When perception clearly clashes with reality
Monday, Sep 21, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * I think most of us can agree that this statement from the school which had that Muslim kid arrested and suspended for bringing a home-made clock to class is pretty darned goofy…
They’ll never, ever be able to publish a list of banned items because this policy, such as it is, is based completely on perception. Somebody gets a bad feeling, no matter if it’s based on racism or other prejudices or just plain ignorance, and here come the coppers with the handcuffs. * And that brings us to this AP story…
* How was this “improper”? Well, the “experts” don’t really say. And despite the article’s contention that transition costs are typically paid with private funds, that’s not true. Some transition costs have been appropriated in the past. They weren’t this time (likely because the Democrats wanted to make Rauner beg for it if he won and would appropriate the money if Quinn won) so the Rauner folks had to find another way. Also, as mentioned in the story, the inspector General signed off on the move. So, again, what’s the beef here? * And check this out…
Are you freaking kidding me? So, now staff members are supposed to go off the state clock to discuss hiring exempt employees because that discussion might involve politics? That’s just so ridiculous. * The biggest problem with the “perception is reality” argument is that people have different perceptions of reality. He may see a clock, she may see a possible bomb because the maker is a Muslim. She may see routine hiring of exempt employees that is within legal parameters, he may see a potential scandal. I prefer reality. The kid made a clock. Patronage hiring is legal in certain cases.
- Anonymiss - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:01 am:
Something of concern though: If the authorities thought the clock was a bomb, why didn’t they evacuate the building? Why didn’t they isolate the area? This is what happens in other bomb threat situations. They don’t just handcuff someone while the device ticks.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:01 am:
I understand, yet I have discovered that Rauner’s clocks can’t keep time, cost more than regular clocks, no one uses them, and they are usually cuckoo.
Oh - and they usually bomb.
- Ghost - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:02 am:
Honestly inthought this was a good use of limited govt resources. Get people going on a cmplex process early, and have govt offices holders share tesources to get it done. We would be better off with more sharong not more territoriality.
- low level - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:06 am:
Brings up something I’ve been saying for a while:
They sound good, but when the “reformers” come calling, run. The only thing being “reformed” is the practical application of common sense…
- Just Sayin' - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:08 am:
I thought the same thing about the kid’s clock project…until I saw the “clock”. Whether or not you like Bill Maher, he makes an excellent point that maybe they didn’t do anything wrong since this “clock” looked much more similar to a bomb (and nothing like a clock): https://youtu.be/aGit-XltUB4
- Wordslinger - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:10 am:
–Only in Illinois do you get attacked for doing things the right way,” (Trover) said.–
That was an attack? You’ve had a pretty easy life up to now.
Might want to have that knee-jerk whine looked at. Just release the IG letter and be done with it.
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:11 am:
Also, he was uncooperative with the police
I do believe that things are out of control but we should all be cooperative with police.
I can give many examples of how police have been unfair with me through the decades but I have always been cooperative.
- near springfield - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:12 am:
I agree a clock is a clock. This story seems to be way overblown in regards to ethics on the transition situation. But what about the $98k DOC employee who was running a partisan campaign on state time with state resources? She did all of that and only got a $2000 fine. She gets to keep her job? That is the amazing story for me regarding ethics. I thought people went to jail for that. Is this the “shake up” we were promised?
- Aldyth - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:17 am:
The school’s and the cops reaction to the “bomb” may have been traumatic for that young man at the time, but he’s scoring big time on the public relations end of this. He’s liable to have a full scholarship to college, great internships, and a visit to the White House out of it.
And the school staff didn’t exhibit the behavior typically expected when someone might have a bomb. Sheesh, if someone even whispers the word “bomb” in my building, we evacuate and ask other questions later.
- Lincoln Lad - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:20 am:
Per Ben Carson, the kid should not be able to be President either. What’s the surprise that a school says something ridiculous when our presidential candidates are saying the things they are?
- Liberty - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:26 am:
Prohibited activities include: “Campaign for elective office” means any activity in furtherance of an effort to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of any individual to any federal, State, or local public office…
- thunderspirit - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:28 am:
I’m hardly a Governor Rauner fan, but if the IG signed off on the Governor-elect’s actions, there’s no story or scandal or whatever here. None.
