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IllinoisGO belatedly weighs in

Thursday, Sep 3, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Illinoisans for Growth and Responsibility (IllinoisGO) Chairman Anthony Anderson released the following statement regarding the House’s failed veto override of SB 1229:

“House lawmakers did the right thing yesterday. SB 1229 was just another political distraction from solving the real financial problems facing our state. With a $6 billion dollar state budget deficit, each and every line item in the budget must be considered, including the state payroll, and this bill would have made our problems that much harder to solve. IllinoisGO thanks the lawmakers who took this tough vote and urges the General Assembly to get back to addressing the challenges facing our state and to showing real leadership towards enacting solutions.”


  1. - The Captain - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:37 am:

    “We support bland platitudes and Bruce Rauner. Well, not in that order.”

  2. - Snucka - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    This post should be titled “Rauner React, II”.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:42 am:

    Isn’t this their “Out of Office - Auto Reply”?

    Is this an independent thought?

  4. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:48 am:

    Is Goldner getting the mail pieces ready for those Dems who stood with labor?

  5. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:49 am:

    Agree totally! Time for common sense!

  6. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:55 am:

    Their motto should be, “We are republicans that support democrats that support republicans.”

  7. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 10:56 am:

    Rauner had to veto this bill because it passed.
    Because he has shown that he is not someone who bargains in good faith, or any faith at all except his own.

    The General Assembly couldn’t override that veto because it required more votes than a simple majority. A majority of legislators needed more than a majority to constitutionally force this bill past Rauner’s veto.

    Rauner didn’t win anymore than a 6 year old wins when he just gets a reprimand from his school principal, instead of an outright expulsion.

    Rauner didn’t win. He just escaped the legislative guillotine.

    No need to thank anyone in this case. No one earned any victory which needed any statement of thanks or congratulations.

    The pit bull just found a way to dig under the fence. That’s all. And as long as he chases down and mauls the right people - it seems the minority of citizens who still support Rauner, think its better that he goes after other people so that his blood thirst can be satisfied enough, so not to go after them.

  8. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:02 am:

    It’s adorable that ILGO thinks it needs to weigh in after the fact, or that anyone in the world has a clue as to who they are.

    You’re a front to launder Rauner money in Democratic races. If anyone wants your opinion, they can check with your boss.

  9. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:07 am:

    ===You’re a front to launder Rauner money in Democratic races. If anyone wants your opinion, they can check with your boss.===

    The democrats need to be doing this in GOP races if they aren’t already.

  10. - Wondering - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:11 am:

    VanillaMan…right on cue!

  11. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:31 am:

    They were in the mix, and their response is measured. Adds up to a great big…”ok”.

  12. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:44 am:

    But Illinois GO is a Democrat group / snark

  13. - Austin Blvd - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:46 am:

    As Carol Sente might say, if Illinois GO is Demcratic-leaning organization, then we need a new definition of Democratic-leaning.

  14. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:48 am:

    ===then we need a new definition of Democratic-leaning.===

    maybe we do.

  15. - Go Bills! - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:49 am:

    Not that we needed any more proof that IllinoisGO is fronting for Rauner, but it’s interesting that there are 110 Democratic members of the General Assembly and only one of them, Drury, voted with IllinoisGO on this issue — and even he claimed his vote was designed to help organized labor, not restrain the cost of the state payroll.

    Memo to IllinoisGO mercenary Greg “Redflex” Goldner: When you’re pretending to be a Democratic group, you probably should avoid drawing attention to how far outside of the Democratic mainstream you are.

  16. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:51 am:

    Guy, for what purpose do you pretend that ILGO is not a Rauner front to people who know better?

    Is it like Tourette’s or something, just can’t help but peddle dishonest nonsense?

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 11:57 am:

    - A Guy -

    IllinoisGO, if anything, is Raunerite-leaning.

    At least that’s honest.

