The prince of snarkness strikes again
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * I don’t know whether “Very respectfully” was used in an ironic sense here, but I suspect it was… ![]() …Adding… Rep. Bradley actually said during committee today that the tone of the letter showed progress. It did, but it ain’t quite cordial yet. to say the least.
- ihpsdm - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 11:57 am:
The Governor also paid for fiddle lessons out of his own pocket!
- walker - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 11:57 am:
Is this becoming some kind of inside joke between them?
- Name Withheld - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 11:58 am:
How can he not take a pension or a salary? I believe he’s obligated to receive both of these things.
- slow down - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 11:59 am:
It’s fascinating to me that a person at this level is not wise enough to understand that this kind of snark like approach is never rewarded positively. It may feel good to write it, but it’s never wise to follow through and send it.
- Tomlinson Times - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
11 a.m. seems like a bad time to sit down and negotiate considering the press conferences going on today surrounding that time.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
Some may get a kick out of this little game. I don’t. I think this guy is a grade A jerk and the level of disrespect he exhibits is unbelievable. Sure there’s games being played. His responses, though, are way, way, way out of line. He’s a jerk. Period.
- ihpsdm - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
He does take a $1 salary, so that part of the letter is technically wrong.
- nona - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:02 pm:
=== “As an Assistant Minority Leader, I understand…” ===
When did Rich Goldberg join the House?
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:04 pm:
What a tool. This guy, will get out over his skis on something that they can hang him with. These guys always do. Then that will become the days circus and further district from the job at hand.
- Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:04 pm:
So if they did the comparison why not produce those records! What are they hiding that they wont turn over the work they say they have performed
- Wow - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:05 pm:
I don’t think Mr Goldberg is long for this job.. He has burned too many bridges.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:05 pm:
It’s like they just can’t help themselves. I have more meaningful exchanges with my 5 year old.
- Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:05 pm:
This is what we get from the governors’ liaison to the general assembly? Does he speak to co-workers or the public at large like that? He does understand that Bradley does NOT work for him?
- Juvenal - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:06 pm:
Nona -
Apparently they still haven’t found an editor or proofreader for Richard A. Goldberg, Esq.
- Tournaround Agenda - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:06 pm:
It was kind of funny the first time, but then it got old. Really old.
If this is the tone the governor’s staff takes when inviting people to negotiate, why would anybody take the bait?
- Suburbanon - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:07 pm:
Bradley should accept Goldberg’s invitation and take along a few members of the news media. Open meeting.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:08 pm:
This reflects Rauner. Rauner loves the frat boy act. He loves the good politician bad politician bit. Rauner writes the respectful memos, while his staff act like jerks. As Willy says so often, Rauner owns this. This is his style.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:08 pm:
In direct and absolute equivalence and proportion;
There is a certain panache to the writing, with condescending, but a hint of mockery of the whole process and the fact he “has” to write this letter, but revels in its production. Each is unique, in a uniformed way.
It also refuses to be helpful in every and any definition of the word “helpful”
As much as I am disappointed in its insertion in the process, I’m always thrilled to see more of his “work”. I think he’s my favorite…
- burbanite - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:09 pm:
Usually if I am sincerely attempting to schedule a meeting with someone, I give them some option and more than a few hours notice. I am sure Sen. Bradley isn’t leaving his schedule free for a last minute scheduling with a man that insists on insulting him in every correspondence, rather than, sending a conciliatory note, like, “I understand your concerns, we would be happy to set up a meeting to address them, please contact me with your availability.” Thats all, no digs, no jabs..and why does he have to release every letter as soon as he writes i?
- Stones - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:10 pm:
I agree that it’s difficult to tell if “Very respectfully” is snarky or not in this context but the problem is when you’ve behaved like a jerk in the past there is little you can say that can be taken with credibility. Goldberg shot himself in the foot.
- Juvenal - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
To his credit, Goldberg does manage to once again avoid answering questions about how many people the governor’s office has on the ghost payroll.
The fact that the governor had a lot of vacancies to fill in February, March, April and May is hardly persuasive, however, though a nice attempt to hide some trees in the forest of data.
- All the answers - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
The snark has lost its spark.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
- Norseman -
It’s even on letterhead that has the governor’s name above Goldberg’s signature.
