Today, Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) President Dan Montgomery released the following statement in response to recent comments made by Governor Bruce Rauner and ongoing contract talks in Chicago:
“Governor Rauner’s comments about empowering Illinois voters to choose an appointed school board would be laugh out loud funny if it wasn’t so pathetically out of touch.
“The Governor is suggesting that citizens want less say in their government. Less say. That hasn’t worked out very well in Chicago, the only place in our state where the school board is selected by the Mayor, not the voters. Like our largest affiliate the Chicago Teachers Union and a staggering 90% of voters in a majority of city wards, the IFT supports legislation for an elected, representative school board in Chicago.
“Governor Rauner’s talk of empowerment is a page out of his so-called “turnaround” playbook, a self-serving agenda that may sound nice but has been rejected by 95% of citizens whose city councils and county boards looked closer and found “right to work” to be oppressive for average families. Illinois communities didn’t want less voice then, and they don’t want Chicago-style school boards now.
“Real empowerment is protecting the rights of regular people to collectively bargain with workplace management, and allowing voters to reelect or remove those officials if they want a change of direction. That’s empowerment, and that’s democracy. Governor Rauner prefers neither.
“Instead, he prefers to withhold funding for vital services until the legislature meets his obsessive political demands. He prefers to lay off workers, lower wages, and restrict the rights of middle class families instead of negotiating in good faith. He prefers to cut support for our children and most vulnerable neighbors before asking the very wealthy to pay a dime more.
“Governor Rauner’s priorities are irresponsibly out of sync with the rest of Illinois and the real challenges we face. It’s time to listen to taxpayers —or at least former (Republican) Governor Edgar — and start representing our best interests.”
“The power of the teachers union has been overwhelming. Chicago has given and given and given. It’s created a financial crisis that the Chicago schools face now,” Rauner told reporters outside his 16th floor office in the Thompson Center hours after CPS officials released a new spending plan that counts on $480 million in pension help from Rauner and the General Assembly that so far hasn’t gone anywhere.
“We believe the right answer is to empower: The people of Chicago, the voters of Chicago, the mayor of Chicago, the school board of the Chicago Public Schools should be enabled to decide what gets collectively bargained and what doesn’t so they don’t end up with the teachers union having dictatorial powers, in effect and causing the financial duress that Chicago public schools are facing right now.”
Rauner restated his belief that changes in collective bargaining should be statewide, and not just for Chicago, if there’s an attempt to alleviate CPS’ cash crunch for the coming school year.
At the same time, Rauner said he opposed proposals to create an elected school board in Chicago, something the CTU backs, citing Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s efforts to challenge the union. Chicago is the only school system in the state with an appointed board of education and Rauner said he believed voters in other school districts should have the option of choosing an appointed school board.
Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, is poised to back 2016 GOP White House hopeful Scott Walker, the Sun-Times has learned.
Durkin is the first major Illinois elected official to back Walker, the Wisconsin governor. All signs point to Durkin becoming the Illinois chair of the Walker presidential campaign. Durkin’s statewide political organization and network would give Walker a massive advantage in organizing delegate slates for the March 2016 Illinois primary.
Sen. Mark Kirk, who has needed help with some everyday tasks such as preparing meals and physically getting around since suffering a debilitating stroke in 2012, put his live-in caregiver onto his campaign payroll, according to records and interviews.
Kirk’s placement of his caregiver — who had no prior campaign experience — onto his campaign staff raises questions about whether Kirk used political donations to pay for personal expenses. Campaign finance records show that Kirk for Senate had paid his caregiver a salary totaling more than $43,000 from August 2013 through the end of 2014.
Federal law says campaign funds cannot be used for expenses that would occur regardless of whether the person were running for or holding office.
“If the expense existed irrespective of whether Sen. Kirk was a candidate or officeholder, then he cannot pay for it with campaign funds,” Ryan said. “It seems to me that Sen. Kirk had these home care expenses irrespective of his candidacy.”
* I called the Kirk campaign. They say the Senator was only under Fombe-Abiko’s care in the mornings and evenings, which Kirk paid for personally. During the day Fombe-Abiko drew a salary from the campaign for work related to the Senator’s re-election efforts, they say. He was charged with tasks like data entry and staffing events.
A senior Kirk campaign official said Fombe-Abiko was interested in doing something with his life other than home healthcare, and that the Senator thought the campaign job and assignments might help him expand his skill set.
* The Senate Select Committee on Ethics reviewed the arrangement back in 2013, and it does not appear they had a problem. The full letter is here, but here is a snippet…
Senator Kirk should take care that the individual should only provide personal assistance to the Senator to facilitate the performance of his official Senate duties, and that the individual should not perform any Senate service. Accordingly, the individual may not handle any tasks that should be undertaken by paid Senate staff and may not supervise or direct the work of any Senate employees.
