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AFSCME bill override roundup

Wednesday, Sep 2, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

The House convenes Wednesday to consider overriding Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of a proposal that would put a potential labor-contract impasse in the hands of an outside arbitrator, rather than risk a strike or a lockout. […]

Rauner talked with bravado during his 2014 campaign of shutting down the government to save runaway taxpayer costs, but now he promises he will not lock out workers. However, he vetoed the initiative in July, and the Senate overrode the veto in August.

“He believes that the taxpayers should have a seat at the table when bargaining, and this eliminates that seat and turns it over to an unelected arbitrator,” Rauner’s general counsel, Jason Barclay, said Tuesday. “In our view, this bill strips taxpayers of their right to control costs in government.” […]

“We would prefer to reach a settlement at the bargaining table,” [Roberta Lynch, AFSCME Council 31’s executive director] said. “That’s been our goal all along. The purpose of this bill is to make sure that there is an alternative procedure to a strike or a lockout. It is not an alternative to collective bargaining.”

* Tribune

The campaign-style effort on both sides has featured attack ads, automated phone calls and closed-door lobbying. The fight involving power, loyalty and campaign cash is both the latest example of the ongoing political intransigence in Springfield and a foreshadowing of how next year’s state House and Senate elections may play out. […]

The legislation also goes to a central theme of his new administration in seeking to use the budget impasse to leverage a weakening of collective bargaining rights for public employees at the state and local levels and eliminate prevailing union wage rates on public construction contracts. […]

The measure originally passed the House with 67 votes — four shy of the 71 required to overturn Rauner’s veto. Two Democrats were absent in May. As of Tuesday, at least two other Democrats say they are still on the fence: Rep. Jack Franks of Marengo and Rep. Andre Thapedi of Chicago, neither of whom cast a vote on the bill last time around.

Thapedi said he declined to weigh in because he had unanswered questions and could not understand why AFSCME would be willing to give up its ability to strike. Thapedi said while he has met with union officials about the bill, he has yet to hear from Rauner’s office. […]

Republicans insist their allegiances lie with their new GOP governor. Rauner has made no secret that he is willing to use his personal wealth and that of his allies to enforce discipline and put up primary challengers to those not willing to follow him.

* I think Redfield nailed it

“Both sides have elevated this to an issue where it’s really about ultimate power within the conflict,” said Kent Redfield, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Illinois Springfield. “It’s going to set the tone for better or worse of how things are going to go not only in terms of the budget, but also for the next three and a half years.” […]

“It really has been a full-court press on the governor’s part,” Redfield said. “He’s made this a signature issue about his authority and role as governor.” […]

Redfield said the stakes are high for both sides. If the override is approved, he said, “it will be a hit to (Rauner’s) prestige and credibility.” If the governor’s veto is sustained, “it puts (the unions) in a much, much worse negotiating position,” he said.

* And other unions have joined in

In a conference call Tuesday, Keith Kelleher, president of Service Employees International Union, said the union originally had no position on the legislation, but has since come out in support of it because of Rauner’s strong anti-union positions and the administration’s push to boost health insurance costs for state employees.

“This bill will shut down the shut down threat,” Kelleher told reporters.

Pat Devaney, president of Associated Firefighters of Illinois, said the kind of binding arbitration called for in the proposal has been rarely used by the 15,000 firefighters he represents across the state. […]

“It will allow state employees to continue to provide critical state services,” added Chris Southwood, president of the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 8:50 am:


    Rauner is coming after you anyway, no matter what happens today.

    If you think helping Bruce Rauner helps you, then you deserve whatever Rauner does to you later.



  2. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 8:53 am:

    Does anyone know what time the vote is?

  3. - Stones - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 8:58 am:

    I agree with Kent Redfield - this will set the tone going forward. Madigan promised an override and he has to deliver.

  4. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 8:58 am:

    The taxpayers have never had a seat at the table during AFSCME negotiations. It’s all inside baseball, for the benefit of both the union, which gives huge amounts of money to politicians, and our political masters of both parties. So, will this bill change anything, whether passed or not. Nope. The tax tsunami is already on the way and it’s still coming. Indeed, if it passes, Rauner can blame it for the big tax increase.

  5. - Name Withheld - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:01 am:

    Cassandra - who would you envision being at the table to represent the taxpayers?

  6. - Mama - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:03 am:

    I can not believe none of the Republicans with a lot of state workers in their district (whom support their re-elections) will support Rauner over their constituents (the voters)! What the H3ll happened to democracy??

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:04 am:

    OW you are so so correct no reason to think anything else

  8. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:07 am:


    – The legislation also goes to a central theme of his new administration in seeking to use the budget impasse to leverage a weakening of public employee collective bargaining rights at the state and local levels and eliminate prevailing union wage rates on public construction projects.–

    That’s it, that’s the strategy.

    A conscious, deliberate and reckless sabotage of the state’s fiscal position and programs in pursuit of a reactionary agenda to drive down incomes of any worker he can lay a glove on.

    I’m starting to think it’s a bad idea.

  9. - Mama - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:07 am:

    Hello… State workers and all people in the unions are Taxpayers! State union people may pay more taxes than you do Cassandra.

  10. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:08 am:

    Well, it’s not AFSCME. As we shall see. Again, this bill changes nothing for we the citizens. It does, however, give the guv a “they [the Dems] made me do it, I fought for you but I lost” argument when they get to the real decision-when and how much. Which they have to tell us someday.
    Can’t hide it forever.

  11. - The Colossus of Roads - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:09 am:

    Where is the Teamster support for this override? There is already a huge conflict and an override will only increase it. Neither one wants to lose but in the end, taxpayers and state employees will be the biggest losers.

  12. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:10 am:

    Bruce Rauner must lose on this issue if Illinois wants any bipartisanship on future issues. If Rauner wins, the win will reward him for tactics which have crippled state government for all Illinoisans. If Rauner wins, his way of doing business wins. Do not reward a governor who believes in his own omnipotence at the expense of civility and moderation.

