margaret Saunders, CEDA, said.

* Yet

By law, the state is required to have a fair. But, it remains to be seen how exactly it will all work.

Take the grandstand performers, for example. Traditionally, they are paid on the spot with a check after the curtain comes down on their show.

But, there currently is no appropriation to write those checks for acts like Sammy Hagar, Hank Williams Jr. or Rascal Flatts.

On one hand, the Illinois Department of Agriculture is saying don’t worry about it.

“Grandstand acts will be paid,” spokeswoman Rebecca Clark said in an email.

On the other hand, Clark made it sound like they actually don’t know how this is all going to work.

“Department officials are looking into all options at our disposal in the event a budget agreement is not reached prior to the start of the Illinois State Fair. We are hopeful that Speaker Madigan and the legislature can put aside their differences and come together to hammer out an agreement on the FY16 budget,” Clark added.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:28 pm:

    “How Rauner Stole The State Fair”

  2. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:31 pm:

    Feeding poor babies is “levarage.”

    See you in church.

  3. - waffle fries - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:31 pm:

    by law, the state is supposed to have a system of community based disability and mental health providers providing care. How is the fair situation any different in this regard?

  4. - Abe the Babe - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:34 pm:

    ==Department officials are looking into all options at our disposal in the event a budget agreement is not reached==

    I wonder if Department Officials are “looking at all options” at their disposal to fund social service agencies without auth.

    Heaven forbid that Rascal Flatts doesn’t get its check on time.

  5. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    Will the federal courts intervene again regarding WIC?

  6. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:35 pm:

    If Madigan can get a clean bipartisan pay baill through the House so fast, the Gov and GA should be able to get a clean bill on federal WIC funds through quickly.

    Assuming it is a clean bill, that is.

  7. - Anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:40 pm:

    How are these state agencies still sending mail 34 days into a new fiscal year without an appropriation to pay for it?

  8. - Captain Illini - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    I’m starting to wonder if somehow old television microwaves are crashing into Illinois, since this you can’t make this stuff up…we’ve all got to be part of an Outer Limits or Twilight Zone episode as extras…geez…

  9. - Century Club - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    Word +1. Ugh.

  10. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:41 pm:

    Here’s a suggestion- Tweet, Facebook, Instagram, or use any and all social media to reach out to your favorite act that is coming to the State Fair (either or both of them- DuQuoin as well) and send them the link to this Cap Fax article.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===We are hopeful that Speaker Madigan and the legislature can put aside their differences and come together to hammer out an agreement on the FY16 budget,” Clark added.===

    I guess Ms. Clark thinks her boss is just a “traveler” in the whole budget thingy

  12. - Langhorne - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:51 pm:

    State law says gotta hold state fair. BUT expenditures are always subject to appropriation. Munger should reject any fy 16 state fair vouchers.

  13. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:51 pm:

    Maybe Bruce can pay the Grandstand acts and turn in a chit for reimbursement.

  14. - Beenthereseenthat - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:52 pm:

    In 1974 or 1975 under the Walker administration, the director of the State Fair over spent the annual appropriation by $1 million, it was a fiscal disaster. Rauner’s fair has all the same makings as that one. As Mark Twain said, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

  15. - Slippin' Jimmy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    Ms Clark…PLEEZE

  16. - Wensicia - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:57 pm:

    ==Munger should reject any fy 16 state fair vouchers.==

    If she doesn’t: “Comptroller finds money to fund State Fair entertainment while medically fragile infants are denied special formula .”

  17. - Skirmisher - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:58 pm:

    Simple. Cancel the grandstand shows. Until a compromise and a budget is reached, everything in state government that can halt needs to halt. As it is, only the poor are feeling any pain and that ain’t right.

  18. - Bluegrass Boy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 2:59 pm:

    Well the Governor is a multimillionaire.

    He can just pay them himself right after the curtain comes down.

    (But only if they play the songs he wants, the way he wants them, when he wants them.)

  19. - Confused - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    This is totally a minor point in the grand scheme of things but I’ve always wondered why WIC buys premium formulas like Similac and Enfamil. Generic style formulas are excellent from a nutritional standpoint and would seem to be less expensive. Just another head scratcher, I guess.

