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*** UPDATED x1 *** Point, counter-point

Friday, Aug 28, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic point

A top aide to the Illinois treasurer said Thursday it was “unlikely” that the state’s cash balance was so low last week that the comptroller couldn’t follow a federal judge’s order to pay for services for the developmentally disabled.

The treasurer’s office pointed to daily balance sheets showing the state began the day on Friday with more than $217 million and ended it with more than $57 million on hand. The treasurer’s office also questioned whether Comptroller Leslie Munger only wrote checks to vendors whom she had to pay.

“Is it possible that the comptroller last Friday only paid those bills that are under some court order? It’s certainly unlikely. It’s especially unlikely given that they ended the day with $57 million,” said Greg Rivara, spokesman to Treasurer Mike Frerichs. ”They certainly could have at least paid some of those individuals on Friday, and she chose not to.”

* Republican counter-point

“I wish he had contacted us before making such an absurd statement. To look at a balance and say there’s plenty of cash is as ridiculous as looking at my bank account after I’m paid and thinking I have money to burn,” said comptroller spokesman Rich Carter. “That might be true if I didn’t have a mortgage to pay, a car payment to make and kids to put through school. Similarly, the balance in the state’s checkbook has fluctuations as we accrue funds for the larger payments we’re obligated to make. ”

I side mostly with Carter at the comptroller’s office on this one. They have to make payroll, pay bond debt and fund pensions. All that requires them to stockpile money for big pay-out dates. The comptroller’s office has been doing this for a very long time, and they have experienced, non-partisan staff handling this stuff. The treasurer’s office has no such track record.

* However, this is a valid point

“The comptroller’s office said money is tight because the tax increase was allowed to expire. The tax increase was allowed to expire because the governor asked that it expire,” Rivara said. “If the comptroller’s position is that there is a cash shortage, certainly, part of that is tied to the governor.”


*** UPDATE *** Letter from comptroller candidate and state Sen. Daniel Biss…

Illinois State Comptroller Leslie Munger 201 Statehouse
Springfield, IL 62704
Dear Comptroller Munger,

In my capacity as chairman of the Senate committee on Human Services, I write to seek clarification regarding payments to service providers across the state. It is unclear which payments have been made, and perhaps more importantly, the process by which the payments have been prioritized.

In addition to the documentation you will be providing to Judge Coleman, and in the interest of ensuring our most vulnerable citizens receive the care they need and deserve, I hope you can take a moment to respond to the following questions:

    1. Under which consent decrees, court orders, state laws, and other statutory obligations are bills being paid?
    2. What process was used to determine prioritization of those payments?
    3. What are the top highest paid vouchers for July and August?
    4. Estimated GRF, CSF and EAF (“general fund(s)”) bills on hand as of July 1, 2015, including
    bills by governmental category
    5. Estimated FY15 general fund bills on hand projected August 31, 2015
    6. Estimated FY16 general fund bills on hand projected August 31, 2015
    7. Estimated FY16 monthly general fund state employee payroll, based on average payroll for
    month ending July 31, 2015
    8. Estimated monthly liabilities incurred pursuant to vouchers submitted under consent decrees including: Memisovski v Maram, Beeks v Bradley, Colbert v Rauner, Benson v Blaser, Williams v Rauner, Ligas v Norwood, B.H. v Tate

Now more than ever our committee needs a clear understanding of the mechanisms by which these decisions are made so that we can effectively advocate for the citizens of Illinois. I appreciate your assistance in guiding us through the details of this process.

I would also like to invite you to a Senate committee on Human Services hearing on September 8th at 10:30 a.m. in room C600 of the Bilandic Building. The committee would appreciate any guidance and information you can provide us, and we would be grateful for your attendance.

Thank you again for your attention to these questions. With more information, we’ll be better equipped to serve our shared constituents.

Daniel Biss
State Senator, 9th District


  1. - Wordslinger - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 10:53 am:

    Meh, tell it to the judges. They’re running the show now.

  2. - Politix - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    I want to believe the Comptroller and I do sympathize with her position. But I do wonder if Rauner’s behind this “there’s no money” bit. That seems to be his mantra.