    Rauner has shown us that he has no qualms reneging on any of his promises. He has shown us that he has no plans other than to destroy other’s plans. Bruce Rauner has shown that he believes that destruction, bankruptcy and dis-union are viable governing tools. Bruce Rauner needs to be shown that Illinois governors need to be respectful to all other elected officials chosen by Illinoisans.

    A huge majority of citizens disagree with Bruce Rauner. He does not speak for them. His claim that taxpayers would not be at the table if he is reigned in, is based upon an assumption he himself had repeatedly proved is wrong. Bruce Rauner has shown us that he represents no one but Bruce Rauner and if anyone disagrees with him, he will do that person harm.

    Bruce Rauner is not negotiating in good faith. He lied to voters that he would not go after Illinoisans scraping by on blue collar pay checks. He lied to his own party on budget funding. He lies only to win more power for a personal vendetta which does not belong in the governor’s mansion.

    Defeat Bruce Rauner, then maybe he will respect and listen to you. If you do not defeat him on this override, then he will never listen to anyone again. We must have a governor for all Illinoisans. Teach Bruce Rauner this very important lesson.


  13. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:10 am:


    Agreed! Meanwhile him and Latricia light their cigars with $100 bills on the deck in Winnetka drinking wine with Rahm!

  14. - burbanite - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:11 am:


  15. - Not it - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:12 am:

    Nobody can explain to me if this bill is such a good idea and protects vital state services, why it hasn’t passed before, and why it is only for four years.

  16. - Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:12 am:

    Rauner needs to learn that his extreme tactics have severe consequences. Only then can we hope there will be some movement on his part to resolve the impasse.

  17. - SAP - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:13 am:

    Looks like pretty smart politics on Rauner’s part to get that Teamsters contract wrapped up right before this vote. Let’s him portray himself as a reasonable negotiator.

  18. - Nickname#2 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    Cassandra, Illinois’ 3.75% tax rate is lower than our neighbors, and lower than other flat tax states. Getting the tax levels up to a sustainable amount is hardly a tsunami. By the way, if taxpayers had been at the negotiating table, they would have had to answer for all the legislation they demanded that was conveniently funded from union pensions.

  19. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:14 am:

    “I’m starting to think it’s a bad idea.”

    Hard to type when you are laughing so hard that you have tears in your eyes!

  20. - Abe the Babe - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:15 am:

    ==Rauner can blame it for the big tax increase==

    Cassandra, when a tax increase passes its going to have Rauner’s name all over it. He is going to have to defend it, not shift blame.

    Even Darth Arduin said it was necessary. Rauner’s GOP will have to take ownership. The days of throwing stones and voting no are over for them.

    Welcome back to the adult table.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:16 am:

    Do the reporters working for the Trib read the paper’s editorials and do those on the editorial board read the reporters that work at their paper?

  22. - Casual observer - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:17 am:

    If the Governor is a reasonable negotiator why should he fear this bill?

  23. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:20 am:


    You do understand that Bruce’s end game is to ensure that your a mayo slapper at the local franchise sub place for minimum wage, right?

    What voice do taxpayers have with Bruce’s millionaire friends….that are using every means necessary to ensure this happens?

  24. - Muscular - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:21 am:

    I wonder why Rauner’s folks have not met with Representative Thapedi, considering he did not vote last time and is undecided.

  25. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:24 am:

    === Indeed, if it passes, Rauner can blame it for the big tax increase ===

    Wishing doesn’t make it so, Cassandra.

    It will be the Rauner Tax Hike. It was always going to be the Rauner Tax Hike.

    It will be sponsored by Jim Durkin and Christine Radogno, and all but perhaps a handful of Republicans will vote for it.

    All of the administration’s attempts to try to blame Democrats for the tax hike have been fruitless, and will remain fruitless.

    Moreover, by pushing an anti-tax message instead of a more nuanced (perhaps they are incapable of it) “balanced budget” message, Bruce Rauner is framing his own administration’s failure.

    According to the Rauner rhetoric, any tax hike is a failure, but there will be a tax hike.

  26. - Apocalypse Now - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:25 am:

    – The legislation also goes to a central theme of his new administration in seeking to use the budget impasse to leverage a weakening of public employee collective bargaining rights at the state and local levels and eliminate prevailing union wage rates on public construction projects.–
    So what is wrong with this strategy. Somehow. Sometime. Government spending must be brought under control. If it starts here, then so be it. The private sector workers have been through this for years.

  27. - Midway Gardens - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:26 am:

    Spending and Democratic priorities are deeply embedded in this State. Want to cut pensions? Nope, there’s a constitutional provision against that. Want to play hardball with the AFSCME? We’re going to undermine your authority. Want to cut social benefits? Nope, we’ve embedded the poverty level % in statute.

    To amend Cassandra’s point, when was the last time the taxpayers had someone on their side at the table? Quinn tried a few things, but despite fulling funding the pensions, the Unions turned on him for not giving them everything they wanted.

  28. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:29 am:

    ==why it hasn’t passed before==

    Because the General Assembly does not universally pass every good idea out there.

  29. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:30 am:

    The private sector workers have been through this for years.

    If your electricity goes off, let me know so I can buy a generator for when you start demanding I lose my electricity too.

  30. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    If I have to become a “mayo slapper” it will be because of economic and social forces far more potent than what one governor in one state for a term or two does or thinks. Rauner is a convenient distraction tho, while income inequality and job-killing technology march on.

  31. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:31 am:

    “The taxpayers have never had a seat at the table during AFSCME negotiations.”

    Absolutely not true. Taxpayers vote for the governor, who represents the State at the negotiating table. And the AFSCME negotiators represent thousands of rank-and-file State employees, who also are taxpayers.

    In other words, taxpayers are represented both sides sitting at the negotiating table.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    Oh. My. Goodness.

    ===So what is wrong with this strategy.===

    A federal judge contemplated wether the Comptroller’s Office was in contempt in payments because Illinois has no budget to pay. Just start there. That is not good.

    ===Somehow. Sometime. Government spending must be brought under control.===

    By a federal judge? Do you actually know what you talk about? Seriously, this strategy is about busting collective bargaining, nothing more.

