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This Is Illinois

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* An unincorporated subdivision needs to hook into Joliet’s sewer system. So, it creates a board which eventually has property tax authority.The last member of the Greenfield Sanitary District Board died about 10 years ago. The last payment made to Joliet by the district was in 2009. Now, Joliet wants the rest of its money, totaling $197,000.

Confusion follows

Withers and a couple of neighbors in Greenfield, located in the area of Rowell Avenue and New Lenox Road, have been trying to find out more about the status of the Greenfield Sanitary District.

They know the district existed at one time, because they used to pay bills to it. The Greenfield Sanitary District still appears on their property tax bills, but it does not levy for money.

“We wanted to see who the board members were and how many homes there are,” Withers said. “We haven’t got any answers.”

When Withers picked up the latest copy of the annual Will County Directory, the page that lists sanitary districts in unincorporated areas did not include Greenfield.

Joliet officials said they have had trouble getting information.

Moral of the story: We apparently have so many local units of government in this state that we can’t even keep track of them all.


Question of the day

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the twitters…

LIUNA is the Laborer’s Union, in case you didn’t know.

* The Question: Caption?


Can we move on to more important things, please?

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Associated Press takes a look at the dispute over Gov. Rauner’s “off-shoring”

Amid this summer’s budget impasse, Democratic lawmakers argued that the Republican governor’s administration is squeezing essential state services, particularly by having high-priced consultants’ salaries paid by other agencies. The administration acknowledged that about $3 million in salaries for Rauner’s staff was paid by other agencies and provided lawmakers with lists showing that his Democratic predecessor, Pat Quinn, annually offshored even more — $3.5 million.

Rauner aides, who continue to insist that the office pays less in compensation than Quinn, were not counting key contractual agreements, such as a $250,000 salary for education adviser Beth Purvis paid by the Department of Human Services or a seven-month, $135,000 contract financed by the Department of Revenue for chief financial officer Donna Arduin.

Based on a publicly available online directory of governor’s staff, Rauner is asking other agencies to cover about $4 million — more than Quinn, the AP’s analysis found.

The directory lists about 80 people with contact information. Counting a dozen more staffers provided by the governor’s office and not on the list — such as those staffing the Executive Mansion — annual salaries total $7.8 million. Half of that total comes from at least 18 other agencies, including the Department on Aging, the Illinois State Police, the Capital Development Board and the Department of Natural Resources.

The problem is that the AP is apparently counting people like the director of the budget office as being off-shored, but GOMB has its own staff paid for out of its own approps.

So far, this story is a rabbit hole of little consequence.

…Adding… From an e-mail…

No, Rich, Tim Nuding was not included in the analysis; he and others were removed from the list when the governor’s office reviewed it and discussed with me why they shouldn’t be included. Please correct this supposition on your blog.


John O’Connor


And the prize for most overly optimistic goes to…

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Heh

ROB MELLON, the Quincy Democrat running against state Sen. DARIN LaHOOD, R-Peoria, for the U.S. House in the Sept. 10 special election in the 18th Congressional District, has pledged not to raise too much money.

Mellon signed an agreement with a nonpartisan organization based in Chicago called to limit fundraising to $150,000. The group claims to be improving the political climate by having campaigns run on “dramatically less money” while letting the candidates who agree to fundraising caps post their issues on the website.

I asked Mellon if it wasn’t merely convenient that a candidate who hasn’t raised much money would pledge to cap his fundraising. LaHood has raised more than $1 million for this race, including more than $111,000 from June 18 through June 30. And he had more than $265,000 on hand as of the end of June. […]

“When I win, I pledge to sign another agreement to limit campaign fundraising for the 2016 election,” Mellon said.


More hide the ball

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Once again, the Tribune editorial board enthusiastically backs Rauner’s “reforms” without actually mentioning what they are

Rauner is thinking long-term: If Illinois doesn’t restore economic growth and rising incomes, legacy costs will continue to strangle this state’s 7,000 governments. Empowering those governments to control their own costs is one way to give them a chance of survival in the form their constituents expect. Tax hikes will drive even more employers and other taxpayers to more competitive states.

* I’m not sure which Democrats they’re talking to, but maybe they’re part of IllinoisGO

And some Dems wary of Rauner’s effort to permit local right-to-work zones admit privately that the unions may have to relent: Four of the six states bordering Illinois — Indiana, Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin — now are right-to-work states, poaching businesses from jobs-starved Illinois.

* More

Until now the survival strategy at CPS, City Hall and elsewhere has been to beg help from Springfield, duck cost reforms and keep borrowing by the billions. But the credit markets, which already charge huge interest penalties to indebted governments here, won’t let that go forever.

Not yet, as Crain’s reports today. People keep predicting the return of the bond vigilantes, but that return is nowhere in sight.

* Final Trib graf

At some point — maybe now — Democratic leaders have to decide: Will we keep blocking reforms that would cut government costs? Or will we tell our union allies the truth? We can compromise to rescue failing governments. Or we can let them, and many union jobs, implode.

No doubt that compromise is what we need. But that means real and true compromise, not anti-union legislation.


Schnorf nails it again

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Steve Schnorf commented Friday about Phillys Wise’s golden U of I parachute

U of I needs the best top faculty they can get. The regionals need good faculty.

On the other hand, no one needs a $500,000 a year university president, and those presidents’ salaries draw up the next couple of layers of administrators’ salaries.

We pay CFOs and Deans more than we pay the state Auditor General or Comptroller or Treasurer.

For a small one-time finder’s fee I would be happy to talent hunt for those jobs and save the universities a ton.