Rauner owns anything on his stationary. Otherwise, why even have stationary?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
Perhaps Mr. Goldberg aspires to write for The Onion. If so, he needs to do much better than this.
- Missing G - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:11 pm:
Has he used “Very Sincerely” yet?
- Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:13 pm:
Well, duh, Goldfarb. Why is total compensation lower during that hand picked time? Because Rauner fired all of Quinn’s people.
Now, look one by one at the salaries for Rauner’s replacement employees and you will see higher salaries. Of course, that little bit of time between firing and hiring constitutes a minimal savings to the state.
So, for example, why do they need an assistant state fair director (previously a vacant position) whose salary equalled the previous director?
Are they counting contract employees like Donna Arduin?
If this is Goldfarb’s effort at transparency, it is more realistically a game of hide and seek.
- GetWhatYouPayFor - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:13 pm:
Maybe if the Governor took a salary he would be more inclined to do his job.
…still waiting for that balanced budget proposal.
- Michael Westen - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:14 pm:
I fail to see how this helps his boss in any way. It is not even clever any more. Goldberg should crawl back into whatever crevice he came from.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:14 pm:
My read of this is that Goldberg is trying hard to moderate his snark. There are a couple of things I’d have re-worded, but overall, this is a big improvement over his previous letters.
That’s some progress, isn’t it?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:17 pm:
To the update,
It’s one page, and Goldberg makes a point talking about the committee and its purpose and accomplishments. It’s ambiguously stated to promote possible progress. A tease on many level…
- orzo - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:21 pm:
I admire good snark.
This is not it.
Doesn’t Rauner have anyone smart or funny on his staff?
- workerbee - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:24 pm:
The least professional part is the opener “For the fourth time…” Like, I have a tablet on my desk with tally marks for every time I’ve told you, Representative.
- Wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:24 pm:
– “As an Assistant Majority Leader — a top lieutenant to Speaker Madigan — I understand…..–
Nona, Superstar Grammar and Composition class must have conflicted with bro-time at the frat house.
- the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:29 pm:
So a couple of things. First, Goldberg does realize that there is a difference between the work of the Revenue Committee (substantive legislation) and the Appropriations committees (budgets)?
Second, does Goldberg realize that none of the items that Rauner insists be passed before he even considers negotiating the budget will go through Revenue?
I mean, Goldberg has been there long enough to have grasped these simple and basic facts, right?
But whatever. All these letters will do is lead to legislation prohibiting the practice of paying Governor’s staff from other agencies’ budgets. And that’s not going to make Rauner look good before 2018.
- Lou Holtz - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:33 pm:
Goldberg is wrong.
According to the Comptroller’s website
spending for compensation for regular positions is up under Rauner by over $600 M when compared to the same period in 2014.
It is really amazing how someone so obnoxiously arrogant can be so laughably wrong.
From the Comptroller’s website:
1120 Regular Positions - Statewide
Feb - June 2015 $1,387,095,298.34 (Including Lapse)
Feb - June 2014 $768,950,208.01 (Including Lapse)
Rauner Increase - $618,145,090.33
So the fact of the matter, contra Goldberg, is that personnel compensation costs have sharply increased statewide under Rauner.
Also, personnel compensation costs for the Governor’s Office have grown.
From the comptroller’s website:
310 - Governor’s Office
1120 Regular Positions
Governor’s Office Personnel
Feb - June 2015 $1,593,674.78
Feb - June 2014 $1,403,734.33
Responsible people in the media and the legislature need to hold Rauner accountable for the snarling arrogant dishonesty of his administration.
- Belle - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:33 pm:
I’m pretty sure he’s used that closing before. I found it disturbing the other time I noticed it—it’s still creepy and immature.
- Black Ivy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:35 pm:
The tone and tenor of this letter are proper and appropriate. Let’s get back to the dire issues at hand, please. Distractions, only distractions!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:43 pm:
===The tone and tenor of this letter are proper and appropriate.===
I bet your senses of humor and irony are still… developing.
- Sam Weinberg - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:48 pm:
There he goes again, providing a textbook display of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
This isn’t theater. Mr. Goldberg would surely pass a lie detector test that this is what “winning” looks like.