    ===If it starts here, then so be it.===

    You are way behind. It started in January. “So be it” isn’t a position, it’s a lemming not really having anything pertinent to back up a ridiculous belief.

    ===The private sector workers have been through this for years.===

    What for years? Federal judges are running companies?

    (Banned word)

  33. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:33 am:

    == when was the last time the taxpayers had someone on their side at the table?==

    Literally every single time the table has been used. State workers pay taxes. “Tax payers” use state services. They are not two separate groups.

  34. - A Jack - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:34 am:

    Barclay’s comment betrays a deep misunderstanding of democracy. Taxpayers pay for the privilege of living in this state. They don’t have a say in how the state is ran.

    The voters are the ones that get to say how the state is ran. That is exactly why the wealthy are chaffed. They think they should get more say because of their wealth just like the kings of the past.

  35. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:35 am:

    ==Government spending must be brought under control.==

    So this IS about cutting people’s pay.

  36. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:38 am:

    – So what is wrong with this strategy.–

    You mean, besides the govemor’s deliberate sabotage of the state’s fiscal position and programs?

    AN, does state spending appear to be under control to you?

    If by “control,” you mean that of state and federal judges, I guess you’re right.

    If you mean expenditures in balance with revenue, not so much. About $5.5 billion short right now, with billions more in social services and higher ed still out in the cold.

    That was an easily foreseeable consequence to the governor’s deliberate political strategy.

  37. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:39 am:

    Want to cut pensions? Nope, there’s a constitutional provision against that.

    You, as a citizen, have a right to work for your government. This is a democracy. If you work for your government and retire from it, you should not be deliberately robbed because politicians decided they didn’t want to pay your retirement pension.

    Your demand for cheap government shouldn’t override basic contractual law, civil rights or constitutional democracy.

    …when was the last time the taxpayers had someone on their side at the table?

    In a democracy, everyone is a taxpayer with full and equal rights, regardless of the amount they pay in taxes.

    Really - if you think before posting and put away your jealousies, malice and panic, the reasons why things are done the way they are done today, makes common sense. There are no conspiracies, except for the paranoid.

  38. - Mama - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:40 am:

    == -Apocalypse Now - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:25 am: ==
    Public and private sectors are connected.

  39. - Pacman - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:41 am:

    This bill is good, with the exception of it only being temporary. Vote for the override! I had a long career in law enforcement and not once did we have to go to arbitration on contract negotiations. The threat of arbitration forces both sides to the middle, no one wants to roll the dice with an arbitrator. However this only works when both sides negotiate in good faith and are reasonable.

  40. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:43 am:

    Its been quite a while since rauner acknowledged a balanced budget would require a tax increase. I think he said that, thinking it would help pass his agenda. I fear he has come to the realization he will get very little, or none of his agenda. So if he doesnt get his agenda, he doesnt support a tax increase. The remaining budget areas take a massive disproportionate
    hit, which he will portray as a victory for reducing spending, while continuing to blame dems for the pain. Most of govt may

    I have seen no reason to believe rauner is willing to alter the path he is on. Consequences be damned.

  41. - Apocalypse Now - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:47 am:

    =A federal judge contemplated wether the Comptroller’s Office was in contempt in payments because Illinois has no budget to pay. Just start there. That is not good=
    Contemplation! Now, that is a legal term that doesn’t carry much weight.
    =What for years? Federal judges are running companies?= Poor and futile attempt at spin, OW. Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years. Didn’t you follow the news over the last eight years. Public sector workers may have to do the same.

  42. - The Captain - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:50 am:

    What OW said.

  43. - SAP - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:50 am:

    ==If the Governor is a reasonable negotiator why should he fear this bill? == I didn’t say he is a casual observer. I said he could portray himself as one. I don’t think anyone will buy it. I do think it gives Raymond Poe an opportunity to vote no.

  44. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:51 am:

    Agreed….government spending must be cut. Let’s start with draconian cuts in Welfare for the Wealthy.

  45. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:51 am:

    ==Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years.==

    Sounds like private sector workers could use a good union.

  46. - markg8 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    Top marginal state income tax rate in WI is 7.65% and the unemployment rate is 4.6%

    Top marginal state income tax rate in IA is 8.98% and the unemployment rate is 3.8%

    Flat tax rate in IL is 3.75% and the unemployment rate is 5.8%.

  47. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:55 am:

    ==The taxpayers have never had a seat at the table during AFSCME negotiations==

    That’s nonsense. The Governor has been in charge of negotiations. That’s the taxpayers seat. I’m amazed at the lack of understanding people have about the way the government works. Government 101: we elect people to represent us.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    ===Contemplation! Now, that is a legal term that doesn’t carry much weight.===

    It was asked of the judge to decide wether to hold the Comptroller’s Office in contemp. The judge contemplated.

    Con .tem·plate verb, look thoughtfully for a long time at; think profoundly and at length; meditate.

    Yeah, contemplated.

    ===Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years. Didn’t you follow the news over the last eight years. Public sector workers may have to do the same.===

    So, destroying the state finances is really about making workers earn less?

    Is that a Republican staple? People need to earn… less?

    Do you actually read what you type?

  49. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:56 am:

    ==Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years. ==

    I’ve never understood that argument. Is there a point to it? To me it’s the equivalent of “I’ve had to do it so it’s only fair you do too.” What a load of crap.

  50. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:58 am:

    ==Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years. ==

    Plus, you’re full of it if you are making that a blanket statement. I know plenty - PLENTY - of private sector workers who have continued to get raises, bonuses and other benefits in recent years.

    I love you people who argue that you are in favor of people making less. That’s just pathetic.

  51. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:59 am:

    @ Demoralized: It’s the equal distribution of poverty, the hallmark of Capitalism!

    …wait, no, that’s not it…

  52. - Trickster - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 9:59 am:

    Reality…. If House Republican Legislators… With State Facilities located in their districts…..who employee a large number of State Employees….Vote to override Rauner…..are at risk of “Rauner Retribution”. The real fear is that Rauner will close down those facilities. Especially, districts in which Republican State Sentors have already voted to override. Some house legislators are caught in the middle.

