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Recovering from surgery, Mautino responds to Rauner attack

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Frank Mautino told local reporter Steve Stout that he’s “feeling better every day,” in the wake of cancer surgery. He was also asked about a Bruce Rauner attack mailer which hit the boxes last week

Mautino said he walked around the DePue Boat Races during last weekend and was overwhelmed and grateful for the hundreds of well wishes he received from people while moving through the crowds.

“It was a wonderful feeling that I have touched so many lives over the years,” he said. “I was moved.” […]

With a strong voice, he promised, “I’ll be back in Springfield sometime next week for sure.”

Asked about recent advertisements produced by the Turnaround Illinois organization, a political action committee, and Gov. Bruce Rauner, which were recently circulated through the district, Mautino was pragmatic.

The flier criticized the long-time lawmaker as nothing but a puppet of House Speaker Mike Madigan and asked residents to lobby Mautino and other certain state house members into accepting the governor’s budget proposals.

“It shows that the governor’s agenda is not successful and I had the most calls from constituents who were greatly upset by both the content and timing of the piece,” Mautino said.

Background on that mailer is here. Subscribers have a copy of an identical piece targeting a different member.


  1. - Huh? - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 8:59 am:

    Best wishes for a quick recovery.

  2. - slow down - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:03 am:

    Rauner’s timing is impeccable.

  3. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:04 am:

    When you have a governor who thinks government should be ran like a Wal-Mart, and thinks buying something is the same as earning it, you get personal attacks on citizens battling cancer who have a record of public service that believes government should empower, free and enable its citizens.

    The GOP sold its soul to win the governor’s office, just as the Democrats sold theirs with Blagojevich and Quinn. Both parties seem to only care about winning elections - not leadership or governing.

    Rauner is no gentleman, and he admits he owns a political party full of them.

  4. - Jack Stephens - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:06 am:

    Isn’t the obsession with Madigan a little unhealthy?

  5. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:06 am:

    The guv’s political peeps may not have known Mautino was in for surgery, but they should have. That’s their job.

    But they certainly must have known he’s been undergoing extensive chemo and radiation.

    I doubt if the mailer hurts Mautino, politically. Attacking a dude while he’s under the knife is bound to generate the opposite reaction of what you’re going for.

    But it is revealing to Democrats and Republicans alike as to the minds at work in the guv’s political operation, and they’ll bank that informatiion.

  6. - nobody - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:06 am:

    I’ve known Frank since he was a young child and I have no doubt that he will be back better than ever. Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

  7. - FIRED! up - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:09 am:

    Tacky, classless and vulgar. This pretty much sums up the Rauner style.

  8. - Stones - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:13 am:

    Classless…but we’ve come to expect that from this Governor and his crew.

  9. - Linus - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    When will Governor Rauner, and the politicians he controls, quit publicly attacking cancer patients on the day of their life-saving surgeries?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:16 am:

    The genesis is the NRI Hearing and the Owls and Rep. Mautino chairing.

    As Sen. Barickman and the True Owl, Rep. Sandack, kept asking “Who… Who”, Rep. Mautino attempted to keep what could be described as “decorum”, while the Owl tweeted, and in the end, the Owl hooted the program was a mess, but really not much more than that.

    Then, the Mautino mailing(s). Rauner wanted to make an example, and “Mautinoing” began; you don’t follow Bruce Rauner, he will hurt you, not unlike he approached things in his business life.

    This is personal, I feel. Rauner feels if he can show he can “Mautino” even Mautino, what Dem would want to cross Bruce Rauner. Toss in the ILGO PAC, the “sham” Democratic front group that will enter Democratic primaries for the alleged Republican governor, you have a clear picture of the interworkings of the Blago political playbook, with Rep. Mautino being the trial case of merging the ideal of Raunerites, thru Democratic and Republican means to get those Raunerite Caucuses.

    To the Post,

    Rep. Mautino IS pragmatic. He understands, and his response, citing constituents and the timing really frames who Rauner is, and why Rauner can’t sell his Turnaround Agenda, on purpose, on its merits.

    Keep up the good fight Rep. Mautino. I guess going personal in his attack (by timing it as such) says more about Rauner’s character than even playing from the Blago Political Dream. I wish you the best in your ongoing treatment.

  11. - DuPage Don - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:16 am:

    Just because you may be opposed to someone politically doesn’t mean they’re demons. Godspeed to Frank and best wishes for a quick recovery!