== If the authorities thought the clock was a bomb, why didn’t they evacuate the building? Why didn’t they isolate the area? This is what happens in other bomb threat situations. They don’t just handcuff someone while the device ticks. ==
== And the school staff didn’t exhibit the behavior typically expected when someone might have a bomb. Sheesh, if someone even whispers the word “bomb” in my building, we evacuate and ask other questions later. ==
+1 to both of these.
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:32 am:
“Also, he was uncooperative with the police”
Citation needed.
http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2015/09/inventing-while-muslim/405586/ (emphasis added)
– MrJM
- Been There - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:32 am:
I’m not a Rauner fan by any means. And I think a lot the stuff thrown at him during the campaign are going to start to re-appear over time. Maybe even have some effect on his governing. And I look forward to that. But I read this article twice just to see if I missed the gotcha and I still don’t see the point of wasting the paper and ink on this. A bunch of nothing.
- Juvenal - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:34 am:
The IG did not sign off on these two employees working for the governor-elect.
The IG signed off on the COS for the Comptroller working for the governor-elect.
The critics have a point: the comptroller’s office is a separate constitutional branch from the governor. Using monies appropriated to the comptroller to perform functions of the governor’s office would only be legal if there was an intergovernmental agreement in place, and it appears there was not.
- Bushwacker - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:39 am:
A “count down timer” which what was in the suitcase like container is NOT a clock! You cannot pull the fire alarm in a theatre or say hold em up in a Bank! Some things you just can’t do. This was a publicity stunt from a Muslim kid who’s Muslim Dad has a agenda! Kudos to the School staff and the police who errored on the side of caution because Lord knows if they wouldn’t have and it was a explosive device, the media and the public would be stringing them up! Hypocrites!
- Think Before You Speak - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:40 am:
Just Sayin’ — I’m sure the 14-year-old freshman’s religion and African heritage had nothing to do with the clock being presumed to be a bomb. Much like racial profiling has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin.
Just sayin’.
Anonymous — there was absolutely no news coverage indicating that the 14-year-old child was being uncooperative throughout his ordeal. Unless him reiterating that it was a clock while he was being forcibly handcuffed in his school, detained, and interrogated by 4+ police officers without a guardian present counts.
- Think Before You Speak - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:43 am:
Bushwacker– the FACT is that it was a clock. Your personal prejudices and ignorance cannot change the facts.
- A guy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:50 am:
Welcome back Rich. Hope it was relaxing. Agree on both counts here. Hoping logic will re-enter the process everywhere.
- Weltschmerz - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:51 am:
Anyone else look at his father’s background? 100% set up.
- Langhorne - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:53 am:
The comptrollers approp is provided to cover the legitimate functions of the office, NOT to act as a transition and hiring office for a new administration. If this is ok, how about jesse white funding a couple staffers to hire district office employees for new members of the GA? If i am not mistaken, every payroll submitted has a certification it is legit, possibly under penalty of perjury. These employees were not legit, unless they were supporting the office.
- Norseman - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:54 am:
Was it wrong for the school to be reactionary regarding a device that they were unsure of? No. Given the times we live in, you have to be cautious. The problem is was the response after confirming the device was a benign clock. Arrest him? Suspend him? C’mon man. Use some common sense. Explain to the boy that you were just concerned about safety and apologize for scaring him and then study how to deal with things like this in the future.
Are they going to prohibit any science fair project with wires?
- Liberty - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:56 am:
There is more to the story (as usual) from WFFA:
When questioned why he brought the device to the school, the student “would only say it was a clock, and was not forthcoming at that time about any other details,” Boyd said.
Ahmed later told WFAA he created the clock over the weekend and brought it the school to show it to his engineering teacher.
The police chief said they decided to take the boy into custody based on the appearance of the device and as a safety precaution to protect other students. Mohamed was handcuffed and transported to a juvenile processing area at the police station.