  18. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:11 pm:

    Fellas, calm down. Maybe there is a new definition of Democrat Leaning folks coming forward, even notwithstanding this particular group. Frankly, I know little more about Illinois Go than what I read here on CF. My hope is more universal. While a number of GOP Reps are getting pounded here today for lacking courage, there are plenty of districts with Dem Reps (like Sente’s) that may feel sold out by their member. Can that be that hard to believe?

  19. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:21 pm:

    === Frankly, I know little more about Illinois Go than what I read here on CF.===

    Ok, what do you know?

    Enlighten us all.

    Here’s what’s real;

    Rauner wants and needs 30 and 60 Raunerite votes, just like Leader Durkin did with the AFSCME vote.

    Rauner has 47 and 20, needing 23 more Raunerites, not Republicans, thus the creation of IllinoisGO.

    IllinoisGO is Raunerite thoughts masquerading as a “Democratic-leaning” group. It’s not. Not even close.

  20. - Nickname#2 - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:25 pm:

    =IllinoisGO thanks the lawmakers who took this tough vote and urges the General Assembly to get back to addressing the challenges facing our state and to showing real leadership towards enacting solutions.=

    Real leadership? Like…
    (a) The Governor shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly, at a time prescribed by law, a State budget for the ensuing fiscal year.

    Seems to me that someone doesn’t want to put his name on the cuts or revenue that will be required. At some point, the governor is going to have to ask the democrats for the tax increase, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they demand something in return.

  21. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:36 pm:

    who else are they Willy? Who is filling their coffers? Are they former or current Democrats or people with Democrat donations in their past? Are they indies? Is all the money laundered from Republicans?

    I don’t think for a minute that these are not folks with ties to the Governor. He has given plenty of money to Democrats in the past. Maybe he still does occasionally.

    If you call it a front group, who am I to dispute you on that? They were against the override, so yesterday, I agreed with them.

    You get to read what I get to read here. So, read up. I think, at the very least, they favor Democrats with more conservative records. Is that fair?

  22. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:41 pm:

    ===Who is filling their coffers?===

    Well, there’s $5 million from this guy…

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:41 pm:

    === Frankly, I know little more about Illinois Go than what I read here on CF.===

    ===You get to read what I get to read here. So, read up. I think, at the very least, they favor Democrats with more conservative records.===

    So, you know more… or you don’t know more?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:46 pm:

    - A Guy -,

    If you are a gag, or something, fine. More power to you.

    If you are disingenuous because your partisanship overrides the real, what’s the point?

  25. - Anonin' - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 12:51 pm:

    Wonder what took so long for this very cerebral message. Perhaps the GOIL braintrust was giving more deps in that traffic cam scandal?

  26. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 1:03 pm:

    – I think, at the very least, they favor Democrats with more conservative records. Is that fair?–

    I think, at the very least, to make such a statement, you must have a couple of examples of such Democrats that they favor. Is that fair?

    Just kidding. I know you’re just making stuff up, for some reason.

  27. - Car hop - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 2:08 pm:

    Didn’t know what @Go Bills and @anonin’ were talking about so I googled “Goldner redflex camera” and found this. Ouch.

  28. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 2:12 pm:

    Oy vey dudes. Willy I’m a partisan Republican. A Precinct Captain in North DuPage. I’ve never made any secret of that at all. This isn’t the easiest place for a partisan GOPer to hang out. Too partisan? I don’t think so. But, hey, to each his own. Politics makes for very strange bedfellows. Seen plenty of Dem influence in GOP districts and vice versa. My guess is that these Illinois Go folks will back alternative Dems in some primaries. It’s another group, albeit a wealthy one, doing the same thing others have done before. They’re better financed, so they’ve got a chance to be more successful. It really comes down to “who” they wind up supporting.

    As of today Sling, perhaps they “favor” Dunkin, Drury and Franks. Maybe you’re better off asking them.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 2:23 pm:

    - A Guy -,

    Rauner isn’t a Republican, he’s a Raunerite who took over the GOP, and with IllinoisGO, wants Rod Blagojevich’s dream of his own two caucuses.

    You’re dilusuonal if you think otherwise.