  12. - Jack Stephens - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:16 am:

    Didn’t. Bruce spend 30 bucks a vote to get elected and about the only thing he’s done is spend a million bucks to “blame Madigan”.

    Where is YOUR Constitutionally Mandated Balanced Budget….Mr. Governor?

  13. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    Best wishes to Rep. Mautino for his recovery.

    Very bad judgment on the part of Rauner’s staff. He should have a talk with whoever is responsible for avoiding these kinds of errors because they can have large costs in the court of public opinion. Hubris, hubris. The kids don’t get that yet.

  14. - Baffled - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:19 am:

    Kicking a man when he’s down may make the kicker feel good at the moment but politically it makes no sense. With each passing day I realize I don’t understand Gov. Rauner. His Brave New World is not my world.

  15. - Slippin' Jimmy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:21 am:

    Rep Mautino has been around a long time. He knows the game and obviously his constituents keep him there for a good reason.

  16. - Mouthy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:21 am:

    I work at the House when his dad was a Rep. One of the nicest and most popular guys there..

  17. - SUburbanon - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:22 am:

    Anyone who knew the Mautino’s, Dick and Frank, know they are nobody’s puppet. Their district knows that, and most people in Springfield know that (Rauner’s people don’t.) But they are loyal, to their districts and to the Democratic leadership. I’m sure this mailing will only strengthen Frank’s resolve to do what he thinks is right.

  18. - JoanP - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    @ DuPage Don: “Just because you may be opposed to someone politically doesn’t mean they’re demons. ”

    Sadly, too many people, in and out of office, locally and nationally, seem to have forgotten that.

  19. - Flynn's Mom - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    I wish you nothing but the best Rep. Mautino. And, shame on you Gov. Rauner and your staff for a truly classless act. You are showing your true colors and it’s not a pretty picture. RECALL!

  20. - Concerned - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:37 am:

    Remember, Rauner is the guy who said “I don’t like to kick a man when he is down–I like to slit their throat.” Ponder that quote from Rauner as you consider his attack on Mautino.

  21. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:45 am:

    Is the V in BVR for “Victory at any cost”?

  22. - A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:51 am:

    Frank is a wonderful guy and a very pragmatic guy. He’s not new to politics and a mailer isn’t going to get him unglued. The timing of this one helped him no doubt.

    The creative staffs are orbiting a different universe than management. This was a mistake. The timing was very bad. Instead of softening the target, they hardened it. That’s a big penalty by itself.

    Should the righteous indignation be what it is here? Was it meant to personally whack a dude undergoing a serious medical procedure?

    The answer to either or both of those questions is in the eye of the beholder. Bad timing? yep. Personal. nope.

  23. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:59 am:

    The answer to either or both of those questions is in the eye of the beholder. Bad timing? yep. Personal. nope.

    Personal? Since we can’t delve into the operatives’ minds, the only evidence we have is the content and the timing.

  24. - Augie - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:01 am:

    Rep. Mautino represents his district very well.He is very plain spoken, polite and honest in good and bad times. He is as comfortable at a Chamber of Commerce event as he is in a Union Hall or any other place were constitutes have questions.
    The attacks by Wrong Way Rauner are typical low brow tactics we have come to expect from him.

  25. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:02 am:

    – The creative staffs are orbiting a different universe than management.–

    Creative staffs don’t make the decisions on targets, sign off on message, decide on timing or spend the money to make it happen.

    “Management” does that, and the governor is the boss. The bucks start and stop with him.

    And, dude, nothing orbits a universe.

  26. - walker - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    One of the reasons Mautino is chosen by the Speaker to get involved in the most contentious issues, is because he has earned a reputation of being independent and fair across the aisle.

    The reality doesn’t match the myths when it comes to how the House operates.

    These mailers are standard, distasteful fare from both sides, and Frank will not make more of them than they deserve.

    Best wishes to him.

  27. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    ==- A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:51 am:==

    Who called the shots on Governor Carhartt’s tv ads? Was that creative or management?

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    ===Bad timing? yep. Personal. nope.===

    So… all 71 House Dems got the mailing?

    See, this was a choice. Did all the Rauner Crew magically forget Rep. Mautino is battling cancer? The Rauner Crew magically forgot the NRI Hearing? Did the Rauner Crew magically forget about targeting Mautino last November under the same premise too?

    It’s personal, it’s a choice, it’s about making Rep. Mautino think, because he’s doesn’t have enough to think about..

  29. - A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    Precisely right Walk. It’s just another day for a pro like him when it comes to politics.