Missed McPier transfer payment a “credit negative”

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Moody’s…

On p. 19 of its new Credit Outlook released today (attached), Moody’s notes the recent notification by the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority of Illinois (rated Baa1/negative outlook) that holders of its expansion project bonds did not made a required $20.8 million monthly transfer to the bonds’ debt service fund is credit negative for the State of Illinois (A3/negative) and symptomatic of the state’s political paralysis and ongoing failure to enact a budget for fiscal 2016, which began July 1.

By starting the fiscal year with no enacted budget due to the political impasse between the state’s governor and legislature, Illinois failed to authorize transfers for the Metropolitan Pier bonds. Our rating on these securities (a notch below the state’s A3-rated general obligation bonds) has always recognized their vulnerability to governmental inaction. The bonds’ legal provisions include a so-called trapping mechanism meant to ensure annual appropriations: if the government fails to act, state sales tax receipts equal to annual debt service are trapped in the Expansion Project Fund. This year’s omission supports our long-held view that the mechanism does not fully offset non-appropriation risk.

The state continues to make required monthly debt-service transfers on its other rated securities, which consist mostly of general obligation bonds. The Metropolitan Pier bonds (with about $2.5 billion outstanding) account for a comparatively small 7% of Illinois’ $34 billion of rated debt. The state also has about $40 million of Civic Center bonds (Baa1 negative) outstanding. These securities are also subject to legislative appropriation. The lack of appropriation for these bonds has not interrupted monthly transfers to date, but, if not addressed by the December 15 payment date, would lead to a default.

Moody’s declaration of “credit positive” or “credit negative” does not connote a rating or outlook change. It is indicative of the impact of a distinct event or development as one of many credit factors affecting the issuer.

Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to speak to anyone at Moody’s. Thanks

David Jacobson

AVP, Communications Strategist - Public Finance Group

Moody’s Investors Service

What I want to know is why the Rauner administration didn’t tell legislative leaders that they needed an approp to make that McPier transfer payment after Rauner vetoed the original legislation.

Not cool.

Click here for the above-referenced report.


Let’s get to governing, please

Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

There are those who believe strongly that one side or the other is “winning” our latest and perhaps greatest Statehouse impasse in Illinois history.

I think it’s too early to judge, and, frankly, I think everyone is going to end up losing here anyway.

As you know, the governor has refused to negotiate a budget until the Democrats accede to his demands to essentially neuter the power of labor unions. The Democrats won’t ever back down from his more radical proposals, including forbidding schoolteachers from negotiating their own salaries.

Many who think Gov. Bruce Rauner is winning point to the fact that about 80 percent of the state general revenue fund’s budget is being spent under court order or signed legislation.

State employee wages and pensions, Medicaid-reliant hospitals in Cook County, part of the state child care program, debt service, transfers to local governments and human service programs tied to federal consent decrees all are being funded. In addition, Rauner signed the K-12 budget, so schools are being paid on time.

In addition, as I write this the House is expected to pass legislation appropriating about $5 billion in federal pass-through money.

So Rauner has managed to avoid wearing the jacket for any devastating consequences of a state shutdown because there hasn’t really been a shutdown.

But there are plenty of crises to come.

For instance, the state’s Monetary Award Program can’t distribute money to 125,000 poor college students without an appropriation. As of Friday afternoon, Western Illinois University was planning to inform its students that they would have to replace that state aid with other sources or out of their own pockets.

Mark Brown of the Chicago Sun-Times has been doing a great job documenting the impact of Rauner’s child care program changes, which are wreaking havoc throughout the state.

There also are serious problems with federal grants matched with state dollars. If there’s no state appropriation by the end of September, the state could lose a whole lot of money in the next federal fiscal year.

And what about nursing homes? The federal Medicaid decree doesn’t cover them, and neither does the “federal only” appropriations bill. But many rely heavily on Medicaid. Are we gonna see old folks kicked to the curb soon?

There’s also over $3 billion in nonfederal human service appropriations that can’t be spent. We definitely will see some all-too-real horror stories very soon.

Then there are all the fiscal problems in Chicago. The city’s media tend to give the mayor a whole lot of credence in disputes with governors, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been cranking up the heat on Rauner lately, so that’s a major pressure point.

Not to mention that former Republican Gov. Jim Edgar publicly chided Rauner the other day for not dropping his more extreme anti-union demands and focusing on the budget. That attack could give cover to pro-union Republican legislators to eventually break with Rauner.

What Rauner’s been doing so far kinda reminds me of those movies where somebody gets chased through a house. One door is breached, so the person being chased runs into another room and locks the door. That door is broken, so he runs into another room and puts a chair in front of the door. Etc. That’s kind of what Rauner has been doing with state dollars. The spending has given him breathing room to last another day.

But Rauner can’t just escape through a window. He runs the government. Eventually, he could very well run out of doors to lock.

Right now, I think voters are giving the new guy the benefit of the doubt. Add those who approve of his job performance to the undecideds in the last statewide poll we’ve seen and you have a 57 percent majority.

That could change quickly, however, when pain starts being felt.

Rather than focus on winning or losing, I really wish the state’s leaders (all of them) would start focusing on solving problems.

You want to bring down local government costs to ease the burden of a property tax freeze? You want to help employers with workers’ comp costs? You want a more equitable and fair way of drawing legislative district maps? OK, then find a way to do these things that both sides can live with.

The governor should stop trying to stick it to the unions and the Democrats absolutely need to help him come up with some alternative ideas.

Forget about “winning.” Try governing.


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Monday, Aug 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

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