  30. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 2:50 pm:

    – This isn’t the easiest place for a partisan GOPer to hang out.–

    LOL, you just constantly make up nonsense and get called on it. Schnorf doesn’t seem to have that problem.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 2:59 pm:

    - A Guy -

    You are a partisan Raunerite. IllinoisGO is an example of the difference between the GOP and Raunerite agenda. You can’t even be honest about that.

    How you handle that in your comments and the fiction you seem to comment is on you, not on the community here.

  32. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 3:22 pm:

    Willy, the community??
    Nothing wrong with the community. You learn pretty early on who makes up the neighborhood.
    In your world, I have to enroll as a “Raunerite” in order to satisfy you. Can’t simply be a GOPer who supports our Republican Governor. Sorry dude, that’s what I am. If what I’m saying comes across as “fiction” to you, don’t read it. Much of what I read here are “opinions” of folks around the state. Frankly, that’s really why I come around.

    You’ve got a narrative on Rauner that you would like to force feed as a fact. As of yesterday, every last member of the GOP House caucus is a Raunerite. Durkin disappoints you. Sandack disappoints you. Poe disappoints you. None of them measure up to the standards of your GOP. Sorry for that.

    What I have to do in this community is hold my own. Most commenters are very fair minded folks here. If we’re philosophically different by party, the vast majority still listen. Like most, I just try to be conscientious and decent in remarks. The last couple days have been very trying as the rhetoric reached a fever pitch. You even have to endure some derogatory name calling here and there…you know that. You just brush it off and consider the source.

    IllinoisGo is something new around town. It’ll succeed or fail on it’s own. We’ll all survive. At least ole Battnick got a Willy reprieve for one day. Heck, if I were him I’d print it just to prove it happened. LOL

    Sling, take a warm bath or something. You’re unhinging.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 3:31 pm:

    ===Nothing wrong with the community. You learn pretty early on who makes up the neighborhood.===

    Now you’re a victim? C’mon, you take no ownership of the silly things you type?

    === If what I’m saying comes across as “fiction” to you, don’t read it. Much of what I read here are “opinions” of folks around the state. Frankly, that’s really why I come around.===

    You pass off your alleged opinion as fact, get called on it, then backpedal or double down. Again, that’s on you.

    ===You’ve got a narrative on Rauner that you would like to force feed as a fact.===

    I’ve defended it, given examples, showed the where and how. If you can’t refute it, you can’t. Sorry.

    === As of yesterday, every last member of the GOP House caucus is a Raunerite. Durkin disappoints you. Sandack disappoints you. Poe disappoints you. None of them measure up to the standards of your GOP. Sorry for that.===

    You can’t say “Speaker Madigan and the legislators he controls” as bad and have the GOP Leader, publicly, unabashedly, say that is what is going on, period.

    You can’t.

    I wish Leader Durkin would’ve held his powder. With Dunkin gone, no need to make public the Raunerite edict.

    That’s real too.

  34. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 3:38 pm:

    Gee, guy, you sure are being “conscientious and decent” in all the insults and name-calling today.

  35. - Southsider - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 5:48 pm:

    Uh, yeah…the Illinois GO carefully worded statement might be a bit of a clue here..not that you need a clue, it’s all laid out in the D-2s….Illinois GO is funded by the same ultra-wealthy people who donate millions to Rauner and Stand for Children. Read: anti-labor, anti-public education and pro-tort reform.

  36. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 6:04 pm:

    Southsider, ILGO states on their website that they won’t get involved in general electiion contests. I guess that just leaves primaries.

    Now why wouldn’t a “progressive Democratic” group seek to elect Democrats in general elections?

  37. - Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 3, 15 @ 6:24 pm:

    Curious, though, as of June 30, IllinoisGo had only spent $30, according to ISBE.

    Are they paying bills through a dark money account? I don’t think Goldner works for free.

    They’d raised a total of $9 million from five people, Emanuel/Rauner/Stand for Children bankrollers.

    Real grassroots effort, lol.

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