  20. - burbanite - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:08 pm:

    “Let them eat funnel cake!” :(

  21. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    ==How are these state agencies still sending mail 34 days into a new fiscal year without an appropriation to pay for it?==

  22. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    ==How are these state agencies still sending mail 34 days into a new fiscal year without an appropriation to pay for it?==

    Might help if I commented. . . .

    I’m assuming they have pre-loaded postage meters.

  23. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    ==only the poor are feeling the pain.==

    The best leverage of all. Make people who are be tter off feel guilt and compassion. Of course, people like Rauner who are better off than almost all of us feels no guilt or compassion. He is on a mission from above to right the ship.

  24. - Thinking - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:11 pm:

    The Governor vetoed HB 4158 which provides the appropriation authority for both of the State fairs. While “mandated” to have the fairs, there has to be approp authority.

    Also note the floor amendment filed on SB 2042 today. It provides approp authority for Dept of Ag but specifically does not include funding for fairs, just the critical services.

  25. - Demoralized - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:13 pm:

    ==How are these state agencies still sending mail 34 days into a new fiscal year without an appropriation to pay for it?==

    Also, I think some are operating under the erroneous assumption that everything at agencies have stopped. Goods and services are still being procured, whether they can be paid for immediately or not. Agencies are continuing to operate as if there is a budget.

  26. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:17 pm:

    Well given the quality of some of those acts, maybe it could be like church, halfway through they could pass the collection plate. The concert attendees should simply put in the plate what they feel the act is worth.

    On the other hand, they could sell tickets to Rich’s annual golf cart slalom down the Happy Hallow Hill.

  27. - Juvenal - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:18 pm:

    So, we can find a way to pay Sammy Hagar, but not distribute food stamps to 50,000 low income families.

    What does Pastor Corey Brooks have to say about that?

  28. - Midway Gardens - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:19 pm:

    Illinois, the Zombie State. Some functioning but brainless.

  29. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:22 pm:

    Again, as with the other threads today, we’re moving out of dorm-room debate club to as real as it gets.

    The governor needs to explain why 50,000 low-income mothers and tneir babies will be cut off from WIC next week in service of his anti-union agenda.

    He needs to tell us why measures designed to lower the incomes of working citizens are so important that poor babies will be cut off from formula.

    That’s the reality, he’s responsible and he needs to answer.

    He signed up to be governor, not some dilletante ideologue.

  30. - Jack Stephens - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:26 pm:

    Thank you Word. And had he had the “testicular virility” (Blago) to run on this platform….Quinn would have one.

    Maybe some people will start to understand that Elitist Republican Ideologues are engaging in full out class warfare.

  31. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    ===“Let them eat funnel cake!”===

    That was pretty funny. I mean, if you can find humor in this situation.

  32. - Tough Guy - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:35 pm:

    ==How are these state agencies still sending mail 34 days into a new fiscal year without an appropriation to pay for it?==

    ==Also, I think some are operating under the erroneous assumption that everything at agencies have stopped. Goods and services are still being procured, whether they can be paid for immediately or not. Agencies are continuing to operate as if there is a budget.==

    Demoralized-Your are absolutely correct. I know in previous fiscal years it was not unusual for the Comptroller’s office to preload hundreds of thousands of dollars onto their postage meters at the end of a fiscal year. Use it or lose it.

  33. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    Wordslinger at 3:22

    Right on! But who does Rauner answer to? Lots of people upset but it all just keeps on. Who holds him accountable? He seems to feel he doesn’t need to explain just hold hostages. Take it or leave it.

  34. - Cheswick - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:52 pm:

    Well, I guess Meatloaf dodged that bullet.

  35. - 100 Miles West - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:53 pm:

    I have also heard the the prisons and state mental health/DD facilities stockpiled food and supplies before the end of the FY in preparation for the siege.