Think about that for a second.
- Anon - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:53 pm:
I really think the beautiful portion of the letter is that Representative Bradley is asking about the individuals who are specifically working for for the Governor’s office and the responses continue to be about the entire administration as a whole.
However, I agree that progress has been made just because of how concise the response is. Perhaps someone has explained to him that one can generally identify who the troll is based off of the length of their responses.
- DuPage Don - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:53 pm:
Without commenting on where this correspondence rates on the Snarkometer, hey, people, it’s Aug. 5th. The state is paying its employees; MJM took it in the shorts on the COLA issue; Rauner can argue he’s not backed down from his agenda one iota……better than expected outcome than I’m sure you would admit to from Rauner’s perspective. You people are so deep in the weeds you have become detached from this universe!
- Politix - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:55 pm:
I don’t think I’ve ever come across a more inept government worker. Totally unprofessional. He won’t last much longer.
- walker - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:59 pm:
Goldberg knows Bradley is right, and that this is political grandstanding. Two reasons not to engage with the Committee. A cooler demurral would deescalate
- DuPage Moderate - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:14 pm:
DuPage Don:
“You people are so deep in the weeds you have become detached from this universe!”
Exactly - been saying this for months. This is what we elected Rauner to do. If the Springfield political ruling class is upset, good. That means he’s doing what he was sent there to do.
- Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:15 pm:
1. Letter sent to Rep. Bradley
2. Letter appears in CapFax
3. High fives for Goldberb in the frat house.
4. Rauner walks by with a smile: “keep up the good work”
5. More high fives and cartwheels in the frat house.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:20 pm:
===Exactly - been saying this for months. This is what we elected Rauner to do.===
What “exactly” is Rauner doing.
Exactly what he’s doing… lol
- A fed up voter - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:22 pm:
Term limits?
Redistricting reform?
Break ranks with Madigan?
Yea… if any democrat even think such hericy, he or she would be shot (figuratively) and then sent to the Russian front!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:24 pm:
- A fed up voter -,
Please explain the Democratic roll calls on SSM and Conceal Carry.
Take your time…
- kimocat - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:35 pm:
I wonder how many banned words precede Goldberg’s name as it is being bantied about the Capitol.
- Skeptic - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:39 pm:
Dear [Redacted]
[redacted by the author due to excessive snarkiness]
Very sincerely,
- Anon - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:42 pm:
=== “As an Assistant Minority Leader, I understand…” ===
=When did Rich Goldberg join the House?=
Superstar grammar.
- Colin O'Scopey - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:44 pm:
I can see it now:
“Goldberg & Plummer, Lobbyist Consultants”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:45 pm:
===Superstar grammar.===
It’s “art”, you can’t expect “art” to be be conforming to the rules, I mean, heaven forbid, someone takes these letters as real correspondence…
The imperfections, the blemishes, that’s where the beauty really shines through…
- Colin O'Scopey - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:47 pm:
Austin Blvd - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 12:13 pm:
What’s with “Goldfarb”? Is it a reference to something of which I am not aware or a not-so-subtle anti-Semitic jab? I mean, how hard would it have been to look at the top of the page to get the guy’s name right?
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 1:51 pm:
==better than expected outcome than I’m sure you would admit to from Rauner’s perspective.==
Actually, he’s doing quite a bit worse than I thought he would. I honestly thought he’d have a couple legislative victories (or at least a budget…) and approval in the high 40s right now.
- Curious Georgina - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 2:01 pm:
Colin O’Scopey - I, too, wondered what was up with the “Goldfarb” references. Apparently Goldfarb is the German word for golden color. I’d like to give Austin the benefit of the doubt and suggest he meant that Goldberg was one of Rauner’s golden boys, rather than something more sinister. Although, obviously, only Austin really knows what he/she meant.
- Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 2:05 pm:
To the “DuPage” posters:
From what I can tell, the only thing Governor Rauner has done since he’s been elected is to submit an unbalanced budget to the General Assembly, which is in direct violation of the Illinois Constitution. To this day, he and the Republican lawmakers he controls still haven’t figured out how to govern.