  53. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:00 am:

    Pacman, I am thankful that it is temporary. I normally would like the ability to brandish a strike. This Governor is bent upon a strike. It’s a whole new ballgame when the Governor WANTS chaos, destruction, lives ruined as leverage to get what he wants. It is immoral at best. I’m hopeful today though. I visited the Mother Jones monument in Mt. Olive last night on my way home. I said a prayer for us. Bless us Mother Jones.

  54. - 13thone - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:02 am:

    If Thapedi doesn’t vote for the override he’ll have to answer to the voters of his district. Other than the people Rauner has engulfed with his money he’s not popular, nor will Thapedi be if he sides with the 1% and not working people.

  55. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:07 am:

    AN, income stagnation among the 99% is one of this country’s biggest problems.

    It is a problem to be overcome, not an aspiration.

  56. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:08 am:

    I love how Madigan is allegedly the iron-fisted boss but time and again it’s the HGOP leadership that stifles rank-and-file independence and threatens those who don’t vote the way leadership wants.

  57. - Rod - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:11 am:

    Willy I don’t believe the plaintiff’s counsel ever filed a motion for contempt. Moreover, the full amount owed to the service providers has yet to be paid and there may be ongoing litigation over that too.

  58. - Tournaround Agenda - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:13 am:

    I really don’t get the mindset of tearing down state workers because private sector employees have been losing wages and benefits. If anything, that should be an incentive to unionize.

  59. - The Middle - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:14 am:

    If the override succeeds, might the Dems be doing Rauner a favor — effectively saving him from himself? With no override, Rauner has the wind at his back, which likely emboldens him to declare an impass and force a strike. If state government shuts down, the state’s CEO looks innaffective, no matter the reason for the shut down. And if he successfully breaks the union, he damages the GOP in several downstate legislative districts, possibly leading to Dem pick-ups next year.

    Win the battle but lose the war?

  60. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:15 am:

    ===If the override succeeds, might the Dems be doing Rauner a favor — effectively saving him from himself?===

    I have heard some Republicans say that very thing in private, way off the record, while they were looking over their shoulders.


  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:16 am:

    - Rod -

    With respect,

    “Coleman says she’ll entertain another contempt motion if the state falters again on payments.”

    With respect.

  62. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:17 am:

    “Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years.”

    Organize. Stand up for your rights instead of complaining about people who do stand up for their rights.

  63. - Blago's Luxurious Grey Mane - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:18 am:

    I hope there’s an override. Someone has to bring Rauner back to reality about his agenda. I fully agree that things have to change and the Madigan stewardship has driven us into the ditch; however, Rauner just isn’t dealing with political reality.

  64. - Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    Well said, Demoralized @ 9:58.

  65. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:20 am:

    Yes, Demoralized, we understand how the government is supposed to work.

  66. - Very Fed Up - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:21 am:

    Not sure what would be new here. Taxpayers have not had a legitimate seat at the table for a long long time.

  67. - Omega Man - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:22 am:

    In a nutshell, a vote to override the SB1229 veto is a vote to allow a chance for a fair compromise. A vote against the override is a vote for more chaos and conflict.

  68. - chiagr - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:23 am:

    The bigger question should be-Why is Rauner so afraid of an INDEPENDENT Arbitrator??? Maybe because he won’t be able to push his agenda down all our tax payers throats???

  69. - Truthteller - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:24 am:

    Downstate Republican legislators with state employees in their district where the Governor is already unpopular will be running with the Rauner albatross around their necks. Seems like they can ease the burden on themselves by exercising their independence and voting to override.

  70. - Joe M - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:25 am:

    Republicans who vote against the override should not feel secure. Rauner may still throw them under the bus - if not on this issue - then the next issue.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    I can see how this override can help Rauner. Honest.

    If the governor refuses to have around him people that will stop these Don Quixote paths that lead to veto overrides based on the politics at play, then maybe facing a political “defeat” might make the governor reassess some of his paths and decisions.

    This vote could be treated at a “wake-up” call. That’s what I’d tell the governor.

    “Governor, are we ready to fight another day? Are we ready to find victories?”

    I’ll wait by my cell phone to either get threatened or…

  72. - RetiredStateEmployee - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:26 am:

    As a private sector worker, you should be aware that many lower paid jobs have not seen appropriate wage increases but all of the higher ups have. If you have a beef, it’s with management that takes more for themselves and less for the workers.

  73. - Apocalypse Now - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:27 am:

    Ow. I am going to have to contemplate your spin and get back with you.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    - Apocalypse Now -

    Don’t strain yourself, I don’t want that on my conscious…

  75. - Abe the Babe - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:28 am:

    ===If the override succeeds, might the Dems be doing Rauner a favor — effectively saving him from himself?===

    I’m not sure I buy the conventional wisdom that Rauner will be politically and personally chastened by an override.

    It fits too neatly into his narrative of “union bosses, corruption, Madigan, etc.”.

    The guy, and the frat crew, seem more interested in getting even than they ever are in getting ahead. They still haven’t figured out that politics is a game of addition.

  76. - chiagr - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:29 am:

    Rauner wants to be the next Walker! Walker was all over tv this weekend-talking about how he took on the Unions in Wisconsin and won. (while his State is in shambles). This has been the number 1 goal since Rauner took office.

  77. - Pacman - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:30 am:

    Honeybear if it’s made permanet ther’s no need to “brandish a strike and it protects the employees from future like minded Governors.

  78. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    For the record, the House vote in May was 67-25-3, with 23 members, the great majority of them GOP, not voting.

    I don’t think taking a walk, or not showing up, fools anyone today.

  79. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:31 am:

    == Illinois’ 3.75% tax rate is lower than our neighbors, and lower than other flat tax states. Getting the tax levels up to a sustainable amount is hardly a tsunami.==

    Of the 7 other states with a flat rate, only one exempts taxing retirement (pension/401k) income, Pennsylvania. Of those 7 states, 2 even tax Social Security income (Colorado, Utah).

    I agree…taxing retirement income would hardly be a tsunami.