    Sling, I think I strongly stipulated that it was a mistake of very poor timing. And that does go all the way up to the top for that responsibility. Someone well down the line made this foolish error, reflecting poorly on the whole team.

    Frank is a solid guy. He gets it (even more than you do apparently) He’ll seize the advantage of this error plenty. He’s not a political novice. In fact, I’m thrilled to hear the great news about his prognosis. He can now add survivor to his already very distinguished resume.

  30. - Sir Reel - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:35 am:

    Frank is a legislator who gets “constituent service.” He works for his constituents and the local governments in his district.

    If only Rauner would get it.

  31. - A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:37 am:

    ===It’s personal, it’s a choice, it’s about making Rep. Mautino think, because he’s doesn’t have enough to think about..===

    Willy, my friend. You’re taking this way harder than Frank is. This silly mistake actually helps him and he knows it.

    He’s among the smart guys in the GA. He gets it.

  32. - Concerned - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:38 am:

    Nothing about selecting Mautino as a subject of Rauner’s attacks was accidental timing. Everything about it smacks of intentional conduct (remember, Rauner controls everything and superstars ™ never make mistakes). It was quite intentional. It is a live example of Rauner’s approach of slitting a man’s throat when he is down, not just kicking him.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    - A guy -,

    Reading comprehension.

    “It’s personal, it’s a choice, it’s about making Rep. Mautino think, because he’s doesn’t have enough to think about..”

    That’s what Rauner’s Crew wants, not what Frank believes.

    My thoughts on that?

    ===Rep. Mautino IS pragmatic. He understands, and his response, citing constituents and the timing really frames who Rauner is, and why Rauner can’t sell his Turnaround Agenda, on purpose, on its merits.===

    Reading IS fundamental.

  34. - walker - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:52 am:

    No doubt many members of the House Republican caucus have sent Frank their best wishes, and apologized, or at least made sure he understands that these attacks weren’t cool with them.

  35. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:59 am:

    =Someone well down the line made this foolish error=

    Yes, very true. His name is Bruce Rauner. It is his party, by his own words.

    As for Rep. Mautino, he knows how to use the situation to his advantage and he will. He hasn’t been successful based on dumb luck. He is sharp.

    I guess I did not realize his seat was vulnerable? Honestly, I did not check the last election results for him but always viewed him as pretty safe since he is well thought of by every one that I have heard from in his district (handful).

    If his spot is not vulnerable, then what was the point?

  36. - Joe M - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 11:01 am:

    ==When you have a governor who thinks government should be ran like a Wal-Mart==

    That is being generous to the Governor. At least Wal-Mart began paying its employees more than the minimum wage.

  37. - A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 11:09 am:

    JSM, his health issues have made his seat “less” vulnerable. The timing of this mailing made it even “safer”. Lest we forget, Frank has an application in for a new position. I personally hope he gets it. Primarily because he deserves it. And to a much lesser extent, because it would be easier to challenge someone else.

    The Speaker made Frank more vulnerable earlier on. He’s had to defend some rough stuff that put him out of the sweet spot of his area. As always, he’s acted with grace and professionalism, and his district really, really likes him and gives him a little wider berth. I’m sure he’s heard from plenty of them though.

    Rauner gets the ultimate responsibility for the poor timing of the mailer. Several targets had mailers come into their districts. This one should have been held up. It wasn’t.

    Your words would indicate that the Governor purposely whacked this guy while he was having a serious surgical procedure. If you believe that, you’re not as smart as I thought you were.

    As you continue to sling shots at the Gov, remember your folks in the GA are every bit as much to blame (I’d argue a lot more) for where we are right now. The one thing there’s no shortage of is blame.

  38. - Daniel Plainview - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 11:26 am:

    - Your words would indicate that the Governor purposely whacked this guy while he was having a serious surgical procedure. -

    No, the fact that Rauner whacked the guy while he was having a serious surgical procedure would indicate this.

  39. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    Guy, you’re having quite a debate with yourself. Let us know who wins.

  40. - A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 11:56 am:

    Sling, I’m winning. I’d invite you into the debate, but you reach conclusions before debates start. You can’t help it I guess.

    From my perspective: A mistake was indeed made. Of the 15-20 districts mailings went into; this one should have been pulled while the guy was going through a situation with his health. No excuses beyond, this shouldn’t have been done and looks bad.

    Extrapolating it to a willful demonic move by the Governor himself is a nutty stretch taken by folks who just wake up every morning wanting to hate him more than they did yesterday.