- Filmmaker Professor - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 2:10 pm:
I agree with Colin O’Scopey. The guy’s name is Goldberg, not Goldfarb. Those are two different names. I am not going to speculate on any motivation behind not using the correct name. Either use the correct name, or if you want to satirize him, don’t use an actual real name to do it.
- the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 2:39 pm:
I don’t know if “Goldfarb” was intentional or not, but I do note that some smartphones will autocorrect surnames to one you use a lot. Again, don’t know what happened here, just pointing out a possible innocent explanation.
- Sir Reel - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 2:44 pm:
If Goldberg was paid out of Rauner’s campaign fund I could accept this as political games. But, like other State employees, he’s paid by us taxpayers. As one of those taxpayers, I really am disappointed in this behavior. Imagine a peon State employee writing letters like this.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 2:50 pm:
FWIW, very respectfully or V/R in shorthand is a commonly used term in military correspondence. Somehow, I don’t think that’s where the frat boys picked it up.
- CrazyHorse - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 3:08 pm:
Once again this is on the level of a pull my finger or a knock knock joke. It’s just sooooooo tired.
Along the lines of what the principal in Billy Madison once said:
“Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it.”
- illini - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 3:19 pm:
As a member of the opposition I do give Goldberg credit for bringing some points into the arena of public discussion.
However, his talking points are muted by the realities of the dialogue we are having here.
This power play is along way from being over and the “snark” will definitely continue.
Can’t wait to see the next round.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 3:23 pm:
Does Goldberg realize they already know the answer and there baiting him
- Langhorne - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 3:34 pm:
Hey goldberg. You do not have leverage here. You want movement from bradley, you go to him. Politely. At his convenience. You dont summon him, like an errant school boy.
Unprofessional in the extreme. And not at all helpful.
- PoolGuy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 4:29 pm:
the first one or two may have been clever, but that’s run its course. this isn’t helping. can’t pretend to be bipartisan and respect the exec and leg branches, and do this at the same time. Rauner’s name is on the letter. its mocking to the Governor’s office as well.
I wish Goldberg would express his talents elsewhere.
- DuPage Moderate - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 4:36 pm:
Deep South:
Rauner submitted an unbalanced budget? You sure you have the right party. I hope he shuts down the whole state until there are meaningful discussions on meaningful reforms.
The state is broke and will continue its path to insolvency unless something is done. The rest of Springfield doesn’t care to do anything - and has been perpetuating the problem for decades.
So…Rauner has to do what he has to do. And if it’s nothing until those who created this mess wisen up and learn to lead for the public good, not their own good, the so be that as well.
Either way, the political machine and the political corruption in Springfield needs to break - and it should do so in an embarrassing fashion. I await its failure.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 4:40 pm:
- DuPage Moderate -,
That comment is strong and winning…
…’xcept for that whole presser the Governor just had today “owing” nothing of what you expect him to do, or think he’s doing.
I’m excited for you that you can glean from Rauner’s own… lack of… “owning”… he’s not doing or owning anything you think he is doing… or “owning”.
So there’s that…
- WTH??? - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 4:48 pm:
except that Rauner did put forth an unbalanced budget that relied on phony pension savings. but thats easily forgotten by those who have drank the Rauner kool aid
- DuPage Moderate - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 4:54 pm:
The Rauner kool-aide? Hardly. I couldn’t really give two you know whats about Rauner. Maybe I’ve just been in this State long enough to know that the kool-aid of the past three decades isn’t any good to drink.
I just want it fixed - and I know Madigan and Cullerton aren’t the guys who are going to do it.
Sorry for offering an outside opinion - I’ll just go back to spending my day typing ant-Rauner messages all day like the majority of those on here. That does a lot of good.
- WTH??? - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:01 pm:
I would love for it to be fixed too. but doing it on the backs of he young, old, poor, d isabled and state employees isnt the way you do it
- Anon - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:04 pm:
The disrespect,l and arrogance of Rauner’s staff is nauseating. What bullies!
- Dupage moderate - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:14 pm:
Those comments don’t make any sense. In fact, it’s a perpetuation of propaganda. That said, whose backs should shoulder the load? Surely you can’t be suggesting that collective “backs” is not a keen idea? You know, shared sacrifice and all that?