  36. - Almost the Weekend - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:56 pm:

    =At issue: federal money for WIC must pass through Springfield before it can be distributed in Illinois by the Community Economic Development Association (CEDA).=

    Bureaucracy at its finest. Federal money needing to go through the state’s hands before it can be distributed. One might argue that the state has the information (address, number of children, etc.), but in a time when software programs and receiving information can be done with one click, you have to think the federal government would be able to accomplish this.

    As a huge believer in a strong safety net, these are examples Ronald Reagan would use (Welfare Queen Story) to talk about bloated government and use it as an excuse to destroy the safety net. Please figure this out

  37. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:57 pm:

    Where are the Raunerbots?

  38. - Albany Park Patriot - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:05 pm:

    All so he can bust the union, nothing more.

  39. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:05 pm:

    Ok I’ll try again. Why would anyone think it’s acceptable to have a fair but not feed babies??? Are we really that morally bankrupt in this state??I thought the governor put together a group of “superstars” that would help to resolve this mess.

  40. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:13 pm:

    The “superstars” aren’t on WIC

  41. - Susan Meets - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:14 pm:

    How long are the voters going to allow Rauner to hold women and children hostage? Will someone please initiate the recall process???

  42. - burbanite - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:15 pm:

    Even the Raunerbots don’t know how to defend this.

  43. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:16 pm:

    No one with a soul would think it’s ok to starve babies but party down at a fair. But if you understand the thinking of our leader, you’d realize that he probably believes

    a) it’s their own fault
    b) shouldn’t have had them if you can’t take care of them
    c)you need to be taught a lesson. If you want to feed yourselves, you’ll get off your duff and get a job
    d) if you can’t live on minimum wage, you should have stayed in school
    e) you coulda been like me if you “worked” hard enough. Not my fault you were lazy

    Are these not things you’ve heard? This is punishment politics—–really, to all of us for not “making it”, that is, unless you are in the 1%. If we all had only……..

  44. - How Ironic - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:18 pm:

    Afternoon Rich,

    Bruce wanted to let you know that he’s going to be forwarding a new initiative to the Runaground ™ Agenda, called RTN (Right To Nurse).

    Bruce feels that it’s simply cheaper and easier to mandate that all women on WIC simply convert to ‘natural’ feedings of their children.

    Formula is a luxury that Illinois can no longer afford. However, if the little tykes would like to enroll for some free motorcycle training classes, there is ample space.


  45. - Anon221 - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:21 pm:

    And all that breast feeding should be done at your local airport./s

  46. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:35 pm:

    How Ironic, you woulda had the perfect spoof if you’d mentioned Madigan and the legislators he controls, or something along those lines.

  47. - How Ironic - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:52 pm:

    @ Rich Miller,

    I didn’t want to seem extreme in my parody.

  48. - Anon - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 5:04 pm:

    when Rauner said he was the baddest enemy anybody could have I guess he meant low-income babies, too. What kind of manis willing to let others suffer to get what he wants? A man named Rauner.

  49. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 6:21 pm:

    If this wasn’t so sad it would be funny.

  50. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 8:41 pm:


  51. - cdog - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:03 pm:

    “Why?” you ask.
    It is more important to ruin Madigan and obliterate collective bargaining, than to feed babies. Duh.

  52. - Wordslinger - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 10:44 pm:

    More from the WLS story on WIC:

    50,000 poor women and children will lose federal assistance for nutrition.

    But more than that, CEDA has already furloughed 200 employees and will layoff another 50 next week — 250 people out of work.

    The govenor’s response.

    “Blah, blah, blah, without an appropriation….blah, blah, blah, Madigan and the legislators he controls sent us an unbalanced budget…” Same old boilerplate.

    Are you kidding me? You can’t play those cards.

    The K-12 approp the governor signed was part of the “unbalanced budget” the GA sent him.

    The governor claims to be happy as a clam that state employees are being paid without an approp.

    Why do they rate, and low-income mothers and babies don’t?


    Are you outside your minds? You’re going to get tough with poor mothers and babies?

    What kind of a man thinks that way?

    What’s most galling, is the govenor’s peeps pretending he can’t do anything about it, that he’s some pitiful, powerless giant.

    Dude, you have the most powerful job in the state. This is a real, bad problem.