  80. - A guy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:32 am:

    Willy, I know you’re sincere, but that is indeed putting lipstick on a pig. Under any other circumstance, with any other characters, this would be identified as the bad legislation it is. The situation in this state does not call for lessening the tools of the chief executive to negotiate with a huge sized group of unionized employees.

    What will happen today, will happen. Hard to know what that is at this moment. But, neither point of view should consider a huge victory for themselves based on the outcome. It should never come to this, but when it does, the separation of powers is vital…it’s why they exist.

  81. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    If the override succeeds, might the Dems be doing Rauner a favor — effectively saving him from himself?

    That is my hope too.

    I’ve given up hoping that he pulls his head out of his you-know-where. He obviously needs help. Time out!

    This has been the worst start of any Illinois gubernatorial administration that I’ve ever experienced or studied. He is an absolute nightmare.

    We all need a redo. This is it.

  82. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    ==Top marginal state income tax rate in WI is 7.65% and the unemployment rate is 4.6%. Top marginal state income tax rate in IA is 8.98% and the unemployment rate is 3.8%.
    Flat tax rate in IL is 3.75% and the unemployment rate is 5.8%.

    WI taxes retirement income and the unemployment rate is 4.6%.

    IA taxes retirement income and the unemployment rate is 3.8%.

    IL does not tax retirement income and the unemployment rate is 5.8%.

    Two can play that game.

  83. - Joe M - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:35 am:

    ====Private sector workers have seen wages and benefits cut for years. ==

    Lets all race to the bottom! If public employee’s pay and benefits go down, you can bet that will eventually have the effect of private sector pay and benefits going even lower. Lowering the water, lowers all ships.

  84. - Wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:39 am:

    Should anything be read into the tweet this morning from the Illinois House GOP on the importance of assembling a “Go Bag?”

  85. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:40 am:

    ==Organize. Stand up for your rights instead of complaining about people who do stand up for their rights.==

    Or you could allow me freedom of choice on what services to consume and what to pay. Or you could be required to purchase the software I develop. Either one works and levels the playing field. Choose wisely.

  86. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:41 am:

    ==Lets all race to the bottom!==

    Are you referring to the public sector “race” that has no competition, forced payment of entry fee even if you do not wish to race, and no freedom to choose what race you wish to run? Because that is not a race. That is my high school walk-a-thon.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:43 am:

    ===Under any other circumstance, with any other characters, this would be identified as the bad legislation it is. The situation in this state does not call for lessening the tools of the chief executive to negotiate with a huge sized group of unionized employees.===

    That is an opinion based on opinion…

    “Are other unions using the tools available by this legislation to come to labor peace?”

    ===It should never come to this, but when it does, the separation of powers is vital…it’s why they exist.===

    “Separation of… Powers”?

    Where in the Constitution is negotiating Union contracts guaranteed to the Executive?

  88. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:44 am:

    - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:34 am:

    Flat tax rate in IL is 3.75% and the unemployment rate is 5.8%

    Increase in Bruce’s Welfare check with reduction in flat tax rate: $14,0000.00 a week/$56,000.00 a month/$672,000.00 annually.

    Three can play that game.

  89. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:46 am:

    If the override fails, Madigan loses another round to Rauner, as he did on the pay increase issue.

    If the override wins, Rauner finally gets a radioactive example of the ==corrupt bargain== he can point to and hammer on for years.

    The juice may not have been worth the squeeze for Madigan on this.

  90. - SAP - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    == I didn’t say he is a casual observer. == GAAAH! I was trying to say he could portray himself as a reasonable negotiator. Mabye portraying himself as a casual observer (small “c”, small “a”) is more accurate.

  91. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:47 am:

    -And if he successfully breaks the union-
    What I am truly worried about is not so much breaking the union (which will be much harder than they know) but breaking the state. Look, you force a strike through catastrophic impasse demands, and put your public servants out on the street you will get
    1)The young new public servants taking other jobs.
    2)The veteran public servants retiring.
    3)The educated/experienced public servants leaving for the private sector.
    4)The crappy lazy no good state workers holding on and being left to inherit the kingdom because they know they will never get another good job.

    It will take a decade for the state to recover.
    As I said before
    SB 1229 stands=AFSCME STRIKE= State of Chaos

    The biggest result of failure to override will be a nonfunctioning state. Ragnarok destroys all.

  92. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    ==Or you could allow me freedom of choice on what services to consume and what to pay. ==

    Are you being ridiculous just to be ridiculous are are you serious? I hope it’s the former.

  93. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    ==Increase in Bruce’s Welfare check with reduction in flat tax rate: $14,0000.00 a week/$56,000.00 a month/$672,000.00 annually.==

    Increase in child’s college savings account with reduction in flat tax rate for his “working family” parents: $1,000 annually, compounded at 7.5%.

    I would hardly call a child’s financial security a game.

  94. - the Patriot - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    ==INDEPENDENT Arbitrator?===

    They are not independent. The Arbitration boards are loaded with pro labor individuals and they almost always side with labor. Like it or not, it is a fact and why management tries not to defer to an Arbitrator, ever.

    This us a waste of time. This bill is clearly constitutional. If the legislature can start eliminating what the governor can and cannot bargain for, what is the point.

    Just wait until the republicans get control, and yes it will eventually happen, and they pass a bill that prevents the governor from negotiating things like, pensions, pay raises, or health insurance.

    Once the legislature can take away the governor’s right to negotiate one thing, they can take away his right to negotiate anything.

  95. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:53 am:

    ==Are you being ridiculous just to be ridiculous are are you serious? I hope it’s the former.==

    “Stand up for your rights, private sector!” comments require a bit of both.

  96. - A Jack - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:54 am:

    An override helps all Republicans so that we can get on with the budget process and the tax increase that we know will happen sooner or later. If the tax increase happens later and is a massive catch-up tax increase, it will kill the Republican Party in Illinois because you know it’s going to be placed squarely on Rauner’s back and the Republican’s he controls.

    I can see the mailers now: “Did you enjoy your tiny December paycheck? Well blame the Governor’s huge retroactive tax increase for no presents under the tree.”

  97. - Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    === Session starts at 11 o’clock. ===

    Can’t wait for the day’s attendance number.