  3. - Anon - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    When I watch these events unfold I often get the feeling that these folks came up with their strategy, agenda, and general plan for Rauner’s first term over several glasses of wine at an expensive winery.

    The Governor and Comptroller’s overall performance seems like the kind of thing that never advanced beyond bar napkin planning.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    ===“The comptroller’s office said money is tight because the tax increase was allowed to expire. The tax increase was allowed to expire because the governor asked that it expire,” Rivara said. “If the comptroller’s position is that there is a cash shortage, certainly, part of that is tied to the governor.”===


    Governor-Elect Rauner made a point that allowing the expiration of the higher rate would have no effect on how he wanted to go about his business.

    Then the FY2015 Fix and the Good Friday Cuts and their reinstatement… Then the idea Rauner couldn’t deliver his own budget given the reduced tax rate.

    Rauner owns.

    I would’ve followed the Comptroller Topinka thoughts and her process to the income tax reduction.

    If you get what you ask for… You have only yourself to blame.

  5. - Been There - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:01 am:

    ===They have to make payroll, pay bond debt and fund pensions.====
    This is true but the fed judge is saying too bad. Pay for the services for the disabled. Why do bond debt or pensions get to go ahead of the disabled? The employees are only getting paid because a St Clair county judge said so. I think the fed judge trumps that. I understand the comptroller has a juggling act but the days of stockpiling are over until there is a budget. Its absurd but it looks like we need these unfortunate crisis to maybe get some movement.

  6. - Tournaround Agenda - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:01 am:

    If anything, this little exchange shows why governing by court order is generally a bad idea.

  7. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:04 am:

    “The comptroller’s office has been doing this for a very long time, and they have experienced, non-partisan staff handling this stuff.”

    Experienced yes, but just yesterday there was a post of the spouse of one those experienced nonpartisan staff members who was floating a GOP run in Springfield district as a self hating union member.

  8. - VanillaMan - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:05 am:

    The Comptroller folks are traditionally dull, non-partisan people. At the top however, there are political staffers, especially when election time appears within the year. Comptrollers usually enjoy the dull stability of their office and many have enjoyed the opportunities available to them as a statewide elected official. During off year, they fish for a presidential candidate to fundraise for, and dream of being governor.

    Knowing what I know about Munger and Frerichs, Frerichs is a lot more partisan and open about his interest in higher office, while Munger seems in keeping to be more like what I’ve seen Comptrollers do.

    So I smell a partisan slant to Frerichs because it seems that is all he ever does. Like him or not, he intents to run for a higher office. Munger, I seem to believe, doesn’t suffer from the political itch Frerichs has. She probably has it to some degree, but this story line is exposing one side as being a lot less attached to reality, and a lot more attached to politics.

  9. - Mason born - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:05 am:

    Rauner was a fool for demanding no tax hike. Should have kept his trap shut andbif Quinn and MJM passed and signed it call it a mistake while inwardly thanking them for the gift.

  10. - Worth It - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    Are we forgetting that Quinn, Madigan and Cullerton had the power to extend the income tax increase for years. We are going to blame it on Rauner who was not even in office up until January, halfway through the fiscal year? I know we have been over this a thousand times, but seriously to strip it down to “The tax increase was allowed to expire because the governor asked that it expire” is biased political speak which I can take but for commenters to agree with that line shows their true colors. At least Rivara is paid to be biased in furtherance of the Treasurer’s agenda, what excuse do you guys have?

  11. - White Denim - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:08 am:

    This assertion that the Dem legislator - for no discernible reason - acquiesced to the Governor-elect’s request to allow the income tax to sunset is laughable. They firmly refuse to even so much as consider a single other one of his legislative proposals, and yet we’re supposed to believe that they did that one thing because he said so is so incredible, I can’t believe anyone is still saying it out loud.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:09 am:

    ===spouse of one those experienced nonpartisan staff members===

    And that has to do with… what?

  13. - Juice - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    First, I think the administration is at most fault here. They have known since July that they were going to be required to cover those under the consent decree, but chose to sit on the vouchers until Friday, the day checks for supposed to go out. The comptroller has a process for once vouchers are submitted, and that process takes longer than a day. Yes, things can be expedited, but this shouldn’t have to have been done that way.