Again, I think anyone not involved in the Springfield process understands what is generally happening and understands that this is an unfortunate but much needed stalemate.
For Christ sakes, Madigan can’t even agree to release a fair maps amendment. A fair map. I don’t care about the history but nothing is so patently easy, “democratic” and universally supported - but not even that can get done. The. We can maybe start discussing other well known realities - yes, like new revenue.
But, insofar as a fair map is being held, the average citizen will continually look at this as one big political game only being played to benefit the guys who have been there for 30+ years…and come to the correct conclusion that the game does not exist to help anyone and is corrupt.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:23 pm:
- Dupage Moderate -
Language please. Thanks.
===Again, I think anyone not involved in the Springfield process understands what is generally happening and understands that this is an unfortunate but much needed stalemate.===
What do you even base that on?
Do yourself a solid, look up - steve schnorf - and the Post that Rich Miller had here called “Nailed It”
Start there, and arm yourself, with some real institutional knowledge… instead of thinking you speak for “everyone”.
- Dupage moderate - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:26 pm:
I have 30+ years of detailed Springfield knowledge. I know how it works and has worked. But thank you for the advice.
- Dupage moderate - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:34 pm:
Read it. And appreciate the note. Let me go one further and say that in my opinion Rauner needs as much as he can get as fast as he can get it because he know if he does what he needs to do to save the state, he won’t get reelected. He knows that - and is okay with it.
My speculation as I have no inside info re: Rauner…but I do know Mitt Romney felt the same way about becoming President.
Signing off. Thanks
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 5:35 pm:
- Dupage Moderate -,
Then I guess with all your experience, saying…
===Those comments don’t make any sense.===
… while The Rauner Family YMCA is losing programs to help kids due to funding means one of two things;
You are willfully ignoring what’s going on… or willing to be blissfully unaware and… propagate… Rauner’s own narrative
===Rauner submitted an unbalanced budget? You sure you have the right party. I hope he shuts down the whole state until there are meaningful discussions on meaningful reforms.===
Thirty years or not, that’s blissfully unaware…
- Politix - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 6:09 pm:
=Rauner submitted an unbalanced budget? =
C’mon man
- the old man - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 6:56 pm:
Maybe this letter will do the trick and get the whine out of Bradley’s voice.
- Macoupin Minority - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 7:18 pm:
Really the most inept government worker? Still plenty left over from the past 12 years of chaos rulers Rod and Pat.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 8:19 pm:
Brilliant,from meet you at any time to be here at 11:00,stellar, stand in lock step it’s stand firm and march in lockstep? A superstar would invite the public to these Vegas type meetings.
- Bemused - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 8:24 pm:
Come to think of it, I don’t believe Rauner submitted an unbalanced budget. It would seem he proposed an unbalanced budget but I can’t remember him or the GOP putting anything out there in bill form.
Correct me if I am wrong but what I have seen here leads me to think it is the Governor’s job to present a balanced budget to the GA. This is the guy who is supposed to have no fear of consequences but does not want own up to what any realistic budget will look like.
As others have said, the deal he is offering the Dems is beyond laughable.
His deal comes down to, Allow me to neuter organized labor in this state and dry up your funding and I’ll let you take the blame for the needed revenue increases for the budget. If not I’m willing to watch the state go over the cliff.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 5, 15 @ 9:19 pm:
===Allow me to neuter organized labor in this state and dry up your funding and I’ll let you take the blame for the needed revenue increases for the budget. If not I’m willing to watch the state go over the cliff.===
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 6, 15 @ 8:06 am:
=== Bingo ===
To be clear, Rauner wants to castrate organized labor and the trial lawyers. That is his primary mission.
To Rauner I say this: raising taxes is against your core beliefs? Fine. Propose a budget that doesn’t raise taxes and let’s pass the thing and let the voters sort it out.
- 47th ward mom - Thursday, Aug 6, 15 @ 9:42 am:
And the salaries are buried in other departments - that is the point. The salaries are not lower, year over year, they are just on different lines. Urgh. Spin. Spin. Baloney and spin.
- Flynn's Mom - Thursday, Aug 6, 15 @ 11:28 am:
Dear Richard,
Do you have any real work to do??