    You can’t fix every problem that you imagine right away, but this is a real one you can fix right now.

    It is your responsibility. You are accountable.

    Get personally involved in your work, and quit playing the dorm-room Econ 101 debate club game.

    If you want that anti-union stuff, put up that $20 million to flood the airwaves and barnstorm the state to sell it. Up to now, you’ve been scared to even talk about it.

    But you dont hold poor mothers and babies hostage.

    This is real.

  53. - Lynn S, - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:40 pm:

    @- Confused - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 3:02 pm:

    This is totally a minor point in the grand scheme of things but I’ve always wondered why WIC buys premium formulas like Similac and Enfamil. Generic style formulas are excellent from a nutritional standpoint and would seem to be less expensive. Just another head scratcher, I guess.===============

    Former WIC mom here (I had a very low income while pregnant, and for the first 2 years of my son’s life).

    1. “Why does WIC buy premium formulas?” Because they have a contract with the formula manufacturers, and you can bet your sweet bippy that the contract specifies which brands (and sometimes even sizes) can be bought. Generics or other brands not allowed (for many years, Ross Pharmaceuticals had the WIC contract)…and oftentimes, also not allowed are the gigantic-sized formula tins with the lower unit cost. Your tax dollars going to buy single cans at higher per-ounce cost! Gotta keep the shareholders happy!!

    2. In my county, WIC goes through the local county health department. In addition, I thought CEDA was killed off in the late ’70s–early ’80s. I guess I’m confused as to a. why this agency exists, and b. why they’re giving out WIC vouchers, given that baby must have blood test to qualify for WIC. (IIRC, they are testing for level of iron (and possibly lead) in baby’s blood. Simple heel stick, and easy lab test, but must have trained techs and facilities, in addition to trained nutritionists to counsel moms before WIC vouchers handed out.)

    3. It’s simply appalling that Rauner has allowed things to deteriorate to this level. Not only is this depriving low-income mothers and children of vital nutrition, it will negatively impact sales of Illinois dairy products and produce (and that will reduce tax revenues paid by farmers; grocery stores collect no sales tax on WIC vouchers). He needs to drop the U-turnaround agenda. What does Ounce of Prevention say about this, and will Diana’s name be on the letterhead when their statement comes out?

    (How do Rauner and his wife eat dinner every night? What the bloody heck do they talk about as they’re chowing down? Or do they have 20 people over every night, so that they can avoid talking to each other?)

  54. - Lynn S, - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 11:57 pm:

    @- How Ironic - Monday, Aug 3, 15 @ 4:18 pm:

    Very good job bringing up the expansion of free motorcycle classes! An early indication of the circuses that must exist in this state?

    I know you’re doing a parody here, but you’ve unintentionally hit another point.

    Children who are breastfed are more likely to have fewer health problems, both immediately and throughout their life, than formula-fed children, so lower medical costs for the state, especially for the kids on Medicaid. In addition, breastfed children score higher on IQ tests, and this effect was noted as early as the 1920’s, in a study done in either Kankakee or Joliet.

    EVEN IF we paid every low-income breastfeeding mom to stay home (we’ll argue about amount and mechanism for doing this later), it would still be cheaper than paying for formula, once all ancillary costs are considered.

    (And please don’t tell me that “some women” can’t breastfeed. In so many places around the world, 95-97% of women are breastfeeding. You cannot convince me that almost 30% of the women in the U.S. have physical abnormalities that prevent them from breastfeeding, but you can convince that those women suffer from absolutely crappy breastfeeding support, along with a tremendous amount of false information about breastfeeding.)

  55. - Not X Files - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 7:21 am:

    It is obvious that bills are still being paid. Take a look at the companies such as CNSI who is the beneficiary of a lucrative Intergovernmental Agreement between Michigan and Illinois. This agreement is worth tens of millions of dollars and their contract with Michigan is in excess of 34 million just for Illinois portion. The checks are still flowing out to Michigan to cover their costs. Of course the checks are still flowing in as campaign donations to Rep Feigenholtz whom sits on the Appropriations Committee of the very agency whom is paying their bills. Donate to a campaign and you will always get your bills paid on time.

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