    Carter is only partially right on his analogy, in that unlike a household, cash is coming in the door every day. Yes, some days are better than others, but a deposit on Thursday does not need to last you two weeks. Also, my guess is the huge draw down on Friday was for GSA, not debt service and not payroll (though that could have been a part). It is always paid on time for political purposes, but legally it does not take priority over a court order or debt service. And that pension excuse is absolute nonsense. Those payments have been a couple of months behind for years. Pure jiggery pokery.

  14. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    ==- VanillaMan - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:05 am:==

    Someone who has run for office “doesn’t suffer from the political itch.” Do you read what you write? Munger was chosen by Rauner so that she could run next year!

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:14 am:

    ===what excuse do you guys have?===

    I dunno. You Raunerites have used up all the excuses to get out of every bit of fault this year.

  16. - Fedralist - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:16 am:

    A lot of attention to day care and child services not being paid.

    What other agencies are not being paid? Does anyone know?

  17. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:16 am:

    “What other agencies are not being paid? Does anyone know?”

    Higher Ed.

  18. - Wordslinger - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    That “Wingman” remark at the fair was brutal. Even Kirk probably would have thought better of that one.

    The comptroller’s office is independent of the governor for a vey good reason. Munger, all on her own, undermined herself and her office’s credibility.

    Very unfair and unfortunate for the pros who work there.

  19. - Politix - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    “The tax increase was allowed to expire because the governor asked that it expire” is biased political speak”

    Ummm no…it’s not…it’s a fact.

    Settle down.

  20. - Juvenal - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    === I side mostly with Carter at the comptroller’s office on this one. They have to make payroll, pay bond debt and fund pensions. All that requires them to stockpile money for big pay-out dates. ===

    Except they didn’t stockpile money last Friday Rich.

    They spent $150 million.

    Just not on services for the developmentally disabled.

    But hey, let’s take the guesswork out of this.

    The comptroller says paying nonprofits is her top priority.

    She should send you a list of the payments she made on Friday to post on the website, so everyone can see what her priorities were.

  21. - walker - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:21 am:

    An unhelpful political shot by one constitutional office at another. The problem with the Treasurer’s office historically has been over-politicization. Let’s not augment that trend.

    In any case, the judge has a napkin and a pen, and can add and subtract.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    If the Munger Crew could have 2 (that’s not a lot in politics) do-overs, they would be the Presser where Munger said, to the cameras, she supports the Turnaround Agenda and the “Wingman” comment at the Fair.

    As - A Guy -, tells of “Fire Madigan, 2.0″ will be better with more resources, what could happen if Munger spends nine figures and it boils down to Democrats and Indies wanting to send Rauner a statewide message?

    Macro v. Micro…

  23. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:24 am:

    ==The tax increase was allowed to expire because the governor asked that it expire==

    The tax increase functioned as designed. Gov-elect Rauner and others opposed extending it, but the GA and Mr Quinn are the ones who established this tax rate in 2011. They share this one at the least.

    ==5% of the taxpayer’s net income for the period prior to January 1, 2015, as calculated under Section 202.5, and (ii) 3.75% of the taxpayer’s net income for the period after December 31, 2014, as calculated under Section 202.5==

  24. - My two - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    Having worked at IOC, I side with Munger on this one. IOC has to make certain payments at certain times. The decision making and balancing act that are required to manage the state’s checkbook under good financial conditions is impressive and largely unknown to the average citizen. To make those decisions now has to be excruciating.

  25. - Mouthy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    Each day there is X amount of revenue available to pay bills with. A couple of people are dedicated to the task of figuring out which tapes/files to release with the final okay from the front office. They would make the call if they wanted something paid or not paid on any particular day. I know the people that do this. Ask them what was mandated that had to be paid ahead of a court order. You won’t get an answer because they didn’t pay the developmentally disabled because they didn’t want to. Their excuse is BS.

  26. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:31 am:

    “===But I do wonder if Rauner’s behind this “there’s no money” bit. That seems to be his mantra.===”

    As Tom Cruise once shouted in a famous movie, “Show Me The Money!”

    Bit? You doubt there is a cash shortage in this state? Really?

    OK, I’ll bite. Where is it? Under the couch? Between a secret wall in the Governor’s Mansion? Where?