  98. - Liberty - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    I think state workers are over paid but Rauner is an extremist. He should settle for a pay freeze while he is in office and move on.

  99. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:57 am:

    ==Illinois’ 3.75% tax rate is lower than our neighbors==

    Remember, the 3.75% tax is still a significant increase over the 3.00% people were paying before the 2011 hike.

    3.75% may or may not be enough, but it is an increase and already leaves the state with more revenue than if the entire increase reverted to the prior level.

  100. - Jack Stephens - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 10:59 am:


    Agreed! Meant to delete your header in my reply. Apologies….

  101. - The Dark Horse - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    I wish the Democrats would just override the veto, raise revenue to a point where they can pay down our debt, make some reasonable and appropriate cuts, and call it a day. They can do this without participation by the governor or the General assembly Republicans. I suppose they might expressing fear about doing this with the election coming. However, let’s be real: nobody likes them anyway. Hope you likes any of them including the Republicans. How about we just governing do our jobs? I would be more inclined to vote for the Democrats if they actually got this done because they have the ability to get it done on their own. At least I can say that the Republicans cannot do it without help from the other side. I guess I am just naïve.

  102. - AnonymousOne - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:00 am:

    While some in the private sector whine about losing financial ground and demand that public sectors experience the same, everyone misses the point. This game is being played just exactly as planned. Those at the top are making record profits as they decrease wages for their workers. Why is there no focus on making those who have more than ever pay more? Instead middle class people rip each other apart while the 1%-ers breathe easy. Working people are not seeing this very clearly. And furthermore, if private sector employees are so jealous of the bargaining power of unions, why not do so for yourselves? Haven’t we been through this scene in history? You’re not accidentally working a 40 hour week, you didn’t accidentally get vacation time….or access to health benefits. It came at the price of unionization. While not a union member, or a huge supporter, I paid attention in history class, ya know……..

  103. - The Dark Horse - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    ^ I meant to say: nobody likes any of them in the General assembly including the Republicans. Ugh autocorrect …

  104. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    “If the legislature can start eliminating what the governor can and cannot bargain for, what is the point.”

    “If the Governor can start eliminating what the Unions can and cannot bargain for, what is the point.”

    Works both ways.

    And more to the point, this bill does NOTHING OF THE KIND. Rauner is free to negotiate whatever terms he wants to negotiate. Forcing a contract is not negotiation.

    Sheesh, do you even read what you write?

  105. - Enviro - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:12 am:

    The focus is now on reducing the standard of living of public employees. Next they will come after the private sector middle class employees by reducing social security and Medicare benefits.

    An override of SB 1229 will prevent a state government shutdown. It will also help support the middle class by saving collective bargaining.

  106. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:12 am:

    ==Once the legislature can take away the governor’s right to negotiate one thing, they can take away his right to negotiate anything.==

    That is part of the danger here. Rauner will not be Governor for long, but the precedent this sets will be.

    1229 is compelled by very different motives than arbitration for police and firemen.

  107. - Sangamo Sam - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:14 am:

    ===Rauner is a convenient distraction tho, while income inequality and job-killing technology march on.===

    Casandra: Rauner is much more than a “convenient distraction”. He is the biggest walkin’ talkin’ union bustin’ cheerleadrer for income inequality perhaps in the history of the state.

  108. - Facts are Stubborn Things - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    The override is about solving problems in moderation and not the extreme.

  109. - Enviro - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:17 am:

    Liberty @ 10:56 am == state workers are over paid ==

    It is Corporate CEO’s NOT state workers who are over paid.

  110. - Norseman - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:18 am:

    All Dems answer the attendance roll call. Four GOP missing.

  111. - CharlieKratos - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:20 am:

    It seems like SB1229 will go one of the ways:

    MJM decides he doesn’t have the votes and chooses to not call a vote

    MJM calls it for a vote and it squeaks by (possibly with the help of RP)

    MJM calls it for a vote, but it fails because he’s worked out a deal with BVR to sacrifice AFSCME for a budget deal

    Of these, I think the third is unlikely given that you can’t trust BVR on a deal, even if it’s in writing.

  112. - Theo's House Boy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:26 am:

    The patriot-
    Can you find me stats that say independent arbitration almost always sides with labor? Because every figure I’ve seen says it’s about a 52-48, or essentially split.

  113. - walker - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:29 am:

    Thinking like Charlie. If there’s a budget deal being made, this doesn’t get called for a vote today.

    I know — naive optimism.

    At least a dozen Republican House members are praying and begging for this not to be called.

  114. - Politix - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:29 am:

    “Under any other circumstance, with any other characters, this would be identified as the bad legislation it is.”

    Are you not able to acknowledge that Rauner’s open hostility toward unions forced this bill? Under any other circumstance, with any other characters, this probably wouldn’t even be necessary.

  115. - A Jack - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:30 am:

    @FKA. You are forgetting about the pension ramp which is trying to catch up for years of shorting pension payments and the resulting lost interest to the pension funds.

    Because of the ramp, the contribution rate is now 45.598% while back in 2011, it was only 27.988%. Had the state paid its share of the pension when it was suppose to do so, that rate would have 4 to 12% depending on the employee’s formula. Since the ramp increased that in itself caused a need for increased revenues.

  116. - nixit71 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:36 am:

    ==Next they will come after the private sector middle class employees by reducing social security and Medicare benefits.==

    That is already happening regardless of what happens in IL. By the time Gen X and beyond retire, Social Security will look vastly different than it does today. Stricter means testing for Social Security will ensure that the middle/mid-upper class essentially flushed 6.2% of their career salaries down the drain. A career that will span 50 years, no less.

    Make no mistake, future generations are paying today and will pay going forward. All for inadvisable decision made in the past. Same as it ever was…

  117. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    What’s up with Dunkin being present but not on the floor?

  118. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:41 am:

    While you are wishing that the Democrats would vote to raise taxes not once but twice without a single GOP vote and despite a Rauner veto, you might as well wish for unicorns and money trees.

    Actually, unicorns and money trees are less likely to happen.

    It is not just about politics, although politics plays an undeniable role.