Kirk’s camp says Fombe-Abiko only worked the campaign during the day and for the Senator personally in the mornings and evenings. They also say he was not one of the Senator’s body men during the day.
* The Kirk campaign official told me he was contacted by three D.C.-based publications that did not call back after they were shown the above letter. The official does not know with any certainty who was shopping the story.
Wednesday, Aug 12, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Exelon made $638 million in profits in the 2nd quarter of 2015.
That’s an increase of 22.2% from 2014 - adding up to more than $1.3 BILLION in profit for Exelon so far this year. But Exelon says Illinois legislators should help the company make more. Exelon wants to increase costs on struggling families, businesses and government at a time when human services are being slashed and the state is facing a $6 billion budget deficit.
Yet Exelon is demanding a $1.6 BILLION bailout from struggling family, business and government ratepayers including more than $20 million from Chicago and CPS. Maybe Exelon should be bailing out the State of Illinois and City of Chicago instead of the other way around!
Just Say NO to the Exelon Bailout
BEST Coalition is a 501C4 nonprofit group of dozens of business, consumer and government groups, as well as large and small businesses. Visit
* Illinois State Fair vendors say budget or no budget, show must go on: Uncertain budgets are a part of business, say vendors who travel the multi-state circuit of state and county fairs. In Illinois, budget deadlocks have become as common as salt-water taffy, funnel cakes and corn dogs on a stick. “We’re not too worried about it. We’re here to sell some candy and keep on going,” said Tony King, whose family operates State Fair Taffy.
“Right now we have denied 1,149 applications for service because they have not met the restricted criteria - the four target populations - that we’ve implemented with the emergency rule.”
One of the program’s administrators pointed out that the roughly 161,000 kids who qualified for grants BEFORE the emergency rules were announced won’t be turned away unless they leave the program.
As you all know by now, the House Democrats’ amendment to the federal pass through appropriations bill survived Committee yesterday with most Republicans voting Present. The amended bill could come before the full chamber this afternoon. A huge chunk of the new state appropriations included in that amendment is for child care grants.
* The Governor has called the amendment a “poison pill,” and subscribers have more of the backstory on the why.
* Related…
* Democrats can’t override Rauner cutting day care help to poor families: Under his plan, a family of three would have to make less than $10,000 per year to get into the program, down from about $37,000.
* PLAN TO RELEASE FEDERAL MONEY STALLS IN IL BUDGET BATTLE: “What the speaker wants to do is put a poison pill in that uses state money that frankly we don’t currently have without doing anything to control costs and that’s going to blow the whole thing up,” Murphy said.
Wednesday, Aug 12, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
Illinois is in crisis. Our budget woes are exacerbated by rising rates of costly chronic diseases. Through a penny-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks, the Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Act would generate an estimated $600 million annually to invest in community health programs supporting healthier nutrition and exercise, and to restore cuts and fund prevention in Medicaid.
A recent opinion poll found that this modest tax enjoyed broad support in every part of the state provided the funding is dedicated to health. This reflects growing awareness of the proven dangers of sugary drinks, the largest source of added sugar in the American diet.
In June, a New York Times article featured preliminary results from a comprehensive study that found that a tax on sugary beverages is one of the most effective approaches to lowering body mass index in children for the least cost and greatest return on investment. Also, The Washington Post reported on a study that showed sugary drinks are linked to 25,000 American deaths annually, and more than 180,000 globally.
* There have been rumors circling for months about whether Ray Poe would run for another term. One by one the names on local observers’ watch lists were taken off for one reason or another. Now Bernie has the man himself saying he’s ready to go in 2016…
Poe, 71, has been in the House since 1995.
“I always said I’d like to stay long enough to get the pension system sort of straightened out,” Poe said. “I don’t know if that will ever happen or not, but that’s one of my big concerns.”
Though a Republican, as is first-term Gov. Bruce Rauner, Poe has differed with the Rauner administration on some issues. For example, as a member of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability, Poe voted to recommend that the Illinois State Museum should stay open, though it has been targeted for closure by the Rauner administration because of lack of adequate funding.
By the way, I never got the impression any of those rumors were based on the thought he wasn’t up to the job after his recent medical treatments. I have yet to hear someone doubt the man’s tenacity…
“All my blood tests are back to normal,” he said in an interview. “I’m producing my own red cells. So everything’s a go on that end.”
* Meanwhile, Brendan Reilly, the 42nd Ward Alderman and former Legislative staffer, is reportedly being talked about as someone who should run for Danny Davis’ seat if the Congressman decides to hang it up. Greg Hinz…
In calling around to see who else might be interested in the seat should Davis vacate it, one insider mentioned Reilly. So, I emailed him and got this response:
“I have been encouraged to consider it seriously—so I’m doing that,” Reilly responded, adding only his best wishes that I have an “excellent summer.”
Reilly did not respond to a request for further comment. But a race by the downtown alderman sure would mix things up in a district that is nominally majority African-American and has had huge developments of new upper-income housing come online on its east end in recent years.