  27. - Michael Westen - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    Munger seems to be unclear on the concept of a court order. Since she brought up personal finances, if a court order is issued (child support, spousal support, etc) the court does not care about your mortgage, college bills etc. The court ordered payment comes first in the real world.

  28. - nona - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:32 am:

    Was Munger’s office being partisan when it attributed the severe cash shortage to the expired income tax hike? If it isn’t partisan when the Comptroller says it, then why is it partisan when the Treasurer says the same thing?

  29. - Mouthy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:34 am:

    - Juvenal - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:19 am:

    Juvenal knows what’s going on..

    - My two - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    You would know then, of course, that court orders are given a priority and if they didn’t pay it when they were supposed to is clearly because they didn’t want to.

  30. - Bored Chairman - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:35 am:

    White Denim is spot on. The Democrats have given Rauner nothing, yet Rich Miller and Mike Frerichs want us to believe that when they controlled the legislature and the Mansion that they kowtowed to Rauner. The notion is patently absurd and perfectly partisan. The Democrats didn’t want to wear the jacket for raising taxes. Period. They had the power to do it. They didn’t. This is their mess.

    And based on Freirich’s ridiculous claims about state fund balances, it looks like he’s not only hyper partisan, but has not a clue about state finances. Pretty frightening considering what office he holds.

  31. - Raising Kane - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:38 am:

    Michael, are you suggesting defaulting on bond payments? Or violating the fair labor standards act by not making payrolls on time and face the hefty fines associated with that? Or violating one of the other numerous court orders by not make no those payments?

    It’s a tough job and they are doing their best to juggle and get everybody paid. As JBT use to say “this is a triage situation “. I give them credit for keeping things afloat during this mess.

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:39 am:

    RK +1

  33. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:40 am:

    ===…want us to believe that when they controlled the legislature and the Mansion that they kowtowed to Rauner.===


    Rauner asked, on his own, as Governor-Elect to let the increase expire. Rauner did. How is that so difficult, lol

    === The Democrats didn’t want to wear the jacket for raising taxes. Period. They had the power to do it. They didn’t. This is their mess.===

    Again, Rauner asked the GA to leave it, and after taking the oath, Rauner’s own budget required (not a choice, required) a revenue increase. So in Caucus Politics, make Rauner own his own job, why take the job of the Executive on too?

  34. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:42 am:


    The Office of the Comptroller, the constitutional function(s) and Office is in a very tough spot… Not of their own doing.

  35. - Bored Chairman - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:45 am:

    Sorry, Willy. No. The Democrats selectively decided not to raise taxes in order to obtain a future political advantage. That’s the only reason they didn’t keep the old tax rate in place during lame duck. That was their right, just as it is their right to override Rauner’s veto of the AFSCME bill. Willy, your hatred ofRauner doesn’t give you a permit to be intellectually dishonest.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:46 am:

    - Bored Chairman -

    If you refuse to see what really happened I can’t help you.

    Rauner asked, the lame duck GA obliged.

  37. - Worth It - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:50 am:

    Let’s not forget that the Democrats also had to pay off two un-elected short-term fill in state representatives with Cook County jobs to even pass the original tax increase. Then showed an unwillingness to extend it, and now Rauner’s to blame? I am not a Raunerite, I just know that the one party apparently not only has no willingness to make cuts but no willingness to raise taxes (actions over years and years speak louder than words).

  38. - White Denim - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:51 am:

    Since the first day of the 99th GA, Speaker Madigan and his caucus have championed themselves the defenders of Illinois’s middle class and most vulnerable. They tell us ad nauseam about how they will oppose everything that the Governor puts forward, because it “goes against the core beliefs of the Democratic Party.” They won’t budge, because they’re out to protect Illinois families.

    Yet for some reason - a reason that no one is able to articulate - they refused to take up a vote on the one and only thing the Democratic Party insists can save that budget … because Rauner asked them to? Why did they abandon their core beliefs when it came to the “most important issue facing the state?”

    It’s pretty obvious “who” “owns” this one.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:53 am:

    - White Denim -

    Ounce of Prevention thinks Rauner owns it…

    So, there’s that…

  40. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 11:59 am:

    Rauner said the tax hike was unnecessary and that his superstar management could run the state fine without it. The expiration is the first thing Democrats gave him Denim. The olive branch.