    While it is true that Democrats can, theoretically, appropriate money without GOP participation, they cannot compel the governor to spend the money on college financial aid or anything else.

    What would be the point?

  119. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:43 am:

    Honeybear, subscribe.

  120. - Joe M - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:43 am:

    ==arbitration boards almost always side with unions”

    Patriot, take a look at all of the public employer/public worker arbitration hearings that have taken place in Illinois.

  121. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:46 am:


    A private equity entrepreneur worth hundreds of millions takes a quixotic run at an unpopular governor and gets elected because the unpopular governor annoyed a few too many voters, many of whom “voted” by staying home. The quixotic entrepreneur uses the state’s totally failed Republican party as a vehicle for his win but really, it’s all about him. Remember Mayor Bloomberg?

    This means something? Armageddon? Don’t be silly.
    It’s one of life’s little random side jogs. We’ll be back to a one-party state before you can say tax increase.

  122. - A guy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    P-tix, it’s a bad bill no matter what hostility exists. The Governor is sold on the fact that runaway labor costs/benefits must be addressed if there is to be any recovery at any time in the future- I will acknowledge that I believe “he” feels that way.

    Will you acknowledge that MJM has no particular affection for AFSCME that would drive him to push a bad bill like this one for the sole altruistic purposes of his solidarity with the public service unions?

    Because that doesn’t exist. This is tug of war, and the public service union members and the private sector employers-all taxpayers of the state- are the rope.

    This override is not in the least about good public policy, good government policy or good economic policy. It’s a bad bill being shoved through on the order of flexing muscle. That’s it. And in that exercise everyone loses, today or soon enough.

  123. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:53 am:

    ===Will you acknowledge that MJM has no particular affection for AFSCME that would drive him to push a bad bill like this one for the sole altruistic purposes of his solidarity with the public service unions?===

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    - A Guy -, you find that “separation of powers” thingy on Union negotiations?

  124. - LBJ - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 11:56 am:

    I find the House GOP caucus position very interesting. I do not recall Pate ever imposing a caucus position on his members. My understanding is he would talk to them, but he would follow their lead. Those guys almost ALWAYS stuck together. And Pate really didn’t care what a Governor wanted…he stuck with HIS caucus because it was HIS caucus and not the Governor’s.

    It seems to me that Durkin has turned over his caucus to Rauner rather than leading his members to the position that’s best for his individual members and his caucus as a whole. When you tie yourself to Rauner, you go the way of his career and his numbers…which aren’t good.

    Durkin needs to also look at the national landscape of GOP politics. Right now, the presidential leaders are not exactly Illinois GOP material - meaning moderates who can win independents. I could be wrong, but tying your self to Rauner and, by extension, the other extremists of the GOP nationally could hurt Durkin’s caucus very badly in the next election.

  125. - Qui Tam - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:01 pm:

    =The private sector workers have been through this for years.=

    How has that worked out for 99% of the private sector workers?

  126. - A guy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:02 pm:

    === A Guy -, you find that “separation of powers” thingy on Union negotiations?===

    Willy, are they legislating this issue or not? Does arbitration not need to be forced by a law in this case?

    I know you understand what I’m suggesting, and I know you’re smarter than the silly question would indicate.

    Is it your argument that this override of this bill is not meant to diminish executive power?

  127. - The Dark Horse - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:03 pm:

    @Juvenal the point would be: to govern and fix our problems. To be leaders. To do what everybody already knows need to be done.

  128. - Ian - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:07 pm:

    Who are the four GOP NOT present?

  129. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:07 pm:

    ===Is it your argument that this override of this bill is not meant to diminish executive power?===


    It doesn’t diminish the powers of the Executive.


    If it was a constitutional question, the Democrats would need to amend the constitution, not pass legislation.

    ===Willy, are they legislating this issue or not? Does arbitration not need to be forced by a law in this case?===

    Considering most poison pills the governor has put in legislation continues to be… to destroy collective bargaining, … AFSCME can make a really goid case SB1229 is warranted.

  130. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:07 pm:

    @A Jack - Respectfully, I remember the pension ramp, the state’s skipping of pension payments, and the pension theft attempt. The pension ramp does call for greater pension payments to increase the funded %.

    It was simply a reminder that the 2011 legislation has still left us with a tax ==increase== even after the 5.00% rate expired.

  131. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:09 pm:

    @Ian - Demmer, Hurley, Mayfield, Winger.

  132. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:12 pm:

    @Ian - That was a massive brain freeze. Those missing are Leitch, Pritchard, Stewart and Winger.

  133. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:20 pm:

    ==Will you acknowledge that MJM has no particular affection for AFSCME that would drive him to push a bad bill like this one for the sole altruistic purposes of his solidarity with the public service unions?==

    Weird false dichotomy. Madigan can be doing this both because it’ll make his caucus stronger (his only real priority, ever) and because he thinks its a good deal (’cause all of the arguments against it are pretty weak).

  134. - Casual observer - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:23 pm:

    Red field is right. The outcome of today’s vote will likely determine how the co-equal branches work together for the next 3 1/2 years. I think that may be Madigan’s message to his caucus.

  135. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:23 pm:

    ==Constitutionally? It doesn’t diminish the powers of the Executive.==

    It may not diminish the Governor’s negotiating powers Constitutionally, but doesn’t it diminish the Governor’s negotiating powers in practice?

  136. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:23 pm:

    Thank you LBJ for answering my question. I work with a majority of African Americans in my office. I can understand that they have always been taken for granted by the Dems. They have. But doing this will effectively kill one of the, it not THE best source of advancement, working for Government. Thirty pieces of silver. Thirty pieces of silver.

    (Rich, I can’t afford a hit that big. I comment, ask questions, and participate. I have to be content with that. Besides, if I am putting two and two together, I’ll be needing to save my money even more now.)

  137. - HangingOn - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    ==doesn’t it diminish the Governor’s negotiating powers==

    What it diminishes is his ability to negotiate in bad faith

  138. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===…but doesn’t it diminish the Governor’s negotiating powers in practice?===

    Rauner, personally, between the “offer(s)” to AFSCME and the continued poison pills introduced in legislation by Rauner, this governor, specifically, has made the case as to what “good faith” is seen by the actions of this specific governor.