    Knowing both guys a little bit, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d been in touch with one another after the successful procedure was completed. I don’t know that, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Both are extremely gracious personally.

    Frank isn’t reeling over this, but many commenters are. Here’s a piece of advice; Be more like Frank.

  41. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:03 pm:

    =As you continue to sling shots at the Gov, remember your folks in the GA are every bit as much to blame =

    If you are directing that at me, and have ever read anything I have posted (not that you would need to and I do not post with the frequency of many), you would know that I am not a supporter of Madigan or Cullerton and do not identify with a single political party.

    The governor is dishonest and has failed to do what he said he would do in the area of integrity and good government.

    My words indicated a question. If the guy was not vulnerable why send out the mailers?

    People, in general, dislike the ILGA, but they usually like their local people. Not always but a fair generalization. I just do not see going out of your way to ding Mautino, but if it works ok. Politics is a perception game, the perception is one of kicking a guy when he is down and that is bad.

  42. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:05 pm:

    Speedy recovery to Rep Mautino.

  43. - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:10 pm:

    LOL, Guy you started out with the ridiculous assertion that the Mautino mailer was some rogue operation by the “creative staff” and that “management” wasn’t involved.

    Keep pounding the table by changing the subject to “haters” and pretending that you have a clue as to what the principals are thinking.

    When the evidence is on your side, pound the evidence. When it’s not, pound the table.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:18 pm:

    ===Extrapolating it to a willful demonic move by the Governor himself is a nutty stretch taken by folks who just wake up every morning wanting to hate him more than they did yesterday.===


    The governor is being demonized because Rauner and the Crew he controls sent a mail piece to a man who is battling cancer, and Governor Rauner is the victim in this?

    Your premise is that criticism towards Rauner makes Rauner the victim of his choices?

    If this was an actual snarky response, man that would be so fun!

  45. - Southern Illinois Hoopdee - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:24 pm:

    Rabid partisanship is a Raunerism. Some on here would be mindful to remember that.

  46. - A guy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    ===and Governor Rauner is the victim in this?===

    Not in the least.

  47. - Nicko - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:10 pm:

    As one who has gone through the same procedure as Rep. Mautino it is despicable that the Gov. would proceed with this mailer. The Rep is in for the battle of his life and he certainly does not need any distractions from his real fight.

  48. - Strangerthings - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:11 pm:

    Pitiful timing by the gov. And even worse because of mautinos long record. Bad decision. But regardless…if you were him and you had non-budget issues for the General Assembly when would you push them? Also rabid partisanship isn’t a raunerism it’s so common in Illinois politics we stop noticing it and so it’s always been here rauner didn’t cause it.

  49. - Former Hoosier - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:29 pm:

    When narcissism is so encompassing that a person battling cancer is seen as fair game, well, that says it all. Gov. Rauner’s stunt is beyond belief. Best wishes to Rep. Mautino.

  50. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:33 pm:

    Mautino’s opponent in the 2014 election, who seems to be testing the waters to try again, had this
    brilliant idea for fixing the underfunding of the pensions in a guest article to the Ottawa paper last week:

  51. - G'Kar - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:34 pm:

    I thought I wrote snark after brilliant above–the use of the work was supposed to be sarcastic.

  52. - Southern Illinois Hoopdee - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    So, G’Kar, what is your exact problem with Mr. Long’s column? Show me with mathematics why his solution is infeasible.

  53. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 2:06 pm:

    === Show me with mathematics===

    It’s not math, it’s law. These are individual rights, not group rights that can be voted away.

    It’s pure campaign fluff.

  54. - Macado - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    Frank wishing you nothing but good health. Stay strong and when you get back to work let him know your there. (With your votes)

  55. - Mikje McDonald - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 6:47 pm:

    Hang tough Frank, we’re behind ya…laborer, 393

  56. - Lt. Guv. - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 9:25 pm:

    Here’s wishing Frank a very speedy recovery. He’s a great guy. Any yutz who’s paying attention would recognize Rep. Mautino isn’t a puppet to anyone. The Gov’s folks just got it wrong here. For the love of God, I’ve talked to Frank at an ALEC meeting.

  57. - Property of IDOC - Tuesday, Aug 4, 15 @ 10:15 pm:

    Rep.Mautino, sincere wishes for blessings upon blessings and Godspeed for a complete recovery.

    Gov..Rauner, YOU ARE PATHETIC.

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