  41. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:06 pm:

    Rauner said the tax hike was unnecessary and that his superstar management could run the state fine without it. The expiration is the first thing Democrats gave him Denim. The olive branch.

    This is simply a historical fact.

    – MrJM

  42. - Juvenal - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:12 pm:


    If the Comptrollers office had spent $150 million last Friday on payroll (it wasn’t pay day), bond payments or whatever else, you can bet that they would have produced that list of payees on Monday when this controversy started.

    It is three mouse clicks.

    I would be more inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt except that when directly questioned by the judge, they could not say what they paid instead. So how can you possibly believe that they intentionally paid core services first?

    Instead, what they claimed to the judge was they had a cash flow problem.

    Well, the cash was flowing, it just flowed somewhere else.

    So, show is where.

  43. - Then again... - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:12 pm:

    Agreeing that the legislative Dems didn’t extend the tax increase because the Governor asked them not to is just about the silliest thing I’ve ever read. If you want to argue that the Governor opened himself to political criticism by saying it shouldn’t have been extended, fine. There wasn’t really a good reason to say that, and he shouldn’t have. But to let the legislature off the hook for the deliberately unbalanced FY15 budget and the subsequent FY16 structural deficit by shrugging and saying “well, the Governor-elect asked them not to extend the tax increase” is mind-bendingly dishonest.

    The legislature hasn’t been interested in what the Governor wants from day one, which is certainly their prerogative - let’s just not pretend it’s otherwise. They didn’t make this decision because the Governor asked them to. They made it for the same reason they passed an unbalanced budget last year and this: they aren’t interesting in the politics of either passing a tax increase alone or making more budget cuts.

  44. - Peg IOC - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:18 pm:

    The payment file from Healthcare and Family Services was not received until Friday the 21st of August. The first day we could have issued payment would have been Tuesday the 25th.

  45. - Jack Stephens - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:19 pm:

    Gov Elect Bruce asked for an expansion of Welfare for the Wealthy and the Legislature obliged.

    Bruce is pocketing an extra $14,000.00 a week.

    Multiply that by 4 and that’s the national average salary.

    And he still wants to gut the middle class under the ruse of “right to work”.


  46. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:23 pm:

    ===Agreeing that the legislative Dems didn’t extend the tax increase because the Governor asked them not to is just about the silliest thing I’ve ever read.===

    So… Rauner didn’t ask, lol.

    ===But to let the legislature off the hook for the deliberately unbalanced FY15 budget…===

    There was the FY2015 Fix. You’re welcome.

    ===FY16 structural deficit by shrugging and saying “well, the Governor-elect asked them not to extend the tax increase” is mind-bendingly dishonest.===

    Where’s the Governor’s budget to address it? lol. Pretty mind-bending.

    I’d suggest the Governor start over, cobble a budget, and get 71 and 36 to pass it.

    That’s just me… and President Cullerton, the Governor’s sometime pal…

  47. - Then again... - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:31 pm:

    OW… Your belief that the Governor hasn’t adequately proposed a solution has nothing to do with whether or not the problem was created because he asked for it.

  48. - Fedralist - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:31 pm:


    Yea, public universities are a given- they usually are and have been even before Rauner.

    Any other agencies, anyone know about?

  49. - PolPal56 - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:32 pm:

    Rauner the candidate foolishly demanded that the GA allow the tax hike to expire as scheduled and insisted that he would produce a budget within the lower tax rate. The GA said okay, that’s what you want, you got it, show us what you’ll do with it. It was then up to Rauner to provide his balanced budget within the lower tax rate. Rauner the Governor never came near to what he claimed that he would do. Fail.

    Ever since then, his obsession with Unions has created a situation where his budget is being created for him by court mandate. He is losing control over the budget, and it’s his own fault. Fail.

    And because Illinois has no budget and therefore no monetary structure, we are now on the path to being $5B in the red this year. Because Rauner would rather destroy Unions than run the State. Fail.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:34 pm:

    === Your belief that the Governor hasn’t adequately proposed a solution has nothing to do with whether or not the problem was created because he asked for it.===

    Well, I’m excited for you.

    You are focused on the blame, not the solution.