“Under Texas law, a person is guilty of possessing a hoax bomb if he possesses a device that is intended to cause anyone to be alarmed or a reaction of any type by law enforcement officers,” Boyd said.
- Norseman - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:04 am:
Regarding Comptroller staff issue. I don’t have a problem with Comptroller staff helping with gubernatorial transition. At worst, there may have been a technical violation of some obscure rule. But they rightfully thought of checking with the IG.
I’ve got a myriad of criticisms of Rauner, this is not one of them.
- Amalia - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:04 am:
the “clock” looks nothing like one and the kid went from teacher to teacher with it until action was taken. there’s so much more to the story than he brought a clock and they immediately went after the kid who happens to be Muslim.
as for the comptroller’s office in that administration, we all know that they are beyond reproach here, right?
- Wordslinger - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:06 am:
Liberty, do you think you’re making any sense at all?
Do the coppers actions lead you to believe they thought there was an even remote chance that the clock was a bomb? How was cuffing the kid a “safety precaution.”
When the talk-radio and cable haters give the marching orders, some of you happily, mindlessly walk off the cliff.
- Think Before You Speak - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:07 am:
Liberty– the “details” are that the child created a clock that he wanted to show to his engineering professor. That’s really very straightforward. And there is absolutely nothing to indicate that he intended to cause anyone to be alarmed or cause a reaction of any type by law enforcement officers.
I agree with Norseman that times have changed and safety is extremely important. But ignoring the evident prejudices that flared up in this situation is harmful in itself. This just would not have happened to 14 year-old blond-haired, blue-eyed Johnny who brought a clock to class. Let’s be real.
- Flying Illini - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:12 am:
Best practice would have been for these folks to take a leave and either be paid privately or through a transition approp. Regardless, it should have stopped on January 12th (not April), when Gov. Rauner had tne power to put them on the Gov’s payroll.
State law provides for a 5 person transition office space, but is silent on funding.
Doing this work while Comptroller employees gets you into Shakman decree complications: people not doing the work in their job descriptions. Also separation of powers issues when the constitution provides for a divided executive branch. Even if there were IGAs, it’s hard to say that there’s a nexus between the Comptroller’s role and Gov hiring.
Not a mortal sin–just messy for both offices–and could have been handled much more simply and not involving big, private dollars.
- Mama - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:17 am:
The school just put a mark on that poor boy who was proud of the clock. It could have been handled better. They should have taken the clock, examine it for a bomb, and leave the boy in the principal’s office until all was clear.
- Anyone Remember - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 11:40 am:
What was particularly objectionable was this sentence from the SJ-R story, which the Tribune left out: “The hiring by the comptroller’s employees continued into April under Munger, whom Rauner appointed after the death of Judy Baar Topinka in December.”
Not sure if it is bad reporting, editorial malpractice, or lack of space, but the kindest interpretation is the sentence omits Stermer. Was he aware of this? Did he agree to it?
- Timmeh - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:00 pm:
==I prefer reality. The kid made a clock.==
I think (can’t be certain) that the kid made a hoax bomb. There’s evidence that suggests it was a deconstructed commercial clock (and not an “invention”). It looks a lot like a prop from a movie set.
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:03 pm:
“the kid went from teacher to teacher with it until action was taken.”
“He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.”
http://www.dallasnews.com/news/community-news/northwest-dallas-county/headlines/20150915-irving-ninth-grader-arrested-after-taking-homemade-clock-to-school.ece (emphasis added)
– MrJM
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:05 pm:
==- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:11 am:==
I’m sure you were saying that about Cliven Bundy.
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:09 pm:
“I think (can’t be certain) that the kid made a hoax bomb.”
Because he presented it, as a clock, to his engineering and then hid it in his bag for the remainder of the day? http://www.dallasnews.com/news/community-news/northwest-dallas-county/headlines/20150915-irving-ninth-grader-arrested-after-taking-homemade-clock-to-school.ece
Think harder.
– MrJM
- Juvenal - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:12 pm:
Anyone Remember -
Good point.
I don’t think anyone can really offer a good explanation for why this folks were ghost-payrolling in the Comptroller’s office until April, Rich.