Wednesday, Aug 12, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
With an ultimate goal of helping to alleviate financial stress for their members, Great Lakes Credit Union is one of the nearly 30 credit unions across the state stepping up to provide “peace of mind” for State of Illinois employees whose payroll may be interrupted.
As not-for-profit financial cooperatives, Illinois credit unions such as Great Lakes have been a shining example of offering financial assistance during challenging times like the State’s current budget impasse. “We pride ourselves in providing members with loan solutions to help sustain their family’s financial responsibilities,” says Vikki Kaiser, President/CEO.
The loan process is simple and funds are available quickly. Loan representatives are available six days a week, including Saturdays and most nights until 6:00 p.m. via any one of the credit union’s 11 branches throughout Chicagoland as well as online 24/7.
The credit union mantra — “People Helping People” – is evident in Great Lakes’ dedication to looking out for their members’ best interests, as well as providing peace of mind that their credit union will always be there. To find a credit union near you that is specifically stepping up to help Illinois State employees and their families, please go to
Former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock bought a new Chevy Tahoe for nearly $74,000 with campaign cash in 2014, sold it to back to the dealership in April and yet was spotted with the Tahoe in May after the dealer allowed him to “continue to drive it at no cost,” court papers unsealed Tuesday said.
Schock resigned from Congress amid questions about his spending, including mileage reimbursements involving a different Tahoe he owned earlier. He sold that vehicle to Green Chevrolet in Peoria in July 2014, at the same time buying a 2015 Tahoe from the same dealership and paying with campaign cash, according to a court filing signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Timothy Bass.
Schock is known to be a good friend of Jeff Green, president of the dealership.
Green donated to Schock’s campaigns and flew the lawmaker to events in private aircraft. He also traveled on official trips with the then-congressman to India and Saudi Arabia.
Schock had the 2015 vehicle titled to him personally, then received mileage reimbursements from his taxpayer-paid office account and two campaign funds, the prosecutor’s filing said.
Back to Lynn…
Though Schock sold the Tahoe back to Green Chevrolet — whose owner is a longtime supporter — on April 6 for $46,000, he was allowed to continue to drive it at no cost, the government document says.
Federal agents observed the Tahoe at the Peoria airport on May 20 with dealer plates on it.
“I talked to the feds and they seem to have all the information. Thanks,” Jeff Green, of Green Chevrolet, told the Chicago Sun-Times after being asked about the Tahoe.
Schock, as a private citizen after March 31, is free to accept a loaner car from anyone.
Yup, the animals have taken over the farm. Miller is out until next week, so you guys are stuck with me until then.
* A lot of you somehow survived the last couple of times I filled in, so you know the drill. I’ll try to get as many posts up before I have to go punch the time card, and then I will follow up with some updates in the afternoon over my lunch hour.
I am also going to include my information at the top of every post in the event you need to contact me. I do not have access to the capitolfax(at) account, so if you have a press release you would like considered please send it here instead.
* Alright. Let’s get right to it…
* LITTLE LEAGUE ALLEGES ONLY 5 JRW TITLE PLAYERS LIVED WITHIN BOUNDARIES: Attorneys for Little League alleged JRW submitted a boundary map in May. After the championship series, JRW submitted a different map in which 12 of 13 players were within the boundary. Little League asserts after further investigation, the second map was intentionally backdated and the result, only five of the championship players actually lived within the boundaries.
* Scott Walker hits Chicago, Downers Grove on Thursday: He will raise money for Illinois House GOP leader Jim Durkin and then keynote the DuPage County GOP Summer Reception. Durkin has known Walker since his days as a Milwaukee County executive. Durkin, so far not taking sides in the crowded 2016 GOP presidential primary, would be a logical choice for Walker to pursue to lead his Illinois campaign.
* Rosemont tries to evict Toby Keith’s bar for back taxes, rent: According to the lawsuit, filed in July, Boomtown owes the Illinois Department of Revenue $379,958 worth of sales taxes and emergency 911 surcharge fees. It owes another $302,976 in 2014 local property taxes, including late fees, according to the Cook County treasurer’s office website. Though the village owns the property on which Toby Keith’s sits, the restaurant’s lease stipulates that it will pay its own real estate taxes.
* Mistake means higher Moline pension contributions: The total recommended increase — $1.28 million — is nearly triple how much the city’s contribution rose this year. Finance director Kathy Carr said the large jump in the city’s firefighter pension contribution is partially because of an error by the city’s former actuarial firm, Tepfer Consulting Group Ltd. Last year the firm recommended Moline increase its firefighter pension contribution by $9,000, much less than the $400,000 increase the city expected. Ms. Carr said when questioned about the figure, the firm said the lower-than-expected increase was because of cuts in firefighter staff. However, she said, Moline recently discovered the company’s recommendation was based on incomplete data it collected.