    My blame? Where is Rauner’s solution? lol

    You stay focused on trying to blame the GA for doing what Governor-Elect Rauner asked. It’s been a fun read, actually.

  51. - Then again... - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:46 pm:

    Rich made part of this post about blame for the non-extension of the tax hike. I’m in the comments section of a post, talking about a specific point the post made. Just because I’m not talking about the exact thing you want to talk about doesn’t make my point invalid.

    Your need to insult and act like other people are ridiculous 24/7 is exhausting. Take a pill, man.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:49 pm:

    - Then again… -

    And I’m just responding to your comments.

    You don’t need to make it about me, please… make your point.

  53. - Mouthy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:55 pm:

    ==- Peg IOC - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:18 pm:

    The payment file from Healthcare and Family Services was not received until Friday the 21st of August. The first day we could have issued payment would have been Tuesday the 25th.==

    Peggy would know. You can’t pay the bill if you don’t have the file and paperwork. Anyone concern about the payment should contact the agency and ask why they sent over the file too late Friday to process for Monday’s issue date. Don’t know why the Comptroller’s office wouldn’t have brought this up other than to shield the agency about their timing…

  54. - Juvenal - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    If governor-elect Rauner had urged the General Assembly to extend the tax increase, even for another year, it would have flown out of the chambers.

    Quinn wanted to sign it, we know, and Rauner presumable could have cobbled together more than a handful of Republican votes.

    Heck, lawmakers could have even waited until the new Gov was sworn in so that Rauner could have signed the thing.

    Rauner wanted to own the budget. Well, he owns it now. As is, no returns.

  55. - White Denim - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Quinn and Madigan couldn’t drum up the votes for an extension in 2014. They tried all year long and they couldn’t find 60 heads to put on it. It was a political ticking time bomb that nobody wanted to touch. And they didn’t.

    They had the chance in January to do exactly what they now insist is the only way out of this mess. It’s their “core belief” but they went against it. And they went against it… because Rauner asked them to.

    Right, we’re all supposed to happily accept the idea that the Democratic Party went against its “core beliefs,” at Rauner’s mere request, on “the number one issue facing the state.” Some olive branch!

    If the opportunity presented itself, some commenters here would blame Rauner for the Great Chicago Fire.

  56. - PublicServant - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 12:59 pm:

    Leslie, you got some ’splainin’ to do.

  57. - Juvenal - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:00 pm:


    Except the Comptroller didn’t blame the Rauner administration.

    Although that would have been wise, it true.

    The Comptroller told a federal judge it was a cashflow crunch.

  58. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:02 pm:

    - White Denim -

    Rauner asked, himself, to let the tax expire.

    The GA obliged.

    Now Rauner is a victim of his own “ask”?

    ===Rauner said the tax hike was unnecessary and that his superstar management could run the state fine without it. The expiration is the first thing Democrats gave him Denim. The olive branch.===

    Welp, Rauner owns his asks…

  59. - Jack Stephens - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:06 pm:

    @white denim:

    Mrs O’Learys cow was a member of the Tea Party. So yes The Chicago Fire is Rauners fault.


  60. - Mouthy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    @ Juvenal - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:00 pm:

    Then someone’s lying. Either it was a cash problem or it was the file was sent over too late. It can’t be both. I’d put my money on Peg’s statement. That’s a technical reason. The cash crunch statement isn’t…

  61. - Wordslinger - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:09 pm:

    Here on Aug. 28, it would be a swell idea if the governor would engage with GA leaders, without pre-conditions, in fixing the growing fiscal crisis.

  62. - Politix - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:13 pm:

    “K, I’ll bite. Where is it? Under the couch? Between a secret wall in the Governor’s Mansion? Where?”

    There was “no money” for LIHEAP?

    There was “no money” for federally funded Meals on Wheels?

    There’s no money for anything until the unions have been broken.

    It’s a bit.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:30 pm:

    - White Denim -

    So… Rauner did ask for the tax to expire?

  64. - A guy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:36 pm:

    Willy, He did ask…

    If they’d only be so accommodating any day since then for what he’s asked. lol.

    Takes some of the genuineness out of the argument. But it does not change the fact that the Gov asked to let the tax expire. That is true.