- Amalia - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:20 pm:
some years ago, a family member when in high school, brought a strange electronic device to school. he is a white suburban kid.
he was interrogated without his parents present or even notified for several hours. high schools, teenage boys, and seemingly threatening devices often mean intervention by authorities.
on line techies seem to indicate that the kid knows how to crib a device. more science needed in Texas schools!
- Timmeh - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:22 pm:
==Because he presented it, as a clock, to his engineering and then hid it in his bag for the remainder of the day?==
Is that detail actually true? There’s other reports saying that he took it from class to class.
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:29 pm:
“There’s other reports saying that he took it from class to class.”
In. A. Bag.
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:29 pm:
To the Post,
The Comptroller/Governor-Elect argument of “perception-realty” is just muckraking and lacking fundamentals to the task of building an Adninistration.
I said from jump street I really cared less who Rauner hired, how he and his Crew went about the task of making his Administration, and although some choices are head scratchers and seem out of character with the campaign Rauner himself ran, it’s his Shop, he should be able to piece together a Staff that can help him and the state.
All that said, the three persons involved in this trumped up “controversy” were aiding the governor-elect, and the transition, with the IG knowing full well what was going on, and never seemingly indicating that this working was something that needs stopping.
What’s disappointing in all this… discussion… is that Rauner, his Crew, were looking to people that could aid in trying to put together a strong Staff. While others Rauner may know could run a hedge fund and the apparatus of businesses in that industry, it’s inportant for all to realize government and public service, and the inter-workings of the played politics and governing within that played politics requires industry and institutional knowledge in some key components, especially in the c
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:36 pm:
To the Post,
The Comptroller/Governor-Elect argument of “perception-realty” is just muckraking and lacking fundamentals to the task of building an Adninistration.
I said from jump street I really cared less who Rauner hired, how he and his Crew went about the task of making his Administration, and although some choices are head scratchers and seem out of character with the campaign Rauner himself ran, it’s his Shop, he should be able to piece together a Staff that can help him and the state.
All that said, the three persons involved in this trumped up “controversy” were aiding the governor-elect, and the transition, with the IG knowing full well what was going on, and never seemingly indicating that this working was something that needs stopping.
What’s disappointing in all this… discussion… is that Rauner, his Crew, were looking to people that could aid in trying to put together a strong Staff. While others Rauner may know could run a hedge fund and the apparatus of businesses in that industry, it’s inportant for all to realize government and public service, and the inter-workings of the played politics and governing within that played politics requires industry and institutional knowledge in some key components, especially in the component of even starting the process.
If anything, anyone close to understanding the minimal aspects of the governing and the politics in doing so would be foolish to think the three names are NOT skilled in helping any Adminstration get off on the right foot. Rauner was extremely fortunate to have the assistance, and it was done above board, and with the best intentions.
Anything else said despairingly is just partisan hyperbole, or someone lacking the intellectual skill to understand the differences in what they think went on, and what did go on.
I, now, will move on.
- steve schnorf - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:37 pm:
The AP story is an absurdity, because it is based on an incorrect premise, that transitions have traditionally been paid for by private funds. That is not true. Inaugural activities have traditionally been paid for with private funds. Transitions have almost always been paid for with state funds. Also, hiring Rutan exempt employees is as much a function of state government as hiring any other employee. John O’Conner is a fine reporter, someone simply gave him untruthful information. Redfield should have known better, as he is a quite legitimate expert on state government.
- Anon - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:43 pm:
===Are you freaking kidding me?===
The way I read the ethics act is that it’s actually a pretty broad limitation of employee abilities. So, no. I don’t think they’re kidding. Is it open for debate? Sure.
But then that gets to the other problem of Comptroller employees being paid with Comptroller funds to make Gubernatorial political hires.
- Cheswick - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:45 pm:
I did a google search for ahmed father agenda. The first result was to a post on a site called Conspiracy Club. The next 30 or 40 or so were to right-wing blogs and such. I finally got to a result for a tweet that said his father is an anti-Islamaphobe activist. Um, to me, anti-Islamaphobia activism seems like a pretty good agenda. Obviously, it freaks out the right.