  139. - A guy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:38 pm:

    ===this specific governor.====

    That goes back to the case of “legislation for particular characters”.

    That will never be sound policy.

  140. - MurMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:39 pm:

    ===…but doesn’t it diminish the Governor’s negotiating powers in practice?===

    Of course it does. The GA doesn’t trust Rauner to negotiate in good faith with AFSCME so they want to take away his nuclear option. The GA giveth, the GA taketh away… That is their constitutional prerogative

  141. - MurMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:40 pm:

    ===That will never be sound policy.===

    That’s an opinion, not an argument

  142. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:41 pm:

    ===That will never be sound policy.===

    This override isn’t about policy

  143. - facing reality - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:42 pm:

    Look folks, Madigan and his band of thieves have put Illinois in deep do-do. AFSCME wants 11 1/2 % raise. get real NO ONE gets that kind of raise. All this is about, is making state workers fatter, better insurance for less, and better pensions. They should work in the real world. I spent 48 years working my butt off and all I have is what I could save and social security. So you tell me how they think they should get 80% of their final salary as a pension. Give them the same as everyone who really WORKS for a living. most of them are appointed because they know some politician. I hope Rauner wins and maybe then Madigan will start to come around on having some sort of sensible budget. The runaway democrats need to wake up.

  144. - MurMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:46 pm:

    facing reality - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:42 pm:

    What reality are you facing? So much was wrong in your post that it would take all afternoon to get you caught up. Not worth it for me. Maybe Willy has the time to educate you

  145. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:48 pm:

    ===Look folks,===

    Oh geez, here comes a lesson…

    ===Look folks, Madigan and his band of thieves…===

    You can literally hear the mouth breathing thru the screen.

    ===They should work in the real world.===

    You do know how ignorant you sound, right? How are state workers NOT working in the real world? Is their job in a fake world none of us know about? That would be news.

    ===most of them are appointed because they know some politician.===

    I think that one is my favorite. Wonder what the basis of this is? lol

    === I hope Rauner wins and maybe then Madigan will start to come around on having some sort of sensible budget. The runaway democrats need to wake up.===

    I wonder if this enlightened chap realizes Rauner’s own budget “spends” more than it had in revenue.

    All that was missing was…

    “Get off my lawn”

  146. - MurMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===“Get off my lawn”===

    LOL… Too funny

  147. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:53 pm:

    at least one is speaking out and has a set…

    Leader Durkin says his caucus will be unified in their rejection of SB1229

  148. - Casual observer - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:57 pm:

    I’m guessing facing reality has coffe every morning at the same spot with his same buddies that all agree gubmint should be run like a business. I appreciate he worked his butt off for 48 years. I suggest he spend his retirement years reading and educating himself on issues. Get involved and learn the realities of governing.

  149. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    Love of God what does “rejection of SB 1229″ mean? Does that mean they will vote for override or not? To me rejection of SB1229 means that they will vote NO on the override. Please have mercy on me and tell me what they mean.

  150. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:07 pm:

    @ Honeybear

    “Leader Durkin says his caucus will be unified in their rejection of SB1229″ - is a statement from Durkin, he is voting against the override as his public wants and I support him in this.

    Let the VETO stand.

  151. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    Wait, sorry, I thought they were talking about the black caucus. That was the HGOP Durkin right? being united against SB1229

  152. - Mouthy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:08 pm:

    - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 12:53 pm:

    So how many are taking a walk, including Poe?

  153. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:18 pm:

    I would love to see Madigan’s face when if he see’s one Dem vote present or “Madigan Forbid” against the override…. That would be priceless.

  154. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:19 pm:

    I don’t think any of the Republicans will walk across the aisle.

  155. - Mason born - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:25 pm:

    Allen D

    Will you feel the same when a single Republican decides he Is there to serve his constituents and not Rauner and votes yes? After all Poe stated in the sjr this morning he was undecided and calls from his district were 75-80% for yes. If the GOP was so unified why did Durkin have to threaten publically? You don’t threaten you friends.

  156. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===You don’t threaten you friends.===

    Ball game.

  157. - Sangamo Sam - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===Who are the four GOP NOT present?===

    Just saw Bost live on TV at the Farm Progress show.

  158. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:43 pm:

    Madigans fear —
    ooops … we can’t vote today … Dem Dunkin is AWOL …. postpone the vote … postpone the vote we can’t vote now i’ll loose. find Dunkin now…. IMO

  159. - CharlieKratos - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:50 pm:

    Or, Dunkin walked, they’ll vote and pass with one or more GOP thumbs up to prove a point… that they don’t need just Dems to keep the monstrous ego that is BVR in check. It would be in the GOPs best interest to send him a message that they are their own people and not just Raunerites.

  160. - illinifan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 1:51 pm:

    Where in the world is Dunkin? Did someone tie him up and store him away in out of the way closet?

  161. - historic66 - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 2:13 pm:

    ==Just saw Bost live on TV at the Farm Progress show.==

    Bost isn’t in the state house these days.

  162. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 2:20 pm:

    While Democrats reported they had 71 members here for labor bill override, Rep. Ken Dunkin is absent and says he won’t be coming this week.

  163. - MurMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 2:30 pm:

    ===While Democrats reported they had 71 members here for labor bill override, Rep. Ken Dunkin is absent and says he won’t be coming this week.

    Rich, you just got scooped on your own blog… /s


  164. - MurMan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 2:32 pm:

    I missed the new post. Nevermind on scooped. ha

  165. - Allen D - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 2:44 pm:

    with Dunkin not going to be present “supposedly” for the rest of the week will they still vote on SB1229 override?

  166. - Mama - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 2:57 pm:

    ==AFSCME wants 11 1/2 % raise== I don’t know where you get your information, but it is 100% wrong. AFSCME wants to keep what they currently have. They currently do NOT a get 11-1/2% raise.

  167. - ryan - Wednesday, Sep 2, 15 @ 5:00 pm:

    Holy cow. Here we go…

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