  65. - RD55 - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:45 pm:

    The legislative Dems didn’t extend the tax increase because the Governor asked them not to, which was a huge political gift from Rauner to the Dems. He should have let the GA extend the tax and complained forevermore. He bought it lock stock and barrel,even before he had to.

  66. - My two - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    @ Mouthy, I think you believe there is a level of cooperation between the IOC and the agencies that quite frankly does not exist. You just aren’t coming from a place of knowledge on this. Sorry.

  67. - Bemused - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 2:05 pm:

    A guy
    Since then, as it appears to me. He has asked the Dems to tie up their supporters, remove their reproductive organs, and shoot them in both knees. For all that he is will to give them a fine new rope to hang themselves.

    And you wonder why they are not being accommodating?

  68. - Mouthy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 2:24 pm:

    ==- My two - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 1:57 pm:

    @ Mouthy, I think you believe there is a level of cooperation between the IOC and the agencies that quite frankly does not exist. You just aren’t coming from a place of knowledge on this. Sorry.==

    You’re kidding, right? It would appear you are the one that doesn’t have a clue. Where were you at the IOC? In the mailroom?

  69. - The Velour Nail - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 2:53 pm:

    Bored Chairman — Oswego Willy’s correct. Rauner asked and the lame duck GA gave him what he wanted. As for Frerichs, he is doing a great job with what has unfortunately been a political stepping stone for the last two terms. The treasurer is intelligent and cares about the state. While I hope he eventually moves up the chain, he is focused on his work as Treasurer and performing his constitutional obligations in good faith which is more than can be said of Team Bungle.

  70. - walker - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:14 pm:

    Isn’t Biss an announced candidate for Munger’s spot?

    Also interested in these questions, but fine with letting the judge sort it out.

    Take Biss’ memo with a big dose of saltpeter.

  71. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:24 pm:

    Another biased post siding with the Comptroller’s Office. Hm. I think I see a pattern.

  72. - Mama - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:32 pm:

    It is my understanding that none of the state agencies are receiving funds for operating their programs, travel, supplies, etc.. ISBE is getting money for General State Aide, but I’m not sure all of the other programs are being funded.

  73. - Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===Another biased post siding with the Comptroller’s Office===

    I’m sure the fact that you’re posting from the treasurer’s office has nothing whatsoever to do with your comment, however.


  74. - Ahoy! - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:45 pm:

    Yes, the Governor asked to let it expire, however, he was not in office and the Democrats had and continue to have a veto proof majority, they can just pass any tax increase they want if they really wanted to, but they don’t, they want republicans on that roll-call.

  75. - 1776 - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:46 pm:

    Wow. Punxsutawney Mike poked his head out of the hole. Does anyone recall that Mike was not in Springfield the last month of session. Did he criticize Dems for passing an unbalanced budget? Shouldn’t the Treasurer as a fiscal officer at least weigh in during debate rather than waiting until the last Friday in August.

  76. - A guy - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 3:51 pm:

    ===Since then, as it appears to me. He has asked the Dems to tie up their supporters, remove their reproductive organs, and shoot them in both knees.===

    I must pay more attention. I didn’t see any of these requests. Wait a minute…it’s a metaphor. Metaphors haven’t done well on this board lately. lol.

  77. - Wordslinger - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 4:08 pm:

    – Take Biss’ memo with a big dose of saltpeter.–

    Like they give out in the Navy for extended tours between ports?

    Somehow, I don’t feel the need. Like opposite, lol.

  78. - CapnCrunch - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 4:26 pm:

    “I’m sure the fact that you’re posting from the treasurer’s office has nothing whatsoever to do with your comment, however.”

    Did the Treasurer’s office close before 3:24 today or are things so slow that staff have time to surf the net?

  79. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 4:28 pm:

    ==The Democrats selectively decided not to raise taxes in order to obtain a future political advantage.==

    There was also the unbalanced budget they passed to avoid making any deep cuts or increasing taxes before election day. That was clearly done by Democrats for political advantage.

    A nice welcoming gift for Rauner.

  80. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Aug 28, 15 @ 4:30 pm:

    ==Did the Treasurer’s office close before 3:24 today or are things so slow that staff have time to surf the net?==

    Fish rots from the head.

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