- Timmeh - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:45 pm:
Hmmm. I can’t find any news stories confirming what Mark Cuban said on Bill Maher’s show (that the kid took the clock and showed it to all his classes). Hence, it may not be true.
Without that piece of information, I think it’s pretty unlikely he was trolling for this sort of response. Apologies, MrJM.
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:59 pm:
“Without that piece of information, I think it’s pretty unlikely he was trolling for this sort of response.”
1. Man believes a thing, then
2. Man is presented with new facts, then
3. Man changes his beliefs based on those new facts, then
4. Man restores my faith in humanity.
– MrJM
- Sense of a Goose - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:03 pm:
A clock is a clock. How much more cooperation is needed?
Government workers helping a new administration hire government workers seems like a huge story, not. It assumes that these people ceased doing all of their Comptroller duties. Most in those positions are pretty good at multi-tasking and are willing to give up their evenings and weekends. Big waste of space for this ’story.’
- Liberty - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:07 pm:
Think Before You Speak — You should take your own advice. High schools don’t have professors. Furthermore your claim it would not have happened to a blond kid is specious.
- A guy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:08 pm:
Not one comment yet on whether it tells the correct time or not. Does it? /s
- pool boy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:13 pm:
Slow news day. May be time for extended vacation.
- Cheswick - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:15 pm:
The AP article seems designed to rile up the Facebook set.
- Skeptic - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:36 pm:
A guy: Good point, and I was just about to ask what color it was.
- Liberty - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 1:57 pm:
Blonde people get into trouble too but no one cares because you can’t make political hay out of it.
- A guy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 2:46 pm:
^^^Yeah Liberty, no one ever makes fun of blondes. lol
- Just Sayin' - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 2:48 pm:
Think Before You Speak — The fact is it looks nothing like a clock (not even close) and he was uncooperative with everyone. Those are the most important factors which led to this story. Did you even look at a picture of the “clock”? Probably not (but you will say you did).
- walker - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 3:48 pm:
Reformers often get completely lost in their own self-righteousness. An overreaction in Texas.
The Comptroller staff story is not even worth a reaction, never mind an overreaction. Of course a transition must be planned and executed. Better earlier than later. And much better done by state employees than by “independent” super PACers or campaign staffers. The hiring is a normal government function, not a campaign function.
- Liberty - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 3:56 pm:
A guy- you must be a blonde with that association.
- A guy - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 4:43 pm:
=== Liberty - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 3:56 pm:
A guy- you must be a blonde with that association.===
No, more of a brunette Lib. But I did drown a blonde once. It was easy. I just put a mirror at the bottom of the pool. /s
- Bushwacker - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 7:29 pm:
@think before you speak……your ignorance shines brightly when you speak! I guess you think you know it all and was there to visually inspect the TIMER! A TIMER is not a clock……now go get your shinebox!
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 9:51 pm:
- Think Before You Speak - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:40 am:
You are wrong and he was uncooperative
Cooperate with the police. We are all required to cooperate with the police
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 9:57 pm:
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 12:05 pm:
==- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:11 am:==
I’m sure you were saying that about Cliven Bundy
You are biased.
You can not see the trees through the woods.
Cooperate with the police. You are too patrician to see the truth.
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:02 pm:
Sep 21, 15 @ 1:03 pm:
A clock is a clock. How much more cooperation is needed?
You need to cooperate with the police, Period.
- Courser - Monday, Sep 21, 15 @ 10:31 pm:
I, for one, would like to see how the time spent on “transitioning” was coded on these employee’s timesheets. For regular rank-and-file state employees, falsification of a time record is a dischargable offense.
It does seem odd that employees of one constitutional office can be doing work for another constitutional office…dare I say, a conflict of interest?
- Bushwacker - Tuesday, Sep 22, 15 @ 10:56 am:
Ok the “clock” which was really a “timer” did not give you the time of day! It was a count down timer in a suitcase. How many people feel the need to carry their “clock” in a suitcase? Give me a break folks……if it doesn’t tell you the time of day it is not a clock. What happens when a timer goes off???? Something!!!!